More Than One Night (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: More Than One Night
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He glanced out the window. His building was located just off of Market Street, easy enough to reach by public transportation, yet convenient for his clients and he was still able to have a view. Usually his business consumed him, but not today, today it was one woman. A woman who intrigued him. A woman who wasn’t even aware of who he was. A woman who’d run out on him.

“Jake!” The exasperation in Greg’s voice brought Jake back to the present.

“Sorry, I was miles away.”

“I could see that.” Greg glared at him.

Jake smiled, then said, “I apologize, gentlemen. Would someone mind repeating the question?”

Greg repeated the question in measured tones and Jake answered it quickly, giving everyone the information they needed. What really irritated him was that the meeting wouldn’t have been needed if it hadn’t been for that damn rumor about a hostile takeover.

The company stock was already showing improvement, but no one could expect miracles overnight. Folding his fingers, Jake rested his chin on them. But even his frustration at the company’s situation couldn’t dispel Beth from his mind.

If he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he might still smell her cinnamon scent and…damn it. He couldn’t identify her other scent, the fresh clean scent which haunted him, day and night.

The scraping of chairs being pushed back had him shaking his head. “We’re done?” he asked.

“Yes,” Greg answered staring at him in concern. “What’s with you today?”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind.” Yeah, a five foot eight brunette with a killer body and luscious lips.

“It’s that woman, isn’t it?”


“Did you call the PI since I couldn’t find out anything?”

Jake nodded. “It’s taking too much time.”

Greg laughed. “It’s only been forty-eight hours. I’ve never seen you like this, Jake. What is so special about this woman?”

“Her sparkling blue eyes remind me of the summer I spent camping in the Oregon state parks, hair the color of the richest soil in Washington State, lips so sweet they remind me of the finest Napa wines.”

“Please.” Greg held up his hand. “I’m going to be sick. Poetry went out of fashion in the nineteenth century. You sound like a lovesick school boy. Where is Jake Masters, bachelor and lover extraordinaire?”

Jake frowned. The press had given him the nickname of lover extraordinaire because he didn’t have a steady relationship and dated different women. And he disliked it. “You know how much I hate that name.”

“Yeah, but at least it’s got your brain out of your pants and to more pressing matters.” Greg tossed a file on the table. “You need to read that and tell me what you want me to do.”

“What is it?” Jake didn’t even bother to pick up the file, work wasn’t important to him today.

“The new video game mock up and the sales projections for the next four months. Christmas is only three and a half months away.”

This he couldn’t ignore. Jake grimaced as he opened the file. “Where has this year gone?” He flipped through the file. “I trust the game will be ready for the Christmas shoppers?”

“Yes. So will our own version of a personal music player and electronic reader. The web sites are both set up and ready to go. Licenses in place.”

“Good.” He wondered what Beth did for a living? Where did she work? Was she thinking about him as much as he was about her?

A hand touched his shoulder and he jumped.

“Sorry, Jake,” said Lisa, his personal assistant.

“It’s okay.” Greg made a noise and Jake looked at him. “Anything else?”

“Yeah.” Greg rocked on his heels. “Get that woman out of your mind.”

Lisa laughed and Greg strode out of the room.

“What’s so funny?” Jake glared at Lisa.

“I’ve never seen you this worked up over a female before.”

“What do you need?” He was beginning to hate these conversations.

“Mr. Jackson is here.”

Jake stiffened. “Show him in.” Lisa nodded and left. Depending on what the PI told him, he might just be able to find Beth tonight. He’d already spent Saturday night and Sunday at Raven’s hoping she would show up. She hadn’t. Jake stood as Ed Jackson sauntered into the conference room. His smooth stride carried his lanky frame into the room and his slightly gray hair askew from the San Francisco wind.

“I hope you have good news for me, Ed.”

“Depends on your definition of good. I know where you can find her.”


Beth set another bottle of beer in front of a customer and gave a practiced smile. Monday’s were always slow, but Pietro, the owner of Calabria’s, decided to put in several TVs in the bar area. Monday Night Football now blared from the speakers.

She had to admit the TVs did bring in more business, which was good for her. More patrons meant more tips. And she needed every little financial boost she could get. The hospital had called again, reminding Beth that her payment was overdue once again, as if she hadn’t known that. She rubbed her forehead.

“Hey, sweet cheeks,” said a slurred male voice. “How about another drink?”

“I don’t think so,” she said using her quiet voice, before reaching over and taking his empty glass. The man was getting very close to being drunk and she wasn’t going to continue to give him more. “How about some coffee?” She kept her tone light and sweet as she set a steaming mug in front of him.

“I don’t want coffee.”

He pushed the cup and Beth jumped back as hot coffee sloshed out of the mug, but luckily it didn’t fall off the bar.

“That’s enough, buddy.” A masculine hand closed over the man’s shoulder. “Why don’t you let me get you a cab?”

Beth’s gaze met Angelo’s. While she appreciated his help, she was a little angry with herself for not paying closer attention. She knew better than to let herself be distracted behind the bar.

The group of guys at the other end of the bar asked for more beer. Grabbing a pitcher, she filled it up and refilled their glasses. The men cheered, startling Beth, but she realized they weren’t cheering for her but at a touchdown on the football game.

A smile tugged at her lips. Two years ago she wouldn’t have known a touchdown from a home run, but thanks to several sports fans at the bar, she’d learned a lot.

A hand closed over her arm and Beth turned, ready to brain the person with the empty pitcher.

“Hey.” Angelo raised his hands in surrender.

“Sorry, but you should know by now not to sneak up on me.”

“Yeah.” He stared at her. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine.” Except every tall, dark haired man she saw made her heart speed up, and her mind kept drifting off every few seconds. She had to keep reminding herself that Jake didn’t know she worked at Calabria’s. There was no reason for him to come looking for her. “I’m just a little out of sorts tonight.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” He rolled his eyes. “Honey, if I didn’t know you better I’d say you’re mooning over some man.”


“We’ve worked together a long time and you have never had any issues with making drinks or anyone who flirts.”

Beth ducked her head, knowing Angelo was right. She’d messed up several drinks tonight, and when she usually laughed off a patron’s flirtatious manner tonight she couldn’t. “Okay, I’m off a lot tonight.” And she needed to get her act together, fast.

“Take a break, I’ll cover for you. You’ve been on shift for a while now.”

“Can you?” While Angelo was the backup bartender, he also waited on tables when they were busy.

“Miguel is covering for me and it’s not that busy tonight. Go. Take five and get yourself back together.”

“You’re a doll.” She brushed a kiss against his cheek before sweeping past him.

“About time you noticed.”

Beth laughed before slipping into the kitchen. Amid the chaos of the cooks, she grabbed an apple and slipped out the back door.

The cool night air caressed her skin as she leaned against the brick building and bit into the apple. Juice ran down her chin and the sweet taste exploded in her mouth.

Wiping the juice away, she closed her eyes for a minute. This was what she needed. Time to gather her wayward thoughts, by the time she finished the apple, she was back in control.

Jake had no place in her life and she knew it was for the best. She’d had a beautiful single night with him and it was something she’d never forget, but for now she had a job to concentrate on. Without her job, she couldn’t pay her bills.

And she knew she’d made the right decision about leaving Jake early Saturday morning, there couldn’t be anything between them, regardless of the tiny voice inside her insisting otherwise.

Jake belonged in one world and she in another. She was quite happy with a life without a man in it.
Yeah, right.
Her inner voice sneered.
Jake made you feel like a woman for the first time in your life. He loved you like no other man, and you’re throwing it all away.

“Oh shut up,” she whispered, straightening up from her position against the wall. She tossed the apple core into the trash bin and turned to go back inside.

“Good evening, Beth.”

Chapter Four

Beth froze in place, her hand hovering above the door handle at the familiar, sexy male voice. Heart lodged in her throat, she turned.

Oh, God
. Her knees weakened when she saw him standing not ten feet from her. She rested her shoulder against the cool building wall, trying to hide the shiver of excitement working its way up her spine. “What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you.” He stepped forward.

Her heart began to pound. She hadn’t expected to see him again, and especially not where she worked. Her gaze took him in, from his dark raven hair, to a well-worn leather jacket, to his dark jeans. Damn, the man oozed sex with every step he took.

Stop it. She couldn’t think that way. “How…How did you find me?” She winced at the stutter.

“I have my sources.”

“I’m sure you do.” Of course he did, he had money to burn. But the question was, why? Why would he want to find her?

“Why did you run out on me?” There was a trace of anger in his voice and a glint in his green eyes.

Oh, so that was it. He didn’t like the idea that she’d left him. Well, Carla had warned her men liked to do the leaving. “It was morning and time for me to leave.” She raised her chin determined not to let him see how much he affected her.

“By whose standards?” He took another step and Beth fought hard to keep her place.

“Mine.” Her gaze went over her shoulder to see how far she was from the back door. Maybe she could inch to it.

“Don’t even think about it.” Then his arms were encasing her, forcing her back against the wall.

“Jake, you’re not playing by the rules.” Her heart fluttered in her chest and her fists clenched.

“Whose rules? Certainly not mine.”

“Mine. It was one night. You’re not supposed to be here.” Was that her voice? That soft whispery voice.

“Why Beth? Didn’t you enjoy our night together?” He leaned closer, his breath brushing against her face. “I know I did.”

She fought against the urge to wrap her arms around him, to sink into the warmth of his body which called to her. But she couldn’t give in, her survival depended on it.

“I won’t deny I had a wonderful night with you.” And she wouldn’t. “But that’s all it was. A single occurrence, get that through your head.”

A grin played around his lips. “I never said I wanted only one night.” His hands closed over her shoulders, sending a shaft of heat down her spine.

Beth sucked in a breath, fighting against the electric sensations coursing through her nerve endings at his touch. She couldn’t think when he was this close her. And she hated that he could cause such a reaction from her.

Glancing at the back door, she wished someone would come outside, but the door remained stubbornly shut. “I need to get back to work.”

“I’m not done with you yet.”

Panic flared inside her, and she drew her lower lip between her teeth before releasing it. “You’re a complication I don’t need in my life.”

“Complication?” His fingers traced a path down her cheek, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “Interesting word choice. I rather like the idea of being a complication you don’t need.”

A flutter started in her stomach and spread at his words. Why could he do this to her? She wasn’t a weak woman, but there was something about him that called to her feminine side.

“I don’t know what you expected, Jake.” She broke away from his hold. “It was just one night.”

“It wasn’t.” He tried to capture her once again, but she put her hands against his chest and pushed. “What are you so afraid of?”

“Not a darn thing.” She hated lying, but she was. She was afraid of the way she reacted to him, the way she had so little control around him. She’d seen her mother like this growing up and Beth refused to be like her mother, begging for a man attention, love and security. No, Beth would rather end up alone. But right now, she needed to get Jake to go away. Maybe she could turn the tables on him. “Let’s have a kiss to say goodbye, would that work?”

His eyes narrowed, then a gleam came into them. She wasn’t sure she liked the gleam, but she shrugged away her uneasiness. What harm could come from one little kiss?

“I like kissing,” he said evenly.

Good Lord, what was she thinking? “Maybe…”

“Too late,” he whispered, his hands framing her waist as he lowered his head.

Warm soft, lips touched hers and…Oh God. He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her pliant body against his. Every nerve in her body came alive and her pussy twitched. No, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. She couldn’t melt into his arms, but she was.

Jake swept his tongue past Beth’s lips and into the sweet depths of her mouth. God, he’d never get enough of kissing her. Her good-bye kiss whetted his appetite, now all he could think of was the sweet taste of her mouth.

He wasn’t going to let her go and she needed to understand that. She couldn’t condemn him to the lonely existence before he met her. He wouldn’t let her.

Beth wiggled against him as he gathered her in his arms. His body hardened with want, with need, with desire. Her hands were flat against his chest, applying pressure trying to separate them. He softened the kiss, and began to nibble on her lower lip.

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