More Than One Night (2 page)

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Authors: Marie Tuhart

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: More Than One Night
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Carla nodded.

“Tempting offer.”

“Does that mean you’re accepting it?” asked Theresa.

Beth stayed silent. How daring did she feel? She glanced over at the hunk and her heart sped up. What could one little dance hurt? It would be nice to be held for just a little while.

Think of it as a birthday present. If it ended with just the dance then so be it, but if it turned out to be more…no one said it had to be more than one night. Since it was only one night her emotions wouldn’t become engaged, she wouldn’t lose her heart. She could handle one night. She needed this one night just to rid herself of her loneliness.

Her life was about to take an interesting turn, involving a six-foot-two Greek God. “Ladies, you have a deal.”


Jake Masters swallowed a long swig of beer, then rolled his shoulders. His day had been filled with tedious meetings and conference calls, but finally he’d been able to calm down the board of directors. All this work because of one stupid rumor.

A rumor which caused his company stock prices to drop and now to delay his plans to expand. The board wasn’t happy with the delay but with the stock dropping it was only prudent to wait. The stock would rebound in time.

Taking another drink, Jake scanned the bar. He usually avoided Raven’s on Fridays and Saturdays, knowing how crowded and noisy it could be, but he needed Raven’s tonight. A place he could feel comfortable.

The deep wood paneling of the bar gave him a sense of welcome, the small tables allowed people to have some private moments. All walks of life flowed into Ravens, from common laborers to business men and women. A place he felt at home in until he returned to his empty apartment.

His gut tightened and he reminded himself, his place was empty by choice. He’d broken off his last relationship three months ago and didn’t regret it. Jake wanted something more than arm candy. He wanted a woman he could come home to at night and share his day with, not just a warm body to share his bed.

Running his hand over the back of his neck, Jake let out a breath. Hell, he was only thirty-two, but for some reason he felt time was getting away from him, and he wanted a meaningful relationship not a superficial one.

The sound of pure unadulterated feminine laughter had him searching for the source. His gaze found a group of four women not too far from his table. He searched the face of each one trying to figure out which one of them had that incredible laugh, it wasn’t until they laughed again that he found her.

She was turned slightly away from him, but her profile stirred something inside him. From what he could see, her lips looked full and sensuous. Her cheeks were slightly colored by the sun. Her hand rose and his gaze followed it as she pushed long strands of golden brown hair behind one ear.

Then she smiled and his breath hitched in his lungs. As corny as it sounded, her smile lit up her entire face, making her appear like a saving angel amid a den of sinners.

The screeching of a speaker caused his muscles to tighten, but after a moment all went silent. Picking up his beer, Jake leaned back in his chair and simply watched his toffee-haired beauty.

He hadn’t felt this instant attraction to a woman in a long time. He didn’t know what it was about her, but his cock stiffened in a purely carnal way. Automatically he brought the beer bottle to his lips, only to find it empty. Forcing his gaze from his woman, he signaled the waitress.

“Another one, sir?” she asked.

“Yes, please.” The interest in the waitress’ eyes didn’t even tempt him, but if his brunette looked at him that way…without thinking, he pulled out a twenty and dropped it on her tray. “Please give the lady sitting between the redhead and the blonde over at that table,” he pointed it out to her, “a drink from me.”

“Sure.” She glanced at the group of women, then back at him. “Some girls have all the luck,” she said, before sashaying away.

Jake settled back in his chair again and waited. The waitress moved toward the woman’s table…his sight was blocked by a group of people. Damn it, move, people. By the time they had, his gal was missing, but the other three women were sitting there gazing at him.

The waitress brought his beer over and set it on the table. Jake raised the bottle up to the three women. They smiled at him and one gave a small wave before they huddled back together once again.

Scanning the area, he found his brunette gliding across the room, back to her table. His gaze traveled down to her legs. A man would have to be dead not to notice them. Long and silky were the first thoughts that came to mind. Every man watching her was practically drooling.

Her black skirt teased her knees with small slits up the side giving him a peek at her thighs. A flash of lace caught his attention. Garters? His groin tightened. Jake forced his gaze to travel up from her legs to her face.

She was frowning at her friends, who were staring at him. Then her gaze turned toward him. Beautiful sea blue eyes. A smile curved his lips and he winked at her.

Her mouth dropped open, then shut abruptly as one of her friends caught her arm. She sat down, then laughed at something the redhead said.

Her laugher was pure sunshine, fresh and inviting. Jake sucked in a breath, trying to prevent parts of his anatomy from embarrassing him. He hadn’t come into the bar tonight to pick anyone up, but now he’d reevaluate his plan.

He’d ask her to dance and see where things went from there. He kept his gaze on the women, and after a few minutes she squirmed, then her head turned and their gazes met head on.

His cock grew taut under her bold gaze. They connected on some elemental way and his dormant libido roared to life and said “let’s play.” Awareness sizzled between them, and then she reached over and picked up the glass he had the waitress deliver.

She raised it up, Jake lifted his beer to her, then each took a slip of their drinks. The music changed from rock to a soft ballad. Setting his beer down, Jake was on his feet and at her table before he even thought about it.

Beth was focused on what Theresa was saying when Carla nudged her in the side. Turning, she gazed up into the most beautiful deep green eyes she’d ever seen.

“Shall we?” asked the hunk, holding his hand out to Beth.

“I’d love to.” With a smile, she placed her hand in his.

A shiver tingled up her spine when his fingers curled around hers. Helping her from the chair, he led her over to the tiny wooden dance floor. Warmth and strength enveloped her when he pulled her into his arms. Every nerve in her body went on full alert. Trying to calm her racing heart, she inhaled, taking in his masculine scent. Spice and leather and…all male.

The song had started and they began dancing. He was easy to follow and it was a slow ballad, but all she wanted to do was melt against his body and let him lead her where ever he wanted.

What was it about him? He had a smooth tone of voice, a bit husky but not rough. And his touch was soft, tender, not grabby like some men could get. Her fingers rested against his shoulders as they danced to the music.

His midnight hair begged to be caressed and she wondered if it was as soft as it looked. Then his hips brushed up against hers and heat flooded her body. She leaned more toward him wanting to feel his hardness against her.

This wasn’t like her. Not at all. She was never this bold, this adventurous. She’d like to blame it on the drinks she had, but wine didn’t affect her. With a soft sigh, she relaxed even more into his embrace.

What was wrong with her wanting one night for herself? One night to feel like a woman in the arms of an incredible man? One night to be totally selfish?

There was nothing wrong with it, and if this man cooperated they could have a very passionate night together. Beth tilted her head back. He grinned and the impact went clear to her toes. This time her sigh was bigger.

“That was an awfully deep sigh,” he whispered, his breath caressing her face.

“I can’t remember the last time I danced like this.” It was the truth, but not what she’d planned on saying.

“Then I’m one lucky man.”

“Are you feeling lucky?” She couldn’t resist, he’d opened the door.

“What man wouldn’t feel lucky dancing with the sexiest woman in the place?”

Her lips tilted upward. “Flirt,” she whispered. “I’m Beth Grant.”

A laugh escaped his mouth. “I guess we should introduce ourselves.” He put a little space between their hips as the song ended. “Nice to meet you Beth, Jake Masters.” He gave a little bow, then guided her back into his arms as the music started once again.

What an old-fashioned thing to do, bowing to her. His actions made her feel special. There was a gentleman lurking behind the carefree persona he presented. She glanced over at her friends, they waved. They were good friends, a little pushy maybe, but still good friends.

“I’d like to keep dancing with you, but I’ll understand if you need to re-join your friends after this song finishes,” he said.

“No.” She winced at the sharpness of her voice. “What I mean is…” Darn it, she didn’t know what she meant. Yes, she did. It was difficult being bold.

“It’s all right.” He tightened his hold on her, drawing her closer to his body, as another couple jostled them. “Let’s enjoy the moment.”

Her arms slid around his neck, her breasts pressed against his chest, their hips brushing lightly as they swayed from side to side. Her pussy tightened with need. If she enjoyed this anymore, she’d be a puddle at his feet.

Sensations cascaded through her body and heat pooled between her legs. All she could think of was satin sheets, sultry jazz and hot sex. For goodness sake, was that all she could think about was sex?

Yep. Her eyes closed when she rested her head against his shoulder. It was time for her to quit questioning what she was doing and go with the flow. She wasn’t like her mother. She would keep her heart safe, no matter what happened. Tonight was for her and her alone.

A surge of pure male satisfaction shot through Jake as he danced with Beth. She fit against him. Hips brushing each other, her cheek resting against his chin. Very few women fit his six foot two height, but Beth did. And she wasn’t wearing super high heels.

His hand rested lightly at the small of her back as they swayed to the music. She really did have the deepest blue eyes he’d ever seen, reminding him of the ocean when he went deep sea fishing. And her hair, brunette didn’t fit, nutmeg was better, so rich was her hair color.

He was being careful not to come on too strong, then she introduced herself and Jake almost lost it. In his twenties he’d gone clubbing and danced with countless women, very few introduced themselves, but Beth had.

And what amazed him was when he introduced himself, there was no recognition in those blue eyes of her. No eyes widening, no sly smiles, nothing. Was it possible he finally found a woman who didn’t know who he was?

That would be a first. But he did have a code of honor, glancing to his right, he checked out her left hand on his shoulder. No ring. Well at least that meant she wasn’t married. But she could still be involved with someone?

Guilt tugged at him. He had offered to allow her to go back to her friends, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t dancing with him to make someone jealous. “Are you involved with anyone?”

He hadn’t meant to blurt it out. Her head rose and pink tinged her cheeks. “No,” she said the word softly, almost hesitantly, as if she didn’t want to admit it. Before he could stop himself, he ran his finger down her warm cheek and bit back a groan at the silkiness of her skin.

“Good, now I don’t have to worry about another man coming up and trying to lay me flat for dancing with his girl.”

Her lips tightened. “I’m a free woman, no matter who I date. No man owns me.”

“Women aren’t meant to be owned.” His gaze captured hers. “Cherished, taken care of and loved, yes. Owned? No, you own antique furniture, but not another person.”

Love? Oh, yes, he’d love every inch of her body, if she’d let him. He could picture her hair spread out over his pillows, her breasts taut, her body squirming in anticipation for him. His erection jumped beneath his slacks.

How would she look trussed up on his big bed, arms restrained, legs spread wide for him to do whatever he wanted? Need slammed him low in the gut. It had been a long while since he had someone he could let go with.

He leaned down and caught a whiff of cinnamon. Mmm, one of his favorite scents.

Her hand brushed the nape of his neck and his hips shifted. He waited for her to move away, to let him know she wasn’t interested in anything more than a dance. Instead, she leaned into him, her body soft and pliant against his.

The song wound down, but when it ended she didn’t move out of his arms. The music started once again, and as they turned, he spied her friends watching them with rapt attention.

“You’re a very beautiful woman.” Where was this corny stuff coming from?

“Thank you. You’re beautiful yourself.”

“Men aren’t beautiful. We’re rugged, handsome, charming, powerful—”

She started laughing. “Are you flirting with me, Jake?”

“Yes, is that okay?” Now he was into the dorky stage, asking permission, but that’s how he was taught to treat a lady.

“Absolutely, flirt away.” She laid her head on his shoulder once again. He was aware of her body against his, with each sway of their hips their groins brushed. His erection was apparent, but she wasn’t pulling away. He took it as a sign she wanted to be with him.

Her breath was warm and moist against his neck. He moved his hand up her back and tunneled beneath her hair, holding her head in place as his lips nudged her hair away from her ear.

“I know what I want from you, but do you know what you want from me?” she asked.

“I want to kiss you,” he said, because he couldn’t have stopped the words from emerging if God himself had clamped his lips shut. “All over. All night long.”

Chapter Two

Beth stumbled at Jake’s words. Kiss her all over? All night long? Oh dear Lord. Breathing became an issue and her brain shut down.

“Are you okay?” he asked, tightening his grip on her as she regained her footing.

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