More Than Kisses (3 page)

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Authors: Renee Ericson

Tags: #Fiction, #Kobo, #short story, #Romance

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Evelyn is clearly at the precipice of hormonal temptation and rightfully pissed. Her low growl when she glanced my way didn’t go unnoticed. I’ve definitely commanded her attention. So much so, that she’s become conversational with our friends once again. She even said hello to Joel Turner, after arriving at Chandra’s, while having a discussion with Wolfgang about a new exhibit happening in New York that they would both like to see. I think they might plan a trip together in the near future.

It may be rudimentary and somewhat cruel to use sexual hormones against her, but it’s not without cost to myself. I’ll likely get an earful about it later tonight when we’re at home. Not to mention, my cock keeps doing jumping jacks every time Evelyn looks my way. She might like the chase, but I love it as well. It’s human nature.

We all like to win, but science will always be the victor.

Jeremy, Chandra’s boyfriend for many years, rises from the head of the table, tapping his glass with a spoon, demanding our attention. He’s in town for the holidays, having moved two states away a little over a year ago to take a job with a new employer after his upstart business failed. The couple has been maintaining a long distance relationship—something Evelyn and I are all too familiar with. It was hard for us, being apart, and eventually one of us ended up making a move.

Under the table, a hand slinks over my thigh and between my legs.

Ah, so Evelyn’s not that mad after all.

“I just wanted to take a moment to say how nice it is that we’ve remained friends after all these years,” Jeremy says to the table.

Evelyn inches her fingers deeper between my thighs. Instinctually, I open my legs giving her better access to what she’s searching for. She palms my now erect cock over the fabric, hard, causing it to thicken.

I inhale sharply.

Exhale slowly.

“I don’t get to see everyone very often,” Jeremy continues stepping around the table, thankfully to the other side, “but, we all have to grow up it seems and be adults.”

My fiancé has such a strong grasp on my cock, every pump of blood throbs to its head. Her petite fingers release me—leaving me relieved and aching at the same time. Then, without any warning, she reaches for my belt buckle and slides the leather strip from the clasp.

She’s fucking relentless.

Now? She wants to do this now?

We’ve been here for over an hour, toured the apartment, I’ve even excused myself to the restroom, but she prefers to go cock searching while a man is making a toast?

Not wanting this to get too out of hand, I cover her hand with my own, silently asking her to stop. She pauses for the slightest second, gives me a measured look while running the tip of her sweet tongue over her full bottom lip, and then proceeds where she left off. Before I can object, the button to my trousers is undone and the zipper is open.

“I miss you all so much,” Jeremy says, stopping at Chandra’s side, “but it should be of no surprise which one of you I think of the most while I’m away.”

Evelyn slides her hand under my boxers, connecting her fingers with my now desperate cock. She teases and taunts me, grazing my aching erection with her fluttering fingers. This woman for sure will be the death of me. She could ask anything of me in this moment and I would willingly give it to her.

Closing my eyes, I inhale slowly as she curls her palm around me and begins to stroke from the head of my dick to its base.

God, her touch is so perfect—I glance in her direction—and based on the grin she’s stifling, she knows it.

Part of me wants to stop her—for fuck’s sake, Graham is sitting just to my right—but I don’t want to make a scene. Thankfully, Jeremy is still speaking and everyone’s focus appears to be on him.

Lilliana gasps, gaining my attention. She’s focused on Jeremy taking to one knee.

Evelyn grips my dick like a vise and begins to move her hand faster, up and down, in a singular motion.

She decides to get serious about her stroking now?

“Chandra,” Jeremy says, taking her hand in his, “Even though we have been separated by distance, you are always close in my heart. So much, I don’t see my future or my life without you.”

Taking out a velvet box, he says to Chandra, “Will you marry me?”

My fiancée stills her hand, loosening her fingers, sucking in her breath.

After what seems like the longest pause ever, Chandra wipes away the coal-colored hair from her face and responds with a stuttering, “Yes!”

Everyone around us claps. Wolfgang and Joel rise from their seats and Graham joins Lilliana where she sits on the other side of the table—all of them offering congratulations to the newly engaged couple.

I don’t move an inch.

I cover Evelyn’s hand in my lap and she stares at me with complete adoration. Before I can make sense of the fact that I’m sitting at a table with a group of our closest friends and my dick is as hard as a rock in the midst of a proposal, the most beautiful woman in my world kisses me sweetly on the cheek.



It took a few moments, but eventually I was able to fasten my pants back up without pitching a tent and give the newly engaged couple my congratulations. The six of us ended up staying at Chandra’s a little longer than intended, with the women ooh-ing and aw-ing over the ring and excitement about future wedding plans. However, being on a schedule, we couldn’t stay too long and now are on our way to the third stop of the evening at Graham and Lilliana’s house.

I park the car in front of their house, newly purchased only a few months ago. They were living in an apartment, but when they found out that Lilliana was pregnant, they took the plunge into home ownership.

Evelyn and I exit the vehicle and I take her arm in mine as we ascend the steps.

“So, should I plan on a repeat at dinner?” I ask.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she says, playing dumb. “I’m sure Lilliana will be serving more than soup and salad for their course.”

“I’m more concerned about what will be happening under the table. Nothing like having your cock jacked while being surrounded by your closest friends.”

“Don’t forget during a proposal. I couldn’t have planned that better, if I do say so myself.”

I squeeze her shoulder. “Oh, the memories we make together.”

“Care to make another?” she questions, ringing the doorbell.

“Is that a challenge?”

“If you want it to be.”



Graham opens the door, his blond hair highlighted by the exterior porch light. He lets us inside, takes our coats and then leads us to the dining area where Chandra, Jeremy, Wolfgang, and Joel are already seated. Chandra is still glowing, grinning from ear to ear, from her new title as fiancée and I have a feeling she will carry that aura for the rest of the evening. I couldn’t be happier for her, although this likely means she’ll be moving away to be closer to Jeremy, but only time will tell.

At the table, I lean in and give Chandra a hug. “Congratulations, again. Jeremy’s a very lucky man.”

“Don’t I know it,” he agrees, taking her hand in his. “I’m just glad she said yes.”

“Like I would have said no,” Chandra says.

“Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t,” I comment. “It would have made for a very awkward rest of the evening.”

Foster chuckles, taking a seat at the corner of the table next to Joel. Realizing that he’s gone on the offensive for this meal, keeping himself distant from me while we eat, I pull out the empty chair next to Chandra and settle myself into place.

“Looks like all the women in my life are getting married,” Wolfgang says on the other side of the table. “I’m so jealous of all those pretty dresses and up-dos.”

“Don’t worry,” Joel says, patting him on the back, “your time will come, too. Just concentrate on staying true to yourself and have fun until then.”

Foster and I share a look, grinning like idiots at one another. Wolfgang stroking it to Mr. Turner’s hair brushing feels like ages ago and comical at this point. So what if that’s how they like to have a bit of spank-er-ific fun? My man and I have been having our share this evening, and the night isn’t over yet.

The gauntlet has been laid down.

I wink at Foster and he just shakes his head, adjusting his glasses over his face, and then puckers his lips like he’s blowing me a kiss.

Always a tease.

Lilliana and Graham enter the room with food in hand, a full course of roast beef and turkey. The meal is uneventful, conversation is exchanged and laughs are shared. There are no proposals, or cock jackings under the table—that I know of—nor hair-brushing masturbation sessions. We finish, our bellies full, and prepare to head to the last stop of the evening.

“Lilliana?” Chandra asks as we’re clearing our plates.


“Do you think you could show us the baby’s room? I’d love to see it.”

“Sure.” She sets down the stack of dishes. “You’re going to love it. EJ just finished a mural on the wall last week. It looks amazing.”

“She does excellent work,” Joel comments.

“Thanks. I think the little one will like it.”

Everyone begins to follow Lilliana and Graham to the living area, toward the stairs.

“If it’s okay with you,” Foster announces, “we’re going to take off to make sure everything’s ready at our place. We’ve already seen the room.”

“Sure, of course,” Graham says. “We’ll see you there.”

As they all head up the steps, Foster and I gather our coats, and then exit out the front door.

Outside, I say, “So much for the lasting memory to haunt my orgasmic dreams at stop number three. I think the hottest thing I experienced in there were the spicy potatoes. You didn’t live up to the challenge at all.”

Foster remotely unlocks the car parked at the end of the block. “Last I knew the evening wasn’t over, yet.”



I can’t get the key in the door quick enough. Evelyn was all over me during the entire drive back to our place. I almost pulled over from the middle of the street, ready to take her in the front seat of the car. She kept shifting my dick into high gear.

Of course, I totally got her revved up as well, telling her intimate details about what I was planning to do to her. She was skeptical about my intentions and timing, but I told her that her body is full of secrets only science and myself know.

“Tell me,” she begs, her soft lips at my neck. “Tell me your secrets.”

Her fingers unfasten my belt as I fling open the front door. Turning around, I lift her by her supple ass and back us into the condo.

“There are no secrets,” I say, playing into her game. “Only knowledge.”

“You said it was science. I need to know.”

“Everything is science, Evelyn.”

“Not us. We’re beyond the equations.”

“True. We do defy formulas and statistics.”

I take her mouth with my own, hungrily kissing her until reaching the couch. Lowering her to the cushions, I shimmy up her dress and quickly relieve her of the black lace panties, tossing them to the side. She spreads her legs, exposing herself to me—waiting.

An anxious growl emanates from my chest as I swiftly remove my suit jacket, glasses, and assist gravity with my pants and boxers.

Knowing we only have a few short moments before our guests arrive, I waste no more time. The game is over. I’m unsure of who won, but that’s of no matter. The match of hormones was merely a strategy of distraction, to which we are both victims of their undeniable pull. 

Settling between her gorgeous legs and unable to control myself any longer, I enter her quickly, burying myself deeply with a single thrust. Her strong, yet delicately feminine, fingers press into my back as she wraps her legs around my waist.

I kiss her hotly.

I kiss her madly.

I kiss her lovingly.



Foster rocks into me steadily and heatedly—his lips full of passion caressing my own—our tongues dancing together. The taste of him is like a unique flavor developed just for me and I can’t seem to get enough of it.

Threading our fingers over my head, I close my eyes and savor the feel of his form pressing against me. I’ve been fantasizing about it all night.

“Tell me how you do it?” I beg against his ear, wanting to know all his scientific secrets. “How do you know my body so well?”

“Because you’re mine,” he replies simply.

“Of course, I am, but you know what I mean.”

He lifts his head, piercing his blue eyes into mine. “Do you really want to hear this now?”

I nod, biting my bottom lip and gyrating my hips. He squeezes his lids shut and exhales slowly, unmoving.

“Don’t stop,” I say.

“The sex or the lesson?”

“You know I want both.”

“God, you’re fucking relentless.”

Pushing into me once more Foster grazes his mouth along my cheek, landing it softly at my ear. I palm the back of his neck with one hand and firmly grab his ass with the other, pulling him deeply into me.

“I’m waiting,” I whisper.

“This really isn’t the best time.”

“ know I love it.”

He grunts. “The head of the clitoris has over eight thousand nerve endings and one area is a little more intense than the others.”

I moan. “Keep going.”

“It’s on your left side.” His mouth breathes hotly against my ear. “The upper left side.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes,” he grunts, thrusting at a measured pace. “So, when all we have time for is a quickie, I often go straight for two o’clock.”

“Two o’clock?”

He stills his rocking motion. “Yeah.” Foster slips an arm under my back, shifting us so his knees are on the floor while I straddle him with my back to the cushions. Slowly pushing in and out of me, he teases my clit with his thumb. “Feel that?”

“Yes,” I utter shakily.

“That’s not two o’clock.” With the slightest movement, Foster shifts the positioning of his thumb and applies the faintest amount of pressure to a new area, just slightly to my left. “This,” he says connecting his sultry gaze with my own, “is two o’clock on your clitoris. Feel the difference?”

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