More Than Enough (Enough #2) (26 page)

BOOK: More Than Enough (Enough #2)
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He starts to carry me back to my dorm and his truck when one doubt enters my head. “Kell, you don’t regret that your future’s with me and not Carter, do you?”
He sets me down and cups my shoulders in his hands lightly. He looks intently in my eyes and says, “Red, I know now that Carter would drive me crazy if we’d ever even have tried to be together. You’re so much more what I need and desire. You’re giving spirit and soothing presence after a game is always exactly what I need. You’re my first thought when I wake up, and my last thought before I go to sleep. You’re always more than enough for me. I want nothing and nobody else but you.”

With that he picks me back up and carries me the whole way to the truck. We head to the condo and don’t leave it for the rest of the night or next day. Who knew that getting engaged would make us both insatiable, but I’m definitely not complaining.


The End


















































This is a sample of my new
paranormal series
the Vampire Hunters Book 1
which should be available on amazon at the end of October.


Chapter 1


              I’m at another party after another football win laughing at some joke my best friend Jay is telling me. This is my senior year, and my football team is undefeated with me as their quarterback this season. I should be ecstatic but can barely raise an ounce of enthusiasm.

I had an undefeated season last year, and I can’t seem to raise any excitement for a repeat. Everything just seems to come too easy for me. Grades, sports, girls, even school just don’t seem to require much effort. Sometimes I feel like I’m not built for this life. That everything I do and strive for is not even worth the rewards. That everything in my life is a trivial excuse of wasted time. But I’m just eighteen and really don’t even know what else there could be out there for me.

Last year, I threw around the possibility of trying to go to a military academy instead of college, but my dad completely vetoed that idea. He said the last place I needed to be was under the government’s eye with all my extra abilities. He seems to know more about it, but he just won’t budge on explaining any of it to me.

I’m faster than I should be, and I have a photographic memory too. The thing that scares me the most though is that I heal almost right after I get injured. My dad has made me ever since I can remember stay slow enough to make it look possible but win. That was always my challenge when playing sports. Not winning, but making it look believable and natural to others. My dad says that I’m just gifted, but I don’t need to let anyone else know that. And I never have. I’ve even hidden all my injuries after I get them to not let people see that I heal at an impossibly enhanced level.

Just then, Ginger sits down on my lap and stretches out like a cat across me, definitely trying to stake her claim. “Hey handsome, do you need some company tonight?” I nod at her but don’t say much. Maybe she can help distract me from my feelings of discontent. She leans in and just starts rubbing her full chest against me while nipping at my lip. I idly wonder how long I will let this go on before we take it somewhere more private.

Ginger is one that has no shame and would literally strip down and jump on me in front of the hundred or so people packed in for this party. It doesn’t take more than her rubbing across me for the tenth time for me to decide that we need to take our PDA demonstration somewhere else. I pick her up and stand her beside me, and I lead her back to the bedroom that is always kept empty for my use when Jay has a party.

As I walk by him, Jay just mouths, “Enjoy.” I give him a smirk and keep leading Ginger towards the bedroom. She pursued this so I let her continue by helping me off with my clothes and taking off hers. She jumps on me and takes me on a decent ride that leaves me distracted for quite a while. Afterwards though she starts with, “Royal, don’t you think it’s time that we made this thing between us official. I know that you don’t like to see me with other guys, and I’d prefer all those whores at school to know that we’re together. I just think it would be the best thing for us both, don’t you?”

She turns to me still completely naked and batting her brown eyes. Her breasts are high and full, and she has a beautiful body. But I don’t feel any other pull to her at all other than a vessel to use for pleasure purposes only. “Ginger, you know I don’t do the whole exclusive or relationship thing. I know that you saw me with Heather last week when we all went to the lake. You came up to me tonight and offered yourself. I just took what was on offer, but I don’t want anything more. I’m just not built like that.”

She takes a deep breath in and then bursts into tears. “You’re an asshole, Royal; you know that. You know how many times we’ve fucked, and you don’t even want to call me your girlfriend. I’m not wasting any more time on you.” She looks at me, I guess waiting for me to beg or plead, but I don’t. I just shrug and start to pull on my clothes.

She turns away and just starts sobbing. I speed up and try to get dressed even quicker and get out before she starts begging me for something more. I can handle a girl bitching me out way more than I can handle a girl crying on me. I get all the way dressed and get the hell out of that room before more is said, or she decides to physically latch on and not let go.

I get back out to Jay and Ryan, another close friend on the team, and grab a beer. Jay observes, “You look like you just escaped the death penalty, man. Ginger not any good tonight.” I shake my head and have to laugh, “Nah, man, that part of it was just fine. Afterwards, she decides to try to become a stage five clinger, compete with the sobbing. I just couldn’t take it and almost ran out of there naked.”

He just laughs and replies, “Damn, she should know by now that you’re never going to commit to one girl. That’s just not the type of guy you are. You have too many ladies just throwing themselves at you for you to settle down with just one.”

Ryan laughs but shakes his head at us. “Just wait, man, when you find a girl that you know you can’t live without, you won’t even hesitate to commit to her. You’ll want to commit just to know that she won’t be with anybody else.”

I shake my head at him. “Ry, I’m never going to be whipped like you. You wouldn’t even be able to be at this party tonight if Bree was in town. She’d have you locked down doing something boring.” He raised his eyebrows at me and said, “Or, much more fun, you can take your time on the girl you love and not be scared that she’ll turn into a clinger, and she takes her time on you too.” He finishes the last part with a wink.

I just shake my head at him and say, “Man, commitment just isn’t for me.” Jay nods his head in agreement and says, “Yeah, me either. Royal and I both have too much fun having a selection of girls to play with.” I nod in agreement, but in my head have to disagree. It’s not fun for me as much as a needed distraction. But I push my heavy thoughts away and just try to enjoy hanging out with my friends the rest of the night.

I sleep at Jay’s and wake up in the morning knowing I need to get back to my house. My dad and I always spend Sunday together, and I know he’ll want me home by ten. I get up and drive my old mustang home before anyone else at Jay’s is even awake.

After showering, I wander downstairs and see my dad at the table. He smiles at me and asks, “Son, what do you want to do today. Hike? Go to a movie? Your choice, okay.” I smile at this and think how grateful I am for my dad.

He always puts me first and comes to every game I play in. He’s never made me feel weird about my extra abilities, and he’s always made it easy to come and talk to him. My mom died after I was born, and he’s never wanted me to feel the lack of another parent.

I choose something where we can spend time and tell him, “Let’s go fishing on the boat today, Dad. We can pack sandwiches and just hang out together.” This is one of his favorite things to do, and he smiles and starts to get ready for a day out on the lake right away.

I smile and start making the lunches for the day for me and my dad. It’s so strange but this is the only time things feel right, when it’s just my dad and me. All the other times when I’m hanging and partying with my friends, playing football, at school, I just feel kinda lost and am just going through the motions. I have everything in the world going for me, but I just don’t feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to. It’s such a weird feeling that I can barely explain it but it’s always there.

Like I haven’t even tried to reach my potential and what I’m capable of, but I don’t have any clue what could be better than to play football in college and then get drafted to the NFL. So I just try to push the feelings of confusion away and enjoy the life I’ve been given.

My dad walks back in from the garage and mentions, “We might have to stop by the store on the way to the lake. We’re running pretty low on supplies, and I wouldn’t want to run out of lines or bait while we’re fishing.” I nod and smile, knowing that dad is just using this as an excuse to check in on his store before we leave town for the day. He owns Jackson Outdoor Supplies.

He opened it in the small town of Hanning, Georgia, which is small but very dedicated to hunting, camping, and fishing. Lots of tourist come and visit the lake that’s twenty minutes away so they stock up on supplies at our store beforehand. Dad earns a very nice living that provides well for us, but he has a hard time even on his set days off not checking in with his managers at least once. I’m used to it and don’t even try to give him a hard time about it anymore.

We pack everything we need in his Range Rover and are about to drive off when I spot a moving van at the house next to us. No one has lived there in three years because the house is very expensive for such a small town. It didn’t even have a For Sale sign up the last year so I didn’t even know that it was still for sale. The house is a huge brick mansion with at least twenty rooms and an indoor and outdoor pool. Our house is nice, but not even close to the size or elegance of that house. I wonder who bought such an expensive place and where they’re from, probably another older couple that will just use it during the winter.

I nudge dad to get his attention and point to the van. “Dad, did you know somebody had bought the house next door.” He looks over and seems surprised. “I hadn’t even heard someone was interested in it. I wonder who’s going to be moving in there? Weird, huh.” After that we change the subject and talk about football till we get to the store.

We walk in, and Dad goes straight to the back to talk to the manager on duty. I stroll up to the front counter to see who’s working the register. It’s Tasha, who I occasionally hook up with, so I smile and say, “Hey, Tasha, how’s it going? Didn’t see you at the party last night.” She smiles up at me and moves her long brown hair out of her face. “Hey, Royal, yeah, I missed it. My sister was in town from college, and I wanted to hang out with her. I heard I missed out though. You apparently made Ginger cry, and she left the party in tears.”

Great, so that’s what everybody’s talking about this morning. I play dumb and just shrug. “Don’t know anything about that. I hung out with Jay and Ryan for the whole night. Missed you though.” I finish with a wink, and she smiles then giggles. That was the reaction I was looking for.

“You coming to the lake tonight?” she asks, her blue eyes sparkling. “Don’t know. My dad and I are taking the boat out, and it depends how long we’re gone today.” She slides closer to me and says quietly, “Well look for me if you do decide to come.” I look her up and down and decide that if I go I will definitely be finding her tonight. Her long legs look good even in her plain khaki skirt and are certainly worth the effort.

Just as Tasha is leaning closer, my Dad walks out and interrupts, “Ready to go, son?” I step away from Tasha and start towards the door. “Yeah, Dad, coming.” As we get back in the Range Rover, my Dad starts in on me, “I pay her to work, Royal, not to entertain and flirt with you. I’m not saying that I don’t see the attraction. Just wait till she’s off the clock.” I just roll my eyes at him and nod, “I know, Dad, I know. But what am I supposed to do while you are busy checking on the store. I’m just a guy, and there she is, just waiting for me to flirt with her.” He laughs at that and drops the subject for now.

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