More Than Enough (Enough #2) (20 page)

BOOK: More Than Enough (Enough #2)
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I start walking towards them after that, and
Carter spots me. She grins brightly and rushes towards me to give me a hug. “Do you have everything you need, Athena? If not, don’t even worry about it. You can borrow anything you need from me. Have you been on a plane before?” I shake my head and she says, “Oh, you’re going to love it. Kell rented one for us so you’ll be able to be completely comfortable while we fly.” I can see that she’s trying to think of me and what I need right now. And I love and appreciate her even more for it. Just then the elevator opens and Keller steps out. “Ready to go?” he asks as he pulls me to him.

I wrap myself around him just cause I love to be that close, and he puts a hand in my hair. He told me a few nights ago that he loved the color
and feel of my hair. Ever since then, I’ve noticed that he’s constantly touching it. It eases some of my nerves just to have him stroking it like that. We load up into the car and drive to the small airport where our jet is waiting. It takes us just a few minutes to get settled, and I make sure that my seatbelt is secure. Before I know it, we’re taking off and in the air. I look out the window and am amazed at how high we are. I can’t believe flying can be this easy and comfortable.

As soon as we can take of our seatbelts, Keller takes off his and mine and pulls me to my feet. I stare at him startled by his abruptness and wonder where we’re going in such a hurry. Brayden is just grinning at both us, and Carter is trying to hold back a smile herself. Confused, I look at Keller questioningly.

“I just want sometime alone with you, and there’s a bedroom back there.” He points to the back of the plane, and I get it. I’d been too nervous to fly to notice that he’d been tense beside me since we’d got here. I’d worn his favorite shorts to try to get and hold his attention then didn’t even realize it was working. I just give him a nod in agreement to heading to the back, and he starts leading me that way.

Brayden protests, “Hey, shouldn’t we flip a coin or something to see who gets the bedroom for this flight.” Keller shoots Brayden a look and says, “Hell, no, do you know how many times I’ve been on a flight with you and Carter where you never even came out of the bedroom until it was time to land. We’re not flipping a fucking coin, Bro.” Carter looks a little embarrasse
d while Brayden is just smirking at Keller’s statement.

As soon as Keller closes the door, he’s on me. He kisses me hard and places me on the bed. He slides my shorts and my panties down. Then he spreads my legs wide open and just starts lapping me up before I even comprehend what is happening. Soon the sounds of my moans and sighs of pleasure fill the room. He keeps me at the same pace until I beg him to let me cum.

He teases me, “Baby, I have to know you’re completely ready before I pick up the pace.” I look down at him and just plead desperately, “I’m ready, really, so ready, Kell, please, please.” He starts stroking and licking me with a faster rhythm, and only seconds later I’m screaming in pleasure as succumb and just let go.

He doesn’t even wait for my screaming to end before he flips me over and just fills me. The pleasure at this point as he pumps into me is almost painful. I can hardly catch a breath, and he’s whispering in my ear, “Red, you feel so good around me. All I wanted since the shower this morning was to be inside you. Then I had to watch you cross and uncross your legs in those sexy fucking short
s until I could hardly I was so hard.”

I can feel myself about to cum again as he continues to push into me at the pace that I always love. He starts to stroke me and whispers, “Baby, you feel so fucking good.” With that, he slams into me and lets out a loud yell. I tighten around h
im, and we orgasm together.

Afterwards, we just fall asleep, and I wake up to him shaking me awake. “Red, wake up, we’ve got to get to get out there and get our seatbelts on. We’re about to land.” Groggily, I try to get dressed but require Kell’s help finding my panties and shorts which he threw across the room.

Finally, I’m ready to walk out to the main cabin. I try to do so with dignity and fight down the embarrassment of Carter and Brayden knowing exactly what was going on in the bedroom. I must not hide it that well because Kell leans down and says quietly in my ear, “There’s absolutely no reason for you to be embarrassed. You don’t think they were doing the exact same thing out here.” I look at both of them suspiciously and realize that Carter looks a lot less stressed then when she got on the plane a few hours ago.

They probably did do the same thing out here, and with that knowledge, I become a whole lot less embarrassed about what Keller and I were doing in the back
and hold my head high as I buckle back my seatbelt.

Our plane fills up in California, and we are back in the sky in no time at all. We eat a snack on the plane that the stewardess fixes for us. Keller asks me while we’re eating, “What do you want to do while we’re in Maui, Red? Do you have any special requests at all? This is your first time there.”

I think for a little while on what I want to do the most. I’ve always wanted to travel, but thought it would be years before I’d get the chance to. “I want to go sailing and snorkeling, and I want to see the sunrise.” He nods and says, “Those are all easy requests. We can do those in the first day if you want. I want to take you surfing too, if you want to try. You’re so athletic that you should have no problem with it.”

Carter snorts after that statement, and Brayden and Keller look at each other and laugh. “What
? Why’re both of you laughing over that?” Keller chuckles and tries to explain, “Brayden and I both assumed Carter’d be a great surfer cause she’s a phenomenal athlete. We spent days trying to get her up on a board, and she could never even come close to standing.”

I look to Carter who reluctantly nods and says, “I don’t know what happens to me with a surfboard, but I become about as graceful as an
elephant trying to do a backflip.” I giggle but am a little unconvinced. “Carter, you’re just such a graceful dancer, there’s just no way that you’re that bad in the water.” She just gives me a look and says, “Just wait and see.” Brayden whoops at that and says, “Baby, can I record you this time if you’re surfing.” She just gives him a glare and says stiffly, “Absolutely not, Bray, I’m just going to show Athena how bad I actually am at it. No recording me.”

I still shake my head and have a hard time believing that Carter is bad at anything, but it’ll be funny to watch if it’s true. We spend the rest of the time ju
st laughing and talking until it’s time for us to land. The landing is smooth, and I can’t believe how beautiful the island looked even from the plane. We grab our bags and load up in a limo that was sent to pick us up.

The limo starts driving us to the house that Kell’s dad owns on the island. Kell has his hand on my thigh possessively, and I lean into him for comfort. He looks so amazing in his fitted shirt and shorts with his tanned skin, glowing green eyes, and strong features. Normally, I’d just si
t here and enjoy watching him the whole ride, but my nerves are on edge from the long flights and now having to meet his dad and stepmom. I look out the window and just stare longingly at the gorgeous water and beaches we’re passing. Kell reads my mind because he says, “We’ll say hi to dad and head out to the beach immediately if you want. The house is right on it. We can just walk right out the front door and into the ocean.”

That sounds absolutely amazing. I just have to get through this stressful meeting first. I’d be a little less worried if Carter wasn’t shaking like a leaf and almost balled up in Brayden’s arms on the other side of the limo. She looks up at me, and I try to give her an encouraging smile. She gives me a half-hearted one in return, and then sticks her head back in Brayden’s neck as he runs a soothing hand down her back.

Kell caught me staring at her and tells me, “Don’t worry about Carter’s mom. She doesn’t treat anybody like she treats Carter. I’m still surprised that Brayden even let her come here. The last time they saw my parents he swore he’d never let them near her again.” I look at him and confess, “I overheard them talking before we left, and she convinced him to come for you and me. She didn’t want us to have to do this on our own.”

He looks over at Carter affectionately but without all the heat and longing that used to be in his gaze when I first met them. He says to me, “Thanks for letting me know. I’m going to tell Bray that if it is gets too hard on Carter that he needs to just get her out. Her mother just verbally abuses her so much, and I don’t think Carter can take a lot of that right now.
For some reason her mother can make her almost catatonic.”

I look back over at her, and her head is just buried in Bray still. He looks torn up for even taking her into a situation that she’s this upset over. Again, my insides quake just thinking about meeting the woman that can turn Carter into a nervous wreck.

Just as I think that, the limo pulls up outside a huge white house with a ginormous stone whale fountain out front. This place just screams obscene wealth, and I think how out of place I’m going to feel.

Kell helps me out of the limo and leads me into the house. All I’ve got is my purse so I turn around to help grab one of my bags when he stops me. He tells me in my ear, “The driver and butler will get our stuff and place it in
our rooms. My father would not be happy if we tried to do their jobs.” I nod in understanding but definitely feel strange to not carry my own bag.

I look behind us, and Carter and Brayden are still talking quietly to each other as we all walk into the house. The house on the inside is just as impressive. There are two staircases that curve and go down either side of the house. Everything looks to be made of marble or stone and is perfectly spotless. Just as I’m taking in all my opulent surrounding, a good looking older man and an exceptionally beautiful woman that looks a lot like Carter, walk out to us from between the staircases.

“Keller and Brayden, it’s so good to have you both here for the holidays,” says the beautiful woman, who from the resemblance to Carter and seeing her on a few movies, I recognize as Riviera. She stops right in front of me and smiles, “You must be Athena. Keller told me that you would be coming, and I was so excited. He was hung up on Carter for forever, you know, and I always thought that he could do so much better. You, my dear, are absolutely beautiful, and you’re going to love it here. I can’t wait to show you all around, and I’d love to take you shopping if you’ve got time.”

Now, Riviera is trying to reach out and be welcoming to me, but after that awful comment about Carter. I already know that I’m not going to like her. She also exudes coldness
even when she’s saying kind words while Carter is everything that is warm and friendly. I wonder how mother and daughter can be so different but look so much alike.

Finally, she seems to focus in on Carter who is standing as close to Brayden as possible. “Hello, Carter, it looks like you’ve put on a few pounds your first semester at college. You better be careful, darling, with how short you are; you really can’t afford any extra weight. And Brayden has all those girls just throwing themselves at him; if his girlfriend
just lets herself go, you really can’t blame him for being tempted.”

Brayden already looks like he’s about to lose it. He growls at her,“Riviera, please shut your mouth, or Carter and I will be leaving before we even unpack. I would never look at
anybody but Carter, ever. She’s the most beautiful, precious thing in my world, and you’re just jealous that she’s even more beautiful and talented than you’ll ever be. You know she’s extremely small and in amazing shape. Now, be nicer to her, or we leave.”

Riviera holds back from saying whatever else she wants to say
and seems to look to Sloan, Kell and Brayden’s dad, for guidance. He subtly shakes his head and gestures for her to come back to him. Gracefully, she walks back to stand beside him, and Kell introduces his dad to me, “Athena, this is my dad, Sloan Cameron. Dad, this is my girlfriend, Athena.” He reaches out and shakes my hand with a strong grip and says, “I’m delighted to meet you, Athena. Keller never brings anybody home with him so we were surprised but delighted when he informed me that he was bringing you with him.”

I try to give him my best smile and make good eye contact. Even though
Riviera seems like a bitch, this is Keller’s dad, and I do want him to like me. I reply to him, “Thank you, Sir. I’m very excited to be here.” Keller puts his arm around me and pulls me to him. “Dad, Riviera, I want to get us unpacked and show Athena the beach. Do you mind if we head out there for a little while. I want her to see the water, and this week I’d love to teach her how to surf.”

Riviera smiles at that and says, “Oh, I’m sure you’ll be wonderful at it, Athena. Brayden and Keller tried to teach Carter to surf a few years ago, but she could just never get it. I bet it
’s because of her really short legs, and she can be a little uncoordinated too.” At this, I cut in to defend Carter. “I can’t say I’d ever recall Carter looking uncoordinated. She’s the best dancer on the Florida team, and she’s the best college volleyball setter in the country. I’ve actually heard that quoted on Sports Center.” Brayden smiles at me gratefully, and I notice that Carter’s practically curled up into his arms. She’s quieter than I’ve ever seen her before, and I know exactly why. Even without Carter saying a word, Riviera’s been attacking her. What a horrible mother she is.

Riviera just tittered and giggled to my response, without agreeing or disagreeing. Keller starts to lead me up a set of stairs
, and I follow happily, definitely ready to get out of the tense environment down below. I look behind me to make sure that Carter’s making her escape too, and Brayden’s picked her up and slinging her over his shoulder while running up the stairs. She’s giggling while playfully trying to get him to put her down, but Riviera’s face catches my eye as I look back farther. Her gaze is completely focused on Carter with a look of complete hate. It frightens me to see such rancor on a mother’s face towards her own offspring.

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