More Than Enough (Enough #2) (12 page)

BOOK: More Than Enough (Enough #2)
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I asked, “Have you seen Athena? I woke up, and she was gone. I’m worried about how she got home without a car.” Bray still didn’t look happy with me but reluctantly said, “Carter walked out to the kitchen, and Athena was out there drinking coffee. She needed to get back to her dorm so Carter loaned her the extra car. Just call her if you want to know why she left. I don’t have any more answers for you and would like to enjoy a little private time with my girlfriend this morning.” With that, he flicked me off and closed the door. I loved my brother, but he was an asshole to everyone but Carter.

Why would she leave without saying goodbye? I know she enjoyed herself last night but maybe regretted it this morning. I haven’t had to figure out what happens after a date in years, and I’m lost right now. What the hell is Athena thinking?
Did it get too intense for her?







































Chapter 10


I can’t believe I spent the night with Keller. Thankfully, we didn’t have sex, but the fooling around by itself was unbelievable. I got scared when I woke up this morning that after only our first date, I’d let things go too far. I wondered if he thought I was easy now.

That was the opposite of how it really was, but I didn’t want to scare him away by confessing I’m a virgin either. He seemed the type of guy that would take that seriously, and I didn’t want to scare him off. I’d fooled around with quite a few guys but was too scared of ending up pregnant and trapped with someone to ever chance it before. Ending up trapped with Keller could never be a bad thing. He’s just everything that I want in a guy, and he can make me want him before he even touches me. Just the sight of him has my body more turned off than I can almost tolerate.

I can feel myself falling for him completely, and the only thing I’m scared of is that he’ll never get over Carter. I don’t think I could be with him and not have some hope that eventually he could love me not her. But for right now I just
want to enjoy the mind-blowing memories of last night and leave the rest of the concern for a later time.

I decide to put off laundry which I have to do today and go for a run before it gets too hot out. I put on my running gear and head out the door. I run through the most used route on campus and am thinking about Keller and I in the hot tub and how sexy he looked with his dark hair and emerald eyes. His body is so muscled and hard. I’ve never seen another g
uy with a sexier body. As he leaned into me, his eyes got intense with desire, and I knew kissing and touching him was going to be everything I dreamed it would. It was even better. I’ve never really even felt turned on before, but as soon as Keller touches me my whole body is on fire.

I think back to how he touches me gently and with patience. He’s just so smooth with every caress. And, Bam, I run into something hard, and it knocks the breath out of me. I look up and right into the emerald eyes I was dreaming about. He looks as stunned as me so I speak first. “Hey, sorry about that, again. I seem to make a habit of running into you out here.”

He smiles down at me and says, “You can run into me anytime, Athena. I actually wondered why you ran off so quick this morning. We could’ve run together you know.” I hung my head and looked down. I admitted quietly, “I was afraid to face you this morning. Last night was great, but it was our first date. I was scared that I came across easy after everything that we did.”

He looks relieved and tucks his earphones in his pocket. “Let’s run together, and I can assure you that
I definitely do not think you’re easy.” We start to run together, and he tries to reassure me, “We both know that this first date of ours should have happened a while ago. It’s not like we just met, Athena.” He looks over at me and raises his eyebrows, “We’ve been running together for over two weeks, and we’d been seeing each other around and hanging out even before that. This thing between us has been building, and I know that I want to see where it goes. But enough about how I feel, what about you?”

I have to remind myself to keep it cool when all I really want to do is burst out that I want that more than anything. I say, “Yeah, I’d like that
.” Keller nods and adds, “That means to me that we’re not going to see other people too. If we’re trying to see where this could go, I’d want it to be exclusive.” Inside, I jump in glee cause there are so many girls out there who would love a chance with Keller, but I respond calmly, “Sounds good to me.”

After that, we run and chat together until we end up back at my dorm. He asks me if I want to go to
a late breakfast or an early lunch, and I want to say yes so bad. But I have to do laundry and study since dance and work take up so much of my time. I tell him, “I have to do laundry so let me take a rain check on that offer.”

He just shakes his head no and says, “I’ll help you do laundry at the condo. Grab it and let’s go. We’ll pick up food on the way back. Maybe Brayden and Carter have left the bed by now and will eat it with us.” I feel bad that he’s going to waste his Sunday doing laundry with me, but I don’t have any more excuses and would love the time with him.

I do as he directed, and we are on the way back to his condo before I know it. He decides to just order some pizzas to be delivered after we get there, and I start my laundry and snuggle on the couch to watch movies with him. We watch a zombie movie, and I get scared and plaster myself to his side. We have to pause it when the doorbell rings for the pizza which wakes up Brayden and Carter finally.

They wander
out, and we all eat together before I fold my laundry as we finish the movie. Keller tries to help me fold it, but I throw a fit and threaten to never do laundry there again. He finally gives in and just sits down. After I get done folding it all, he gestures for me to come sit back on his lap, and we spend the rest of the movie kissing and touching.

Brayden strolls in at the end and asks, “So kids, how was the movie?” Keller just smirks at him and says, “Best movie ever.” We all three laugh at this
, and Brayden starts to get out their video game stuff. Keller asks me, “Do you play?” I shake my head and tell him, “I don’t, but I really need to get on some accounting homework anyway. Why don’t I sit in here and work while you guys play?”

He seems alright with all that, and they start to race against each other in some kind of car game. Carter strolls in after that and says, “I’ve got the winner!” I look at her surprised because she does not look like a gamer. “You play?” I ask. She giggles and nods, “What, I don’t seem like the type?” I look at her like she’s crazy and say, “Uh, no, you don’t. Dancer and volleyball player fit, but video game player baffles my mind.”

She gestures to both the boys and explains, “We’ve spent the last four years together. That’s why they’re such great dancers, and I can fish with the best of them. We try to share hobbies and experiences together. It broadens us as individuals and gives us some quality time together.” I think to myself, not for the first time, what an amazing, mature person Carter is. She knows who she is and seems happy and content with it. That might be because she has millions, and she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. But it’s still something to admire and strive for.

Brayden just beat Keller, and he teases Carter as she grabs the controller, “Hey, baby, what does the winner get?” Carter seems to ponder that for a few moments and says, “The winner names their forfeit after the game.” Brayden raises an eyebrow and stares into her eyes, “Anything?” She looks at him impatiently and says, “Yes, Bray, of course, anything
! Now let’s play.”

Keller sits down next to me and is grinning. I lean in and whisper, “What’s so funny?” He whispers back, “Brayden always let’s her win, but he must want something from her with this bet. So I bet he doesn’t, and it’s goi
ng to piss her off. You’ve seen that Carter is so competitive that she hates losing more than anything. Be prepared to see the pouty side of Carter in a few minutes.”

Just like Keller predicted, Brayden won, and Carter threw things and stomped out of the room. Brayden protested and said, “Baby, you forgot to hear what I want from our bet.
” She just threw a pillow at his head hard and kept on marching.

At that point, it was after ten at night, and I had classes the next morning. Reluctantly, I asked Keller to take me home. We’d brought the spare car, which is an Audi, back to the condo complex this morning.
Whose spare car is an Audi?

As Keller pulls into my dorm, I go to lean in and give him a quick kiss, and he must have a different good bye in mind. He pulls me on top of him and just starts kissing me passionately. When I move my head back to take a breath, he kisses down my neck slowly until I’m moaning for more. He brushes his hands across my breasts, and I start rocking against him in frustration. Suddenly, I want him to touch more of me.

I just put on yoga pants for the trip to the condo so he just slides his hand inside and just starts stroking me softly. He asks, “You like that, Red?” I force myself to nod in response when all I wanted to do is concentrate on the pleasure of his touch. With his other hand, he pulls down my shirt and bra and starts lapping at my breasts. Looking down at him with his mouth on me pushes me over the edge, and I cry out loudly.

After I recover
, I feel embarrassed and don’t want to look at him before I get out of the car. I just feel exposed and raw, but he lightly grabs my chin and forces my gaze to him. “Hey,” he says kindly, “I’ve wanted to do that all day. Don’t feel embarrassed because you look unbelievably gorgeous when you come apart like that. I could watch you do that for forever.” I give him a weak smile for his sweet words. He continues, “Thanks for being with me today, Athena. I really enjoy being around you. Will I get to see you at breakfast tomorrow?”

I manage to say a shaky, “Yes.” And with one last kiss I’m out the door. I stroll toward the entrance thinking how we came to this so fast. Keller brings out so many strong emotions in me that I don’t even know how to keep a clear head in this relationship. I’m just going to have to let him lead and hang on for a wild ride because there’s no way I won’t be with him every chance I get. Everything abou
t him draws me and always has even before he noticed I was alive.






































Chapter 11


This girl is unbelievable I think as I drive away from Athena’s dorm. She makes me want her when I’ve not wanted anyone except for Carter in years. Her body just comes alive when I touch her, and her responses to me just get more and more addictive. All I could think about as we hung out all day was getting her to come apart in my arms while I watch. It was more rewarding than I even imagined that it could be

But hanging
around with her was also relaxing and fun. I hadn’t realized how lonely I’d become dealing with Brayden and Carter in their own little world. I’d thought any scrap of Carter’s affection was better than nothing, but it just now became apparent that I’d separated myself from life to have that.

I wasn’t ready to give up my love for Carter, still feel like that is the one constant I’ve had for years. But I feel
completely ready to share everything physical that I can with Athena. She makes me feel desire like I’ve never felt before. Why not explore what we can do for each other.

I drive to my dorm and hurry up to my room. Carter and Brayden are sitting on his bed, and her face lights up as I walk in. That never gets old. She right away starts telling me, “Kell, I’m so happy for you. Athena is just so amazing, and I think she’s just perfect for you. You guys make such a beautiful couple.” I just look at her bemused with her level of excitement over this. But loving Brayden and me and wanting us happy is just who Carter is.

I decide to not get her expectations too high about Athena and me though. “Yeah, she’s really cool, Carter, but don’t go thinking that she’s my one true soul mate, okay. We’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.” Her face drops, and I can see the disappointment just pouring out of her. I try to tell her how I still feel even with me pursuing something with Athena, “Hey, you’re the one who’ll always be my number one girl, you, okay.”

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