More Than Enough (Enough #2) (10 page)

BOOK: More Than Enough (Enough #2)
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gives her his hard silent stare that has her giving us a little more space and tells her, “Athena would spark anybody’s interest. She is gorgeous, sweet, genuine, and talented. I think the right question would be why wouldn’t I be interested in her. She’s absolutely amazing.” My heart bursts with happiness at his praise, and I feel defended and protected for one of the first times in my life. Rachel seems to not know what to say after that and saunters away without a goodbye.

I look up at Keller and see him looking at me with a soft look in his eye that wasn’t there when he was ta
lking with Rachel. I meet his eyes and have to say, “Thank you. I don’t get defended very often and am used to taking care of myself, but that meant a lot to me.” He seems to get a little embarrassed and looks down. Finally, he looks back up at me and says, “Everything that I said was true, and I can’t stand bitchy jealous females. Carter had to deal with them a lot, and I can spot one a mile away. I’d watch your friend from now on. She’s jealous, and I don’t think she’ll have your best interest at heart.” I nod and tell him, “I will, thanks.”

After that, we drink and talk, and I even drag him out on the dance floor. He’s actually an awesome dancer and moves with me better than anyone else ever has. I ask him as he is moving against my back to the beat, “Where the hell did you learn to dance like this?” He clears his throat and hesitates but eventually says, “Carter has always loved to dance so Brayden and I always just danced with her. It made her happy, and we didn’t let her go to a lot of parties before her senior year. We felt like she should still have somebody to dance with so we did.”

The enjoyment of him being able to dance with me was taken away a little thinking it all had been for Carter. I tried to focus on how good it felt to be able to touch him and be this close instead. His hand started creeping down to cup my ass, and I just let it slide until it was there. We danced with his hands there and just enjoying the music for two more songs. Then we went in search of more alcohol and a place to sit and talk for a little while.

I spotted Brayden and behind him was Carter on a poll giving him a show. He had strategically place his body to block the rest of the
room from seeing her little poll dance. She spotted us and hopped off the poll to pull Brayden towards us. “Hey guys,” I say as they reach us. Carter beams at Keller and I and says, “I saw you guys dancing. You both can definitely move together. Do you want to all get some drinks?” I nod and say, “Yeah, that sounds good.” Brayden groans in protest and complains to Carter, “Baby, I was really enjoying the show. Why can’t we grab drinks later?” Carter just laughs at him and pulls him towards the bar. “Get a stripper poll at the condo, and you can have private shows whenever you want.” He says, “I’ll make the call this week.” With that, she winks at me and hops onto a bar stool.

Keller has been quiet since we were dancing but doesn’t seem upset. He’s still holding my hand and pressed against me.
I think he’s used to just watching and protecting while Brayden and Carter carry on. I want him to feel like he can be a part of things now with me here too.

When a bartender comes up to take our order, Carter informs him, “We’re all doing shots
, please!” We all agree, and he brings eight shots out for us. Carter says, “Bray, come here, I need some salt before I take this.” He laughs but exposes his neck, and she licks it slowly. Keller just leans in and licks mine too, startling me. He laughs and says, “Sorry, I needed some salt, too.” Everything he does just feels so good. I smile and tell him, “Anytime.” He just raises his eyebrow at me and says, “I’ll remember that.” We all down our first shot together.

With that, I turn to him and say, “Turnabouts fair play.” With a smile, he leans his neck in, and I don’t just lick but suck on it until he groans loudly. Brayden has done the same with Carter by the volume of her squeals. We all take our second shot then and afterwards Carter says, “Hot tubs?” When none of us respond, she starts in, “Please, please
, please.” Keller looks at me, and I shrug in response. Brayden says, “Baby, you girls don’t have your bikinis. And I sure as hell am not having you get in there in your underwear or wearing nothing. That’s not happening.” He looks firmly at her after that with an expression that says he won’t be moved.

Carter gives Brayden her best smile and says, “I brought bikinis in my purse for Athena and me. Let us go change, and we’ll be good to go. Kay?” He looks at Keller who nods reluctantly and Brayden says, “Fine, I give in, go change.” She jumps into his arms and gives him kiss, and then she gives Keller a big hug too. Brayden seems really tense during the
ir hug, and I’m a little confused by it.

But before I even realize it, Carter is pulling me with her. She grabs her purse and tells me, “The boys are going to be shocked but love our bikinis. They’re basically just strings that wrap around our bodies with little pieces to cover our important parts.” She gives me a wicked grin as we enter the VIP bathrooms, and I have to laugh inside. For all her sweetness, Carter is definitely a little wild.

I ask her, “So do you enjoy driving Brayden insane?” She looks at me like I’m crazy and says, “Of course, I do. I love it when I push him to the point where he has to have me. We’ve known each other for a long time, and I like to keep things interesting. I know that we’ll always love each other and be together, but college is the time to go wild. I just want to go wild with him. But, yeah, I love pushing him to the point where he doesn’t know which ways up or down. If I’m honest, it’s my favorite thing in the world.”

She throws a bunch of strings that are
black toward me and adds, “You should drive Keller to that point, Athena. He needs to let go of his control and enjoy the moment more. You do too. Both of you are wound far too tight when you don’t need to be. You’re both gorgeous and talented with your whole life ahead of you. You both need to let loose and live. Tempt him into it. This is supposed to be the best times of our lives!”

I walk into a stall and start to put the bathing suit on and think on her advice. Maybe that’s what Keller needs, to be pushed to the point where he has to have me. I walk back out and look at this thing in the mirror. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever worn in my life, and
I’m glad I work out as much as I do. All the strings are tied and running across my skin, and the black highlights how tan and toned I am. Carter walks out in the same suit but in white, and I can’t even believe how sexy it looks on her. Her boobs are unbelievable with her thin frame and all the strings. I give in to my curiosity and ask her, “Carter, you’re boobs are the best I’ve ever seen. Are they real?”

I was hoping she wouldn’t get insulted, and she doesn’t. She smiles and answers my question. “They’re real. They can drive me crazy and get in the way with volleyball, but Brayden adores them. So I wouldn’t want to not have them because of him. By the way, you look awesome in the bikini. Let’s go get our guys.” She pulls me out of the bathroom and starts walking through the party with a
confidence that only the truly beautiful ever possess.

Guys stop what they are doing to just openly stare at us as we walk toward the back. A few try to approach us, but Carter gives them a serene smile and just moves on. No one tries to st
op us, probably because she’s always with Brayden and Keller. Most guys are intimidated by their size alone.

We find them at the door that goes up to the hot tubs and pool.
They are both slack jawed and haven’t said anything since we walked up. I sidle up next to Keller and he pulls me into his side. I can feel almost every part of him touching me, and it just makes my entire body tingle with desire.

I ask him as we follow Carter and Brayden up, “Where’s your swim suit?” He chuckles and says, “I don’t have one with me. I think the boys are just expected to wear our boxers instead. Good thing I wore some today.” My brain is frozen with the image of seeing him in just his boxers
or nothing at all; finally I force myself to respond, “Yeah, good thing.”





























Chapter 9


Holy hell, does Athena look
smoking hot in the excuse for a swimsuit she’s wearing. For the first time since Carter entered my life, I can’t seem to even move my eyes towards her. Athena’s body just has too many sexy parts showing to chance looking away for a second. Her dark red hair is down and long enough to touch her ass which is perfectly shaped and has her bikini’s bottom cupping it perfectly. Her legs are unbelievably toned and look extremely long with her heels on, and her breast are pushed up and jutting out. It looks like they are just asking to be touched with how much of them are showing.

My body is already hardening at the picture she is presenting, and we haven’t even gotten in the hot tub yet. I pull her against me so it isn’t apparent to everyone how I
responded to her in her excuse of a bikini.

We walk into the hot tub and pool room, and there is foam everywhere with people dancing and swimming all over the place. Brayden just walks over to a hot tub and tells the guys in it, “Hey, we
’d like at turn in there with our girls.” All the guys stare at Carter and Athena and start to scoot over. Uh, oh, I don’t want to sit in a hot tub with guys staring at the girls tits the whole time. Brayden adds forcefully, “Alone.”

The g
uys groan and complain but exit without a whole lot more problems. Carter jumps in immediately and asks, “What were they doing in here with all guys anyway?” She gestures to the rest of the room. “There’s a ton of half-naked girls around. Why sit in a sausage fest of a hot tub?” We all laugh at that statement. Then Athena adds as she gestures to all the left behind beer bottles, “I think they’d gotten a little too drunk to have much game. They must have decided to just enjoy their drunken state with their friends.”

Brayden pulls Carter across his lap and says
with a little conceit, “Well, they won’t be hanging with their friends in here. This hot tub is now for our use.” I pull Athena close to me, and she asks us three curiously, “Is it always like that for the three of you? Are you always able to just tell others what to do and they listen?”

We all think for a minute and then the two of them look to me to answer, “Yeah, most of the time it’s like that for us with people our own age, but you gotta think how we got to be so assertive and confident so young. It’s because if we weren’t looking out for ourselves, then nobody was. We had no adults making sure we had a place to sit or eat. They were on a private jet headed to Australia or Japan. Our parents didn’t give a shit about looking out for our interest so we had to do it on our own.”

Athena nods but says, “You’re still lucky to have each other. You can be more confident and assured with backup.” I started to wonder if she’d had anybody to back her up. I knew she had pretty shitty parents just from what Carter had told me, and I hadn’t really thought about the fact that she didn’t seem to have any close friends. She seemed popular on the dance team and with the football guys, but other than that bitchy girl, Rachel, there didn’t seem to be anybody she really hung around other than Carter. Maybe, even with all the heartache that I’d been through with Carter and Bray, I was luckier than most to have always had them.

Carter seemed to sense the mood was shifting to
a more serious one and stood up. She gestured to a guy that was carrying shots around to the crowd. Immediately, he made his way over. You could tell by his face that he’d thought he’d just won the lottery with Carter gesturing to him in her bikini. She looked amazing as always, but my gaze after looking at her was brought right back to Athena. Her skin almost sparkled with her tan, and her hair stood out even more dark red from being wet.

Carter said to the guy, “May we each have two of those, please?” He nodded and mumbled something while still not taking his eyes off her. Brayden was looking none too happy about the waiter’s obvious interest, but he loosened up after the waiter gave us the shots and left.

We all lifted the shots to our lips about to shoot them when Carter said, “Wait, wait, wait. Let’s toast. Everybody gets to pick one thing to toast on.” She holds her glass up high and says, “To parties!” Bray goes next and looks at Carter teasingly, “To sex!” She hits his glass with hers. I look into Athena’s eyes and say, “To black bikinis.” She laughs and winks at me, “To boxers!” We clink our glasses together and all take our shots down.

We do another rou
nd, and I notice Carter and Brayden have started kissing each other in a way that says that they’ve forgotten anyone else was around. Normally, that pissed me off when they forgot that I was sitting right beside them, but with Athena on my lap in her sexy bikini, it didn’t bother me the same way it usually does.

I pull her on my lap and just start kissing down her neck. She smells amazing and feels unbelievable. I feel myself harden even more, and she rubs against me and laughs. I look at her
sheepishly and say, “Sorry, you’re just so sexy that I can’t help responding.” She laughs some more and turns around in my lap so she is facing me.

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