More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel (23 page)

BOOK: More Than a Stranger: A Sealed With a Kiss Novel
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She straightened her spine, meeting his eyes straight on. “I don’t want Papa to know you are here, because I don’t want him to react protectively. I don’t care if he thrashes you within an inch of your life, but I don’t want him to feel the need to keep me by his side once more. And I can’t bear to see pity in his eyes when he looks at me.”

Benedict studied Evie, her stiff shoulders and stubborn, hurt eyes. Everything inside him was telling him that he could make things better by soothing her hurt and calming her soul if he could only wrap her in his arms to hold her, to say the things to her with his body that he couldn’t say with words.

But she wouldn’t let him near her, not without a compelling reason. He straightened as a thought occurred to him. It was risky, but what did he have to lose?

“I’ll hold my tongue,” he said quietly, watching her carefully, “for the price of a kiss.”

* * *

Evie drew back as if he’d slapped her. How could he dare ask such a thing of her? What kind of heartless cur demanded such a thing of a lady? Especially of one who had been as thoroughly abused as she. With all the coldness she felt in her heart, she said, “You’ve already extracted your price, sir. This very night, as a matter of fact.”

He didn’t flinch; he didn’t back down in the least. “It is the price of my silence now, my lady. A kiss will secure my promise, but anything less and I will tell your father everything.”

She cast about for something to say, anything that would get through his thick, uncaring skull. “Why would you do such a thing? Haven’t you hurt me enough? And I am not exaggerating; my father hates you for what you did to his little girl.”

“Of that I have no doubt.”

Evie cursed beneath her breath in frustration. Had he always been such a bastard and she had simply been blind to it? “You won’t do it. You may be spiteful, but you must have some interest in self-preservation.”

His dark gaze bored into her like a physical force. “If you refuse to meet my terms, then I swear to you, I will announce the truth at the breakfast table. I will
back down from this. If you test me, you and I will both pay the consequences.”

His words were spoken with such unnatural calm, it sent a shiver straight up Evie’s spine. He was serious. Blast him, he would do it.

She shook with impotent fury. “Fine, take your pound of flesh. I just hope to God I never have to lay eyes on you again.”

His posture never changed, but his expression somehow gentled. He seemed . . . relieved? Through her anger, confusion niggled at the back of her mind. Why didn’t he seem as satisfied as she expected? There wasn’t a hint of smugness touching his features as he drew a breath and slowly stepped around the chair.

He moved like a trainer approaching a skittish colt—gently, deliberately. Candlelight bathed his chest in golden light, accentuating the hard planes of muscles beneath his smooth skin. Against her will, her heart began to flutter, the blasted traitor. Sandalwood reached her nose, masculine and enticing. She tried to hold still, but of their own volition, her feet carried her backward, retreating from the spell he cast on her.

His eyes were soft, his expression unexpectedly sweet as he followed her. She bumped into the wall; there was no more room for retreat. Steeling herself against the emotions suddenly rioting within her, she clenched her jaw and waited.

He stepped so close, they were almost touching. Then, placing his hands against the wall, one on either side of her head, he leaned down until his lips were only inches from hers, close enough that his breath fanned across her cheek. It was beyond intoxicating. Her heart raced, her blood roaring through her veins as she focused on his lips. She knew exactly how they felt against hers, and her whole body ached to feel them against her once more. She fought against her body’s betrayal, forcing herself to think of his lies.

When his lips touched hers, it wasn’t the crushing assault she expected. The kiss was featherlight, achingly tender. Warmth spread through her, and she balled her hands at her sides to keep from touching him.

He pulled away the slightest amount and looked at her, almost too close for her to focus on him. “Evie,” he breathed, cupping her face in his hands. “Forgive me.”

His pressed another kiss to her lips, then turned her head so he could kiss her on each cheek. “I’m not afraid of your father, because he could never hate me more than I hate myself for hurting you.” Tilting her head down, he kissed the corners of her eyes and the tip of her nose.

“I regretted that letter almost as soon as I wrote it.” He was whispering now, and he leaned down to feather little kisses along her jaw. “I tried to stay away from you this week and maintain a distance between us, but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn’t.”

His mouth found hers again, and this time, she couldn’t resist. She kissed him back. How could she not? He had invaded her every thought for days. The man she had once loved and lost was here before her, begging her forgiveness.

He groaned against her lips as she gave in to him, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him. Somehow her hands were on his back, exploring the smooth expanse of his dampened skin. It was hard to think, hard to do anything but feel as he opened his mouth to her and deepened the kiss. Her fingertips slid down his back and skimmed along the rough fabric of his pants.

His hands descended as well, following the nip of her waist and then the curve of her hips. She moaned when he cupped her bottom and pulled her against him, sending heat licking through her body like a spreading fire.

If she lived a thousand years, she would never forget the feel of his body against her, the surge of desire as their tongues intertwined, the weightlessness that overcame her as she wondered what was next.

Whatever his sins, in that moment, he was hers.

* * *

He had to get a hold of himself.

If he didn’t, Evie would be well and truly ruined by morning. His body sang at the thought, vivid images of the two of them tangled in his bed making his pulse thunder. His fingers itched to pull the fabric from her body, to unbraid her hair and set her naked atop the counterpane.

He groaned against her lips at the image, giving her bottom a little squeeze. No, he had to stop this, to leave her future intact. It was all he had left to give her. She couldn’t be his—no matter how desperately he wished otherwise.

With an act of will greater than any he had ever achieved in his life, he pulled his lips from hers, hugging her to him as he panted for air. Why did the right thing have to feel so wrong?

He pulled back and looked at her, gritting his teeth to keep from kissing her again. Her eyelids were heavy with the unmistakable look of seduction, her lips swollen and rosy. “You are the most beautiful, enchanting, irresistible woman I have ever known.”

She smiled slowly, uncharacteristic shyness touching her features.

“Please say that you can forgive me and my utter stupidity of the last decade or so.”

“I suppose I can. If you truly mean it.”

“After a kiss like that, can you doubt the way I feel about you?” He resisted the urge to gather her up in his arms and take her to bed right then and there.

“No, I suppose I can’t.”

He rubbed his hands up and down her arms, unable to let her go altogether. “I swear to you, not only will I breathe not a word to your family, but I will be leaving here tomorrow.”

A frown marred her beautiful lips. “So soon?”

He couldn’t help himself; he dropped a kiss to her lips once more. God, what he wouldn’t give to have the option of sweeping her off her feet and making her his own. She could work in the stables until her heart was content, so long as she spent her nights by his side as his wife. He drew in a deep breath through his nose before pulling away from her.

But he wasn’t free—at least he wouldn’t be by the end of the week. “I don’t want to risk endangering your plans any more than I already have. What if Richard slips up again, only this time in your father’s presence?”

She sighed and nodded. “You are absolutely right.” She threaded her hands in his and squeezed. “Please, stay as long as the hunt. We never did have that race we planned all those years ago.”

He knew he should leave first thing. It was a long trip to London, and now that he had made his decision on what to do, he wanted it done with as soon as possible. He looked into her eyes, drinking in the smile she offered him—
, not James Benedict. He could not resist her. He had little to offer her, but he could grant her this. He nodded once. “Very well. I should love to ride by your side once more.”

“Until tomorrow, then.” She reached on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips before turning and heading for the door. “Oh, and Benedict?” she said, pausing before the door.


“No more secrets between us, all right?”

If she asked the right questions, he wouldn’t lie in his answers. But he wouldn’t volunteer the information. Besides, with him leaving tomorrow, it was unlikely ever to come up. He lifted one corner of his mouth and nodded. “You have my word.”

Chapter Eighteen

After five years, I will finally learn the voice of the words I know by heart? A very interesting prospect, I must admit. Will I know you when I see you? Oddly, I think yes.
—From Hastings to Evie

he had well and properly been kissed last night.

Evie fought to keep the giddy expression from her face as her maid meticulously braided Evie’s hair into a hunting-appropriate coiffure. It wasn’t easy. She wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl and gush about the toe-curling, butterfly-inducing kisses she had shared with Benedict. Morgan would probably faint to hear of Evie’s outrageous behavior.

All these years, her view of the world had been so tainted by the disastrous end to her relationship with Hastings—Benedict. But this morning, after she had awakened from a night full of blush-inducing dreams, it occurred to her that perhaps she had been wrong to want to shut herself off from men like that. Looking back, she realized how very young and silly she had been.

And now—now she was different. Benedict’s apology had been sincere. She believed he had never meant to hurt her like that. Their kisses had been an epiphany. She had never thought to marry, but now, all she could think about was waking up to Benedict every morning, embracing him, and feeling his body against hers.

“My lady, are you quite all right?”

Evie blinked and looked at her maid in the mirror. “I beg your pardon?”

“You look quite flushed all of a sudden, and I’d hate to think you were getting sick.”

If her face hadn’t been completely red before, it certainly was now. “Yes, yes, of course I’m fine, Morgan. I’m simply eager for the hunt.”

She smiled weakly, and Morgan nodded and went back to work. Eager for the hunt, indeed. She could hardly wait to see Benedict again, especially atop Brutus. Perhaps he didn’t need to leave quite so soon. Another night couldn’t hurt, surely. Perhaps they could meet beneath the stars once more, only this time late at night, without the threat of being discovered.

When at last her hair was done, Evie headed for the breakfast room. Unfortunately, everyone was in attendance except Benedict and Papa, who as usual was already at the stables. She tried to keep her mind on the conversations at hand, but after one too many looks of curiosity from Mama, Evie decided to give up. “I believe I will head to the stable block to check on the horses.”

Carolyn waved, a piece of half-eaten toast in hand. “Evie, say hello to the cute little fox for us when you let him go.”

Richard rolled his eyes at this. “They are not
. Carolyn, they are vermin!”

“They are so cute,” Jocelyn said, mischief glinting in her cornflower blue eyes. “And I wish I could pet one.”

Richard dragged a hand over his face and glared at Evie. “See what you have done? I won’t be surprised if there are foxes on leashes roaming the house the next time I am home.”

Carolyn grinned impishly. “Really? Can I have a pet fox? They are such adorable little creatures.”

Evie laughed out loud at the aghast expression on Richard’s face. “They aren’t vermin, but they are wild, Carolyn. Perhaps we should get you a ferret instead.”

Richard threw up his hands. “Ugh, I give up. Why don’t you have a wolf den in here while you are at it?”

Evie took pity on her brother. “Have no fear—we shan’t be bringing any foxes, alive or dead, back from this hunt. Remember, this is to be a drag hunt. The hunt master laid the trail this morning, and we asked for him to keep the course fairly small.” She patted his arm. “It will be great fun, you’ll see. And really, it’s not as though you would have ever seen the fox in the first place.”

Richard’s jaw dropped at the teasing insult. His head swiveled between Evie and their mother before he exclaimed in mock outrage, “Mother! Are you going to allow her to speak to me that way?”

Mama chuckled at Richard’s outrage. “Now, now, children. We mustn’t quarrel at the breakfast table.”

As Evie rose, Beatrice set her silverware down. “Actually, I’d rather like a spot of fresh air. May I join you, Evie?”

Evie raised an eyebrow. Beatrice hated the stables. Now what was the girl up to? “Yes, of course.”

After pausing to get their hats and gloves in place, they headed outside. The sun peaked from behind wispy clouds—the perfect weather for a ride. As they padded down the stairs and stepped onto the gravel pathway, Beatrice linked arms with her. “I’m sorry we quarreled the other day.”

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