Moonlight Calls (Demon's Call Series Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Moonlight Calls (Demon's Call Series Book 1)
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“You don’t
belong here human,” she murmured as she passed.

I ignored
Camilla and continued on my way.  Apparently, Christian had been enjoying
himself as well.  I was startled to find that I was only slightly embarrassed
to meet my lover’s other women here.  To him, sex was just another necessary
part of life, like air or water.  He was lounging in the fading glow of sunset
in his glorious human form.  He lay on his back with his eyes closed and his
head cushioned on his arms as if sleeping, but I knew that he rarely ever
slept.  And sleeping or not, he would sense my approach.

I sank down
beside him and ran my hand lightly over the crisp black hair on his chest.  He
sprang to life, rolling over and pinning me to the ground.  He kissed me
fiercely without speaking, his power hitting me like a drug.  I moaned softly
as red heat danced over my skin in waves.  Note to self: werewolf near the full
moon, definitely a good thing.  He nuzzled my throat playfully and I laughed. 
“Nice to know I was missed,” I said breathlessly.

He held me close
to him as he rolled onto his back again.  He continued to hold me to his chest
and I lay full length on top of him, listening to his heartbeat.  I closed my
eyes and sighed, matching my breathing to the gentle rise and fall of his
chest.  I drifted off to the sound of the forest around us and his warm breath
stirring my hair.

I stirred a
little while later, noticing that it was fast growing dark.  The air was taking
on a chill, and I shivered slightly as I sat up.  Christian slid over and lay
on his back with his head in my lap, looking up at the stars.  I ran my fingers
through his long, silky black hair as I looked around the glade.  Wolves had
been bringing wood to the center of the glade all day, adding a piece here or
there as they passed and there was now a huge pyre piled on the grass. As I
watched, a man knelt and lit the fire.  I could see bodies moving toward it in
the dark and I sighed at the beauty of it.  It reminded me of the ancient,
pagan roots of the people around me.  A wolf howled in the distance and I
shivered in delight.

reached up and caressed my face.  “Are you enjoying yourself, dear one?  Have
my people treated you well?”

I smiled down at
him in answer before leaning over to kiss his wide mouth.  I drew away slowly
and he sat up.  Standing, he reached down and took my hand.  “You are cold,” he
said softly.  “Shall we move to the fire?”  I nodded and followed him to the
blaze.  I could feel the heat of it from some distance away and I sighed in


grass mats had been spread out around the fire and we made our way to one of
these.  Dark had fallen, and I could feel the tension rising around me with the
moon.  I jumped when Lucy popped up at my side in wolf form, materializing out
of the darkness beyond the fire.  She changed to human form and laughed.

“Sorry to
startle you Mya,” she said sincerely.  “I forgot you can’t sense us.”  I didn’t
explain to her that I probably
sense her, if I had been trying. 
All things considered, it was probably better if the wolves thought Christian
had chosen me for my round ass, rather than my abilities.

The glade was
now filled with milling figures, the firelight glinting off shiny hair and
dully glowing skin.  Everyone was radiating power as the full moon began to
rise.  Some turned wolf and broke off into the woods to hunt, and I shuddered
at the fierceness of their power.  I wasn’t among people anymore.  These were
beasts.  I listened in wonder as several people by the fire began to sing,
their voices rich and mellow, and alive.  People began to dance around the fire
and I smiled into Christian’s sparkling green eyes.  This was wonderful.  It
was primal, strange, frightening, exhilarating, and wonderful.

Lucy took my
hand and drew me closer to the fire as Christian knelt on the mat.  I dragged
my feet, reluctant.  I had never been one for dancing, but her enthusiasm and
the blending of auras around me made me lose my inhibitions and I joined her,
swaying in time to the singing.  Our bodies brushed each other sensually as I
tossed my hair and glanced over my shoulder to find Christian watching us with
glowing eyes.

wickedly, I turned back to Lucy.  She saw where my gaze had lingered and smiled
in return, moving closer.  Our dance became more sensual and Lucy slipped her
arms around my waist, holding me lightly as I slipped a leg between hers.  My
hair brushed my bare shoulders deliciously, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the
feeling of her soft aura.  I could feel Christian’s power from where he
reclined on the mat, quite a distance away.  It pulsated against my skin,
almost overwhelming the other auras around us and desire rose up in me like a
physical force.  I had a feeling his power was affecting wolves around me as
well.  I lost myself to the sensations around me.  I realized belatedly that I
was getting high from the power around me, drinking it in like a drug.  I
really didn’t care.  It felt amazing.  Warm and safe.  I wondered if this was
why they gathered, to seek out the warmth of the auras of their pack mates.

A pair of larger
hands grasp my hips and my eyes flew open in surprise.  A warm, hard body
pressed against me from behind, swaying in time to our dance and I recognized
the feel of Alexander’s soft aura.  His hands rested lightly on my swaying hips
as he leaned in to nuzzle Lucy’s neck, his impressive erection pressed to my
behind.  I felt a hot blush spread over my face and was glad for the darkening
sky.  Grasping Lucy’s hand, he leaned in and kissed me on the shoulder before moving
away with her.  Lucy glanced from me to Christian with a nod and a knowing

The fire was
ringed with people now.  Some were dancing in small groups.  Others were in
various stages of foreplay or lovemaking.  The wild power lapping around me was
making me giddy.  I stifled my first wave of embarrassed self-consciousness. 
Tonight I wasn’t a woman.  I was a wolf.

I took a deep
breath and turned away from the fire.  I headed to our blanket, passing
Christian.  He sat watching me, surrounded by a ring of hopeful young women. 
He stood and followed me as I passed, as if he had been drawn into my orbit.

We reached the
shelter of the big pine and sank to the ground.  My eyes adjusted to the
darkness and I could just make out my surroundings, with the help of the
glowing fire behind us, and the bright moon above.  I glanced at Christian and
shivered.  His long, dark curtain of hair was shimmering in the moonlight, and
his eyes were glowing with power.  He crooked a finger at me and smiled
sensually, and I saw that his canines were elongated, glinting in the
moonlight.  I went to where he was kneeling, glancing up at the eerie full moon
above us.

He kissed me
fiercely, his hands caressing my hips suggestively.  I slid downward,  stoking
and teasing, and he ran his hands over my hips and back before burying his
hands in my hair.  He pulled me closer and I moaned, humming against his tight
skin as he slowly thrust himself deeper, making me take it all.  I relaxed my
throat and cupped his balls with one hand, making earning a deep groan of
pleasure.  I stroked him slowly from root to tip, pausing to swirl my tongue
around his huge shaft.

He pulled me to
him and kissed me, his tongue plunging and demanding.  He cupped my breasts,
trailing kisses along my throat and across my chest and I slid my hands through
his hair as he drew one tender nipple into his mouth, sucking aggressively. 
His hot, red aura was growing, lapping around us like molten waves.  I held
onto his muscular shoulders as on hand found its way between my legs.  He
stroked my clit rhythmically, drawing me to the edge as his wide mouth captured
mine, searching and plundering. 

He growled and
eased me onto my back.  He moved downward slowly, pausing to flick his tongue
over my nipples and planting soft kisses across my ribs and stomach.  I was
still riding a power high form all the auras around me, and every touch sent a
tingling jolt through me.  I met Christian’s heated gaze, and he smiled slowly,

He began to
pleasure me with his mouth and I dropped my head back to the ground and arched
my back, my hands slipping to his shoulders in encouragement.  His power
unfurled around us like a blanket of fire.  I moaned in pleasure and he moved
upward, sliding into me as I rode the waves of his aura.

He pulled me
over, rolling me on top and I straddled him as he caressed my breasts.  Bracing
myself, I leaned back to a sitting position, gasping as he lifted his hips and
plunged inside me.  His hands rested on the curve of my hips, guiding my
movements as I rode him slow and deep.

I moaned,
shuddering in release.  My body felt like it was glowing, and I collapsed
forward, kissing Christian deeply.  He rolled, flipping me onto my back, and I
let out a little gasp.  He leaned down to me and bit my neck hard as he buried
his cock in me in one long, hard thrust.  He sucked at my neck and I realized
with a start that he had broken the skin.  Pleasure rippled through me, laced
with his raw power and I gasped in surprise.  Wrapping his hands in my hair, he
pulled my head back, forcing me to look at him.  His eyes never wavered from
mine as he pounded me hard and fast.  I cried out, coming over and over again
as he took me harder and harder, until I thought I would melt, catch fire under
the force of his power.  Finally he thrust home one last time and held himself
deep inside me while he came, crying my name to the moon.


I woke in the
night as Christian gently caressed my body.  He had been out in the heat of the
hunt and I could smell the cool scents of the night on his skin as he drew me
close.  We were lying on our sides and he slipped into me from behind, reaching
around to cup my breasts as he moved gently inside me.  He took my earlobe in
his teeth and growled softly.  He made love to me again and again throughout
the night, and I fell asleep just before dawn, sore, exhausted and utterly

I woke again
sometime later, finding myself nestled warmly between Christian and Lucy.  So,
I hadn’t frozen during the night, after all.  In fact, I’d slept warm and
sound.  Seeing her sleeping face close to mine, I blushed faintly and turned my
head.  Christian’s green eyes met mine and he smiled, quietly laughing at the
sudden return of my human modesty.  Lucy stretched slowly and opened her eyes. 
Alex was curled up behind her in wolf form and her motions woke him from his
doze.  She gave me a shy smile before turning to wolf and they trotted off into
the woods.  I noticed that the grass around our little nest was flattened, and
knew that others had joined us in the night as well. 

I sat up,
propping myself on my hands as I looked over the clearing and watched the first
warm rays of light touch the trees.  Wolves were dozing in cozy heaps
throughout the clearing.  I turned to Christian to find him watching me with a
soft expression on his face, taking joy in my appreciation for his world.  I
leaned down and kissed him softly, surprised that I felt no regrets over the
evening’s revelries.

The rest of the
day passed in quiet relaxation.  The wolves had all spent the night hunting or
mating, or both, and as a result the atmosphere was one of quiet peacefulness
as everyone prepared to take their leave.  Everyone was radiating a kind of
euphoric relaxation.  I wished humans could reach that state.  Instead we wandered
around in such a state of tension and stress.  It was sad, really.  Christian
met with the pack’s second and third one more time before leaving, explaining
to me that he didn’t often make contact with them and wanted to ensure his
pack’s safety and well being.

This time the
men were all in human form.  Alexander had returned.  The young wolf must be
something special to be the third in command, when he was from human stock.  I
glanced at the man accompanying him, obviously the second in command, and my
breath caught.  I recognized him as Ivan, the other wolf I had met at the
mall.  I gazed at him in shock, my eyes darting back and forth between him and
Christian.  Now I knew why the man had hid his face behind his cap that day. 
Although he was slender and his facial features were more delicate, the bright
green eyes that stared back at me were twin to Christian’s.

“Alex, Ivan,”
Christian rumbled in greeting.  “You’ve met Mya?”  I swallowed.  Christian’s
son.  With everything that had been going on in my life lately, I hadn’t asked
him for details about his children.  It hadn’t even occurred to me.  The two
men nodded, and Ivan gave me a wry smile.

“Sorry I
couldn’t tell you,” he said, in his father’s deep bass.  “It was pretty obvious
you didn’t know what we were.  It would have been kind of hard to explain if
you saw the resemblance,” he shrugged.  I was still having trouble absorbing
the facts in front of my face, even knowing they were immortals, or close to
it.  Christian only looked a few years older than Ivan-which meant that his son
appeared to be the same age as me.

I arched an
eyebrow at Christian and he gave me a lop-sided smile.  “I thought human women
had an aversion to dating men with children.”  I laughed.

 “Um, as long as
you don’t want to call me Mom, I think we’ll be okay.”  Ivan’s eyes darted to
my neck and a strange expression crossed his face.  I covered Christian’s bite
mark, and averted my eyes, embarrassed.  He didn’t voice whatever he was
thinking though, and the three men were soon discussing the logistics of pack
life, while I had a breakfast of berries and set about folding up our blankets
and gathering the few things I’d brought with me.

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