Money Shot (9 page)

Read Money Shot Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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“Do you want me to fuck you?”


Oh my God, he had to ask? She was soaking wet, so very ready for him.


“Please.” She arched her back, pressing her cheek to the bed.


“Tell me.” His fingers brushed lightly over her ass, making her quiver. “Tell me you want it.”


“Oh my God, yes,” she insisted, reaching back with both hands, shoulders against the mattress, spreading herself for him. “Fuck, yes! Put it in me! Fuck me!”


He gave a low, throaty groan, positioning himself, the head of his cock at the entrance of her pussy. Jodie whimpered, wiggling, squirming back toward him, but he grabbed her hips, moving her own hands out of the way. His slide into her was so excruciatingly slow she thought she might pass out in anticipation. When he was fully inside of her, buried to the hilt, she sighed deeply, squeezing the walls of her pussy around his length.


“Fuck, baby.” His hands caressed her ass, thumbs spreading her, exposing her to his gaze. “You look so good around my dick.”


She half-smiled at the wonder in his voice as he slowly began to move inside of her, but soon she was lost in sensation, drowning in the thrust and growl and rut of him. The sounds of sex filled the room—his low grunts, her cries of pleasure, their flesh meeting again and again in the dimness.


“Oh Dorian,” she moaned, meeting him, grinding back, working toward her climax. Her fingers rubbed her clit from underneath, fast, faster, circling her orgasm in a quick moving spiral. “Fuck me hard! Harder!”


He gave a low grunt and shoved in deeper, pounding into her. Jodie whimpered and arched, spreading wider for his cock. Her whole body felt like a spring, tight, coiled, ready to pounce. Dorian’s fingers dug deep into her hips, bringing her to him with each thrust, impaling her again and again.


“Fuuuuuuuck!” He moaned, slowing for just a moment. Jodie’s fingers were a blur between her legs, thighs shaking with her impending orgasm.


“Fuck me!” she gasped, feeling the first spasm overtake her, like a tidal wave, she was drowning, going under. “Oh fuck! Fuck! I’m coming!”


He let out a low roar, thrusting into her so hard he drove her forward onto the round bed, fucking her deep and hard right into the mattress, filling her spasming pussy with a white hot eruption of cum, a geyser exploding in her belly. She closed her eyes as her body quivered beneath his, her muscles clamping down around his cock again and again, milking him with every velvet snap of her pussy as she came all over his cock.


Dorian groaned, collapsing onto her, and she welcomed the weight, the heat of him. He was still inside of her, still pulsing, and they stayed that way, breathless and panting, neither of them wanting to break the connection. When he finally rolled off her, Jodie turned, reaching for him, resting her cheek against his chest, both of them damp with sweat.


“So was it as good as you remember?” she inquired with a smile, her fingers moving through the hair on his chest.


“Far better.” His lips brushed her hairline. “But I knew it would be, the moment I kissed you.”


She snorted. “That was a ballsy move, by the way.”


“I was just helping a girl out.” He chuckled. “But then… my God, the way you responded…”


“Not my fault.” She flushed at the memory. “It was all that celibacy juice you had built up.”


“No. It was just you.” His hand moved in her hair, stroking gently. “That’s when I knew I was going to get lucky tonight.”


“Two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars lucky,” she reminded him.


“Not what I meant. I can afford to lose money.” He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “Some things are too precious to lose. And there are people in the world who know that… and people who don’t.”


“People who don’t.” She made a face. “Like Jason… and… what was her name?”




“I bet she’s kicking herself now that you’re a big shot, rich billionaire.” She touched her finger to his lips.


He smiled. “I was a billionaire when I was with her.”




“Did you send Jason that photo?” he asked.


“I did.” She was embarrassed to admit it, but she didn’t want to lie to him.


He nodded, satisfied. “Then he’s just starting to realize what a terrible choice he made.”


“He sent me a hundred text messages.” She rolled her eyes. “I think he’s more than started to realize.”


“You know, you still owe me a selfie,” he reminded her, arm tightening around her shoulders.


“Here? In bed?” She raised her eyebrows and laughed. “That’s a little much, don’t you think?”


“No, not enough,” he countered, nuzzling her ear. “We’re going to take a selfie of the two of us on a beach in Barbados.”


“What?” Her head came up like a shot, eyes widening in shock. Barbados? She couldn’t go to Barbados! She had work on Monday and…


And what?
What did any of it matter? She could call in. And there was nothing waiting for her at home, was there?


“You said, my choice, when and where,” he reminded her with a grin. “But first, after we sell your first edition Don Quixote for a cool million on Pawn Stars, I’m going to take my new little lucky charm gambling. Maybe we’ll get lucky again.”




But Jodie knew, sighing happily in Dorian’s arms, that there were no maybes about it.


She was on a roll.


The End





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Selena Kitt is a NEW YORK TIMES bestselling and award-winning author of erotic and romance fiction. She is one of the highest selling erotic writers in the business with over a million books sold!

Her writing embodies everything from the spicy to the scandalous, but watch out-this kitty also has sharp claws and her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

When she’s not pawing away at her keyboard, Selena runs an innovative publishing company ( and bookstore (, as well as two erotica and erotic romance promotion companies ( and

Her books EcoErotica (2009), The Real Mother Goose (2010) and Heidi and the Kaiser (2011) were all Epic Award Finalists. Her only gay male romance, Second Chance, won the Epic Award in Erotica in 2011. Her story, Connections, was one of the runners-up for the 2006 Rauxa Prize, given annually to an erotic short story of “exceptional literary quality.”

She can be reached on her website at

Selena Kitt Amazon Author Page


Want the HOTTEST reads around?





Ménage A Cowboy Part 1 by Jamie Klaire


Chapter One



I was
to be helping a mare birth a foal, but instead I was watching


He’d already lost his cowboy hat, placing it carefully, brim up, on a shelf just outside of the horse’s stall.


He’d also already lost his shirt. He’d stripped it off and tossed it, oblivious to the effect his bare chest and stomach had on me, so he could help my dad by shoving his fist and forearm up inside the ass-end of the mare, to help pull the mare’s struggling baby out after way too many hours of horse labor.


Yes, I knew it wasn’t technically the horse’s ass end. Well it
, but the tanned, muscular forearm in question was actually elbow deep in horse vagina, but still.


I watched in awe as the muscles on said forearm and bicep worked and pulled, trying to turn the colt, still deep inside its mother, into a better birthing position, so it could come out already.


Now forearms buried deep inside large horses was something I saw quite often, so that was nothing new to me.


new to me was the sexy man attached to this particular forearm.


I found my eyes traveling away from where the arm disappeared into the poor, struggling horse, and followed the line of the forearm up to the flexing bicep and strong shoulder the forearm was attached to.


Those strong shoulders had obviously lost shirts quite often around this ranch, I’d guess, judging by the deep tan kissing every visible inch of skin on the man. And those shoulders were attached to a finely sculpted chest, which sloped down to the tightest abs I’d ever seen before in my life.




His washboard stomach was graced with a dusting of hair trailing down, down, and disappointingly disappearing under his jeans, leading to what I could only imagine was...






I was snapped out of my fog by the sound of my father using
that tone
as he said my name.


That tone
meant that I’d been ogling this hot cowboy for a lot longer than was polite, and my dad had finally noticed that my attention was on the Greek God of a cowboy beside him, and not on the matter at hand.


But who could blame me, really? I’d seen a lot of cowboys over the years, and had gone on a lot of veterinarian calls with my dad, but let’s be real. Most cowboys
did not
look like this guy.


This guy was, well, look at him.


He’d twisted some, reaching deeper to grab hold of the colt’s legs or ass or something up inside its mother, and I watched as the muscles in his back fought and danced over themselves as he worked to turn the calf.


Golden skin highlighted each plane and curve, and my eyes followed that sexy line of his spine straight down, until the skin disappeared disappointingly yet again under those Wrangler jeans he was wearing so well.


At least from this angle though, I got to see the curve of the ass that was teasing me from under those tight jeans.


Damn, when cowboys look like this one, how exactly are you expected to not look?


His legs were long, lean but powerful, and ended in a pair of work boots covered in mud, dirt, and the fluid of mare pre-birth.


Fuck, he was one sexy cowboy.


“Grace!” Dad called my name again.


“What?” I asked, giving him a tone of my own.


I was trying to ogle a hot cowboy here.


“His hand is too big, we need yours. See if you can get up in there and turn that foal before we lose it.”


“I’m sorry, what?”


“You heard me. You’ve seen me do this a thousand times. Now it’s your turn. Jump in there and earn some of that college tuition I keep sending your way. You still want to be a vet, right?”


“Yes, but... I’ve seen it done, but I’ve never... I don’t even know what I’d be doing!”


“We’ll talk you through it,” the cowboy stated calmly.


Damn, even his voice sent shivers through my whole body.


“You’re Danny’s daughter, it’s got to be in your blood by now, right?”


The cowboy pulled his hand out of the mare and moved her tail aside so my hand could go where his had just vacated.


Uh, yeah.


I looked back and forth between them in a wide-eyed panic.


“Your dad says you’re going to vet school?”


“Not til fall. I just finished the four-year part, but vet school isn’t til August.”


“Well, you’ll have a jump on everyone else then, won’t you? Come on, I need those hands to save both baby and mama at this point. It’s only weird the first time, I promise.”


He said that last part with a wink and a smile, and suddenly I wasn’t quite sure we were still talking about horses.


“I’ve never done this before. What if I fu- mess it up?”


“Grace, just do it! Some things you can’t plan for. Some things you’ve just got to jump into and do your best.”


“But dad... ”


“Please, Grace.” It was the sexy cowboy this time.


“If you don’t, the colt will die. Maybe the mare, too. If you do, there’s a chance. What’s the worst that can happen with those odds, huh? I got her turned, but her one leg is stuck underneath her, and I can’t get under there.”


He pulled his arm out of one of dad’s huge gloves, covered with the slime from inside the mare’s body, and held it open in invitation.


“Your dad is right,” he continued. “Sometimes you’ve just got to jump in blind and see what happens. Are you a jump in and see what happens type, Grace? Or are you going to let two horses die?”


Actually, jumping in and seeing what happens was the opposite of everything I was. I was a planner. I was a run-every-possible-outcome-over-and-over-again, practice-and-weigh-the-risks-first kind of girl, but he had a point.


I mean when one option is that the horses die for certain, and the other option is that I don’t look like an ass in front of my dad and the sexy cowboy, while possibly saving the day, well I guess even a planner has to jump in at some point.


“Well, when you put it that way.”


I slid my arm into the glove he was still holding open for me, and marveled as it slid up to my shoulder.


I’d seen my dad do this more times than I could count, sticking his arm up inside birthing cows, horses, even a llama a time or two. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.


What the hell, let’s do this,
I thought, telling myself that the approval of this sexy stranger had nothing to do with it, and that my getting a jump on my approaching vet school classes, and the possibility that this might actually work, were the only reasons I pushed past the opening the cowboy nodded me toward.


“Nice and easy,” Sexy said. “Just slide it in there, feel around, and tell me what you find. Oh, and brace yourself for the…”


“Ow, what the fuck, holy hell... ”


“... the next contraction.”


“That is what a contraction feels like? I am never having kids. Ever!”


“That’s what a horse’s contraction feels like when it squeezes your arm, yes. Just hang on, it should ease. Then tell me what you feel.”


It was my dad’s voice this time, coming from over my shoulder as he watched what I was doing and guided me deeper once the contraction lessened.


I started to say something sarcastic to the cowboy about my dad, but something in the cowboy’s eyes stopped me.


He was looking at me so strangely. His eyes glowed, and this barely-there smile played just on the edges of his mouth as he looked into my eyes.


There was a knowing there, a quiet confidence that told me that not only could I do this, but that I’d actually enjoy it. That look held secrets, secrets I desperately wanted to be a part of, and secrets that I’d only be privy to once I pushed past my fears and inexperience, and took a chance.


I found myself nodding at him, wanting to be a part of whatever hid behind that secret curtain that was his gaze.


“God, what I wouldn’t give to be you right now.”


His words were quietly uttered but his eyes were intense.


“You have no idea what is to come, do you? You are so fresh, so blank.”


“I have my arm shoulder-deep in a horse’s hind end, for the very first time, and you’re talking in riddles. Tell me what to do!”


“Close your eyes.”


“You have got to be kidding.”


Dad spoke up then, “He’s right. Grace, close your eyes and listen to him. I don’t teach well, I just know how to do. I’ll make sure you ‘do’ correctly, but I’ve seen this man teach. Listen to him, and do what he says.”


“You are about to experience something amazing, if you’ll just relax and go with it. The first time is just... beautiful. Trust me, Grace. Can you trust me?”


“I don’t even know you.”


“That’s not what I asked.”


I looked at him, as the mare’s contraction squeezed the life out of my arm once again.


I’d read ‘All Creatures Great And Small’ as a young teen, trying to get a sense of what my dad actually did for a living as a country vet, and I’d seen my dad come home, day after day, sometimes joyous, sometimes despondent, after a day spent doctoring animals. When it came time to go to college and aim for a career, there had been no other profession I even considered.


I’d always wanted to be a vet, just like my dad, but at nineteen and staring vet school in the face, with my arm up a mare’s birth canal, I was suddenly reconsidering my life choices.

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