Money Shot (12 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

BOOK: Money Shot
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Chapter Four



Fuck, there she is.


Would you just look at that sexy, sweet ass?
I thought as she bent down to tend to the mare.


I tried to get over to the barn early today, hoping to be in and out of here before either she or Danny showed up, so I could avoid seeing her again, but it looked like she beat me here.


I watched her as she cooed to Silver, the mare she’d helped to give birth yesterday, as she examined the foal nursing on her.


My eyes followed every dip and curve of her body as she examined the pair.


Damn, she was sexy as sin.


I’d had my eye on her when she showed up with Doctor Danny yesterday. I’d heard he had a daughter in college, he talked about her every chance he had, I just never imagined she’d be so sexy.


Even her innocence yesterday before she jumped in and slid her arm up inside Silver was sexy. Those big, panicked eyes looking up at me when she realized that her smaller hands were needed to help the foal was almost comically funny, but what turned her from cute to sexy as hell, besides how she looked, was that she was willing to jump in there and try.


She never whined about her hair, or her manicure, a single time. Once she knew what had to be done, she stepped up and did it.


Now on a ranch, that was sexy.


Pair that with her pouty pink lips, her full, round breasts, and a set of hips that was just made for squeezing, and it had taken all I had yesterday not to flirt with her.


But it wouldn’t have been professional of me to hit on Danny’s daughter, so I held back. Professional courtesy, you know?


As one of the two owners of this ranch, fucking the vet’s daughter would probably complicate things afterward. And Danny was way too good of a vet to us to have to lose him because he was pissed off about his daughter’s purity or innocence or something. So even though it killed me to direct her into the main house for a shower when what I wanted was to personally show her to it, and help her rinse herself clean, I didn’t.


My brother on the other hand...


Fucking Adam. I swear that man had all the luck when it came to women. Even strangers fall to his feet in the hallway after a shower.


Adam never stopped to think about who she was, or what she was doing there, he just took what he wanted, when he wanted it.


Granted, Adam was also quite fond of sharing, and the two of us had been known to play that old twin game of switching girlfriends so we could each sample the other’s girl without them knowing about it. Sometimes the girls did know about it, and having both brothers seemed to fulfill a very naughty fantasy in a few women on occasion, but damn it, this time Adam had gone too far.


Accosting the daughter of our best vet was over the line.


Although, she didn’t look like she’d had any issues with being accosted when we came upon them in the hallway yesterday. Nope, she looked like she was enjoying herself very much, actually.


As pissed as I’d gotten at my brother, I actually had to admit that I was only a little peeved about the whole daughter of the vet aspect. No, if I was honest with myself, I’d have to admit that most of the irritation I’d aimed at my brother once Danny and Grace had left was jealousy.


I was jealous as hell that my brother had gotten to be the one to kiss her like that, all warm and willing, fresh out of the shower. I’d resisted making any moves on her, and Adam had gotten to have fun with her instead.


Of course watching her reach and bend right now, in front of me, as she wrapped up her check-up of the pair of horses, wasn’t helping matters in the slightest. Hell, my cock was getting hard just thinking about her showering in my shower yesterday, and watching her bend and twist right now in front of me.


Fuck. If I stayed here any longer I’d do something to her sweet ass that I knew I’d regret later, so I started to back out of the stall before she saw me. I could come back here and finish what I needed to do here later. What I needed to do right now was to get away from her before I was tempted to see what her lips tasted like for myself.


I stepped backward, intending to quietly disappear, but my elbow swung a little wide and knocked into a shovel that had been leaning against the wall just outside the stall.


I turned to catch the falling shovel, and right it before it crashed to the ground, and when I turned back I found myself face to face with Grace.


Well, kind of.


I must have startled Grace, because she was facing me, but over the rake she’d managed to grab and point my way when her instincts kicked in and she thought she may have to defend herself.


“Oh, it’s just you,” she said, as she lowered the rake and stared at me. “Wait, which one are you? There are only two, right? You aren’t a third brother sneaking up on me in the barn?”


I was so tempted to throw out the old, corny line, “I’ll be whichever one of us you want me to be, if it gets me a kiss.”


I swallowed the words instead, and for a second I almost pretended to be a third brother, just to have a little fun with her, but those words died on my lips as well.


I opened my mouth to say something,
but nothing came out. Getting caught staring at her, imagining all the things I wanted to do to her, had turned me into an idiot.


Gone was the authoritative tone I’d found with her yesterday as I guided her to do what needed to be done with the mare. What was left instead was a guy caught looking at her ass, who’d been too respectful of her and her father to do what I’d really wanted to do with her yesterday, and so I stood there glaring at her instead.




She must have taken my silence as anger, because she started to apologize in a fast, rambling stream of words.


“You’re upset. I can see that. You must be Scott, then. Look, I owe you an apology. Yesterday I acted unprofessionally. I was just so excited, you know? I never act without thinking, and with your help I was able to just jump right into something, for once. I didn’t have to pull up diagrams and waste time trying to figure out what Silver here needed from me. I just got in there and did it. And when I ran into who I thought was you there in that hallway, I wanted to thank you, that’s all.


I wanted to thank you for everything you did, and I was riding such a high from helping the horse, well, I hugged you. At least I thought it was you. That was all I’d wanted to do, give you a hug and thank you, for being there and letting me be a part of something so beautiful. Messy, for damn sure, but beautiful, and powerful.


I’ve always wanted to be a vet, just like dad. But wanting to ideally, and actually having my arm inside a horse, getting it crushed painfully with every contraction, it showed me what it’s really like. You helped me move from general knowledge to actual experience, and it was fucking amazing! Sorry. I shouldn’t say fucking. Look, there I go fucking up again. Shit, sorry.”


She stopped talking for a second, obviously as embarrassed, awkward and uncomfortable as I was, and I couldn’t help but to grin at her.


“And now you’re laughing at me. Perfect.”


This time I didn’t still the words that tried to roll off my tongue. Nope, this time I said exactly what I was thinking after her little speech.


“You thought Adam was me? In the hallway?”


“Well, yeah. Of course. I had no idea there were two ranch hands here like you. I was amazed at just the one of you, honestly.”


I grinned wider as she realized what she said and spots of color deepened the pink in her cheeks. I knew I should probably correct her first off, and tell her that neither Adam nor myself were ranch hands, since together we owned the place, but my attention was pulled more to her other comment. She said she was amazed that there was just one of us, and never expected Adam.


So, that meant that she thought she was kissing me. I got some of my teasing nature back, and added, “So, you thought you were kissing me?”


I saw her eyes widen and her chest catch as she realized what she just gave away. She licked her lips, then she bit the bottom one as she held my gaze. I could almost hear her ‘I don’t dive in’ nature drumming through her head, but with a small, shy, sly grin, she did finally admit it.


“Yes. I thought I was kissing you.”


Her admission hardened my cock and made my jaws clench with need. But as forward as my brother was, I wanted to tease her, to play with her.


“When you thought you were kissing me, did you like it?”


She swallowed, hard. Her eyes closed for a second, but she opened them again and admitted it.




“Say it all, let me hear it all.”


“Yes, I liked kissing you. Actually, I... ”


Her bravery faltered and her face glowed again with the pink shine of embarrassment.


“You what? What were you going to say?”


“I imagined kissing you, in the shower. Before I ran into you, or who I thought was you, in the hallway.”


“Is kissing me all you imagined in the shower?”


I was obviously pushing my luck, because she refused to answer this time.


“Am I making you uncomfortable?”


“A little. This isn’t... We shouldn’t be... ”


“We shouldn’t be flirting in the horse’s stall?”


“Any of it. It’s highly unprofessional. I should never have kissed you, well your brother. And no, we should definitely not be flirting. It’s not right.”


“Do you always do what’s right, Grace?”




Her answer was swift. Then I could see her replay the events of yesterday in her mind, and amend her response.


“Usually, yes.”


“What felt better, Grace? Doing what’s right? Or kissing my brother in the hallway wearing nothing but a towel?”


“I thought it was you.”


“I know. Answer the question, please.”


“The kissing.”


I smiled at her and pushed, “What would feel better now? Doing what’s right? Or kissing me here, now?”


I saw a flash of the spunk I’d seen yesterday as her first reaction was to blurt out, “I guess it depends. Do you kiss as well as your brother does?”


My cock hardened to rock-like thickness, and my heart pounded as I looked down on her and said, “I guess there is only one way to find out.”


Thankfully Silver and her foal paid us no mind as I stepped closer to Grace and took her in my arms.


Chapter Five


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