Modern Wicked Fairy Tales: Complete Collection (26 page)

BOOK: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales: Complete Collection
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Instead of meeting in the evening after
dinner as they usually did, Matt had applied for an all-day pass
and had taken her snorkeling in the morning—which of course meant
that she had to buy and wear a swimsuit, something that had
required a great deal of effort on her part. Matt had seen and
acknowledged her scar, kissing it gently, but hadn’t made a big
deal out of it and no one else on the boat had noticed—or if they
had, they didn’t say anything.

Then it was shopping and walking around
Lorient, where they discovered a gorgeous old Catholic church.
They, strangely, both shared a love for old cemeteries and had
explored the local island graveyard for hours. Matt had brought a
picnic lunch and they ate it in a local garden park. But dinner had
been on a tour boat just before sunset—she was still full of shrimp
and lobster and crab.

They were scheduled to go back to the
treatment center for their evening appointment, but Matt had
suggested stopping by his place instead, and…well, here they were,
standing on his balcony wrapped in each other’s arms, watching the
sun set over the horizon.

“I don’t ever want this day to end,” she
murmured, tucking her head under Matt’s chin.

He breathed deep, breathing her in. “Me

And then they were kissing themselves back
into Matt’s bedroom, all the way over to his huge king sized
—“What do you need a bed this big for?”—“I’m a restless
where they rolled and wrestled and tore at each
other’s clothes until they were sweaty and naked and desperate for
each other.

“Fuck me, baby,” she begged him, but he
wasn’t having it. Instead he rolled onto his back and pulled her in
until she was straddling his face, his tongue already practiced at
sending her quickly into orbit. She moaned and rocked and let him
lick her, lost in the sensation, pinching her own nipples, twisting
them to send white hot sparks between her legs.

Matt gasped in surprise when Rose
repositioned herself so she could suck his cock, her mouth covering
the fat, mushroom head, focusing her tongue there, around and
around while he teased her clit. He wasn’t so much licking her
pussy as devouring her flesh, burying his whole face between her
legs, arms wrapped tightly around her hips to keep her from
wiggling away.

“Matt!” she cried, trying to give him a
warning, maybe just preparing herself for the imminent. His fingers
slipped deep inside and he fingered her hard as he licked her, the
jarring of her pelvis exploding through her hips, making her pussy
clench. “Ohhhh yes! Baby yes! Gonna come so hard for you!”

And she did, pumping his cock in her fist
with the same rhythm, matching the intensity of the orgasm rolling
through her, every spasm pushing her further toward heaven. She
covered the head of his cock with her mouth, whimpering with her
climax, tasting his pre-cum, hungry for more.

“No,” he protested, grabbing her hips and
pushing her to the bed. “I want you.”

And then she was on her knees and he was
fucking her like a dog, his thighs driving her forward on the bed
with every thrust. There was nothing therapeutic about this, she
thought happily as she rubbed her still-throbbing clit, the sound
of their fucking filling the room.

She didn’t think she could come again so
soon, but Matt was an animal, taking just what he wanted, using her
pussy for his pleasure. The sounds he made, the low grunts and
growls, the way he grabbed her hair and pulled her back so he could
kiss her, shoving his tongue deep into her mouth, made her crazy
with longing.

“I’m going to come inside you,” he panted,
giving her a warning.

“Yessss!” she hissed, welcoming him with the
arch of her back. “Oh baby, please, come inside me! Come in my

That’s all it took, for both of them. Matt
grabbed her hips and pumped his cock in short, hard bursts deep
into her pussy, moaning long and loud, and she felt the first hot
blast of his cum rushing up the underside of his cock to explode
against her cervix. The sensation was surreal, completely out of
this plane of existence, and Rose felt herself flying right along
with him, the velvet walls of her pussy contracting around his
rigid, pulsing length with an intensity she hadn’t known was even
in the realm of human experience.

“Oh Rose,” he murmured, wrapping her in his
arms as they collapsed on the bed, him spooning her. “Oh god.”

“Thank you, Matt.” She smiled, eyes still
closed, as he took her hand in his, lifting her arm and feathering
kisses along the length of the angry, red scar. That horrible,
desperate day seemed very far away. “I don’t know what I would have
done without you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said softly.

“And here I wondered if I could do it
again…” She giggled lightly, wiggling her bottom back against his,
and in a sing-song voice, she said, “I can climax on a train and I
can climax in the rain and…”

Matt laughed, hugging her tight. “Girl, I’m
in so much trouble.”

“Why?” she inquired, glancing back at him.
He was smiling, but his eyes were serious.

“Because I don’t want to let you go.”

She frowned, turning in his arms, her
fingers tracing the sweet curve of his lips. “But you said…we have

“I know what I said.” He sighed. “And I know
what I feel.”

She pressed her forehead to his, knowing
exactly what he meant. “What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know.” He hid his face against her
neck and whispered, “I just don’t know.”

* * * *

“Hey girl, you got a visitor!” Kennedy poked
his head into her open door, his wide eyes thick with make-up. He
was going for the school girl look today, a blue and white plaid
skirt, complete with white blouse, navy vest and tie. Although he
had neglected to shave his legs or put on tights, and the pink
flip-flops he had on didn’t exactly match. “And he is

“Are you sure he’s here for me?” Rose paused
her game of
Angry Birds
—poor Matt never got to use his iPad
anymore—and started following Kennedy down the hall. None of them
except the chubby, adolescent looking Alex, had received any
visitors in the past month—and his parents had only stayed for a
few hours. There were heads popping out of the residence doors all
the way down the hall at the excitement.

“He said he
to see you,” Kennedy
informed her, pushing through the double doors.

“Oh my god.” Rose stopped, staring at the
man standing in front of the welcome station. “Sam.”

“Hi.” He came toward her as Kennedy slipped
back through the double doors behind her and she couldn’t do
anything else but let him embrace her, feeling the familiar shift
of his body, smelling the heady scent of his cologne. Polo, an old
standby. “God, it’s so good to see you. How are you doing?”

“Sam…” It was like she couldn’t say anything
else—couldn’t think of anything else to say. “I…Sam, what are you

He smiled at her, so warm and sweet. “I came
to see you, of course.”

“How did you know I was here?” She shook her
head, incredulous—but then she knew.

They both said “Poppy” at the same time and

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said,
glancing at the receptionist. “Go for a walk.”

It was a short distance down to the beach.
Sam’s hand found hers as they walked toward the water. The
shoreline was deserted here this time of day. This stretch of sand
belonged to the facility and, since it was nearly lunch time,
everyone was inside.

“God it’s gorgeous here.” He took a deep
breath, glancing down at her. “Are you loving it?”

“It is beautiful,” she agreed, adding
softly, “It would have made a great honeymoon spot.”

He stopped, taking her other hand and
looking down at her. “It still could.”

“…What?” His words wouldn’t register. The
surprise of him being there in the first place was enough of a
shock, but this? She’d thought, maybe, he’d come to apologize—but
to propose? that just wasn’t possible.

“Why do you think I’m here?” He smiled at
her stunned expression, putting his arms around her waist. She
registered the fact that he was going to kiss her just before it
happened, turning her head aside just in time, so his lips landed
on her cheek.

“I can’t even begin to guess,” she told him,
slowly extracting herself from his embrace. They stood there, face
to face, in the sand.

“Are you kidding me?” Sam’s brow wrinkled,
his eyes darkening. She knew the look well enough. He was getting
was getting angry?

“Actually I’m not,” she replied, trying to
keep her voice calm, even. “Sam, maybe you remember things
differently than I do, but you practically left me at the altar.”
She saw him wince and thought, maybe, she might be getting through
to him. “I was so devastated I tried to commit suicide.”

She’d never done anything like it before,
but she reached down, unbuttoning the sleeve of her blouse, so she
could pull back the material and show him her scar. He stared at
it, aghast.

“And for what?” she asked, feeling the
weight of her lies somehow being lifted off her chest as she spoke.
“Because I faked a few orgasms?”

“A few? Try all of them!” he protested,
nostrils flaring.

“So what?” she fumed. “It wasn’t about your
sexual prowess or the size of your dick. It was about me. It wasn’t
about you. Not everything is all about you!”

Then he said the words she’d been longing to
hear for months, although now, somehow, they didn’t mean what she
thought they would. “I’m so sorry, Rose. I overreacted. What was I
supposed to do?”

“Over…reacted.” She stared at him,

“I wasn’t thinking. I just…

“What were you supposed to do?” Her hands
were shaking and she hugged herself to still them. “You were
supposed to love me. You could have loved me enough to stay instead
of leaving.”

He just looked at her, but she saw the pain
in his eyes, knew she’d somehow gotten through to him. It was
little consolation.

“Look, Sam, I’m sorry you came all this way
for nothing.”

He frowned, shaking his head. “You really
don’t want me here?”

“No,” she said softly. “I really don’t.”

“I do love you, Rose.” He took a step toward
her, but she backed away.

“And I love you, Sam,” she told him. “I’ll
always love you. But sometimes love just isn’t enough.”

He turned to look out at the water, hands
shoved into his jeans pockets, looking morose. “Well… this is
awkward.” He looked over at her and half-smiled, trying to make the
best of it. “Can I least take you to dinner?”

“Actually, we’re having a special farewell
dinner tonight,” she told him. “Tomorrow is our last day.”

“Okay then…” He shrugged, turning and
starting to walk back. She followed. “I guess I’ll just go see if I
can get a standby flight.”

“Listen, thanks for coming all this way,
Sam,” she said as they neared the doors. “Thanks for thinking of

He stopped, looking down at her. “I pictured
this happening differently.”

“Yeah, well, life is never picture perfect,
is it?” She offered him a small smile.

“Have a good life, Rose.”

She let him hug her, but again turned her
head when he attempted a kiss. “You too, Sam.”

He drove away in a little rental car, giving
her a brief wave, and she marveled at her own lightness. She was
sure, with a good running start, she could actually fly. Never in a
million years would she have believed that could have happened.
Confronting Sam? Rejecting him?

He’d been the only thing she ever wanted—but
he just wasn’t enough anymore.

Kennedy poked his head out the door.

“Well what?” She snorted, letting him drag
her back inside. “Hey, I’ve got some wax—do you want to borrow some
for your legs?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Is that a

“Just a suggestion, sweetie,” she told him,
but he wasn’t having the distraction.

“Was that your boyfriend?”

Why not be honest? “Ex-fiancé, actually.”
And then she saw Matt, standing by the welcome desk, watching her.
The look on his face made her heart stop. He knew Sam had been
here, that much was obvious. Had he seen them together?

She approached cautiously. “Hey.”

“Hi,” he said, handing something over to the
receptionist, not looking at her.

“Awkward,” Kennedy whispered under his
breath, turning to Rose. “Okay, well, stop by my room. We’ll talk.
Besides, I want to borrow that wax.”

“Okay.” She smiled as he disappeared down
the residence hallway.

Matt crossed his arms, looking at her.
“So…that was Sam?”

“You just missed him,” she said. “He’s
flying back to the states.”


She hid a smile. “Are you jealous?”

“No.” His jaw tightened. “Yes.” Glancing at
the receptionist—she was on the phone but they both knew she was
listening to every word—he took Rose’s elbow and steered her away
from the desk. “Can we take a walk?”

“Sure.” She felt a sense of déjà-vu as Matt
led her down toward the beach. Same beautiful setting, but with an
entirely different man. Everything she had felt walking down to the
shoreline with Sam was reversed with Matt.

“So you’re going home tomorrow,” he

“I know.”

“And I shouldn’t say this,” he admitted,
turning to take her into his arms, something she’d been hoping,
waiting for. “But I don’t want you to go.”

“Me either,” she breathed against his neck,
feeling the long, lean heat of his body against hers. She slipped
her arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his shoulder, and
smiled. “But I’m afraid my father isn’t going to pay for another

He kissed the top of her head. “You know
what I mean.”

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