Modern Wicked Fairy Tales: Complete Collection (25 page)

BOOK: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales: Complete Collection
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“How are you feeling?” he asked her, kissing
her shaved mound, the soft press of his lips making her shiver.

“Scared,” she whispered, her thighs tense,
her belly quivering. “Excited. I’m afraid it won’t happen. I’m
afraid it will.”

“It doesn’t matter,” he murmured, kissing
all around her cleft. “Just let yourself feel the pleasure of this
moment.” He touched her clit with his finger, nudging it back and
forth. “And this one…” And then he was kissing her clit, just his
lips brushing it. “And this one…”

“One moment at a time.” His tongue, oh god,
his sweet tongue, flicking at her sensitive clit. Rose whimpered,
her hips shifting to give him better access. “Orgasms don’t
matter,” he told her in between soft, slow licks.

She giggled. “Your reverse psychology is
showing, Dr. Matt.”

“Orgasms don’t matter,” he repeated and then
made his tongue flat, pressing against her clit hard, then soft,
then hard again. “Pleasure does. If it stops feeling good, if you
start tensing up, getting scared, tell me…”

“Okay,” she breathed, closing her eyes.
“Right now it feels fucking fantastic.”

His only response was to focus on the job at
hand, his tongue moving back and forth, around and around, teasing,
driving her crazy with pleasure. Rose let her hands wander down,
feeling the soft, dark hairs curling at the nape of his neck,
guiding his mouth, shifting her hips.

“Like this?” He moved his tongue in long,
slow licks against the side of her clit.

“Nooo,” she whispered, rolling her hips.
“Circles. Oh yes, like that! Faster! Ohhh!”

He stayed right there, doing just what she
told him, and the feeling shifted from pleasure to almost pain. She
felt on the verge of something delicious, her nerves stretched
taut, her breath coming fast and hot, but every time she came near
the edge, she’d get scared and back off again, afraid to fly. Then
a sort of numbness would set in for a moment until the cycle
started all over.

Matt’s fingers replaced his tongue so he
could ask, “What is it?”

“I’m worried you’re going to stop,” she
admitted, quivering. “I’m afraid it will take too long. I’m afraid
you’re bored. I’m wondering what you’re thinking…”

“I can assure you that I am
bored,” he replied. “You taste so good, god, Rose, I could do this
all night long.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“Oh I’ll keep it, believe me.” He chuckled,
flicking her, teasing, with his tongue, but his fingers never
stopped rubbing her, keeping her engine fully revved. “As for what
I’m thinking… I’m not. My cock is so hard it hurts.”

She groaned at the thought, aching for him.
This was the point where she always insisted on pleasuring him, not
being able to stand her own, but Matt wasn’t having it.

“I told you, I can stay here all night.” His
tongue was making those sweet, hot circles she loved. “What happens
when you touch your nipples?”

Rose did, thumbing the hard points on her
chest, feeling the sensation between her legs increase tenfold. She
moaned softly, closing her eyes, lifting her hips to his eager
mouth. The sound of him eating her pussy was heady, the low growls
and sweet smack of his lips against her flesh making her flush with

“That’s so good,” she gasped, feeling his
fingers slipping into her, probing gently. The sensation increased
again, making her tremble.

“Oh Matt. Oh no. I can’t. Please.” He didn’t
stop and his greedy, eager persistence gave her permission to
thrash on the bed, as if she was trying to escape something.

“Noooo,” she wailed, eyes squeezed shut
tight, feeling that slow numbness creeping in, her body

“Shhhh,” Matt murmured, rubbing his cheeks,
his lips, over the swollen wet flesh between her thighs. “Easy.
It’s okay.”

“Don’t stop,” she whispered, meeting his

“No.” And he didn’t, staying focused, his
whole mouth covering her mound, his tongue circling.

“Yes,” she cried, squeezing her breasts,
tweaking her nipples, knowing this feeling, nearing the edge of
darkness, afraid to jump. “Oh god. Oh god. That’s…ohhhh…Matt!”

“Mmmmmfffff,” was all he could say. She had
both hands buried in his hair now, grinding her pussy up against
his face. She wanted it so much, and yet still, it eluded her.
There was no making it happen, no willing herself to come. There
was nothing to do.

“I give up,” she cried, feeling tears
stinging her eyes, falling down her temples. “Oh I give up, I give

Matt’s tongue slowed a little but he didn’t
stop, his hands holding her hips as she stopped thrashing, her body
growing still. The sensation between her legs had moved off into
nothing, nothing. It was never going to happen. Even here, with
Matt, sweet Matt, who wanted nothing more than to please her, to

“Ohhh,” Rose breathed, feeling a little
flutter as his tongue flicked at her clit. “Oh Matt…mmm.”

Her lungs pulled at the air, deep, gasping
full breaths, as if she were her own center of gravity, pulling in
the tides like the moon. It came like a whisper, not a bang, like
she imagined the universe must have begun—a sweet, lovely surprise,
an opening in the whole fabric of the world. Her body trembled,
clenched, and then fluttered with release, again, again, again.

“What…was…that?” she gasped, sitting up on
her elbows and staring at him with wide-eyed wonder.

“What did it feel like?” He lifted his face,
glistening with her juices in the lamplight, and grinned.

“An orgasm?” She blinked. “I think…I think
that was an orgasm.”

“Well, let’s do it again to be sure…” He
covered her with his mouth and she squealed and wiggled, rolling
away, finding the tender flesh between her legs far too sensitive
to be touched so soon.

“Matt…” She sat up fully, staring at him,
incredulous. And she burst into tears.

He gathered her into his arms, rocking her
on the bed, letting her sob. It felt more like vomiting than
crying, as if a huge, uncontrollable force had taken over her body,
tossing her about on its whim. And still Matt held her. He didn’t
quiet her, he didn’t tell her to stop, he gave her no platitudes.
He just held her until it had ebbed and she had been reduced to a
puddle of fluids in his lap, her breath hitching like a
five-year-old after a tantrum.

“I didn’t know it would be like that,” she
said finally, accepting the t-shirt he offered so she could wipe
her face. She knew she must look awful—red nose and puffy eyes—but
Matt gave no indication, his hand stroking her hair, down her back,
a soothing, calming motion. “Is it always like that?”

“Kind of.” He smiled, his fingers lightly
trailing over her shoulder, giving her shivers. “I imagine,
considering the blocks you’ve had, that you won’t soon forget this
orgasm, even if you have a thousand more.”

“A thousand!” She gulped, sitting up to look
at him. “What if I can’t do it again?”

He laughed. “It’s like riding a bike.”

“Which means we should practice,” she said
slyly, sliding her hand along the inside of his thigh. His cock had
gone soft but it responded nicely to her touch, swelling in her
fist as she squeezed and rubbed it. “A lot.”

“Indeed.” He kissed her and she could taste
herself in his mouth. His face was just covered with her juices and
he moaned softly as she used her tongue like a cat to lick along
his jaw, over his chin, the taste of her pussy exciting to her.
“Rose, you’re so sexy, I can’t stand it.”

“I bet you say that to all your clients.”
She giggled as he kissed her down onto the bed.

“Actually, you’re my first. I was trained as
a sexual surrogate, but I’ve never…practiced…” He groaned when she
caught him in her fist, pumping him against her hip.

“Wow, you’re my first… and I’m yours.” She
felt how stiff he was, thick and throbbing in her hand, and she
moaned softly at the sensation when she slipped him up and down her
shaved cleft. “You ready for some more practice?”

“Definitely.” He slid inside of her in one
slick, fluid motion, both of them shuddering at the delicious
sensation. He paused to kiss her, his tongue delving into the sweet
crevices of her mouth as he began to move, nice and easy, his hips
barely shifting between her legs.

“Mmm.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“That’s nice.”

He groaned. “That’s an understatement.”

She let him just fuck her, slow and lazy,
his breath hot in her ear, sending little shockwaves down her
spine. The sweet throbbing of her orgasm had long gone, but she
wasn’t thinking about that. She wasn’t really thinking about
anything—she was just soaring, wrapped in Matt’s arms, rocking to
his rhythm, loving the feel of him inside of her.

Matt slowed, panting in her ear, waiting for
his breath to slow before he told her, “It can take a long time for
some women to experience a climax during intercourse. Some women
never do.”

“I don’t care,” she whispered, cuddling him
against her breasts, whimpering when he licked first one and then
the other. “I just want you.”

“You can touch yourself if you want,” he
reminded her, sliding one of her hands down between her legs. She
could feel the place where they were joined and glanced down as he
propped himself above her so she had more room to maneuver. “And
it’s kind of hot to watch.”

“Mmmm, it is,” she agreed as he started to
move. Watching his cock disappear into her pussy was a delicious
thrill and she slid her wet fingers through her slit, finding that
sweet spot. She’d never masturbated during sex before. She didn’t
ever have orgasms anyway, so what was the point? “Oh yes… ohhh god…
ohhh! That feels really good!”

“Then don’t stop.” He moved a little deeper,
a little faster, giving her more of his cock with every thrust,
keeping himself propped over her, his knees on the bed, his thighs
pressing her wide, wider.

“It’s okay if you come,” she murmured, eyes
half closed with pleasure. “You don’t have to wait for me. I don’t

“I’m not sure I could stop if I tried,” he
panted, biting his lip, his face almost pained. “You feel so good.
God… so… fucking… good!”

“Are you close?” she whispered, watching his
face change, feeling his cock swell between her legs.

“Oh fuck,” he said between gritted teeth,
driving into her so fast he was moving her on the bed, sliding her
up toward the headboard. “Rose! Oh! God! Take it! Fuck! Take

She did, grabbing him in her hand as he
pulled out and thrust against the soft flesh of her naked vulva.
The first wave of his cum blasted over her fist, flooding her pussy
with incredible heat. Rose pumped him hard against her mound, the
head of his cock erupting again and again over her flesh, rubbing
in rhythm against her clit.

“Matt!” she gasped, wiggling her hips to
meet his. “Oh! Oh! Again! Ohhhhhh!”

And it was just as good the second time, oh
god, yes it was, her pussy clenching with each shuddering, ecstatic
wave. It made her head spin and her ears ring and her body tense
and release again and again until she was limp and whimpering
beneath him on the bed.

“See, I told you,” he panted, kissing her
cheek as he rolled to the side of her, pulling covers over them
both. “Just like riding a bike.”

“Only better,” she agreed, looking up at the
mirror over the bed—what did they usually use this room for, she
wondered?—seeing them cuddled together. She’d never seen either of
them look more relaxed or satisfied. Was that disheveled,
blissful-looking woman in the reflection really her?

“I think our time’s up,” Matt murmured after
a while, checking his watch.

“Don’t say that.” Rose sighed, closing her
eyes against his words. “It makes me feel cheap.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, squeezing an arm
around her shoulder. “You’re not.”

“Matt,” she whispered, looking up and seeing
him watching her in the mirror. She met his eyes and felt tears
welling. Normally she would have turned away, gotten up to go to
the bathroom so he wouldn’t see. Instead, she let them fall. “I
don’t want this to end.”

“That’s normal,” he murmured. “Learning to
trust someone isn’t easy, and letting go… it’s very hard. But I
promise, we’ll spend time easing into it. We won’t end it like
turning off a light switch.”

“What if…” She took a deep breath, turning
to face him. “What if I don’t want to turn it off at all?”

He lifted her hand in his and kissed her
palm. “We don’t have a choice, Rose.”

She buried her face in his neck, hating his
answer, but knowing he was right. This was temporary. He wasn’t
doing this because he loved her—he was doing this because it was
his job. She had to keep reminding herself of that fact.

“We’ll meet again tomorrow?” she asked.

“Yes,” he assured her. “In fact, I’ve got
something special planned for tomorrow.”

She smiled, cuddling as close as she could.
“Today was pretty special.”

“Yes it was,” he breathed, holding her so
tightly she could barely breathe. Not that she cared.

* * * *

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” Matt said it
like he was reminding himself, rather than talking to her, but Rose
didn’t answer him as he unlocked the front door of his bungalow and
invited her inside.

“Oh Matt, what a gorgeous view.” A door wall
in the living room opened up to a beach view in back. The sun was
just setting over the horizon, giving everything a warm glow.

“You should see it from the bedroom.”

“Okay,” she agreed, turning to see him
grinning at her.

“Race you.”

And they were off, Matt in the lead of
course—he was faster and he was the only one who actually knew
where he was going. But she was right behind him, giggling all the
way up the stairs and around the corner. They’d had the best day,
not just the best day she’d had at the treatment center, but maybe
the best day she’d had in her life. Ever.

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