MMF BISEXUAL ROMANCE: Phoenix Running (23 page)

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“Would you like something to drink?” He glanced at his watch. An hour tops, and he’d be leaving.

“A vodka, please. Thank you. I’m not here as some childish attempt to get back at Cee-Cee.” She trilled a laugh. “I’m pretty sure that’s what you assume.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve made it all but clear that that’s exactly why you’re here.”

“Phoenix, I’ve been following your career ever since you were elected to office, and I’ve been captivated by you. I'm familiar with your accomplishments, and I believe this town needs you. I have so much confidence in your ability because I’m your biggest fan. I guess you could say I have a schoolgirl crush.” She looked at him through lowered lashes, lips parted.

“How quaint,” he said dryly.

She dropped her smile but recovered quickly. “I admit that I’ve been catty with Cee-Cee but maybe that’s because I just can’t see why you’d waste time with a fake relationship for publicity when you deserve a very real relationship with someone who can make you happy.” She leaned toward him, the cloying scent of her perfume overwhelming, her cleavage practically in his face. He noticed she was wearing a red lace bra. On Cee-Cee, it would have been sexy. “Let me show you how happy I can make you.”

Gina dropped a hand onto Phoenix’s upper thigh and traced her fingertips higher. She put her lips close to his ear and pressed her breasts to his upper arm.

“You see, your little friend is running around making you look bad as she juggles you and Ashley Terrence. Have you seen the tabloids? People are wondering if she’s with you or him. Well, I’m here helping you win this campaign. Oh, I understand there’s sentimentality between the two of you. I know better than anyone that what you have with her is a sham, but there’s a friendship there.

“But in this game, you have to be real. Your constituents want to see real connection when you walk into a room with a woman. Because as much as they’re reelecting you, they’re putting your partner on the same pedestal. They can smell a fake from a mile away. Now, do you really want to add fuel to Buddy’s assertion that you’ve got something to hide?

“You don’t need a girlfriend to win this campaign, Phoenix. You need a wife. I want that honor.” She stared at him with chin high as if she had said something profound. He had to resist the urge to laugh.

Phoenix casually moved his leg and let Gina’s hand drop to the sofa. “You think that Cee-Cee and I are posing for the cameras? That’s where you’re wrong. Yes, she’s my friend, but she’s a lot more than that to me. Funny that you should say people can smell a fake from a mile away, with your false personality stinking up the place. Around me, you’re the perfect woman, but I suspect that’s because that’s what you want me to see. But do you really think the underhanded things you’ve been trying—like trying to take me away from Cee-Cee—actually make you look like the ideal girlfriend? You look desperate.”

“Call it what you want. I’ve told you how I feel about you.” She shrugged and let her sleeve drop down to bare her shoulder. He let his eyes rest on it. It was just a shoulder, reasonably shapely, creamy-skinned, but nothing special. Most of all, it was Gina’s shoulder, which made it by definition unappealing. “I’m sorry you’ve had to see me at my worst, but I’m trying to show you my best.”

“I’m not interested.”

“You wouldn’t know. You haven’t tried it.”

“I’m not interested,” he said, more firmly this time. This was getting really old. “As for the tabloids questioning which of us Cee-Cee is with, it’s none of their business or yours. I’m a very private man, but let me make myself clear. What I have with Cee-Cee is real. You can believe what the papers tell you or you can believe me, but what you’re not going to do is bother me ever again with this nonsense about a crush. I’d hate to see you lose that promotion simply because you can’t stick to your job.”

He dropped a few bills on the table and glowered at her. “I had actually considered spending some time with you in order break it to you gently, but you left me no choice.” She looked genuinely hurt. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand why. She was the villain in this picture. Cee-Cee had never done anything against the woman, but from what she had told him, Gina had been making her job hell ever since she got hired.

And now she was trying to coax him into dumping Cee-Cee for her? It was ludicrous. It was too much, and it needed to be nipped in the bud now.

Gina hopped to her feet and confronted him. “You owe me a chance, Phoenix. I set up that interview for you.” Her eyes flashed and he noticed how big her teeth were.
Damn, this woman reminds me of an angry animal
, he thought.
Even in a dress and heels.

“This was your chance. I was hoping you’d be a better person, but everything that’s come out of your mouth tonight, aside from insipid flattery, was bullshit meant to demean a person I care very much about, a person you yourself called my friend. So, what sort of person does that make you? Not someone I want to date. Damn sure not someone I want to marry. As for a date, drinks on me. Get whatever you want. Dance, flirt, I don’t give a damn. Just don’t call me anymore.”

He stormed away. He’d be calling Bryan as soon as he got back to let him know this time he’d rather do without an agent than to have Gina Lafitte on his campaign. It might hurt him in the long run, but he had to stand for something. There were some things more important than winning, and integrity was one of them.

Chapter 32

s soon as
she heard the car horn blowing out front, Cee-Cee grabbed her luggage and jetted down the stairs. Josey called out from the den, “You leaving?”

“Yeah, that’s them! Where are my babies so I can kiss them before I go?” She parked her suitcase by the front door and strolled into the den where Hailey was rocking in a swing and Joe was playing with toys on the floor. Josey was sitting on the sofa, knitting a receiving blanket of shimmery white yarn. She had clearly inherited their mother’s craftiness and sewing ability. “That looks adorable! Where’s Brett?”

“Upstairs packing. I hate to see you go,” Josey whined. “I wanted you to see the house.”

Cee-Cee giggled as she leaned over and hugged her sister. “I will, as soon as I get back. That’ll give you time to get things set up. I’ll miss you guys.”

“You’re going to be too busy doing grown up stuff to miss us,” Josey teased. Cee-Cee blushed and swatted at her because Winny walked into the den right as Josey said it. Winny snickered and shook her head.

“Well, you have fun out there and be safe,” said Winny.

Cee-Cee hugged her mom. “Tell Daddy I said bye. I’ll be back in a week, you guys!”

“And if he does propose to you, you find a way to call us and let us know!” Winny called after her.

Cee-Cee doubled over with laughter in the foyer and yelled out, “Mo-om!” She grabbed her suitcase and opened the door. There was Phoenix’s gleaming black Rolls Royce. The driver had already opened the back door for her. Taking a steadying breath, she marched forth to get her journey underway.

It was like a relationship milestone. She had never gone on vacation with a guy before, much less a cruise. Phoenix and Ashley were waiting for her in the car. Ashley leaned out and waved goodbye to Josey and Winny standing at the front door. Phoenix tipped his head in salutation to them, and the driver closed the car door.

“Are you excited?” asked Phoenix.

“Am I? I’ve got butterflies.”

Ashley stroked the back of Phoenix’s neck, which involuntarily made him shiver. “I’ve got velociraptors,” Ashley joked.

“Oh, do you? Is that contagious?” Phoenix kissed him gently and turned and kissed Cee-Cee as well. She giggled as desire surfaced unexpectedly within her.

“Hey! Can you two at least wait until we get on the boat?”

Ashley chuckled and reached past Phoenix to caress Cee-Cee's face. “You don’t know how much I’ve needed this. I’ve been the worst without you two, and now that I’m free as a bird and you two are busy all the time, it’s even worse. Don’t judge me.” He smiled and gripped his manhood. Cee-Cee’s eyes widened appreciably as she realized he was ready in more ways than one.

Phoenix kissed him again. “To hell with waiting until we get on the boat,” he murmured. He powered up the partition, and Cee-Cee lowered her inhibitions. His fingers clasped her knee and squeezed as he kissed Ashley.

Cee-Cee was glad for the tinted windows as they drove through her neighborhood and headed to the airport for the plane that would take them to their dock. She daringly slid off her panties beneath the short flower-printed dress she was wearing and reached for Phoenix’s zipper since he was the closest. She unfastened his pants and found his hardening manhood. She stroked it with her warm, soft fingers until he moaned and pressed his cock forward into her hand. Ashley broke the kiss with a moan and guided Cee-Cee’s other hand to his erection. Ashley’s cock was a little slimmer than Phoenix’s and a little longer, with an interesting bend to the left. Phoenix had one of those ramrod straight cocks, true as a rocket ship.
Of course he does
, she thought with a smile, and closed her eyes to enjoy the two silky weights in her hands.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she whispered. Phoenix kissed her.

“Just go with it.”

She set Ashley free, feeling her body respond to the teasing touch of Phoenix’s finger on her legs, trailing upwards to her core. “Uhn!” Her lips parted in a soft sigh, and she dropped her head back. Her fingers closed around Ashley again and she stroked. He gasped her name and closed his hand over hers. She felt his cock spasm and get harder.

Cee-Cee was mesmerized by the sight of him jerking in her hand. Ashley was so turned on that his face reddened and his pulse beat at his temples. He had his eyes squeezed shut and his beautiful mouth open. She wanted to satisfy him. “Have you missed me?”

“I’ve missed you so fucking much! Ah, Cee-Cee!”

Phoenix grabbed her and deposited her on his lap. He guided himself into her hot, receptive pussy with a guttural groan. As his girth stretched her, she whimpered with pleasure. He was deep inside her body. Ashley stared at where they connected as she continued to masturbate him. He watched Phoenix’s hard cock grow slick with her nectar.

Cee-Cee lolled her head back against Phoenix’s chest and stared at Ashley, her blue eyes alight with desire. There was invitation and promise in the gaze, and Ashley bit his bottom lip in anticipation. Phoenix grunted near her ear as he tried to hold back, but his body went tense with the effort. She felt her inner muscles ripple around his massive erection and each wave washed them in more pleasure. Phoenix’s nails dug into her upper hips as he stilled her. “Don’t move,” he demanded.

Ashley teased her clit with his fingertips, and Cee-Cee yelped in arousal. Her body reflexively jerked at the pleasure, just the right amount of action to take Phoenix over the edge of lust. He emitted a staccato burst of moans as his orgasm came hurtling to fruition. “Shit,” he whimpered through gritted teeth. “I’m about to come!”

He forcefully pushed her off of him, and she fell forward on her hands and knees with her heart-shaped ass in the air. He spilled his seed in warm spurts, letting his cock graze her thighs as he covered her buttocks with his ejaculate. Phoenix shuddered at the intense pleasure that rocked him and instinctively reached for Ashley, mouths clashing with hunger and passion as he poured out his seed on Cee-Cee’s perfect body. She reached back and stroked his jerking cock until the last drop spilled.

Phoenix slumped back when it was over. “That went way faster than expected,” he said sheepishly.

“My turn,” Ashley moaned. He needed it. Cee-Cee positioned herself astride and took him into her still throbbing body. She had been so close to climax. Ashley gripped her ass cheeks and let his fingers slip through Phoenix’s ejaculation. He brought the tangy spunk to his mouth and licked. “Mmm…you don’t know how badly I’ve wanted this.”

“Show me,” she coaxed. Her hips rose and fell in undulating waves, taking him in and out. She gripped her thighs around him and clenched his shoulders, riding him. Cee-Cee cupped Phoenix’s face and kissed him at the same time Ashley pulled her closer until they were crushed against each other, practically one. His forceful upthrusts did something to her body that made her shiver and moan uncontrollably. She whispered affirmations against Phoenix’s lips as she stared him in the eyes.

“I adore you,” he murmured, kissing her. “I’ve missed you.” She sucked his lips and pushed her tongue past his lips to taste the words. Phoenix ran his fingers through her hair and kept eye contact. “Get what you need.”

Ashley’s nails raked down her back, and his head lolled against the seat of the car. Cee-Cee tugged down her neckline and pressed her bare breast to his open mouth. Ashley obligingly suckled. Phoenix couldn’t resist joining in. They both sucked her breasts while Ashley’s long, curved cock expertly thrust her over the crest. She felt tendrils of pleasure tighten, extending from both breasts to her throbbing clit as her body tensed with yearning.

Cee-Cee bounced harder, faster, wriggling on his lap in a frenzy to be released, but Ashley tightened his hold until she couldn’t move. All she could do was sit still and take his punishing mouth and hammering cock. Her moans grew louder. Phoenix put a hand over her mouth, but she still screamed. She couldn’t help herself. It felt so fucking good! Like a gasket ready to blow, she felt full and ready. Then, the valve broke, and her body was set free, spilling her wetness into Ashley's lap as she came.

“Cee-Cee…baby,” he groaned, pushing her back on his lap and freeing his cock. Her silky rain splashed his manhood as he erupted. In wonder, Ashley stared down at the pooling liquid. She continued to squirt as the pleasure intensified and the orgasm spun out, refusing to end. Phoenix kissed her to silence her squeals of excitement. It had never been this intense. Ashley blinked, trying to stop the flashing lights and ringing in his ears. “Goddamn,” he moaned. Dropping his head back again, he struggled to catch his breath, and Phoenix slumped back beside him.

Cee-Cee dropped her head forward and snuggled closer to Ashley, not even caring that they had made a mess of their clothes. Phoenix chuckled and turned his body to face them, throwing an arm around them both. “What a way to start a trip.”

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