MMF BISEXUAL ROMANCE: Phoenix Running (18 page)

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Chapter 24

ee-Cee smoothed
her elegant dress and sucked in a breath to quell the waves of nervousness. “I hope this works,” she whispered. Phoenix nodded encouragement with a smile plastered to his face for the cameras. They stepped out onto the ballroom dance floor at the charity ball and flashes filled the room.

It was time to put the plan in place of being his pretend girlfriend, whether she liked it or not. She had to do this. No big announcement heralded them dating. All it would take was this and the next few scheduled appearances with Cee-Cee on his arm, and the media would handle the rest. She’d be cemented in the news as Phoenix Briton’s new boo.

She tried to keep her dazzling smile in place beneath the heavy make-up, but she didn’t even feel like herself. Inwardly, she groaned. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered. “There are so many people watching us. What if I fall? These heels are so high. I should’ve worn flats.”

Laughing at her outpouring of complaints, Phoenix twirled her around on the dance floor and kissed the side of her face. His warm lips elicited a pleased moan, soft and quiet. She wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck.

“Stop being self-conscious and enjoy yourself. Pretend it’s just me and you. Remember how it was when we were on the yacht? I made us drinks. We laughed and talked for hours, and then we had the most amazing sex. We had such a blast.” His fingers trailed down the outside of her arms and drifted to her waist, pulling her closer. It was an intimate dance move that made it apparent this dance wasn’t for show.

“Yeah, but it’s not just us here, and Ashley is missing,” she giggled. “Oh, god….my mom is somewhere out there thinking her prayers have been answered.” Phoenix looked around for Winny Carson. He thought she was darling, but that astute seamstress wouldn’t miss a thing. She might get her hopes up briefly, but she knew her daughter. Besides, with Ashley in the picture, chances were the Carson family was trying to figure out which of the men Cee-Cee would end up with.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about. At the end of the day she wants you to be happy, and you are…right?”

Cee-Cee closed her eyes and let the classical music wash over her. “Yeah. Surprisingly, I am.” She was. It was crazy. Between the two of her boys, she was kept entertained, and felt as cherished and satisfied as any woman could wish, but this new public element forced her to examine her stance on serious relationships. Lines would get blurred.

“Hold onto me, and I’ll do the rest, okay, babe?”

“Since when do we use pet names?” she chuckled. By this point, the floor had filled with other elegantly dressed women and men, and she felt less on display. She rested her face on his shoulder, inhaling his cologne. “Babe.”

my babe. And Ashley’s my dude.”

“Shh, someone might hear you,”’ she teased. He actually paused to look around and see if anyone was near. Cee-Cee snorted with laughter. She swiftly covered the sound, clearing her throat. “Phoenix the Paranoid, I was joking.”

“Hmph! See, we’ve been using pet names, Cee-Cee Cynical. Listen, after this dance, I’m going to introduce you to a few important people. I’ll feed you their names before you meet them. All you have to do is smile and be pretty.”

She did much more than that, however. When Phoenix paraded her around the ballroom, Cee-Cee engaged in conversations, talked about her app, and generally wowed those around her. Phoenix stared at her in wonder, thinking she made the perfect campaign companion. He’d have to convince her to take a more active role in his appearances.

They met with one of his biggest campaign donors. Phoenix introduced Cee-Cee, and the owner of Organic Eats smiled as he gave her a once over. “Who do we have here, Mayor Briton?”

“This is my partner, Cora-Lynn Carson. Cora-Lynn, this is Mr. Gary Penfield.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” She inclined her head slightly as she shook his hand.

Gary stage-whispered, “Dating or serious?”

Phoenix nearly choked on the champagne he was sipping, but Cee-Cee smoothly recovered for him. “Well, it depends on what you mean by serious. We’re seriously enjoying each other’s company. Phoenix is…everything to me.”

He gazed down at her and the way she looked at him made him believe her words were true, but this was just an act. Cee-Cee’s everything was her career. Phoenix fought the urge to kiss her anyway, let her know that he could be her everything.

Penfield chuckled and toasted to their health. “Oh, by the way, how’s your mother been, Mayor Briton? I haven’t heard from her in a while.”

“You know Lucy,” Phoenix murmured. “She’s always traveling. She’s been out in Vienna for the past few weeks.”

“Tell her I asked after her.”

“Will do, Mr. Penfield.” As Phoenix moved away from the wealthy couple, he smiled tightly, knowing anytime anyone asked about his mom, it was probably a jab, a soft reminder of the ugly past Wallace Briton had made sure no one would forget. He knew not everyone had been against his mother all those years ago when his father was disgraced for embezzling government money to indulge his high-priced mistress, but nearly everyone thought her a fool not to have known about it.

Sighing, he pulled Cee-Cee aside, tucking her under his arm. He wished he could spend some private time with her now. Just talking would be fine. She gave him a subtle strength, a feeling that things would be okay. “You’re a natural at this. I don’t know what you were worried about,” he said softly. Cee-Cee waved at Winny and mouthed to her mom that she would be over there in a second. Phoenix prepared himself to let her go. He couldn’t keep her hostage all night. She had rocked their first appearance together; he shouldn’t be greedy.

“It was fun. Now, let me go talk to my mom and dad. I’ll meet you back here in a few.” She pulled away and strutted confidently to her mother’s side, casting a glance back at Phoenix only to see him staring devotedly after her. Smiling to herself, Cee-Cee swallowed her rush of joy.

So many people had learned about her app tonight, and she was sure the download numbers would increase. With the new purchasable features she had added at Uncle Bryan’s suggestion, she was even making money off of NowIn. She had her best friend, her family and her business right where she wanted it. Only person missing was Ashley, and he was somewhere performing a show, or he’d be there too. On second thought, it was probably better that he wasn’t.

The three of them had a hard time looking like anything other than what they were when they really got going. It would’ve confused people instead of convincing them that she and Phoenix were really dating.

Cee-Cee breathlessly made it to Winny’s side. “Sorry it took me so long. He wanted me to meet a few people.”

“My baby, the mayor’s girl,” Marty beamed. She swatted at his chest with a sheepish laugh.

“Stop it. By the way, I talked to a few different people about the budgeting at the university and got some good responses.” Marty’s eyes widened, impressed.

“You really are making power moves.”

“And looking beautiful, if I may say so myself,” said Winny.

Cee-Cee tilted her leg to show off the elegant lilac dress her mom had designed and created for her. “All thanks to you. Either of you heard from Josey? I hate that we had to leave her home alone.”

“She sent me a text saying she, Brett, Baby Joe and Hailey are watching movies and enjoying ice cream. She’s fine, darling. Happy as a peach in summertime.”

“Speaking of eating,” said Cee-Cee, “I haven’t eaten all day, trying to be sure I wasn’t bloated when I got into this dress. I’m starving. I think I’m gonna go raid the refreshment table.”

“Well, you don’t have to babysit us, dear. We’re used to formal parties. Go ahead and spend time with Phoenix while you can. I know he’s been busy lately.”

Cee-Cee hugged them both and scurried off to the long tables lining the wall, which were loaded with scrumptious treats. She picked up a plastic dessert plate and eyed the selections. Gina Lafitte sidled up to her, but Cee-Cee didn’t notice until the catty co-worker stepped right in front of her, blocking her view of lovely little pink, yellow and mint green petit fours, iced to look like tiny gift boxes. “Having fun?”

“Gina,” Cee-Cee muttered the name in disgust. She sighed, knowing she was in for the usual attack. “Is this really the time or place for your jealous act?”

“I see you got just what you wanted. I knew all along you were sleeping with him. But look at you, being a big girl, shooting for more than just Uncle Bryan’s flattering comments at PR-ISM. You’re officially the mayor’s girlfriend. How does that make you feel?”

“I’m sure I’m feeling more self-confident than you or you wouldn’t be here nitpicking. Gina, honestly, it’s time you give this feud a rest. I am not standing between you and the promotion you want.”

“You still think this is about a promotion?” Gina leaned closer and whispered directly next to her ear. “Cora-Lynn, I don’t like you. You represent everything that is wrong with your generation. You think shit is supposed to fall into your lap just because you want it, and the world is proving you right for the time being, but keep living long enough and that pretty face won’t get you your way. You’ll find out getting places takes genuine hard work.”

Cee-Cee slammed the dessert plate back on the table. “I have worked my ass off for everything I have. Nothing has fallen into my lap. You’re a riot. You accuse me of doing exactly what you’re doing and thinking exactly like you think, but Gina, the problem with your generation is that you can’t understand how people like me do what we do. It’s called working smarter, not harder.”

“You’re not smarter than me.”

“I developed what’s about to be the most downloaded app in the nation. Come again?”

Gina laughed in her face. “If you were smarter than me, honey, you’d be capitalizing on that out there.” She hiked a thumb in Phoenix’s direction. “You’d do everything you could to keep him in the palm of your hand because that’s your ticket out. But you’re not going to do that. You have too much confidence in yourself. So, congratulations on your most downloaded app in the nation. I’ve still got my eye on the prize.”

Gina sauntered away, heading to Phoenix’s side. Cee-Cee stood back and watched in disbelief as the woman openly flirted with Phoenix, and although he didn’t invite or respond to her advances, Cee-Cee felt a rush of fury flow through her at Gina’s audacity.

She forgot about petit fours and marched over to them. Smiling tightly, she nudged Gina out of the way. “Thanks for keeping him company for me. I’ve got it from here.” Cee-Cee stared at the woman pointedly, and there was nothing Gina could do but drift away as if she had better things to do . People were watching. Cee-Cee knew Gina was the slinking snake who did things in the shadows. She wouldn’t want a showdown in public.

Phoenix’s hands massaged her tense shoulders as he ushered her back to their quiet corner. “You alright?” he asked.

“That bitch is really getting under my skin. At first I thought her antics had to do with her trying to get a promotion, or at least that’s what she said. But now she’s making it clear she’s coming after you.”

“Oh, really?” At her words, Phoenix absently adjusted his tux with a smile toying at his lips. “Do I detect a hint of possessiveness?”

Cee-Cee rolled her eyes but didn’t deny it. “If I’m supposed to be your public girlfriend, I’m not about to have her making me look like the jilted idiot, backing ‘my man’ while he flirts up half the town. I’m not having that.”

“I’ll take care of it,” said Phoenix. He collected her hand and rubbed his thumb along her palm to calm her down. “She won’t continue to bother you as long as I have a say in things.”

onday evening
, the day after the charity ball, Phoenix entered his office and received a shock. He stared at the woman sitting at his desk. Gina Lafitte had her legs crossed at the ankles and her feet propped up, one of his cigars in hand and two drinks fixed. It was late in the evening. Why was she here?

“I was expecting you a little sooner. I’ve been waiting for you all evening,” she purred, smiling at him seductively.

“More PR-ISM business, I take it,” he murmured as he closed the door. He locked it behind him. He didn’t need anyone coming into his office and getting the wrong idea. “May I help you with something, Ms. Lafitte?”

Gina slid his glass closer. Phoenix eyed it but ignored it. Her red lips curved upwards. “I just wanted to celebrate your brilliant job at the charity ball a few nights ago. You were marvelous, Mayor Briton.” She rose and shimmied to let her short skirt drop an inch or two. Her manicured nails slid along the collar of her blazer as she eyed him with a seductive gaze.

“I’ve already celebrated, but thank you for considering. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He turned away from the desk and made a show of taking off his coat so he could get to work. She didn’t take the hint and move away from him desk. Phoenix sighed. This rivalry she was trying to keep alive with Cee-Cee was getting old.

“Oh, don’t be like that!” Her trilling laughter grated. “I’ve been trying to get next to you for weeks. I know you’ve noticed. Stop playing hard to get and just get hard.” Her tongue pressed against her white teeth behind her red lips, and Phoenix struggled to be cordial. She stepped closer and touched his chest.

“Maybe you should just tell me what it is that I can do for you so we can stop finding ourselves in these embarrassing little situations, Ms. Lafitte. It’s tedious.”

“I want you.” Her simple statement did nothing to turn him on. In his mind’s eye he saw Cee-Cee, and this woman was no comparison. He gently pushed her away.

“I’m not interested. I’m going to have to ask you to stop sexually harassing me before things get ugly. I’ve made it clear I don’t welcome your advances. Let’s keep this professional, shall we?”

“Nobody has to know about it but us. That’s professional.”

“Okay, I’m trying to be nice, but I see that’s not working. You’re aware that Cee-Cee and I are dating. This thing you’re trying to keep up. It stops now. Don’t bother her. Don’t even talk to her unless it’s about work. Same for me. You need to leave.”

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