Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1)
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"Yeah," I said slowly. "I have."

"And how did you get past security there?" Oh, I'd walked into that one, hadn't I?

"I had help," I answered succinctly, hoping he'd pick up on my reluctance to add anything else.

"And you didn't want to use that help tonight?" Where was he going with this?

"No. He's hard to get hold of and I... I would prefer not to use him again if I can help it."

"Him?" His voice was flat. "Have you called on
help before?"

"Why are you asking all of this?" I frowned at him, but he didn't look at me, just resolutely stared face forward.

"Just trying to see where I fit in all of this," he replied, not making any sense at all.

"I told you, I need someone to deal with the alarm, so I can do what I do undisturbed."

"And what is it that you do, Gigi?" This time he did look at me and the look was one I'd seen before. Samson at his most charming, capturing you with his wide smile and warm gaze. I blinked several times to break the
Sanguis Vitam
trap he'd laid. Did he really think I was that easy?

I let out a shaky breath, this had been a mistake. How could I function with him this close, with him knowing exactly how to get a desired response from me? He knew how to push every single button I had, and he was merciless in his attempts to make me fall. His goal this time to know why I was the one to be doing this, why Jett had tasked me with this dangerous job. A part of me was bitter that this was the reason he was going to such lengths to ensnare me, when previously his efforts had been to get me into his bed. And then I was just plain angry with myself for wanting something I had no right to want anymore.

I locked my lips shut, my jaw set hard and folded my arms over my chest. He could wrap me in as much of that beautiful
Sanguis Vitam
as he wanted, I would never tell him my secrets ever again.

A few seconds later he brought the Land Rover to a halt and said quietly, as though he didn't want to set off a ticking time bomb, "We're here."

I glanced out the window and tried to get my bearings. The numbers on the apartment letterboxes not matching Alison's at all.

"I've parked down the street," Samson said, his voice dry. "It's not generally a good idea to park directly in front of the building you intend to illegally break into. But if you think you have a better approach, I'm all ears."

I smiled to myself as he got out of the car. Samson had two distinct facets in his approach to get you to interact. Charm laced with
Sanguis Vitam
. And challenge dripping in sarcastic reproach. I guess we'd progressed to the latter.

At least
didn't make my heart flutter and my toes curl.

I could work with this.

Chapter 14

I took a deep breath in through my nose once I was standing on the sidewalk. Samson's clean pine needles and musk scent almost overshadowing everything else I could smell. It took a while to form a barrier to it and allow myself to pick up the nuances of other scents on the air. There was no obvious signature scent nearby. It was early evening and people would be coming and going from the apartments that graced this street. We'd have to blend in or hide.

I had no intention of using the shadows this evening, not with Samson at my side. I couldn't afford for anyone to know that talent. It was the one thing that could save my life when push came to shove. Sure, Aliath knew, but there was nothing I could do about that. As far as vampires went though, this secret would stay with me to the grave.

I rolled my shoulders and prepared for what lay ahead. Those scents on the air were fading, no pertinent emotions or signatures remaining that would help. With that assessment done, we walked side by side towards the apartment building, neither of us having to voice our intentions. Samson was obviously of the same mind as me, we'd act as though we belonged here. The apartment building was big enough for us to get away with being considered new residents if we bumped into a neighbour as we walked in.

Of course, I hadn't counted on there being a doorman/guard, but he was human at least. Still, it did make me think cameras were no doubt going to be prevalent in a building with this level of security. We'd have to erase our presence and maybe gaining access to the tapes would be a good idea. Which reminded me that Aliath still had the SubZero head office tapes to view too, if I couldn't get them from Mark later tonight. I wasn't counting on that though, so the fairy and I would have to meet again soon. A chill ran down my spine at that thought.

Samson took point as we entered the building's lobby, I'm not sure why, but I let him. I had switched into hunting mode as soon as we crossed the threshold. Not just the
side of me taking in every scent available, but the Nosferatin also joining in on the fun. I was focused on the goal and using Samson in any capacity to gain that objective was quite all right by me.

He glazed the guard into ignoring our presence and then had the forethought to request keys to Alison's apartment. The guard handed over a set of master keys without hesitation and then decided now was a great time to take a cigarette break and walked out the front door.

"We've got about fifteen minutes before that wears off," Samson said, heading towards the lift, his body tensed and on high alert.

"Is it still considered B & E if we have keys to the apartment?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood as the lift smoothly rose up to the fourth floor.

Samson's lips twitched slightly at the corners. "I don't think the police would differentiate between a crowbar and a set of stolen keys."

I nodded, uncomfortable with where my life had taken me. "I never thought I'd be doing something like this." I'm not sure why I admitted that, opening up to Samson was not part of the plan, but his closeness in the elevator, his scent wrapping around me - so familiar, so perfect - just made my body forget. Forget about what had happened in the past. Forget about me not trusting him anymore. It was dangerous to be this close to him. Dangerous and stupid.

He didn't reply, I think he knew I regretted saying it. Samson could read me like a book. I licked my lips as we exited the lift and took in the plush surroundings of the hallway we entered. Thick royal blue carpet, silver accents on the wall, artwork that shouldn't exist in a public access-way. There were only two apartments that ran off this landing, each one sharing the opulence as one.

I've been in a few apartment buildings in Auckland, we don't have many that would rate this level of style and grandeur. This was out of my league. My apartment complex was clean and well maintained, with a modern black and white interior design. We didn't have a doorman or security cameras. We had open, uncluttered spaces and bright lights. And at least eight apartments per floor. This building was low density and high rent. It wasn't for me. Even if my father would have liked to have seen me housed in such a place, I'd take my Greys Ave apartment over this showy and ostentatious environment any day.

Samson didn't waste time unlocking Alison's apartment door silently and as soon as it was open I took a deep breath in to ascertain there were no occupants, while he worked quickly on the alarm. He pulled a small screwdriver out and quickly undid the front panel and then with a few muttered words he set to work with a small electronic device attached to exposed wires within.

Five seconds... ten... fifteen. I was sure the warning beep was getting louder and then beautiful silence.

"Why not use
Sanguis Vitam
?" I asked. Some vampires were strong enough to simply negate electronics with a flare of vampire life force. I had no idea if Samson was one of those, I was certain I wasn't.

"That would be cheating, besides," he said flashing me his most charming smile, "I prefer a challenge."

I ignored the innuendo and took a few steps into the apartment itself. I was met with a plethora of differing scents. So many, overlaid, entwined, some older than others, some stronger than others. This was going to take time and concentration, neither of which was something I had available to me right now.

The apartment was big, open-plan and luxuriously decorated. I didn't give a toss about décor, but the size I could use to my advantage.

"Can you search the kitchen, lounge and dining rooms, please?" I'd decided those would be the ones least likely to offer up enough information for me and because of the plethora of scents already invading my nostrils, would be the most difficult. So much so, that my nose would probably shut down if I started there. I'd return to the lounge if I had time, but the office and Alison's bedroom were at the top of my list right now.

"Anything in particular you want me to look for?" Samson asked, not questioning my directive at all.

"Letters, notes, anything that seems out of place. Use your gut, you'll know it if you see it."

He shrugged but headed towards the obvious central part of the apartment where the living areas would be found. I waited for his scent to leave. It hung in the air, but the further he got from me the easier it was to ignore it, and then headed in the opposite direction, towards the hall and hopefully the bedrooms and office.

I found Alison's office first and closed the door behind me to shut out any distracting scents from the rest of the home. It was spacious, with a large modern desk and swivel chair, metal and glass bookcases, stocked to the brim with what looked like fiction novels. Not one book on SubZero or the process of distilling alcohol or even business-type texts. Alison didn't need those sorts of books here, they were all at her place of work. Here, she had turned her office into a retreat. A soft, well padded armchair sat in the corner, a tall standard lamp beside it to offer illumination when she read. A small round glass table next to it, a book resting closed, but bookmarked. Her current read.

I reached down and turned it over. The cover was taken up with an extremely well defined naked male torso, swirls of smoke edging around thickly muscled arms. Romance novel and from the look of the cover, paranormal romance to boot. Heh. Welcome to my world Alison, were you reading up on anyone in particular?

I let my eyes cover the entire room. It was obvious the police had been here, a light dusting of a black substance was still evident here and there about the room. Fingerprint analysis. Crime scene programmes on T.V. came in handy, otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue what the stuff actually was. But, nothing appeared to have been abused, scattered or not returned to its original place of rest. Tidy crime scene people then. I opened a few drawers, the cupboard under the desk provided a safe. Locked. And no laptop. Bugger. It had been a long shot, but I had hoped it would still be here. Well, I couldn't complain, I had found the diary.

I dismissed anything else in the office as being helpful, unlike her workplace there weren't even any correspondence files here. Everything seemed to be of a personal nature. Alison kept her private life separate from her work life. I could relate to that, but it didn't help my investigation. I was sure I was on to something with Vive La Vodka. It was the key to this whole sordid mess.

I moved to the middle of the room and inhaled. Several layered scents, not all of them emotions. More than one person had been in this room. I cocked my head to the side and closed my eyes. Alison smelled of barley and honey, I filed her scent apart from the rest. I was sure those emotions present were hers, they were old, lingering only due to the fact that she used this room often. The calmness of sweet tea, cotton candy and caramel popcorn, a hint of indulgent chocolate mud cake. I opened my eyes and let them fall on the novel Alison was last reading. She felt at ease in this room, happy and content, but also a little turned on. I smiled, the level of lust on the air was indicative of fantasy-type arousal. No one was here to enhance that emotion at any time. Those books must be good.

I returned my attention to the signature scents on the air, a small layer of sweat starting to take up residence down the centre of my spine. This was taking too long, I had to get a move on. Shifting the emotions and the signature scent of Alison aside I concentrated on those that remained. Some were too old for me to get a target lock on, some recent, as in the past few days and familiar. I'd smelled them at the latest murder scene. I had taken the time to catalogue them then; the detectives working the case, the forensic team. I picked out Detective Grumpy Guts and vanilla, raspberry and allspice - Mark. They'd been here, but there was more.

My hands fisted at my sides. There was no evidence of fear on the air. Nor surprise or alarm. She had never felt worried for her own safety in this room, yet she'd had two guests here - whether they were here when she was, I couldn't tell - who should have engendered some sort of flight or fight response. But nothing like that existed at all.

Slightly burnt peaches, apple and cinnamon. Not entirely unexpected, but as yet I still didn't have an explanation for how she knew her killer. And, more perturbing; cinnamon, bark and mixed spices. I could tell which cinnamon belonged to which combination of scents. Just something about what I do allows me to catalogue scents in their appropriate groups. Even when they overlap like this, I can tell there were visitors to this room who could both claim cinnamon as part of their signature scent.

The killer. And Jett.

My stomach plummeted to my toes and bile rose up in my mouth. I swallowed the bitter taste down past a dry throat. Jett was a lot of things and killer could quite easily fall into that description. But, I didn't want to think of him being capable of such heinous acts. Vampires may be evil, but they are not all bad. I had wanted Jett to remain on the not-all-bad side of that equation. Where I placed myself. He was my boss, the Master of the City. The one vampire who shouldn't know what he does about me, but does. He could kill me, expose me to those who would just as easily kill me too. He was perhaps the most lethal person I knew.

But, there had been something there, when he used his
Sanguis Vitam
to heal me. When he held me in a firm and non-negotiable grasp. When my Light reached out to him. Something that sparked between us that I hadn't yet allowed to form into a word. But now, I couldn't ignore the increasing evidence, the coincidence of him being
, his name in Alison's diary. Not to mention he was at the police station trying to glaze Mark and at the second murder scene, when I arrived not long after it had been found.

I was sure he wasn't the murderer. That had to be the burnt peaches, apple and cinnamon scent. But how involved was he? And what did that mean for me?

With a heavy heart I returned my attention to the task at hand and the rapidly dwindling time-frame I had to work with. There was nothing else here for me, I needed to move on. I did a quick scan of each bedroom. The spare rooms held little to no scents at all.

The bedroom was all about Alison. I couldn't quite identify the feeling I had at that discovery. It took several seconds to acknowledge it was relief. Not relief that Alison was clearly a flirt who didn't follow through with her copious amounts of dinner dates, but that Jett's scent was most definitely not in this private space. I filed that ridiculous emotion away and headed towards the lounge.

Samson was going through magazines in the corner when I arrived.

"Any luck?" he asked, not looking up from his task. Gotta hand it to him, he knew how to follow through with direction.

"Yeah, a couple of hits that may help."

He did look up at me at that. "Hits?" Ah, shit.

"You know, clues." I waved my hand dismissively and took a brief look in the dining room and kitchen. Nothing of note on the air. I needed to scent the lounge, but to do that in front of Samson was asking for questions I did not want to answer.

"Um, I forgot to check the bathroom, would you mind?" Samson flicked me a puzzled expression. "I'll finish here," I added quickly. And when he looked like he was going to argue the stupidity of that statement, I hurried on, "I got a little claustrophobic back there, I need a bit of space."

He frowned, but thankfully didn't push me, simply swept from the room on graceful and silent feet. I watched him leave, a frown of my own filling my face. I didn't enjoy lying to him. He'd lied to me in the past, but two wrongs don't necessarily make a right. However, I told myself, I had to protect my talent. At all costs.

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