Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1)
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And they were all determined to drink more before the last bell.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" I murmured quietly, but despite the ambient noise Samson would have heard.

He leaned forward and placed his mouth to my ear. "It's the drink, isn't it? Is this what the Rogue is involved in?"

I nodded against him, but my thoughts were now on how involved Jett was too. We'd passed a few bars and nightclubs coming here and none of them had been this crazy, this crowded, this alive. A Tuesday night and
was going to make as much as they'd make on New Years Eve.

All because of a drink that smelled of roses, apples, peaches and cream.

"I need to have a word with Doug," I announced. Samson just turned me in his arms, not letting me get an inch further away. His mouth came down to mine, but didn't touch, just hovered above my lips, letting his hot, minty breath wash over them.

"Don't even think of ditching me, babe. I will find you if you leave without me. A quarter hour, that's all I need on the computers. Come find me when you're done and we'll go see your friend together." His arms tightened as he said together, making sure I understood his words. "You with me?"

I looked up into his deep chocolate eyes and held his gaze for a moment. I had the impression I was not going to be able to fob Samson off. He'd gone into vampire overload mode, the desire to claim and possess was obvious. I'd seen it before. It's just how we are. I've not experienced it from my point of view yet, but I sure as hell have seen others get all dominant and controlling. Hell, Michel is like that with Lucinda every day. God alone knows why she puts up with it.

I nodded back at him. It wouldn't matter what I said now - agreed with him, disagreed with him - he'd continue to stake his claim no matter what. A simple nod of my head would give him what he needed right now and then I could attempt to slip out once I'd talked to Doug.

"Say the words, babe," Samson demanded gently.

I licked my lips. I may not have been a vampire for long, but even
knew words had meaning to vampires. It was somehow inbred in us, from the moment I was turned I felt the weight of words.

A sigh, then, "I won't think of ditching you." I'd already thought of it and knew what I wanted to do, so I'd just block any repeat thoughts out of my mind.

Samson chuckled. "I've been at this a lot longer than you, Gigi. Say. The. Words."

"I don't have time for this, Samson!" I pushed hard against his chest, determined to get out of his grasp and get the hell away. "I need to be at Mt Eden in less than an hour. Let. Me. Go!"

His arms turned to bands of steel and he pulled me inexorably closer. I am strong. I am a vampire. I am, perhaps, greater than a level four
Sanguis Vitam
Master. It should have been easy and if I used my Light, maybe it would have been. But Light in a room crowded with Norms was not a good idea. So it was me against Samson. And although he has always appeared a level four
Sanguis Vitam
Master from the moment I met him, there is more to Samson than most people see.

I couldn't escape his hold. I was trapped. I glared back at him and he grinned. Then he slowly lowered his eyes to my lips. I was licking them again and it seemed to fascinate him. I held my breath, because I knew what was about to happen and a big part of me wanted it too. While the part of me that refused to let myself be hurt again baulked at that hungry stare.

Warring emotions welled up inside me and I could not tell which ones I wanted to win. I knew what kissing Samson felt like, tasted like. What it did to me. What it has done to me in the past. I may have enjoyed Jett's kisses recently, but they were nothing compared to Samson's.

He ducked his head, his eyes still firmly on my lips and then just as I decided I'd let this happen. One kiss. For old time's sake. How bad could it be? Samson was spun away from my body, his warmth instantly missed, my hands - which had been fisted in his shirt on his chest, unbeknownst to me - went flying, as Jett shot Samson a look that meant all death and stepped up to me.

I noticed Jett's arm was still extended towards Samson's, keeping the younger vampire from getting too close. Although, Samson was definitely trying. I shook my head once at him, trying to convey the mistake taking on the Master of the City would be. He caught my eyes, gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head in understanding, and then stepped back from Jett's outstretched arm.

Jett's baby blue eyes had been on me, but as he felt Samson step back he looked over his shoulder and stared at him.

"Georgia is off limits," Jett stated matter of factly. My eyebrows shot up, my arms crossed over my chest and I actually started tapping my foot. Samson looked like he was about to explode.

There was no need to breathe, so I didn't. I just glared at the back of Jett's head and prayed Samson would not cause a scene.

The Samson of the past two months wouldn't have. He had become meek and accommodating and determined not to push his luck. That wasn't the Samson I knew, he'd disappeared the night I had been unsuccessfully turned, then died, then revived by his mistress's goddess. But twenty-four hours ago something brought
Samson back.

I can't say I wasn't sad to see him again. I liked Samson the way he was before I had been turned, and I liked the idea that he had finally come out of the guilt trip he had been on and started to live life again. But I did not like his chances now, should he take on Jett Vardi, Master of Auckland City. There was no comparison to their power levels. Jett was a level one Master
the Master of a City. Should Samson decide to take that on, he'd surely fail.

I needed to intervene before this got out of hand. I took a step closer, aiming for placing myself between the two vampires staring off at each other, but I made it no more than that one step. Jett's arm came out and wrapped around my side, then he pulled me swiftly against his hard body, tucking me under his shoulder and possessively marking his territory with that one simple move. I struggled for a second against his hold, but it was futile. And with so many Norms around, anything else was out of the question. Jett and Samson may have forgotten the humans in their vampire posturing war, but I hadn't.

"Jett," I said, but got interrupted.

"Quiet, kitten. Samson needs to know you are mine."

A flash of something Dark washed over Samson's eyes. That grey/black I hadn't seen before until tonight when he had talked of his reality altering talent. Could he use it here and make Jett think something else entirely? It was tempting. I didn't want to be Jett's possession. For too long he had chased after my capitulation to join his line. I refused to join anyone's. Aliath had given me a reprieve, but that was only for three months. Enough time to get myself together and either leave town or find an alternate safety net - as the fairy had called it.

But Samson could solve all of that for me right now. He could change how Jett perceived his world, how he perceived me. Permanently.

My eyes flicked up to Samson's. He was watching me, not Jett.

"Do you want me to do it?" he asked in a voice I hadn't heard on Samson before. It was definitely Darker. Perhaps it was his vampire came to the fore, taking over and letting the Dark come rushing in.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I hadn't actually met Samson's vampire-within. Not that you meet them, only Lucinda seems able to master that with her unusual goddess-given connection to Michel. But you do see other vampires' demons-within on occasion. Through how they act and talk and think and feel. I hadn't once seen Samson's, he was always so carefully in control of that side of himself.

The man I had fallen in love with, in that almost forgotten human life I had lived, was not the Dark vampire before me. Not that he was entirely Dark, my Nosferatin side hadn't woken up and started to demand I sink my stake through his heart. But I knew if he did this, he would be. Dark. Maybe not permanently. Maybe it would be short-lived, Lucinda's Light pushing that Dark out as soon as it appeared. But I wasn't sure. And I didn't want to take that risk.

Jett wouldn't force me to be part of his line, he wouldn't try to kill me or hand me off to the
for them to carry out the task, for the next three months. Instead, all of that desire had been turned into an actual desire to claim me as his own. Aliath had well and truly screwed me, I was sure. But, just because he wanted to claim me didn't mean Jett would. In this I did have a say. Even vampires don't force other vampires to become their mates. And I was thinking that might just be what Jett wanted here.

Just like Samson.

A vampire mate.

Part of me was flattered. Two powerful, masculine men fighting over me - who wouldn't? But another part of me was realistic. For Samson, I was the one that got away. He was just trying to correct that loss and when he did, would he be happy? I didn't think so. I am not the girl he fell in love with, I have changed. And he'd find that out before too much longer and then where would we be?

And Jett. There was no way he would want me as his vampire mate under normal circumstances. I was inconsequential to a vampire such as him. The fucking Grey Lord had not only fucked with me, but also the Master of the City.

Which meant, to let Samson alter Jett's reality now would be a double whammy. The fairy had already done that, I couldn't in all good conscience let Samson do it too.

"No," I said, before I changed my mind. "It's all right, Samson. Jett and I have an understanding."

"You are not his," Samson said with conviction, the tone making it clear he thought I was
instead. I lifted my eyes and looked into Samson's and smiled.

"No, I'm not," I replied, steadily. Jett's arm tightened around me, but before he could interrupt I went on, wiping away the smile that had appeared on Samson's face. "And I am not yours either."

The club might as well have been empty. I don't think either vampire had placed us in a protective
Sanguis Vitam
cocoon, but it certainly felt like one. Partying drunks celebrated SubZero's genius and
bountiful stock all around us, but I couldn't hear or see a thing. My eyes were all for Samson, my body was still crushed to Jett's smouldering hot side.

"It seems we have an
amor certamen
," Jett said into the increasing tension between us.

"A what?" I asked, stupidly, glancing up at the towering vampire.

Jett smirked down at me, Samson shifted uneasily in my peripheral vision. The tension now, right off the scale.

"We fight for you, kitten," Jett said softly. "The strongest and most appropriate vampire wins the right to be your mate."

Chapter 28

. That's what I was thinking. What I said instead was, "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Not at all," Jett replied calmly. "But be advised," he added in a whisper-quiet voice only we could hear, looking directly back at Samson, "the only reason I agree to this at all, is because you laid prior claim to Georgia as a human. That may not have transferred to her as a vampire, but the claim was true nonetheless." At this declaration I was officially fuming, but Jett hadn't finished his pronouncement. "It is obvious she has not accepted any claim from you recently and as she wears my scent..." Oh fuck-a-duck! "...it is clear I am already favourite, but I
allow this concession based on your previous history with her. Do not think, however, that this concession will accommodate any foul play on your part. She is mine, Samson Beauregard, of this you can be sure."

Not good. Aliath had really done a number on Jett, but arguing the point right now would be futile. If Jett was so firmly under the fairy's influence, anything I said would simply be ignored. It would be a waste of my breath. I knew this, but Samson, unfortunately, did not. He was not aware of Aliath's involvement and quite frankly, it wasn't something I wanted to share, despite this unexpected turn of events.

"Master of the City, I accept the
, but be assured, Georgia was never yours. She is and always was mine. Of this
can be sure."

"We'll see," Jett replied stiffly.

"We'll see," Samson repeated softly, but that softly was not a show of weakness. Behind his words and tone lay a whole lot of conviction. It was impressive, to see Samson facing off against Jett in such a controlled and self-assured way. Part of me proud of him. Part of me shit-scared for him too.

Jett was not a vampire you challenged without fear. I was sure Samson was feeling it, but his determination to have me back, to gain what had been lost, at all cost, was overriding any sense of self-preservation. Stupid, stupid, vampire.

"Well, this has been fun," I said into the silence that draped around us. "You boys carry on with your chest thumping and head banging, I've got a murderer to catch.

I managed one step out from under Jett's shoulder before he nabbed me with a firm, but gentle grasp of my upper arm.

"I need an update on what you have discovered, Georgia." Then taking a step away and in the process miraculously releasing his hold on my arm, he added, "Come."

Like you'd call a dog? Dream on,

"I have to check on something first," I said, glaring back at him.

He held my gaze for several seconds, his keen, now azure blue, eyes making it obvious he was not amused. Then with a short bob of his head in acquiesce - not a word I thought I'd ever use in the same sentence as Jett - he said, "My office, when you're done." Then walked away.

I let a slow, long breath out. Jett was incredibly intense. In everything he did, and being caught up in that whirlwind of vehement power was not something you craved. But still, you couldn't help being impressed by it.

Samson cleared his throat off to my side. I turned my attention back to him.

"Do you love him?" he asked, cutting right to the chase.

"Of course not," I replied just as brutally.

"But you're attracted to him?"

I hesitated, I didn't mean to. It wasn't a conscious move. "Not at all," I finally managed to get out after what felt like several seconds, but was probably only two.

He held my gaze, not blinking and I think not breathing either.

"You're attracted to him." It was a statement this time, not a query.

I didn't bother replying, I'd stuffed up already, speaking further to deny the claim would give it greater weight. So, I just stood there for a moment and then began to turn away.

"I will fight for you, Gigi." Samson's words hit me in the gut. I wasn't sure why. Did I actually want him to fight for me? Did I really want to go back to what we had and therefore expose myself to more potential hurt?

I wasn't sure I could survive that, so the fact that I felt his words deep down inside, that my body responded even before my brain did, was unwelcome.

I stared at him for a second, then I shrugged. My response to any situation that is outside of my comfort zone. Pathetic.

"I need to talk to Doug." I repeated my earlier declaration, but my voice was slightly quaky. I'd had about as much intensely emotional confrontation as I could take for one night. Samson recognised the signs and let me go, with nothing more than a reminder he'd meet me, after hacking the Police Department's computers, to go see Stu

I cast all thoughts of challenges to the right to mate me from my mind and pushed through the now even bigger crowd across the dance floor. It was crazy packed. And they were crazy drunk. Not that I hadn't seen my fair share of drunks in the years I'd decided to become a bartender just to piss my dad off. I'd worked some seriously questionable places, where drunken and disorderly was par for the course. But
normally had a more discerning clientèle. Not tonight it would seem.

I finally made it to the bar and waited for Doug to finish with his customer. It took a few minutes, but eventually he made his way down to my end. Much to the annoyance of those still waiting to be served. He offered a warning glare and growl towards a particularly verbal complainant and then turned all of his attention to me. Taking a closer look at my huge lucky clover belt buckle. His lips twitched in appreciation of my effort, but he didn't give me anything else. I didn't blame him, it hadn't been a worthy attempt on my part at all. Too much going on right now to concentrate on my little hobby of evoking a response to my fashion choices from those I worked with.

"How you been?" he asked, pulling a Vanilla Vodka from the cooler behind him and twisting the cap off before handing it across the bar to me.

"Busy," I replied, tipping the drink up in a thank you and taking a swig. It was rude not to accept a drink when offered.

I placed the bottle carefully back on the bar.

"What's with the numbers this evening?" I asked, thinking easing into this interrogation would be best.

"The hell if I know, but we're going with the flow." That was Doug, laid back, easy going, and a flow-following kind of dude.

"Looks like Vive La Vodka is the flavour of the minute," I observed.

"Yeah." Also Doug, one syllable, one word, answers.

"We must be almost out of stock," I said, glancing around the bar at the number of customers walking away with several bottles of Vive La Vodka at once.

"Got a special shipment last night. We're probably the only place with enough stock to handle this capacity."

Is that right? I took another swig of my drink to force a pause. At this present time I was too riled and desperately wanted answers, but I needed to play it cool. I was aware of Jett's involvement in the murders - even if I didn't know what that involvement was - Doug being his bar manager could quiet as easily be in on it too.

"I didn't know we were expecting more stock," I said over the brim of my bottle.

Doug looked intently at me for a moment. I knew by his look alone he was well aware I was fishing, despite my efforts to conceal that fact. Doug was one of Michel's vampires and even though Michel was leaving Auckland to be closer to the
- that he was now a council member of - Doug was staying behind. And furthermore, Jett was letting him.

council member's spy planted right in the heart of Jett Vardi's territory. I couldn't quite work that one out, but for whatever reason, Jett trusted Doug. And Michel trusted Doug enough to leave him behind. Doug was a high player in the game of Nosferatu. Did that also mean he was a high player in these murders?

"Why don't you ask me whatever it is that is swirling around in your head?" Doug said quietly, leaning further toward me over the bar's top.

It wasn't a soft quiet, it was an ominous one. I'd fucked up. Well and truly. Shit, I really was unprepared for this job.

I took a surreptitious breath in through my nose and sifted through the scents on the air between us. Bold grapefruit and lime outweighed oregano and sage. He was concerned for me, even as he was frustrated with my round-about approach. I let a soft breath out in relief. I couldn't see this reaction existing if he was part of this fucked up mess.

"Who ordered the drinks, Doug?"

He looked at me for a long time. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I hadn't taken another inhale of scents. Finally he replied.

"Jett did, Georgia." He paused, eyes holding mine. "Why all the questions?"

I had expected that answer. I mean, who else could it have been? But I still wasn't prepared for it.

"Bear with me," I replied distractedly, as I fought to sort my tumbling thoughts out.

Vive La Vodka was the key to these murders. It had to be. The victims all shared that connection. Starting with Alison Danvers, CEO of SubZero. Jett was involved. Scents at the scenes of the murders and at Alison's own home. And now
, Jett's bar, was
place in the city selling Vive La Vodka drinks. A drink that had strange addictive qualities that a vampire could have produced.

But why? What was the Rogue after? What was Jett's involvement? Why this drink?

My eyes flicked up to the concerned ones of Doug's. He'd waited patiently, despite the growing crowd at the bar and their increasing disquiet at having to wait to be served.

"What's going on, Gigi?" he asked softly and this softly was full of care.

I didn't answer, instead I cocked my head to the side and asked, "What's your take on this drink?"

"It's popular," he answered without hesitation. "I'd say even addictive, taking in the current evidence around us tonight." He did pause then. "Should I be concerned with it? What have you found out?"

I shook my head. Sharing what I thought with Doug would get us nowhere. For now he didn't need to be pulled into this mess and there was nothing he could do. Stopping the sale of the mixer would only alert Jett, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to face him on this yet. Hell, I
I wasn't ready to face him on this yet.

"I'll be in touch when I know more," I said in way of answer.

"This something you're doing for the Master of the City?" he continued to dig.

I smiled at him, a bright and cheerful smile. Then said, "This is something I am doing for the Norms."

I watched as his face softened, as the scent of smooth and dry Merlot, laced with a floral bouquet filtered through the air. He liked what he heard and I had to admit I liked it too. There was a reason I had become what I was. I may not have liked it or embraced it, but at the very least, I was using it to do something good.

I had been a good human. I'm not sure that I am a good Nothus. But I am at least trying to be. And finally, I might just be able to see what Lucinda had inferred. Perhaps it was a mixed blessing, what happened to me. Being turned, killed, reborn as a Nothus. If something good can come out of it, then maybe she was right.

Of course, I had to stop this murdering bastard, free Stu and save any future victims to make that notion stick. But, for the first time since this happened to me, I actually felt like maybe I could.

I waved goodbye to Doug and pushed through the throng to the front of the club. Just because Jett had summoned me, didn't mean I had to respond. I may have done, out of fear, in the past, but if the man wanted to mate with me, surely he'd not kill me for this little transgression. Another reason to be happy about how this night was turning out. Jett's little
amor certamen
just provided an added bonus. I could ignore his summons with the knowledge he'd let me, because he wanted in my pants.

I stifled a giggle at that thought. Three months Aliath had given me, free of Jett's pursuit of my joining his line, free of his attempts to kill me or have me killed. In exchange I got this; his pursuit of having me as his mate. But in three months time that would change. He'd wake up, smell the roses, and then chop off all their heads. Including mine.

Not perfect, but I'd take it. Perhaps Aliath hadn't screwed me as much as I thought. And where had all this positive thinking come from? Something I hadn't done for over two months now. I used to, but no longer. Yet here I was spinning happy, happy, joy, joy thoughts.

Tonight was shaping up to be a head spinner. I was hoping this wouldn't continue once I got to see Stu.

I was just about to bleed into the shadows, before booking it in double time to Mt Eden Prison, when I smelled delicious pine needles and musk over my shoulder. I stepped to the side of where I had hidden and waited for him to appear. My luck was bound to run out eventually, it didn't surprise me it had taken less than ten seconds after I had escaped

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