Misfortune Market: A HASEA CHRONICLES STORY (BOOK 1.5) (9 page)

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A pattering of claps rolled across the crowd. The Overseer had clearly planned this speech and it was starting to take effect. Still, a few more people left the market, muttering in disgust under their breaths. It seemed that even unchecked hedonism had its limits.

“God ah want to knock him out so bad,” whispered Delagio.

“Get in line,” hissed Scarlett.

“No one do anything yet,” warned Gabriella. “Our aim is to win that auction.”

The Overseer rubbed his hands together, rolling his cane between them. “I think now is the perfect time to begin the auction. For such an incredible lot, I feel that it is acceptable to open the bidding at thirty notches.”

A coin next to me lifted up. I hadn’t noticed, but the Yokai pimp had moved away from the tent and was standing right next to me.

“Oh Gemmell, fantastic. I presume you are looking to add something a bit more exotic to your usual harem?”

The Yokai nodded and gave a leering grin up at Andrea. “A piece of meat like that will make me enough money to retire early.”

“Come near me and I’ll rip
meat off, you freak!” shouted Andrea. A wave of laughter rang around the remaining crowd.

Wow, she’s certainly got balls.

Gemmell narrowed his eyes. “Quite the mouth you have. When I win you, I’m going to cut out your vocal chords. Then your whore mouth will only be fit for one thing.” The way he said the words made it obvious that he meant every word. Andrea’s face went pale.

I coiled my fists even tighter.

The Overseer gave a theatrical laugh. “Now now, let’s settle down shall we? No need for unpleasantries. Besides, you still have to win this auction, Gemmell. With that in mind do I hear thirty-one notches?”

Several other Market-goers joined Gemmell in raising their coins.

So did Gabriella.

The Overseer pointed towards the Huntmaster. “Thirty-two notches to…” he paused for a second. “Number nineteen.” Something about the way he said the final words made a sliver of anxiety sweep down my spine. But in a flash he was back to normal.




The auction continued at a ferocious rate. Only a handful of people were actually bidding, but the crowds didn’t diminish. It seemed the rest wanted to hang around to see how high the auction would go.

It went high.




One by one the bidders dropped off until only Gabriella and Gemmell remained.

“One hundred and thirteen notches,” said the Overseer to a now completely silent room. Gemmell scowled and dropped his hand. The market leader gave a slow nod, as if contemplating something. “It seems that we have a winning auction,” he said. “Number nineteen, at one hundred and thirteen notches.” His voice was calm and low, carrying none of the theatrical elements of the previous bids.

There was another light pattering of applause. The Overseer gestured towards Andrea. “Congratulations bidder, please come and collect your auction and then speak to my bookkeepers to discuss payment terms.”

The sliver of anxiety had spread. My heart was thumping at double speed. Something felt…off.

“Gabriella, be careful,” I warned as she broke away from us.

“I will,” she whispered back.

The crowd parted to allow her through. She moved with confidence, one hand clutching the stolen coin, the other resting on the fold of material that covered the Kapre Belt, where the Blood Brother daggers were hidden. Everything seemed to grind into slow motion as she moved to the front of the stage. I glanced towards the others and they nodded back at me. Hands moved towards hidden weapons.

They feel it too.

I signaled to the others and started to push through the tight crowd towards the stage. At the same time Zaris grabbed hold of Andrea and started to manhandle her over to the stage steps.

“Get off me, you disgusting creature!” screamed the Chosen. Twisting her neck, she sank her teeth deep into his forearm and ripped off a good layer of fur and flesh. Barely flinching, the Devil cuffed her across the back of the head. Andrea fell to her knees on the stage, moaning as blood flowed from a deep gash.

“Zaris, wait!” ordered the Overseer. The Devil paused, staring at the market leader through questioning eyes. The Overseer turned to address the advancing Gabriella. “As you can see, this one might prove somewhat tricky to handle. It might be a good idea for you to come up here to collect her.” He nodded to Zaris and the Devil yanked the Chosen back to her feet.

I remembered how much he had overreacted when the Skinshifter had come onto his precious stage. Now he was inviting Gabriella onto it.

I don’t like this…

Andrea tried to back away from Gabriella, but her captor had her clutched in his powerful claws and wouldn’t give an inch. Our Huntmaster climbed the stairs to the stage, the heavy clomp of her boots echoing across the silent room like the final steps of a prisoner bound for the gallows. 

Come on!
I growled internally as I forced my way through the tight crowd. It was shoulder to shoulder near the front, as everyone had piled forward, wanting to be the closest to the action. 


I’d barged right into an Ifrit. He turned – eyes flaring – and drew his fist back to attack. There was a flash of metal and he went stiff. Scarlett withdrew her Pinknife from his arm and he toppled to the ground. People around him shuffled to accommodate his unconscious body, but no one did anything to help.

“Thanks,” I breathed.

“You’re welcome.”

I turned my attention back to the stage, the bad feeling growing. Gabriella was walking to the centre of the stage –right at the heart of the lion’s den.

The Overseer slid a gloved hand into his inside pocket and my stomach lurched.  He produced a slim black key – seemingly for the adamantine shackles that bound Andrea. He extended his arm towards Gabriella and opened his hand, letting the key lie flat on his palm. My heart became a hummingbird smashing its wings against my ribcage.

This is all wrong.

Gabriella extended her hand to take the key. In a burst movement the Overseer grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward.

“What the-?” she gasped as she stumbled towards him.

He wrenched the coin from her other hand. “I memorise the costume and scent of everyone whom I give a notching coin. This does not belong to you!”

Without a word, Gabriella grabbed the Overseer’s gloved hand and placed pressure between his thumb and index finger. He howled in pain and doubled over, dropping his cane in the process. “Zaris!”

A second later the Devil had abandoned Andrea and had his arms clamped on Gabriella’s shoulders.

“Go, go!” I shouted to the others. We continued to smash through the last few rows of Market-goers.

you?!” screamed the Overseer, his cool façade well and truly gone. “First you disrespect my auction by stealing another bidders coin, then you have the audacity to lay hands on
!” He used his good hand to retrieve his cane and straightened up. “For your disgusting behaviour you will be revealed and shamed. And then you will be severely punished.” Before Gabriella could say or do anything, he wrenched off her mask. Her raven hair spilled down over her surprised face. The Overseer narrowed his eyes and stared in confusion. “What is this…I can’t…”

Two rows left.

“Wait…I know this…”

As Gabriella struggled against Zaris, the Overseer ripped at her overall, exposing the Kapre belt. With a snap of his hand, he pressed the camouflage button and a silvery wave rushed down Gabriella’s skin. The Overseer’s eyes went wide. “YOU!” he roared. “I…no
knew you! He turned and yelled out to the crowd at the top of his lungs.


There was a moment of silence and then a warbling siren started to blare from the speakers and the market plunged into a dark red light. 

Everything gave way to chaos. Shouts and screams came from the crowd and people started to rush away from the stage. I grit my teeth as I forced my way forward. It was almost impossible, like trying to wade through a stream of waves at high tide.

“Kill the bitch!” the Overseer screamed at Zaris.

The Devil released one of his hands to draw a bone sword. At the same time, Gabriella coiled up both legs and stamped her feet into Overseer’s chest. He careened across the stage, rolling several times and losing his mask in the process. Gabriella then kicked up, breaking the devil’s weakened hold and flipping right over onto his shoulders. Clamping her knees against his neck, she withdrew her Blood Brother.


Gabriella stabbed the blade towards the Devil’s ear. There was a pranging sound and hiss of smoke as she hit the edge of the Devil’s own blade. He seized Gabriella by the hair and threw her off his back. She flipped and landed on her feet…but off balance.  The Devil rushed forward, raising his hefty blade above his head.


We burst through the last of the panicking crowd, scattering them like bowling pins. I vaulted onto the stage, ramming myself against Gabriella. We flew to the floor and the Devil’s sword smashed down into the stage. Wood splintered and showered up right next to us. As we scrambled to get back to our feet, Zaris whirled his sword around and motioned to attack again, bloodlust gleaming in his black eyes.


A series of marbles thudded into the side of the Devil’s head, making his neck crick loudly. He stumbled to the side and made an odd bleating sound as dark blood trickled from his pointed ear. Delagio sprinted towards him and sprang into the air, spinning and slamming a boot into his side. The Devil flew backwards into the curtains, getting tangled and pulling down the whole setup – rails and all – with a resounding crash. The stunned Andrea cowered motionless and terrified, her shackles preventing her from doing much.

“Secure the target!” commanded Gabriella throwing the key to Scarlett.

The Vampire unlocked the shackles and pulled the terrified Andrea to her feet.

“Protective stance!” shouted Gabriella.

A second later we had all formed a protective circle around the confused Andrea – weapons drawn and ready for a fight.

“Who-who are you?” she gasped.

Gabriella tore off her mask and the others did the same. “We’re Guardians from that Alliance that man was just badmouthing. We’re here to help you. Just stay still,” she shouted over her shoulder.

“I hope you’re better than he made you sound.”

“We’re the best,” said Grey.

Guards from all over the market rushed towards the stage, weapons drawn. I glanced behind me to see the Overseer climb back to his feet. He turned to face us and recognition flooded my brain.

What the hell…

I had seen this man before – on my very first week as a Guardian.


The Bloodling Vampire who had once owned the Black Tap and orchestrated the attempted murder of three innocent human girls.
That makes no sense; he was deported to White Mercy Prison for his crimes.
I only allowed the confusion to take hold for a second then disregarded it. Being a Guardian meant expecting anything – even the unexpected.

“Guys, the Overseer is Malachi!” I shouted to the rest of the team.

Scarlett fired a stake round into the skull of a Bloodseeker. It screamed as it vanished in a torrent of fire and ash. She turned to look and her face went slack as she saw the Vampire. “Ella…I-I can’t attack this man. He saved my life once.”

was unexpected.

Gabriella cut the Bloodling a sideways glance. “Scarlett, that doesn’t matter now. He’s committed serious crimes. You have to do your duty as a Guardian.”

Scarlett shook her head. “But if he hadn’t helped me…” 


“Don’t worry, we’ll deal with him,” I said. “He didn’t save

Gabriella nodded. “Fine. But if it comes to it…”

“I’ll do what I need to,” said Scarlett.

Malachi’s face was twisted in an expression of utter fury. He gave Scarlett no look of recognition – not even the briefest glance. Instead he pointed a shaking towards the crowd. “A free one hundred notch coin to each of you, for every filthy Alliance scum you kill!” he shouted, sending spittle flicking onto his chin.

That stopped several of the escaping market-goers in their tracks. Some paused for a second, like stones in the wave of people rushing from the market. A large handful turned back towards the stage. 


An Oni guard rushed Scarlett. She avoided the furious swipes of his sickle blade and thrust a pinknife under his chin, pushing up with enough force that it poked into his mouth. Grabbing his large frame she spun him around, and pushed him towards Grey, who grabbed him with boiling red hands and burned his head. The creature screamed as his flesh melted away and became a smoldering skull. Scarlett snatched back her blade, hissing as the flames licked her pale fingers. A second later the body slumped to the stage floor and Delagio kicked it off the stage.

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