Misfortune Market: A HASEA CHRONICLES STORY (BOOK 1.5) (12 page)

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The Goblin was silent for a moment. “Actually we all knew it wasn’t Albert who did these cruel things to us. He has always been a kind, noble man who wanted the best for this city and all of us. You could see in his eyes that he hated the things he had to say and do. No one knew that it was the Overseer for sure, but we always suspected. Regardless, thank you Guardians.”

I didn’t know what to say and a pang of regret entered my stomach when I realised that Albert would never know that his citizens didn’t blame him for anything that had happened.
I just hope he’s at peace now.

The Goblin collected his wife and two children and climbed back into the alcove. Edeline was happily sitting upright, back to full health. They all began to talk excitedly to each other – the bleakness of their futures replaced by hope. The other citizens started to climb out of their homes, moving slowly towards us, wanting to know what had happened. It was clear to all that something big had gone down, something that could change things for good.

“I just have one last thing to fix, if that’s okay,” I said to Gabriella.

“Lead the way,” she said and followed me back towards the market. We emerged back into the main hub. “Do you need me for this last thing?” she asked.

“No that’s okay. I’ll just be one minute.”

“Okay, I’ll be here. Hurry though, I want to see the back of this place,” she said.

“You can say that again.”

Gabriella peeled off and went to help Scarlett and other Guardians cut down the shackled, unconscious citizens that hung from the rafters.

I moved between the Guardians and made my way towards where the brothel tent had once stood. As I had suspected the Shinroba Elves weren’t alone. Ivy Affron  - one of the Warren Huntmasters - was trying to talk to them. They were all standing in a tight group, still covered in the dark blood of their former master. All were silent, refusing to respond to any of Ivy’s questions.

“Can I help, Huntmaster?” I asked in a cheery tone as I reached them.

“Hi, Alexander.” She nodded at the body of the Yokai pimp, who now resembled an oversized pincushion. “You might be able to actually. I’m trying to ascertain exactly what happened here, but no one seems to want to say anything.”

The Elves looked at me, terror sweeping across their collective faces. Sympathy rolled through me.
They didn’t ask to be taken from their homes, to be forced into prostitution.

help with that,” I said. “When the fight broke out, the Yokai went crazy. He was forcing these women to sell their bodies. I guess he thought that we might take them away question them – maybe reveal things about him and his operations he didn’t want us to know. He tried to kill them, but they got the upper hand, and overpowered him.” I gestured to the body. “This was the result. Self-defense, plain and simple.”

Ivy frowned at me for a second and back down at the Yokai, still semi-covered in the rubble from the explosion. “Self-defense?”

I gave a smile. “Definitely.”

“And you would go on official record with a statement to that effect?”


Ivy held my gaze for an extra beat. Then she shrugged. “Okay, whatever. I’ll organise the paperwork.” She started to walk away.

The lead Elf stepped forward slightly, breaking their silence for the first time. “W-what do we do now?”

Ivy stopped and turned. “What ever you want to ladies. Either stay on Earth or we can help you get back home to Shinroba if you want.”

“Home,” whispered one of the Elves and her eyes file with tears. They all started to hug one another, their bodies shaking with emotion as they supported each other.

As I turned to leave, I caught eye contact with the Elf who had instigated the attack. She mouthed the words, “thank you,” and I gave a subtle nod, before moving on to help wipe away the traces of Misfortune Market.




After spending a bit of time helping other Guardians straighten things out, Gabriella beckoned me over. We joined each other and both walked over to Larik, who was kneeling down and fitting a set of silver shackles to a Skinshifter – the last of the captured market-goers.

“What a mess,” he said, standing up. “It’s a good thing you called us when you did Gabriella. This was too much for one hunting squad to handle – even yours.”

Gabriella gave a weak smile. “Thank you, Larik. We appreciate the help.”

“No problem.” He looked us both up and down. “You both look like you’ve been the wars. Collect your team and go home. We have this under control.”

Gabriella pointed towards Andrea, who was sitting on a wonky stool and wrapped in a thick blanket. A female Guardian with blonde hair I vaguely recognised from the Warren was talking to her in comforting tones. “What about her?”

“The target? She was supposed to be a Titan infiltration. They are here now. Let them take over.” He patted Gabriella’s arm. “Huntmaster, this is a job well done. It’s time to switch off.
Go home.”

Gabriella let out a long sigh. “You sure?”

He nodded. “Go.”

Gabriella pressed her coms bracelet and lifted her wrist to her mouth. “Orion. We’re done here, let’s go debrief.”

“Thank god,” crackled Delagio in my ear.

“Coming,” said Scarlett.

“One second,” said Grey.

The team met up by the tunnels and took a slow walk back towards the entrance, each silently processing what had happened. The citizens of Inferus had all climbed from their homes and were talking to one another in large groups. Instead of frightened glances and mistrusting stares, we now got smiles and words of thanks. The Pixie mother stood with her children, smiling at us as we passed.

“Catch,” said Delagio, lightly throwing a marble to Freya. The girl caught it and beamed back at him. Her mother made no attempt to reject the gift this time around.

When we emerged from the tunnels, the summer evening had given way to night – the glow of the streetlamps overhead bathing everything in their bright light. Alliance cars were everywhere, and dozens of agents waited by them, ready to take those who needed it home.

We needed it.

“I can’t wait to put this night behind me,” breathed Scarlett.

“Tell me about it,” I said, running a hand down the slowly healing wound on my collarbone.

“It was a close call, but worth it,” said Gabriella. The Alliance can help Inferus rebuild now. Turn it into a proper city that falls under our protection.”

“Yeah and we rescued them slave girls and took out the bad guys,” added Delagio.

Grey gave a wide grin, like a schoolchild who had a secret that they can’t quite keep to themselves. He dipped a hand inside his jacket pocket. “Aaaaand, I managed to grab a souvenir before we left.”

I burst out laughing.

In his hand was a rolled up painting.









JUNE 2013 



At 7.30PM on the above date, First Response Hunter Team Orion entered the Victorian sewer system via the overflow pipeline located beneath the reservoir bridge on Redmouth Street, Elphant and Castle, London. This was on a premonition report raised by Selene Belerose of Moon’s Edge Coven, which revealed that a future Chosen - one Andrea Bilson (23) had been kidnapped by Rogues and taken against her will to the unofficial city of Inferus, a known Pandemonian habitat and occasional host of the illegal Midsummer trading market. 


Upon arrival, it became apparent to the Guardians that the elected mayor of the city - one Albert Henwick (NOW DECEASED) - was no longer in control, and that in fact a relatively unknown third party named The Overseer (NOW DECEASED) had assumed control, forcing the residents to exist in poverty, whilst turning the city itself into a front for his own nefarious activities. On this evening, the annual market was active and various illegal transactions were taking place. (A full list of offences can be found on the counterpart document to this report).


It was revealed that The Overseer was in fact Malachi Hawthorne - a Bloodling Vampire well known to the Alliance for causing volatile situations. As a result of his traumatic changing centuries ago, he had unknowingly developed a split personality, which resulted in the creation of the Overseer – effectively a hyperbolized character who held extreme viewpoints that Malachi had often been known to try and fight against. This included bigoted views towards humans and an outright contempt for the HASEA. It had been thought that he had been permanently deported to White Mercy Prison facility in Pandemonia for previous crimes committed (see Incident Report #78624 for full details), however, using connections built up over several centuries he was able to escape back through the Veil. At this point it seems the Malachi side of his personality disappeared completely and he lived an existence as the Overseer. Weaknesses in Veil security are now being looked at with intense security and those involved with aiding Malachi’s return to Earth will be dealt with severely.


Whilst in the market, Orion attempted discreet methods of removing the target, which proved ultimately unsuccessful when Huntmaster Gabriella De Luca had her Kapre belt deactivated by the Overseer and was revealed as a Guardian of the Alliance. A violent fight ensued, resulting in non-fatal injuries to all members of Orion and the deaths of many of the market-goers. The Overseer himself was killed via a Will O’ Wisp, which was summoned by Albert Henwick whilst in his death throes (caused by using intense magic whilst in ill health and an ether barrier was in place). The resulting blast from the Wisp itself was what also fatally wounded Mayor Henwick, but it is believed that he would have died as a result of his previous injuries regardless.


In addition to successfully rescuing Andrea Bilson (who is in good health and recovering in the Warren base of the HASEA), several Shinroba Elves unlawfully forced into prostitution were also liberated (a list of names and current whereabouts statuses available on the counter part document to this report), and over two hundred level 3-5 weapons and items confiscated and sent for deconstruction, (also in report). In addition, the Overseer’s notching coin ledger was recovered, which holds the details and information of several wanted criminals, as well as their locations. (Several arrests have already been made, and more are forthcoming).



No official charges of unprofessional conduct were raised against any of the five first response Guardians for loss of life or damages that resulted due to the incident, as they were deemed to be acting well within the rights afforded to them as Guardians of the Alliance. All are now in good health and awaiting their next mission.


Overview of debrief report conducted by,




Iralia Desquien

Head logistics and strategy correspondent





About the author



Stuart was born in the smoky outskirts of London but now lives in the little ol' city of Worcester. After years spent running the rat race, in 2008 he knew it was time to start working on the novel he’d been threatening to write since he was 16. Several scrapped storylines, a year in college and one English and Creative Writing degree at the University of Birmingham later, The Awakening landed. Stuart was more shocked than anyone when it became a sleeper hit and set him on an entirely different and far more exciting path through life than he ever expected.
Cut to 2015. Four books and several short stories down, Stuart spends most of his time in his flat in Worcester, continuing to pen the Hasea Chronicles series, as well as new science fiction/fantasy stories, all whilst avoiding the addictive siren call of daytime television.

In addition to the on-going HASEA Chronicles series, Stuart has written
The Golden Wing -
the first book in the children’s fantasy series
Tommy and the Simbots


Misfortune Market is his fifth book.


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