Misery (14 page)

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Authors: M Garnet

Tags: #paranormal, Erotic romance, Fantasy, Vampires

BOOK: Misery
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“No, a toy.”

Whatever turned the big guy on. She knew he had a couple of rooms in the back of the pretty house that she hadn’t been in yet. She assumed they were either workrooms or just storage rooms. She had found out that one was an exercise room with a lot of good equipment, but it also held some hand weapons. She had decided to stay away from that area. She preferred to do her exercise on the beach in the sea breezes or on one of the wide porches that wrapped around the cottage.

The next couple of days Deck seemed to be busy in one of the back rooms. She spent time on the beach, walking among the sea oats. There were the warnings of a storm. There had been a couple of Florida rainstorms, which were exciting, dark, heavy and moved over in just a couple of hours. This one was not a hurricane, but it was rated a tropical storm. It was going to last for a lot longer than a couple of hours.

She leaned against the railing on the porch, letting the cool wind push against her. She became aware that Deck was working behind her. She turned and saw that he was closing and fastening heavy-duty shutters on the smaller windows.

“What do you do about the large windows. like the one in our bedroom?”

He looked over at her, then motioned his head, so she followed him. As she entered, she kicked off her shoes, not wishing to track sand in. Actually she really enjoyed the deep soft carpet on her toes. It was then that she realized she had said

He went to the dining-kitchen area that had one of the window walls. Moving to the side, he pushed a button on a small panel. She heard a soft whirling sound. From the top, on the outside, she watched as a metal flexible shield, the entire length of the wall, begin to come down, closing off the glass wall. When it was down the room was dark, but the wall lights came on with that soft glow against the wood.

“Nice. How do you get them up and down if the power goes out?” She approached the glass to get a better view of the metal enclosure.

“Outside one can crank them. I have a backup generator. Won’t waste fuel unless emergency.”

She stayed in the kitchen, fixing a light lunch. She looked around. With the windows closed, she wondered how the storm approach was continuing, since the solid building did not react to any of the heavy wind. He had explained to her that under the beautiful wood was a solid steel and iron building.

The last time she’d noticed Deck, he was headed out the back door. She went out, still in her bare feet, to the wooden deck that wrapped all the way around the home. The roof was made to drop down over the deck but even here in the back, the wind was tossing the sea oats with heavy gusts. She went around the railing, hanging onto it as she moved to the front of the house. She was totally fascinated by the incoming storm.

Huge thunderheads rose up high over the Gulf. The wind tore the tops of the waves, sending salt water spray inland almost as far as the house. The gusts tore the braids out of her hair and she just let the air toss her long hair behind her as she faced into the wind, accepting the approach of the storm.

Finally she looked over at Deck. He was leaning one shoulder against a post, watching her. She looked up as she became aware that he had either found or just put up hooks on the edge of the roof and attached wide blood-red satin ribbons to several of these.

The wind was beating the beautiful ribbons in all directions in the same manner as it was flowing through her hair. She noticed that Deck had a scarf of the same color looped through his belt. It also moved sensuously in the wind.

She turned back to look out over the grass and sand to the water, which had turned a dark color to match the dark of the storm clouds. The world around them was turning dark, even though it was still mid-afternoon. She didn’t hear him move but suddenly he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders. She stiffened but didn’t resist when he turn her gently.

He pulled her chin up as he lowered his head to softly place his lips on hers. She remembered the previous kiss in the suite. She relaxed, expecting to enjoy the sensation, but suddenly he had her hands, pulling them above her head.

“Deck, what are you doing?” She tried to pull away from him as he began tying her wrists together above her head with a couple of the red ribbons. Now she began to really resist.

“Deck, let me go, stop this.” She raised her voice as she felt the soft ribbons capture her wrists, holding them together, two of the ribbons from separate hooks coming down to tangle with her wrists to tie her up. She tried to pull away but he used his body to hold her against the railing as he pulled the knots, first holding her two hands together so that he could continue to pull. That forced her arms to be stretched above her head. She looked up at the ribbons, the hooks, then back at him, pushing her head between her upraised arms.

“Deck, enough is enough. Stop. Let me loose this minute.” She looked at him, but he ignored her, just concentrated on the ribbons as he wrapped them around her wrists. Suddenly he gave a yank and she let out a small yelp. She was pulled upward by the ribbons through the hooks, stretched until only the tips of her toes could touch the porch boards.

She dropped her head back behind her stretched arms and twisted, looking at Deck. He had no expression, but he never had an expression. He stepped back, looking at his work.

“Deck, this is wrong. I don’t know what I did, but let me go

let’s sit down. We can talk this over.” She drew in a sharp deep breath. He pulled out the red scarf. She licked her bottom lip as she watched him begin folding it into a long band.

“Oh, God, no. Deck. Don’t do this, please. There is some misunderstanding. Don’t do this.” She tried to twist away but couldn’t move.

He put his hands on her waist and laid one finger on her lips. “Shh, little one. Shhhh.” He turned her back to him, rotating her by the ribbons as she was held with her hands over her head.

She bit back a sob as he pulled the scarf around her head, covering her eyes. She felt him pull some of her hair up and as he doubled the knot, he pulled a handful of hair into the knot. She knew this would prevent her from working the blindfold off, as the knot in the hair would hold it tightly on her head, covering her eyes.

Even though the satin ribbons were soft, the weight on her arms was beginning to pull on her shoulder muscles. The wind was building up in bursts that rolled her long hair around her. She couldn’t tell where he was.

With the tips of her toes she twisted her body around, trying to brush against him. She felt him take hold of one ankle to stop her and he reached up and unfastened the buttons on her jeans. With a fast move he stripped them down and away from her.

She let out a moan as he moved his hands up the back of her legs. She shivered as he kissed the front of each leg, the bone on the calf, the knees, and her thighs. She tried to shift away but his hands held her in place. The wind behind her teased across her bare legs almost like a second lover. She heard the thunder in the distance.

“Deck, talk to me. This isn’t the way to go. I know you have waited. We can settle this some other way.” She ended with a small whimper as she felt a knife begin to cut through the material of her blouse. It took only seconds for the sharp cold knife to cut away her top. She had no bra on and the wind, which now felt cold, brought the tips of her breasts to tight peaks.

It got worse as her hair and the ribbons moved around her body, softly caressing like a ghost lover. Her head hung back behind her arms, turning.

She knew she was starting to panic. She felt the first glimpse of the dream sequence start up. This couldn’t be happening. She felt tears start slipping down her cheeks. She shook all through as she felt a soft light touch

he was slowly pulling her thong down.

She felt his kiss on the hair on her mound. She tensed with every muscle in her body, trying to resist, but she felt moisture slip between her legs. Her own body was betraying her.

“Please, Deck, don’t do this. Please let me go.”

But she still felt the warmth of his breath at the hairs at the joining of her legs. She sucked in air through her open mouth. He slowly moved upward, his hand soft, barely holding her in place. His mouth was open, trailing wet erotic kisses until he reached a nipple, then he stopped.

“I have learned gentle.” His breath was on her as he spoke.

She could feel his breath on the nipple. She wanted his mouth on it. She wanted to push her breast forward into his mouth but basically she couldn’t move. She was totally caught in his possession.

She felt his tongue barely touch the end of the erect nipple, then draw back. The wet nipple was immediately cold in the wild wind. She sobbed, but now it was for another reason. She wanted him to suck that breast, to cover it with his mouth, to pull on it hard, to rake his teeth over it again and again.

He pushed one leg between hers, pulling one of her legs up on his bent thigh, opening her. She felt the cold wind move between her legs. He moved his hand down into the moisture. He slipped his fingers down around her heat and spread her lips. He gently rubbed around the nub that was swelling with the need of attention. She pushed against his leg, trying to get his hand to the right spot, but he just kept drawing soft slow circles around it, listening to her soft cries.

He slowly pushed two fingers into her. He let his thumb stroke the one spot that needed attention until she was close to coming. She was covering him with emotions that he was fighting to resist, to keep what he knew she wanted even thought she would not admit it.

He drew the ready breast into his mouth, keeping it gentle, feeling her need for him to be rougher. It was important that this be different for him as well as for her. He had never made what she called gentle to any of the woman that he took with his body. It was important for him to worship her with gentle Then he pulled away and left her hanging.

She really began to cry. “No, please, Deck, where are you, come back.” The thunder shook the house and the wind brought cold rain against her body but she didn’t care. She shivered, but not with cold

it was with need.

He was back against her and she knew he was as naked as she was. She sobbed with relief. “Yes, please, yes.”

She felt his body against hers

she was so grateful for the warmth. His hands were grasping the globes of her ass, pulling her against his hard erection. He ran his tongue around her ear.

“What do you want, little one?”

She gasped. “Let me go, let me see.”

He rubbed his erection against her body, softly twisted the nub of one ready breast. He whispered in her ear.

“What do you want, little one?”

“Oh God, yes, that is what I want.”

He kissed her, pulling her jaw open so that she had no choice but to let him into her mouth for whatever he wanted. He sucked her tongue into his. let her feel the threat of his fangs, felt her tremble. The emotions, that she was enfolding him with were first time experiences for him, fear he knew, but excitement was strange and lust was red.

He kept his voice a whisper. “Tell me what to do to you.”

She was crying. She was ashamed of what she knew she was going to say. “Whatever you want to do, please.”

Suddenly she felt the release of her arms

they were still tied, but he had cut or released them from the hooks above. He gathered her up in his arms. She could tell they were going into the house. She heard the door slam behind them. They moved swiftly through and into a room with another door slamming shut. She was on a bed, her hands were brought up above, being tied to something over her head.

She moved her head from side to side, suddenly knowing they were not in the dream but she was awake. “No, this isn’t the dream. Stop, let me go.” She couldn’t repress the loud gasp as his fingers closed around one breast and his mouth was on the other.

“Oh, no, this shouldn’t happen.” She moaned again as a wicked tongue circled and teased the nipple on her breast, Sucking hard, pulling her breast into a hot mouth. The scrape of teeth made her moan again. She actually arched her back to offer the breast into the mouth. The mouth accepted the offer, pulling harder, taking more until there was pain, then backing off. His tongue was circling and teasing the nub until it stood up high in the cool air.

* * * *

She had been covering him with emotions that he was fighting to resist, to keep what he knew she wanted, even thought she would not admit it. He continued drawing the ready breast into his mouth, keeping it gentle, feeling her need for him to be rougher. It was important that this be different for him as well as for her. He had never made what she called
to any of the woman that he took with his body. It was important for him to worship her with gentle

Now slowly the other hand, working its way down to the soft curly mound of hair covering her pubic area, began a deliberate search again for that moist warm mouth below. He was still being a gentle lover, pushing apart the wet lips, the large fingers sliding back and forth, bringing more honey from her body, causing the hidden nub to fill with blood to stand out, a tiny small round fruit begging for attention.

A finger found its way into the warm hot center of her womanhood. In a haze she was aware that her body pushed upward as the finger went in. His thumb finally came to give the attention that she needed to that nub and she groaned in approval, without thought spreading the leg that was not against him, to give him access.

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