Mine (Dangerous Love Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Mine (Dangerous Love Book 1)
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Chapter 5



By the time Annie returned, her erstwhile date was already opening the front door.  When he saw her he started babbling incoherently even as he rushed out the door and out of Annie’s life.

“What happened to him?  Not that I’m complaining.  I’m happy to be rid of him, but a few minutes ago, he was determined to stay.”

Dane shrugged.  “He was checking his phone and then he mumbled something about his wife getting home early.  You are well shot of him.”

Annie stared at him for a moment and then smiled.  It was a genuine smile.  “Thanks for coming to my rescue… oh no.  Your hand.  I almost forgot.  Let me have a look at it.”

* * * *

Dane looked down at Annie’s tangled curls and she fussed over his hand. When she saw the glass, she tried to insist again that he go to the hospital for stitches.  When he refused, she took his hand led him into her bathroom which had a stronger light.

“If I can’t get it out or it needs stitches, you’ll go to the hospital.”

“I promise.”  Dane had done his best to look harmless and helpless but not so damaged that he needed a doctor.  She hadn’t looked completely convinced, but she shrugged and led him upstairs to the master bathroom that could only be accessed through her bedroom. 

He wanted to stop and look around.  He wanted to check her toy drawer and get his hands on her favorites.  He wanted to get her naked and tie her to the bed and show her that he could give her what she wanted, what she needed!

It didn’t take her long to remove the sliver of glass, clean the cut and smear on some antibiotic cream.  Then she dressed the wound so professionally he had to ask, “So, are you a nurse in your spare time?”

She blushed prettily.  “No, but you teach long enough, you learn how to deal with booboos and ouchies.”

“Hey, this was more than a booboo!”

Annie nodded.  “Yes, it was, but not nearly as bad as I thought before I cleaned up the blood.  How did you do it, anyway?”

“Cheap glassware.”


“I squeezed too hard and the darned discount glass shattered in my hand.”  It wasn’t true.  He’d broken a very nice glass, but he had to have an excuse for barging in and it was all he could think about on short notice.  “Enough about my hand.  Bleeding has almost stopped.  How are you doing?  Barry or whatever his name is seemed to be getting a little handsy.”

She shrugged.  “I had the situation under control, not that I wasn’t happy to see you at the door.”

“You let him into your home after he grabbed your ass!”

“Yes, well he was drunk and I guess I when we were dancing, I might have let him… hey, wait.  How did you know he grabbed my ass?  Were you watching on the camera your buddy installed so I can check out visitors?  That’s a little creepy, don’t you think?”

Dane didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she mentioned only the outside camera.  “You don’t usually come home that late.  I guess I was worried.”

“But how did you see him grabbing my ass.”

Dane tried to look embarrassed.  “You’re right.  I can see the feed at my place.  My buddy set it up that way without telling me, but I didn’t complain or remove the feed.  You’re a beautiful woman who lives alone.  There’s no telling what kind of nefarious characters who could come calling, uninvited.” He reached out his good hand and caressed her cheek. 

She didn’t turn away, although her cheeks grew pink.

“The only one who came to my door tonight uninvited was you!”  Now she tried to pull away, but he stood up and stepped forward, backing her against the wall of the small bathroom.

“Uninvited, but not unwelcome, I hope!”

“I, uh… I never properly thanked you for getting rid of, er, Barry?”

“You don’t even know is name and you brought him into your home?”

“Uh, well… it was kind of loud in the club.”

Danes eyes narrowed.

“Don’t you know the risk you took?  Bringing a stranger home!  You need a keeper!  What if I hadn’t been here?  He could have done anything to you!  Anything!”

* * * *

Annie shivered at his words.  He was standing so close to her she could feel the heat of his body as she looked up at him.  He sounded different than he usually did.  His voice was deeper, commanding.  And his physical presence was making it hard for her to think.  He was leaning into her now, their bodies touching. 

“He could have stripped this dress off you…”  Dane shocked her by reaching down and grasping the hem of her dress.  A moment later, it was up and over her head.  He tossed it to one side.  “…just like this.  And then he could have lowered his head and…”

She was standing almost naked in front of him wearing only a thong and high heels.  She was shaking with desire as his mouth descended towards here.  She couldn’t.  They shouldn’t.  He was too young for her, she repeated to herself as she felt him grind his erection against her belly. 
Oh, god.  He was big and hard. 
Things were moving so quickly.  She’d fantasized about him for so long, but before tonight, they hadn’t even kissed and now…  It was the sweetness of his kiss as he gently took possession of her lips that undid her. 

She pulled back.  When he let her break the kiss, she felt a sharp stab of disappointment that she thrust away.

“We can’t do this” she whispered.  “You’re too young.  I’m too old!”

“Cut the excuses, Annie.  You want me.  I’ve seen it in your eye since the say we met!  And I’m more than old enough to know what I want, and I want you too.  And if you call yourself too old again, I’m going to beat your ass, do you hear me?”  He didn’t give her a chance to answer.  Instead he leaned down and pressed his mouth against hers.

This time it was no tentative first kiss.  It was hot and passionate and demanded a response.  His body held hers against the wall as he ravaged her mouth, his tongue demanding entrance to hers. 

The world started to spin and it too a moment to realize that he’d picked her up and was carrying her into her bedroom.   Startled, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and held on tight.  He felt so good under her hands, the muscles of his shoulders taut under her grip.

He stopped walking and suddenly she was falling onto her back and he was standing at the side of her bed looking down at her.  His chest heaved as he pulled off his t-shirt. His body was sculpted perfection. His shoulders were broad, his abs perfectly defined.  His perfection was marred by one small puckered scar on his left side.  One day she’d ask him what happened, but not now… now she had other things on her mind.

Her gaze moved lower.  He had a fine dusting of hair that thickened into a trail below his navel and disappeared down waistband of his pants.  She wanted to lick him.  She wanted to follow that treasure trail down in to the cock that was pressing against the fabric of his pants, tenting them, straining to get out.  Yes, she thought, yes, she would free him and then take him into her mouth and swallow him down.

She scrambled to her knees, reaching up to touch him.

Her hand dropped when he took a step back.

“What… Did I do something wrong?”

“You mean besides bringing another man home with you tonight?  You didn’t think that would bother me?”

“Yes, I mean no, I mean…”

“And then you let him press you against your door and shove his tongue down your throat?”  Annie frowned.  Something about his words… she was having trouble thinking with him half naked in her bedroom and her libido on overdrive, but if only she could concentrate on what he’d said, she was sure she’d be able to figure out what bothered her about what he said.

He stepped forward and leaned down over her, his voice lowered to almost a purr, a very threatening purr that sent her arousal into the stratosphere and driving all rationale thought from her brain, “You’ve been a very, very bad girl!”

Chapter 6



Dane watched Annie’s response to his words with satisfaction.  He reached down and touched her cheek.  She turned towards his touch, rubbing against his hand like a kitten, a horny, horny kitten.

She reached for him again.  He grasped her shoulder and pushed her gently onto her back.

“Did I give you permission to touch me?”

“No?”  Her tone was confused.  “But, I thought…”

“Don’t think.  Feel.  Experience.”  She looked at him, confusion in her gaze.  “Annie, listen to me very carefully.  Lay in the center of the bed.”  He watched with satisfaction as she scrambled into position.  “Good girl.  Now reach up and grip the headboard.  Don’t let go until I give you permission.”

Dane smiled.  “One more instruction, then you just have to lay back and feel.” 

He met her gaze.

“Bend your knees, spread your legs and show me what’s mine!”

* * * *

Annie thought she’d come on the spot from the darkness of his words and one.  She bent and spread her legs before she’d even fully processed his order.  Order.  Yes, that’s what it was, an order, not a request.  And it was thrilling.  It was like one of her fantasies come to life but so much more. 

She saw him looking down at her with approval at her obedience before turning his attention what was on display between her spread thighs.  The bulge in his pants seemed to grow even bigger, tenting the crotch of his pants in a way that seemed painful to her.

She knew she should be embarrassed at being on display, but the look of pure lust in his face made her feel so powerful, so sexy.

His hands went to the fastening of his pants and she almost forgot to breathe as she shoved down his pants and underwear.  His cock sprang free and she swallowed hard.  It was long and thick and hard.  He reached down and stroked it as he stared at her. 

Oh, god.  He was perfect, absolutely perfect.  And he wanted her.  She watched as he crawled onto the bed, that magnificent cock bobbing.  He positioned himself between her legs.  She started to move, to reach towards him…

“No!  Stay where you are!”  Reluctantly she placed her hand back on the headboard.  “Good, now lean back, close your eyes and feel!”

Reluctantly she obeyed.  Once her eyes were closed, she felt him move again.  Then she felt warm breath on the inside of her thigh.  Then his mouth.  Then his teeth grazed her delicate flesh and he started sucking hard.  A few moments later he released her.

“There.  I’ve marked you so you won’t forget who you belong to!”

She whimpered at the thought.  Then the thought fled as his mouth moved and she could now feel his warm breath on her exposed flesh.  His tongue traced her delicate skin from the top, carefully avoiding her throbbing clit, down to her pussy.

“My, my.  Is all this cream for me?”  She felt his tongue lapping her opening.  “Mmm.  Delicious. I could do this all night.  Would you like that, Annie?  Would you like me to spend hours and hours doing nothing more than licking your pussy?”

She whimpered at the thought.  Actually whimpered.  “Yes, no!  I don’t know!  Don’t stop!  More.   I need more!” 

Annie heard him laugh.  “Which is it pet?  Don’t you like it when I lick you like this?”  He licked her again, this time pressing his tongue into her opening.  She moaned.

“Answer me, Annie… don’t you like it when I lick you?” 

She tried to answer but his tongue had moved to her clit and she was incapable of forming words as he started to suckle.  Her nipples were throbbing now and she could feel an orgasm starting to build.

His weight shifted and she could feel him rimming her opening with his finger.  She wriggled his hips.  Her pussy needed to be filled.  He chuckled as he pressed one big finger just inside her opening.  It felt good, but it wasn’t enough.  She shifted her hips to take more of him.

The hand withdrew and she felt a sharp smack on her thigh.

“Bad, Annie.  I told you to lay still.  If you want me to continue, you are going to have to lay still.”

* * * *

Annie struggled to stop moving.  “Please” she whispered.

“Please what?”

“Please don’t stop.”

“You’ll have to be clear than that.  Please suck your clit?  Please put my fingers inside your pussy?”

“Yes, Dane.  Yes, please suck my clit.  Please put your fingers inside me and fuck me with them!”

“Well, since you ask so nicely…”

His mouth came back on her clit and his finger slid back insider her.  It came out immediately and she almost cried, but then two big fingers pressed into her hard and deep, stretching her in the best possible way just as his teeth pressed lightly down on her clit.

She exploded.  There was no other way to describe it.  She exploded as her climax slammed into her without warning.  Her body bowed and bucked and she screamed as he suckled strongly while his fingers fucked her hard and harder and… another climax hit, or maybe it was the second wave of the first one.  She didn’t know, care.  She screamed as she rode wave after wave after wave as he kept using his mouth and fingers to drive her higher and higher and higher. 

Then suddenly his mouth and fingers were gone and she felt so empty.  The ripples of her climax started to recede and she felt empty and replete at the same time.

She felt the bed shift as now Dane was kneeling between her thighs.  He reached up beside her to her bedside table.  He opened a drawer and pulled out a condom which he quickly donned.

He positioned himself over her.  He reached down and aligned the head of his cock with her opening.  Then he pressed into her.  His cock was thick and long and hot as he pressed forward until he filled her completely.

Then he stopped moving, bracing himself on his hands as he looked down at her.  She looked up and saw him staring down at her.

“Wrap your arms and legs around me and hold on tight.  I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.  What I just did was for you.  This is for me!”

A stab of pure lust shot through Annie as she hurriedly obeyed.  Once she locked her ankles he started moving.  True to his word, he abandoned all finesse.  He was primitive man, claiming a woman.  All shackles of civilization were thrown off as he pounded into her taking her, using her for his own satisfaction and she gloried in it.

He growled.  Yes, growled.  Then he shifted position and each thrust rubbed against her g-spot.  The ripples started again.  After her earlier orgasm, she didn’t think she would come again, could come again, but those ripples had turned into a freight train that was bearing down on her.

She whimpered and held on tight as he seemed to be trying to meld their two bodies together.  With each stroke he drove her higher and higher until suddenly she exploded again.  He shouted hoarsely, held himself deep and emptied himself into the condom.  She could feel the heat as he came long and hard before he collapsed on top of her. 

She barely felt it as he carefully withdrew from her body, removing the condom and leaving the bed to dispose of it. 

* * * *

She was sound asleep when he returned from her bathroom carrying a glass of water.  Poor thing, he’d worn her out.  Good, that would make things easier.  But just to be sure… he retrieved his pants and pulled out a small bottle.  He opened it and added a couple of drops to the water.

Then he sat at the side of the bed and helped her to sit up.  She protested.  “Wanna sleep!”

“I know, baby.  But first I want you to drink this so you don’t get dehydrated.”  He held the glass to her mouth and she obediently drank it all down.  “Good girl.  Now go back to sleep.

Dane watched her drop back off to sleep.  He smiled and reached out a hand to smooth her hair back from her forehead and then trail down to her magnificent breasts.  Even in her sleep she responded to him, her nipple tightening at his touch.  He felt his cock twitch and sighed, removing his hand.

Besides the fact that he preferred his partners awake and lucid, he had things to do and not much time to do them in.


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