Mine (Dangerous Love Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Mine (Dangerous Love Book 1)
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Chapter 3



Over the next couple of weeks, he made sure he ran into her regularly, but no so often it would arouse her suspicions.  His hair was longer than he usually kept it but he could see that she liked it, so he continued to let it grow.  He started taking walks to strengthen his leg.  In a matter of weeks, he was running again and now he was close to one hundred percent.    His next job, if he took one, would have him back in the field, instead of doing home-bound surveillance, damned stupid ricochet.  They guys would never let him live it down, getting hit by his own damned bullet.

The day passed slowly, but finally he heard her car in the driveway.  She was supposed to be a job.  He had been hired to watch her, get close to her, not to fall in love with her.  It was usually easy.  He never got emotionally involved with his subjects, but Annie was different.  And, whether she knew it yet or not, she’d soon be his. 

* * * *

Annie waved at Dane as she walked up the steps to her home.  He was so sweet and kind.  If only he was ten years older.  He claimed to be twenty seven, but she wasn’t sure if she believed him.  He looked like he’d just finished college.  Besides, even if he was, she was thirty two. 

Guys like him didn’t look twice at a woman like her. 

Hell, if they weren’t neighbors, she reasoned, he probably wouldn’t have given her the time of day.  It wasn’t that he was a bad guy.  In fact, Dane was pretty nice, but he was definitely out of her league.  Annie knew she wasn’t no better than average looking and her body was round and squishy.  Every year she made a resolution to work out more and eat better, but when she was under stress, she ate chocolate.  In other words, she was the opposite of her beauty queen, size two mother, something her father never stopped reminding her. 
You’re a reflection on me and you mother, Annie.  Can’t you at least try?

She’d long realized that she was never going to please her parents and she’d more or less come to terms with the fact.

Dane was another matter.  She knew she could never have him.  Hell, he wasn’t even her type.  She liked the dark, brooding, dangerous types, not that they would look at her either, but for some reason, fantasizing about Dane turned her on.

The problem with fantasizing about a real live man was that it was making her restless.  Fantasizing wasn’t enough.  She needed to get out and meet people, according to her co-worker and friend Noemi. 

She’d been putting Noemi off all year, but school was over for the year and she had no more excuses for not going out and tying on one.  Hell, maybe she’d even meet someone who would help her stop mooning over her hunky next door neighbor. 
she’d even pick up someone for a one night stand.  Yes, she decided, maybe she would.  Maybe a flesh and blood man in her bed, even for a single night, would help her get past their weird restlessness, or maybe it was dissatisfaction, she’d been experiencing lately.  But first she’d have to do some shopping.

* * * *

Dane waved as he watched her enter the small house.  Annie waved back, but didn’t stop and chat.  She was later than usual and appeared to be in a hurry.  He observed she was carrying a couple of bags with names of stores he didn’t recognize, but which looked expensive. 

School was over and he didn’t have to wait much longer to be with her.  He’d give her a week to relax and then he would make his move.  Only a few more days to settle for watching from a distance.  Then he’d make all of her fantasies come true.

Dane watched the door close behind her and then headed inside to watch what she did next.   What would she be doing tonight? Reading a new book, perhaps.  Or maybe she’d be working on dinner. It was late and she was probably hungry.

She’d cooked for him once, as a thank you for when he’d arranged for a security system to be installed in her home after a couple of neighbors suffered break-ins.  He’d installed the camera himself.  He’d also handled the break-ins.

He remembered that night he’d done the install.  She’d been so grateful when she’d come home and he’d demonstrated the system for her.  She had insisted he stay for dinner.  Lasagna.  It was homemade and restaurant quality.  He’d almost made his move that night, but she had smiled at him sweetly and kissed him primly on the cheek while thinking him for being so kind. 

That was almost two months ago.  Even with his resolution, he hadn’t been able to resist watching her that night.  He saw her bedtime routine for the first time that night and his cock ached as he watched her pleasure herself. 

The next day, he’d let himself in and examined her video collection and he realized that their needs might not be all that different after all.

He watched with curiosity as she headed for her bedroom.  He expected her to ditch her bra and change into something comfortable like she did every night, but this time, she took a shower.

When she returned to the bedroom, she put on a pair of sheer black lace panties and matching bra that showcased her breasts, pushing them up and showcasing them in a way that made him salivate.  He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on them.  He would tie her wrists to the headboard and straddle her and pull down her bra but not remove it.  No, he liked the lacy concoction.  He would leave it on her as he tortured her and made her beg…

His gaze narrowed.  Why was she dressing like this?  He’d been biding his time.  Waiting for the perfect opportunity.  During the last few months she hadn’t dated at all, hadn’t spent time with any other man.  Had he waited too long?  Was she seeing someone?  Involved?  Was this a first date?  Did he have a rival?

He watched as she turned and walked over to her dresser.  Her panties were actually a thong.  He nearly came in his pants at the sight of her full lush ass bisected by that scraps of lace.   She sat down at her dresser and styled her hair.  When she went to work, she always tied it back so that her young students, she taught kindergarten, didn’t grab it.  Tonight, she was even using a curling iron to make the waves more pronounced as her hair cascaded down her back, down below the band of her bra.

Fuck!  He could just imagine how that liquid gold would feel wrapped around his hands as he fucked her mouth and her pussy and her ass.  He hardened painfully as he imagined her struggling to accept his cock as he forced it down her throat, the tears streaming down her face as he ravished her and she begged him for more.

She had finished her hair as he was caught up in his fantasy and was now putting on make-up.  Make-up!  He loved her natural beauty.  When she was his, he’d toss out all of those ridiculous products, except maybe for her lipstick.  He would let her wear lipstick, bright red lipstick, when she sucked his dick.

But who was she wearing it for now?  She had finished her face.  He was relieved to see that she had a light hand with the cosmetics and still looked like her normal beautiful self, but now she was walking over to the bags on her bed.  She dumped the contents onto her bed.  She picked out a dress.  It was blue like her eyes with a plunging neckline and a nearly nonexistent skirt.  Fuck, where was she going?  The other bag held shoes, high heeled and slutty shoes. 
Double fuck!

He stood up so abruptly his chair fell over. 

Impatiently, he grabbed his chair and set it back in position just as a cab pulled up in front of her home.  He could see it on one of the monitors.  Two women were inside.  One got out and headed up the walkway way.  Her dress was even more revealing than Annie’s.

Damn.  This was a possibility he hadn’t considered.   She was going out with her friends.  And not to dinner.  Those were serious partying, guy-picking-up, clothes. 
Had he left things too long?


It was after midnight when the cab pulled.  Dane was ready to rush out when he saw a man exit.  Clearly he was lost.  The man staggered a step, righted himself, turned and reached back into the cab to help Annie out.


Dane watched as she giggled and tottered, holding tightly to the man’s arm.  Was she drunk too?  He felt something twisting in his gut.  The pain grew worse as the man said something to the cab driver who promptly drove away. 

He watched them heading to Annie’s door.  He could feel himself tensing, as if he weren’t already strung tighter than a drum from all the hours of waiting for her to come home and imagining what she was up to.

He watched the man lean down and kiss her.  She kissed him back for a moment before she tried to pull away.  The man laughed. Dane watched with growing rage as he saw the interloper grab a couple of handfuls of Annie’s ass and she only giggled.


Then she slapped the man’s hands away before riffling through her purse, presumably for her key.  Good, Dane thought.  She was going to send the asswipe on his way.  He watched as she inserted her key and opened the door.  Any moment now, she’d send the douche on his way and close the door in his face.  Any time now…

Chapter 4



Annie looked at the man looking down at her.  He’d seemed like fun in the club. He was everything she’d gone out looking for.  He was tall and dark and muscular.  He was arrogant and sexy as hell.

They danced and laughed and, yes, flirted a bit. She and her friends had laughed and danced.  He had watched her, his dark eyes blazing.  It should have made her feel sexy and desired, but she just wanted to go home.

Home.  Where she’d slept alone for a year.  Dammit.  She was going to take him home, fuck his brains out and send Barry on his way.  Or maybe his name was Barry.  She wasn’t sure.  The music had been too loud and the drinks too potent. 

All she knew for sure is that she wanted, no, she needed a man tonight.  Tomorrow she’d go back to her monastic ways, pleasuring herself while she fantasized while she went to bed alone, but tonight she’d close her eyes and enjoy having a man in her bed.

He followed her across the threshold and into her home.  Turning quickly, he pushed her back against the door and pressed his body against hers.  He was lean and hard as he pressed his erection against her.

If she closed her eyes, maybe she could imagine it was Dane…  She felt the big hands moving over her body, sliding over her breasts and down her hips.  His hot breath was on her neck, his hands moved over her ass, squeezing, massaging, before the slipped lower before sliding back up and taking the hem of her dress with them.

She couldn’t do this, she realized.  Annie tried to step away, but he was stronger than she was.  The harder she pushed, the tighter his grip.  She decided to try a different approach.

“Barry, please… I have to freshen up first.  Barry!”

He looked up, his eyes glazed with passion, his expression ugly as he got himself under control.  He dropped his hands and stepped back.

“Fine, but when you come back, you will suck my dick like you were promising all night.”

“Whoa!  I have no idea what you are talking about.  We just danced a bit.”

“Don’t play coy.  You wanted me. You brought me home with you.”  He gripped her wrist.  She tried to pull away but he held tight.  “You aren’t trying to back out now, are you?  I didn’t think you were some kind of prick tease!”

Before she could think of an answer that wouldn’t enrage him, she heard the sound of pounding on her door followed by the sound of a familiar voice.

“Annie, Annie, it’s Dane.  I need your help!”  She sagged against the door in relief.

“Ignore it.”

“No, it’s my neighbor.  He… he has his own key.”  She was lying, but Barry wouldn’t know that.  “If I don’t let him in, he’ll let himself in.  He can see the light.  He knows I’m home.”

Barry nodded, let go of her arm and dropped heavily down on the couch.  “Get rid of him.  I’m horny as hell and I can’t wait to get you naked.”

Annie didn’t try to hide her shudder as she hurried to the door.

* * * *

Dane was getting ready to break the door down when Annie flung it open.  Her hair was dishevelled and she was breathing heavily.  He hesitated at the threshold.  If this pick up was what she wanted…

He looked at her and frowned.  It was only then that he saw the relief and gratitude in her eyes.  Pasting a pained look on his face, he held his hand out.

“I cut myself and I don’t have any Band-Aids at my place.”

She glanced down and her eyes grew wide at the sight of the blood dripping down his palm.  He surprised a snort.  Wait until she got a look at the piece of glass protruding from his palm.  It was small and carefully placed, but it would definitely freak her out.  She was the nurturing type.  There was no way she’d hand him a Band-Aid and send him on his way.

“Oh my god.  A Band-Aid?  You might need stitches!” She took his arm and led him into the foyer, kicking the door closed behind them.  “Barry, you have to leave.  Dane is injured and needs to sit down before he passes out from loss of blood.”

Her guest looked annoyed as he watched Annie guide Dane towards the kitchen.  Dane flashed a quick look over his shoulder to see if the intruder was leaving.  The idiot didn’t seem to understand that his presence wasn’t wanted and trailed along after them.  Dane glared, but the jerk just glared back at him.

“Oh, sorry, Annie.  I didn’t realize you were on a date.  If you just give me a couple of Band-Aids, I’ll go back home… I don’t want to intrude.  I can take care of it myself.”

“See, Annie.  He doesn’t want to intrude.”  Barry looked at her smugly.  “I’m sure he’ll be fine.  Just give him some Band-Aids and send him on his way.”

“Your friend is right.  Besides, I don’t want to drip blood all over your floor.  Maybe I can borrow some anti-biotic cream too, and maybe a pair of tweezers.   I think there’s some glass…”

“You sit right down there, Dane, and don’t you think of moving.”  She glared as she placed a I’m going to get my first aid supplies, but that cut might need stitches which means a trip to the emergency room.”  She looked over at her date.  “Sorry, Barry.  You’re going to have to go.  I have to look after Dane.”

“The name is Carson!”

“Really, I thought it was Barry or Barry or something like that!”

Dane smothered a grin.  Clearly she wasn’t into the interloper.

Dane let Annie guide him to kitchen, then he sat down heavily.  He glanced over at her visitor, “Sorry, man.”

“Do not move.  I’ll be right back.” Annie’s tone was firm.

Once she was out of sight, Dane looked up at his competition. It wouldn’t be much of a contest.  The guy had gym muscles.  His body might be hard, but he didn’t have the look of someone who knew how to street fight.  Dane did, and he fought dirty when he had to.

“When she comes back, you are going to get up and leave and never, ever get within a hundred feet of her again.”

“Or what?” 

Dane smiled.  It wasn’t a pleasant smile.  A smart man would have recognized him for the predator he was and backed off.  Barry clearly wasn’t smart enough for that.  Dane reached up, grasped the other man’s junk and squeezed.  Hard.  Barry’s face turned pale and then red.

“Or I make you a eunuch.  Do we have an understanding?  Nod if you are ready to go.”  Dane let go and the other man dropped to his knees, tears running down his cheeks.  “Don’t wait for Annie to return.  Go now and never come back.  If I ever see you again, I’ll finish the job.  Understand?”

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