Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2) (37 page)

BOOK: Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2)
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O’Rourke’s was surprisingly busy for the time of day. Mason was seated at the far end of the bar having a conversation with a few guys while enjoying a beer. He was a welcome sight, dressed in a tan long sleeve tight fitting t-shirt and dark tattered jeans. The shirt emphasized all his beautiful sculpted muscles and there were several women admiring the view. As soon as she reached him, Mikala made it a point of put on a show by keeping her lips locked to his a little longer than needed to say hello, then running her hands over his taut pecs.

“Hello to you too, sugar. Miss me much?” he grasped her hips pressing his package against her stomach.

“You have no idea.”

“Come, let’s find a seat.” He took her hand and led her to the back corner and waited while a booth was cleared and then slipped into the same side, sharing a seat.

“All those naughty thoughts churning around in that head of yours, forget them,” she warned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Mason chuckled. “I was thinking only the most pure of thoughts.

“Corrupt is more like it.” Her chuckle matched his. She sucked in a deep breath when his warm hand ran up her thigh and his pinkie finger traced along the seam of her jeans.

“Get a room you two, this is a respectable establishment,” James O’Rourke teased.

“Respectable my ass,” Mason said, shaking his hand. “Good to see you, everything’s good with you?”

“The best, what can I get you today?” James asked, while placing cutlery wrapped in linen napkins by each of them.

“How about the sampler,” Mason asked Mikala. She was famished and eagerly nodded her head. “Sampler it is, a beer for me and a vodka rocks for the lady.”

“I’ll have a cranberry and rocks, skip the vodka.” Mikala told James who smiled and walked off as he wrote their order on a paper napkin.

Mason eyed Mikala and she smiled. “I drink too much.”

“I’d never say.”

Mikala put her palm to his cheek and smiled. “I’d like to think if I get out of line with my drink, or anything else, you’d tell me.”

“I hear you and I will, if necessary.”

Place commercial here, Mikala thought after a pregnant pause while they sat looking at each other.

“So, Eden found the perfect place for the party,” Mikala said, placing the subject change exactly where it needed to be.

“And where is this venue and what’s it going to cost me?” Mason joked. Money and cost meant absolutely nothing when it came to Mikala and what she wanted, he was being a smartass and she was well aware of it. She poked her finger into his side and watched him squirm.

“Dean Manor.”

“Deanna’s place?”

“You know it?” Mikala asked, as James placed their drinks on the table.

“Enjoy, your platter will be out in five.”

“Thanks.” Mason said taking a swig of his beer. “I helped Chase move Deanna in. The place is huge, gorgeous but huge.”

“It’s going to be perfect, Deanna has a friend that owns a catering company, she has a tent and a full staff of servers, she’s going to fax me a menu tonight so we can make food choices. And Deanna promised me no flowers.”

“There’s something twisted about that statement, makes me sound like a real douchebag, a man that won’t buy his woman flowers.”

“Fuck them all, I understand why and to me it’s sweet.” She put her hand on his thigh and squeezed, then trailed her fingertips along his inseam as they held a daring stare. Mason flinched when her hand covered the bulge in his pants and she giggled when James approached with their platter.

“Seriously, you two are going to get arrested for public indecency.” James laughed and handed them each napkins. “Eat and then get home before I have to throw you out.”

“Jealous bastard.”

“God damned right I am.” James tittered and moved to the next table to take orders.

“You are such a bad influence on me, Mr. Reed.”

“What can I say, I’m in love.” He winked and gave her a chaste kiss. “Now eat so I can get you home and fuck your brains out.”




Mikala quietly crept through the living room, tossing her purse over the back of the couch. Obviously by the thump on the floor she had over shot her mark and cringed in case she disturbed Mason. Too tired to bother picking it up, Mikala tip toed along the hall and quickly changed for bed. When she climbed into bed the relaxing scent of clean linen and her man met her nostrils as she cuddled into Mason’s back, she breathed him in and closed her eyes welcoming much needed sleep.

Sleep came at a cost as she tossed and turned the entire night. Nightmares of Stiles, like a parasitic infestation, haunted her sleep yet again.

Daylight blasted into the room, Mikala squinted against the invasion groaning at being wakened far too early. Mason was standing at the side of the bed with his jaw slanted, a crease between his brows and his arms crossed over his chest.

Mikala rose onto her elbows and smiled. “What’s up?”

“When were you going to tell me about this?” he held up the summons. “When did you get served?”

Instantly she regretted her decision to leave her purse where it landed. She was never in the habit of closing it and the contents undoubtedly spilt out onto the floor.

“A few days ago,”

“This psycho is suing you and you thought it not important enough to tell me?”

Mikala rose to her knees and hooked her hands into his pockets. “Don’t be angry, Mason.”

“Don’t be angry? Are you kidding me, I’m fucking furious.” He yanked her hands free, jolting her. Mason crossed the room to the window. He pulled the heavy drapes open fully and the sun streaked into the room, causing Mikala to squint and draw back.

“I took it to my lawyer, he said he’d check it out and get back to me. I figured I’d wait until I knew more before telling you.”

“Am I that fucking menacing you can’t talk to me?”

She jumped from the bed and buried herself into his chest as her hand cautiously caressed his jaw. “You’re not scary. I didn’t want to upset you, that’s all.”

“We’re a team, sugar. What happens to you happens to me. No more secrets, remember?”

Stepping away she sat on the beds edge with her elbows on her knees, her shoulders slumped forward as she covered her face.

“It’s like I’m trapped in this walking shit show and every time I think it’s okay to get happy again, a cloud opens up and shits on me.” She brushed away a tear. “And I’m dragging you with me. I wouldn’t blame you if you fucked off again.”

Mason knelt between her knees, peeling away her hands. “I’ve told you too many times to count, sugar, I’m not going anywhere.” He placed her open palms on his chest. “There can’t be anymore secrets. You may not like the way I react to certain things you tell me, and I can’t help the way I react sometimes, but secrets only create lies and we can’t live with lies.”

“I just need this nightmare to be over. Each time I think he’s been dealt with and I can relax, that asshole crawls out from under his rock and tilts my entire world off axis until I’m hanging from the edge again. What’s next?”

It was up to Mason to change the subject. After all, he was the one that woke her from her sleep like an impatient ass with something that could have waited. He had upset her and it was up to him to make it right. Sure, sex wasn’t going to fix the problem, but it was a very nice distraction.

“Next?” Mason asked, as he pulled her to her feet and fisted the hem of her shirt.

He peeled her t-shirt over her head, then reached back, pulling his own t-shirt over his shoulders and threw it to the floor. Watching her lips part and her eyes grow heavy as he cupped her breast and tugged her nipple, Mason moistened his lips and then ran his tongue along the crack of her mouth.

She pulled back with a scowl. “I haven’t brushed my teeth. Yuck!”

“I don’t give a fuck,” he whispered, lapping his tongue into her mouth. “I want you now, morning breath and all.” He pushed his hips forward to the junction of her thighs.

Mikala grinned as she slipped her hand into his sweatpants and felt him slowly stiffen in her hand. “I love that feeling.”

“What feelings that?”

“The way you respond to my touch.”

“That’s nothing compared to how wet I can make you without laying a finger on you at all.”

Her brows rose and she lowered her chin in a dare like gesture, he moved back slightly and glared. “Game on,” he said.

“You don’t like games.”

“This one I’m going to enjoy.” He stepped back behind her slipping her panties down to her knees, when she moved to assist him he clamped onto her knees. “Uh, uh, uh, these can stay where they are.” He heard her giggle. “One rule, sugar,”

“Uh huh,”

“Hands behind your head…and they stay there or I stop, got it?”

“Okay,” she said, as she linked her fingers together placing her palms on top of her head. One thing Mason never joked about was breaking rules. “I think this is going to be more fun for me than you.”

“No way, now close your eyes.”

“You said one rule,” Mikala teased and was met with a stinging slap to the cheek of her ass. “Ouch!” she laughed.

“My game, my rules,” Mason warned.

His body pushed up against her back, his lips tracing along the shell of her ear. “Can you feel how hard you make me, baby?” he whispered, dragging the tip of his cock up the crease of her ass.

She could feel a trail of pre-cum as it cooled on her skin and smiled. “You’re wetter than I am.” She giggled.

“For now,” he said, gathering her hair and swirling it with his hand the way he watched her do so often. Lifting her hands, he tucked the end under so she was holding it up. “Better.”

As he walked in a circle around her, she was well aware of her increasing wetness, biting into her lip. Though his hands remained at his sides, she could feel the heat radiating from his body as he grazed kisses across her shoulders, her collarbone and each breast. He licked her nipples with the flat of his tongue and then continued covering every inch of her body with sweet sensual kisses. A layer of chill bumps covered her body and she shivered at the thought of what he planned next.

When he ended his assault on her fraying senses, he stood like a ghost at her side. Aware of his potent presence, she listened as his breathing heightened and couldn’t resist a peek. The smirk on his face as he stroked his cock was priceless. “I knew you couldn’t help yourself,” he laughed.

“I also know this turns you on.” He suggestively bit into his lower lip stroking a few more times, he then released his grasp. “Close your eyes, keep them closed this time.”

“Yes sir,” she said, as he laughed a greedy sensual laugh.

Mason was spot on with his call. She could feel the dampness rapidly pooling between her thighs. Strange enough she did enjoy seeing him pleasure himself, it was indeed a turn on, and the proof was threatening to run down her thighs.

His familiar heat returned to her back and she gasped when he ran his tongue down along each vertebrae, she shivered as the air turned it from hot to cold. He palmed the cheeks of her ass as he got down on his knees and peppered soft kisses at the small of her back. He hummed when he heard her moan, spreading her ass cheeks wide. She jumped as his tongue ran along her crack and she could feel the cocky grin on his face.

“Relax,” he hissed, swirling his tongue at the rim of her puckered entrance. The sensation sent tingles to her belly and her breathing quickly became labored as her knees weakened.

He was well turned on, she had no doubts. He had never attempted anything close to this before, it was foreign and she found herself breathless from the shock alone. She was losing her mind and wriggled her rear end trying to pull away. “No more,” she begged.

“You don’t like?”

“I like, sunshine, but you know where I really want that tongue and that’s not it.”

“Fine,” he snorted. “Hands on your knees and bend forward.”

Doing as she was told, the anticipation pushing her on, she slowly bent forward placing her hands on her thighs.

“Happy?” she asked, with a titter.

“You know it,” he answered, and then plunged his tongue as deep as he could manage into her sex, growling playfully.

“Fuck yeah, you couldn’t get much wetter,” he rumbled, grasping her butt, spreading her cheeks apart. His tongue lapped desperately, his fingers exploring and probing until she was a frenzied mess.

Her hand reached back, her fingers buried into his hair yanking him away. “You win, I’m wet, so fucking wet. I need you now, right now.”

Mason scooped her into his arms and threw her onto the bed. He crawled up her body and buried his cock into her hot wetness with a loud grunt.

“Fucking Ay, I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

Mikala’s fingernails buried in the tender flesh of his rear end, he stared into her face gritting his teeth, as if he were about to take a bite out of her. Scraping them up his back leaving telltale marks, she continued slowly up his shoulders and into his scalp, tugging him close. Licking her tongue along his jaw to his lips, she invaded his mouth with a fiery passion as his strokes increased and he gave a throaty moan.

His shaft thickened as he drew closer to his highpoint. “You close, baby?” he growled.

“Cum for me, sunshine, don’t wait for me,” she purred. A troubled expression appeared on his face as he slowed, causing her to reassure him, “I’m okay, don’t wait for me.”

“Not without you, sugar, I’m not flying solo on this mission.” He propped himself on one elbow, licked the fingers of his other hand bringing it between them, in search of her tiny bundle of nerve endings. “There it is,” he whispered, “feel me touch you. Feel me moving inside you. It’s so fucking good.”

“Mason,” she cried, as the sensation of him rubbing her clit had her writhing beneath him.

“That’s it,” Mason whispered, placing his forehead to hers. Their hot breath on each other’s faces as they fought for air left a layer of condensation on their skin. It only heightened the experience all the more.

“I’m going to cum,” she hummed, as Mason’s thrusts increased and the sound of his balls slapping against her butt echoed through the room, only masked by their throaty moans and grunts. Her eyes closed as her sex clamped hold of his cock, and stars sparkled behind her lids. She cried out his name over and over through her orgasmic frenzy.

BOOK: Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2)
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