Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2) (36 page)

BOOK: Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2)
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“Yes,” she said, without a moment’s hesitation.

She was eyeing the sparkling ring on her finger when Mason gently grasped her chin turning her to look at him. “Are you okay?” he asked, as tears streamed over her cheeks. “You crying, sugar?”

Her knuckles brushed over her cheek and she smiled into his eyes. “I think so.”

“We better do something about that, my woman doesn’t cry.” He forced her back into the pillows and slowly unbuttoned her blouse one by one, peppering her neck and chest with kisses as he unlatched her bra.

“Not here, someone might come,” Mikala said, as Mason unzipped her jeans and started working them over her hips.

His smile matched that of a Cheshire cat as he said, “Sugar, you know we both will.” He laughed.

“I left strict instructions that we aren’t to be disturbed, so let’s get naked and do what we do best.”

Once he had them both unsheathed, he sat back on his heels, allowing himself to enjoy the view, he lifted her foot and gently kissed each toe as he recited ‘This little piggy’. Mikala giggled with excitement, rising onto her elbows as she anticipated what would happen when the last little piggy ventured home.

“And this little piggy,” he sucked her baby toe between his lips and grinned wickedly as he started a trail along her foot and up her calf.

“Went wee,”

He kissed the underside of her knee and then the top.


His tongue darted out to moisten his lips and then his teeth nipped at her inner thigh.


He licked his lips seductively in circles until they glistened with saliva and Mikala laughed at his antics.

“All the way the fuck home,” he whispered, running his tongue along her crevice and her head fell back as she let out a long gratified moan.

“Mason, oh…don’t stop, don’t ever stop!” She cried, as his tongue teased her clit and his long slender fingers inserted magically to the very spot she needed them and gently stroked her to an explosive orgasm.

After the third orgasm she grasped hold of Mason’s ears tugging him away, her breathing was intensely labored as she gasped for air.

He smiled up at her with victory written all over his face. “You said don’t ever stop.”

“I swear you can breathe through you ears, Mason Reed.”

“I have talents you have yet to experience, Miss Santino.” He winked with a shit-eating grin and slunk along her body like a slow sleek cheetah on the prowl.

The head of his cock brushed over her overly sensitized opening, causing them to let out a collective groan into the night sky. He pushed into her and stilled while she adjusted to his size. The rise of her hips was all the encouragement he needed as he proceeded, rocking his hips forward and clenching his jaw, completely lost in the sensation of her tight warm wetness. He was happy to admit his greed for her sex.

“So fucking tight.”

With her ankles locked around the back of his thighs, her fingers journeyed up his arms and over his shoulders as she hummed a beat to match his thrusts, like a private symphony all their own. The flesh on his back was lightly spackled with perspiration. Mikala drew lazy patterns along each rippling muscle and listened to his grunts and groans of pleasure. She looked into his heavily hooded eyes watching as the man above her, made love to her with every ounce of passion he possessed.

“Straighten out your legs,” he ordered, and straddled her thighs as she did as he told her.

His hands smoothed along her sides and under her as he clamped each hand onto the globes of her ass pinning her arms in the process, and started a dreamy smooth rhythm. She loved the full weight of him against her as he took ownership of her entire body. In this position she was trapped to his will, he was unequivocally lost in her and she relished every moment.

“Say my name,” he growled into her ear, as the speed of each stroke increased.

“Mason,” she purred.

“Again,” he ordered.

“Mason, Mason, Mason.”

As the erotic sounds he made echoed louder into her ear, she knew by his breathlessness that he was almost there, and tightened her muscles around his cock while digging her nails into the back of his thighs.

“Fucking hell, sugar,” he bit into her ear lobe. “I’m going to cum. Ahh…” he filled her with his seed, as his entire body vibrated with uncontrollable shockwaves. Mikala was captivated by the look of full-blown gratification on his beautiful face as he stroked the last of his release into her. There was no doubt he was in love with every inch of her, as was she with him. A euphoric smile curled her lips.

He swiftly rolled to his back, bringing her with him, pulling the sheet covering the mattress over them both. They lay silently adoring the warmth of each other as a cool breeze suddenly blew circles around them.

“Warm enough?” Mason asked, tucking the sheet around her back. “We should get inside where it’s warmer.”

Mikala pushed her hand to his chest and scowled. “Not yet. I don’t want this night to end, say we can stay like this forever?”

“Okay, sugar, but Boston winters really suck and I’m not into frostbitten body parts falling off, if you know what I mean.”

“Five more minutes,” she urged, suddenly raising her head. “Would you be upset if I said I didn’t want a big elaborate wedding?”

“Pfft, are you kidding?”

“Would you be upset if I said I don’t want a wedding at all?”

He rolled her onto her back, cradling her cheeks between his palms. “You don’t want to marry me?”

Her eyes widened as she realized her blunder. “No, I mean yes I want to marry you. But I’d rather go to city hall with Eden and Chase and then have a really big party after, can you live with that?”

“That I can definitely live with,” He caressed his lips against hers, parting them with his tongue and devouring her.

The rock hard length of his cock pushed at the apex of her thighs and he groaned into her mouth as he pressed deliciously against her pubic bone. “Easy fella,” she said, pushing his shoulders back. “Keep that thought until we get inside, I’m cold.”

“You won’t be once I get


“Your wish is my command.” He gave her a chaste smooch. “But hurry, I need you bad.”


“It’s the perfect venue,” Eden assured Mikala.

Standing in the center of the Hyatt Boston Harbor dance floor, Mikala shook her head. The room was all set up and ready for a wedding taking place the next evening, it looked spectacular. The view of the harbor was spectacular, the location was spectacular, even the color choices were spectacular.

“This just isn’t me and Mason, it’s too much, they’re all too much.” Her shoulders sagged in defeat.

In her mind’s eye she saw the exact venue for the reception. Outdoors with tiny fairy lights and lanterns strung everywhere, a tent with a dance floor and a live band, and a wait staff serving an obscene variety of finger foods and pink champagne. Nothing overly fancy, she wanted it simple, a day and evening for family and friends to help them celebrate their much awaited union.

As they walked to the car, Eden latched her hand onto Mikala’s and squeezed. “I got it. I have the perfect spot, give me a few minutes.” Eden took her phone from her purse and started a tirade of texting, she chewed on the inside of her lip and Mikala laughed at her intensity.

“Excuse me, are you Mikala Santino?” a tall dark haired man dressed in a gray business like suit with dark shaded glasses asked.

“I am,” she answered, confused, wondering who he was and what he’d want her for.

He handed her a long white envelope. “You’ve been served.”

“What the fuck?”

He raised his glasses and smiled, then darted off before she could say anything more.

“We’re all set,” Eden said. “What’s that?”

“Nothing,” Mikala said, slipping the envelope, unopened into her purse. “So?”

“I found the perfect spot, you’ll love it. It’s about a ten minute drive from here. Are you up for it?”

“Of course I am, let’s go.”

The entire drive Mikala held her purse into her side contemplating what the letter could be until her head ached. Eden was nattering on regarding colors, flowers and caterers and Mikala was only taking in bits and pieces of what she was saying. “Better write all this down, I’ll forget it all.” She half joked.

“Not a problem, I was a bride once; I remember all too well how nerve racking it is.”

The car pulled up to an enormous set of iron gates and Eden leaned out her window punching in a code on a pinpad. The gates parted and as they slowly drove along a tree lined driveway, a beautiful Tudor style home came into view. Perfectly landscaped with a fountain in the center of a circular turnaround, Mikala sat taking it all in.

“Where are we? This is beautiful.”

“This is Dean Manor. Chase’s mother’s home, she moved here not too long ago. But you haven’t seen anything yet, come on.”

Once out of the car, Eden ran round and grabbed Mikala by the wrist dragging her to a double gated entrance at the side of the house. She punched a code into a keypad and the gates opened revealing an interlocked stone walkway. At the back corner of the house, Mikala grinned as she stepped out into the expanse of acres upon acres of landscaped splendor.

“What do you think?” Eden asked, pulling her further away from the house.


“Exactly, right?”

“Look at the view,” Mikala said, following the landscape with her eyes, it spanned for miles until it met water. A walled hedge was the only thing blocking the view to her left side. “What’s behind there?”

“That’s the pool, it can be available for the wedding if you like.”

“We could put a tent there,” Eden pointed off to a huge blank carpet of green grass. “It’s nice and close to the kitchen. We can string the lights between the trees, it will be perfect. So what do you think?”

“I think you better make sure this is okay with Mrs. Dean.”

“Already did silly, Deanna’s stoked.  She’s been looking for an excuse for a party and wants to take care of all the arrangements if you’re okay with that.”

“Fuck yeah!” Mikala hollered. “Just one thing though. Ask her to try and keep it simple.”

“I’ll keep her under control.” Eden winked.

“Wait,” Mikala stopped walking. A serious warning look shrouded her face. “No flowers.”

“What? You have to have flowers.”

“No, no flowers. The gardens are perfect, they’re alive. Mason and I don’t believe in cut flowers.”

Eden smiled with a nod. “Okay, no flowers. What are we going to put on the tables then?”

“Bling baby,” Mikala laughed. “Lots and lots of bling.”

“Let’s go in and see Deanna and go over all the details, we have time right?”

“Sure.” Mikala followed Eden across a large patio to a set of sliding doors. She clutched her purse to her side and shook away the thought of the envelope burning a hole in the leather, and went inside.




“Basically what it says,” Mikala’s lawyer gazed up from the papers briefly. “Ross Stiles is suing you for causing his marriage to breakdown, in turn, causing him temporary insanity which led to his uncharacteristic actions, in turn causing him to be incarcerated.”

“He can do that?”

“Miss Santino,” his dramatic pauses were causing tightness in her chest, “Mr. Stiles can do whatever he pleases…it doesn’t mean he’ll win.”

“That’s reassuring, I think.”

“The guy was clearly insane, stalked you for months before he killed his wife and her lover and then tried to kill you and Mrs. Dean. The trace amount of evidence we have regarding the fire isn’t strong enough to pin him to starting it, but the circumstantial evidence could be enough to prove he had reason.”

“I don’t understand why he’s doing this then, how can he do this? Are you sure he doesn’t have something.”

“We have a ton of evidence against him, Miss Santino. Breaking and entering. Threats. Harassment. Kidnapping and forcible confinement as well as stalking. He murdered his wife and lover. I can’t imagine what he has, but I’ll make an appointment with his lawyer and get to the bottom of this.”

Mikala stood offering her hand. “Thanks. Here’s the number you can reach me at.” She scribbled her cell number onto the back of her business card and handed it to him. “Call me only on that number.”

“I will be in touch as soon as I know something, try not to worry.”

Gripping the steering wheel and staring unblinking into the distance, she barely noticed her cell phone ringing. Fiancé flashed on the screen and she smiled.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“What are you doing, sugar?”

“Sitting in the car.”

Mason’s brows knit together, she sounded strange. “Something up, sugar?”

Mikala weighed up whether to tell him just yet about the law suit. She wouldn’t be able to answer his questions and he would have plenty to ask. “Not a thing. You done for the day, want to meet for dinner? Eden and I found a venue.”

“O’Rourke’s good for you?”

“On my way, see you soon.” She tucked her copy of the summons into her purse and decided to put it out of her mind.

When she pulled into a parking space at O’Rourke’s, she became frightfully aware that she couldn’t remember driving there. It was as if time had simply transported her to this location and woke her from a dream. Scary shit, she thought. She defiantly needed to get a grip.

BOOK: Mikala's Passion (Pulse Series Book 2)
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