Read Midnight Masquerade Online

Authors: Sunny Andrews

Midnight Masquerade (23 page)

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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“Step inside your new room Lia,” He whispered, leaning forward and opening the door to his ducal suite.

He hadn’t planned to tell her he loved her tonight, he planned on doing that tomorrow with his other surprise, but the moment felt right and he did not regret his decision.
t was easy to see how much those three words meant to his lady, the sparkle in her eyes when he confessed how much he loved her, he never wanted to hold back his feelings again.

Getting her here, in her new home had been easier than he anticipated. He truly thought she’
d dig in her heels, she was proud and stubborn, fiercely independent. He knew there was no way he could push, it had to be on her schedule.

Last night had been difficult turning her down for sex, even tonight he was
n’t sure it was the best idea.
She was still in pain from her fall, but he couldn’t help himself, he wanted her badly.

Walking in behind her, he watched her take in the sights of his bedroom. The moon and fireplace illuminated the room enough he could see her clearly as she walked around his room. Amelia was the first and last woman that would ever be allowed into this room, into his ducal bed, and most certainly into his heart. He had just handed her the greatest weapon possible, the key to his undoing, his heart.

Tomorrow night at the Royale Opera all of London would know the beautiful brunette was his, he couldn’t wait. After a botched engagement with the entirely wrong
woman, he wanted nothing more than to personally tell everyone himself that Amelia would be his wife.

He had planned on asking her to marry him after the murderer was caught, but given the frustrating dead end le
d they had taken thus far, he wasn’t sure he could wait much longer. Knowing that Amelia loved him cast away the last shadow of doubt he had regarding asking her, the last thing he wanted to do was ask for her hand far too quickly or rush her. He had just moved her in, yet in his heart he needed that security that she would be his forever. Tomorrow he’d take her back into public, all eyes would be on her and most assuredly her suitors would come out of the woodwork to check on her once she showed her face.

“This room is massive Alastair, I don’t think I’ve seen a room so decedent.”

Grinning, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned against one of the large
pillar of his bed, “I hope you like it, I plan on spending a lot of time with you in this room.”

“Oh I like it very much, shall I show you how much I like it? I feel like I still owe you a
thank you
for my Shakespeare book, if you’re up to it of course?”

“I am always game Andromeda,
and I am
always at your command. If you want me in the middle of the night, wake me. If you have needs while we are out and about, tell me and I’ll find us a secluded spot to feed your needs, anywhere, anytime I will always and happily see you are fulfilled.”

Smiling brightly, “
, I like that. Of course my sex god would be game, careful Alastair, I might just make you own up on that soon.”

Winking, “I hope you do love, I don’t need a bed like this to make you scream my name.”
loved being able to break the chains off and say exactly what he wanted to her now, there were no limits. Seeing the flush across her cheeks would never get old, oh his lady knew how to flirt but he had years of experience on her.


Chapter 12


Waking to the sensation of Alastair’s hands upon her body was exactly the medicine she needed to combat her normally grumpy morning attitude. Quickly learning that living with the gorgeous man had so many advantages she giggled as he dried her off with a towel.

After an hour long tumble on his four post bed, he had promptly drew them a large bath in one of the most unique tubs she had ever seen. It was like a mini Turkish bathhouse hot spring tub, she could almost swim in it.
spoiled by his attention,
had washed her hair and
washed her entire body as if he were her personal maid.

Not wanting to be left out she had taken her turn and took her time as he washed his golden locks, sitting astride him, their bath had turned into another
round of screaming
on both of their parts.

Giggling as he helped her out of the tub
she let him dry her off with a towel and once again reciprocated back. She was quite sure she’d never tire of looking at his perfectly shaped body, he was a god in all definitions.

“Are you looking forward to the opera tonight Lia?” He asked in a husky tone as she dried off his legs, kneeling before him.

Looking up at him in all his glory, she grinned, “I am, you know I love music and it’ll be nice to get out of the house, although I didn’t pack anything in my trunks suitable for the opera, I’ll need to stop by my house.”

Cocking his head and crossing his arms, “This is your house now love.”

Sighing, she stood up and tossed the towel at his face, “You know what I meant Alastair.”

Grabbing the towel in midair, he playfully swatted at her with it, and tipped his head towards his massive closet on the far side of the room, “Maybe my lady should take a look in her new wardrobe.”

Curious, she eyed him and crossed the long room, with a hand on both handles, she threw the doors wide and her jaw dropped. His closet wasn’t a closet, it was the size of a damn room! Even more shocking was the fact that the entire thing was split in two, his side and her side. Her side was full of gowns she didn’t recognize.

Looking over her shoulder, standing naked in the doorway of the massive closet, “To whom do these dresses belong Alastair?” Jealousy creeping up, she didn’t know what to think.

Chuckling, he joined her and
to the side that was full of elaborate gowns, bonnets, gloves, shoes and every need and want a lady could ever ask for, “These are yours Lia, I ordered them made for you when I found out you were my Andromeda.”

Turning around, “Alastair, you were engaged to Porsche at that time.”

, “Didn’t matter love, I knew who I was going to marry…and I wanted it to be a surprise for you. Not that I think you
clothing, lord knows you have some of the most enchanting dresses I’ve ever seen in my life, but I wanted you to have a new wardrobe befitting your new position in my life.”

Shaking her head she walked into the
area and looked at the gowns lining her side, all new, and insanely expensive, “How do y
ou know my size, what I like?”
Kissing her on her bare shoulder, “Lia, do you forget the man you love is the
of all the spies in England? I’d be doing a bang up job for our country if I couldn’t even figu
re out your favorite seamstress or know your style. I’ve known you for years
, and my hands could never forget the shape of your body

Reaching up, she ran her hand down a lovely blue silk dress, “You had to spend a fortune Alastair…”

“Yes well, one of the blessings of being wickedly rich is I can buy whatever I want, whenever I want
without worry…and I happen to b
e marrying a woman who is quite wealthy in her own right, our grandchildren’s grandchildren will never have to worry about money, and likely their grandchildren will not either.”

Behind her, she heard him pulling down his w
ardrobe for the day and dress
while she looked over her dresses, over fifty new gowns hung before her in color order. From day dresses, to ball gowns and a few elaborate costume gowns lined the dark mahogany closet.

“If you walk in further you’ll see that I have something even better for you sweetheart, given your passion for riding, I wanted to make sure my future duchess was outfitted with a plethora of riding habits to choose from.”

Walking deeper into the room sized closet, she saw his words couldn’t have been truer, she had an entire wall of just riding habits, ten of them in various styles and colors. More than she had ever owned in her life.

Turning around to see him buttoning his shirt up, “You are too much Alastair, this is too much. I don’t know what to say.”

Winking, “This is nothing Lia, honestly. I was actually worried you’d be mad at me.
Anything you dislike, you can give to away or take back to Madame LaRoux and she’ll take care of you.”

“You went to Madame LaRoux? She’s the most exclusive and expensive dress maker in all of the land Alastair! I’ve only had a few items made from her.”

Chuckling, he tied his cravat as he explained, “Oh I know little dove, a particular white satin corseted creation with a matching feathered shirt, just seeing you in it made me hard. How could I not ask her to make you an entire wardrobe? She was most accommodating and she knows how to treat her clients well, in your drawers you have everything you could possibly ever need as well.”

Grinning, she thought about that dress, the dress that changed everything for them. It held a special place in her heart, and obviously his. She knew exactly what she was going to do with that damn dress, eventually.

Turning back to her new dresses, she selected a new gown to wear today. They were to have lunch with Luke and Genevieve and the twins this afternoon, selecting a turquoise blue gown that reminded her of Alastair’s eye color she couldn’t help but be elated. The gowns were ridiculously
and perfect, Madame LaRoux was simply her favorite,
doubted that she’d dislike anything hanging in her closet. Slipping into the gown, she looked over her shoulder, “Lace me up love?”

Slipping on his sleek black jacket, he shifted his shoulders, “You got it, come here little lady, we’ve got a busy day and night ahead of us. Lets us go downstairs and have
some tea, and maybe I’ll get to show you the house since our tour was cut short last night. You have much to see, and I’m starving
.” Pulling her laces tight, he kissed her on the neck and added, “I have two short errands I need to run before we go over to Luke’s house for lunch, I can’t take you with me yet so you’ll need to stay here. The house is under complete surveillance, you can go anywhere within and outside in the gardens without fear Lia, but I’d like you to keep the pistol with you just in case. We’ll introduce you to the staff as well this morning.
I think you’ll adore them, they’ve been waiting for me to find a wife.

“So I get to wander around your big house and snoop around?” She asked as he completed securing the heavenly gown upon her.

Slipping his hands down to her hips, he leaned forward and nibbled her ear, “
house Lia, and yes, I told you nothing is off limits to you here, nor do I have any secrets to hide. Wander about, go read in the garden, run through the halls…do whatever the hell you want to, I shouldn’t be gone too long.”

“Do you have someone on your staff skilled at doing lady’s hair, or should I beg my brother to send me my old maid?” She asked sweetly, wondering how much he truly planned ahead.

Taking her hand, he led her out of the closet, “What would make you happiest?”

Walking with him out of their room and down to the main floor of the house she thought over it, “My maid is married to our
stable master, so I doubt she’d like to live separate from him. If you have someone on staff, they’ll be fine. I really only need to have someone help me with my hair before events, getting dressed won’t be a problem now that I have you.”

Squeezing her hand, “My staff as you’ll learn has military pasts, even the ladies. My mother’s maid retired years ago, but I’m guessing Matilda would be a great fit for you Lia, she’s a few years older than you and had a hard life but seems to have the oddest skills, we can talk to her today if you’d like?”

Leaning into his shoulder as they walked her heart warmed. She knew Alastair had collected quite an oddball staff, hand selected from all walks of life, he hired people he trusted with his life, and they were loyal beyond measure. The most amazing thi
was, no one knew they had military background as they performed their jobs perfectly.
Alastair was the upper echelon of their society, and his staff appeared as such a well.

“I would like that.”

“I think you’ll like her Lia.”

Several hours later, r
eturning to the house, Alastair walked in to be told that Amelia was reading in the garden. His staff had taken to her right away this morning. He had been able to introduce her to the entire staff, have breakfast and tour the house with her before leaving for a few hours.

They needed to leave for Luke’s house in the next hour, but he had two very important things to do before tonight. Sneaking out the side garden, he went in search of his dark haired love, he couldn’t wait to see her smile when he showed her the gift he brought her. Tucking it behind his back, he walked out into the bright English sunshine and
walked the gardens for almost fifteen
before finding her tucked in a little alcove reading her new Shakespeare book he had gifted her a few nights ago.

Unable to contain his admiration for her, he watched her for a few stolen moments and let his heart fall even deeper in love with her. Standing beside a large rose bush, he held the gift behind his back waiting for her to notice him.

So engrossed in her book, he finally rolled his eyes and spoke, “Correct me if I’m wrong love, but you’ve always wanted a dog
but if my memory suits me Gideon was allergic so you’ve been unable to have one, right?”

Looking up from her book the instant he spoke, she smiled at him and sat up
, “How long have you been there?
I d
idn’t hear or see you, sneaky devil.
” Nodding, she closed her book at stood up and stretched out her arms, “Yes, Gideon is allergic to dogs so I have never been able to have a house dog. We had wolfhounds in Scotland, but they had to stay in the stable.”

Crouching down, he took the wiggling gift out from behind his back and set him on the lush green grass and looked up at her, “Then may I present to you this little guy.”

Squealing with delight and clapping her hand she crossed the garden, “A puppy? You got me a puppy, oh my word Alastair, he is so precious!” Running over she scooped up the dog and did a twi
rl as she nuzzled the little pup

“Well I had hoped he could be
dog, but if you’d like to call him all yours I’ll try to not get jealous.” He teased, watching her as she kissed the brown and white bulldog pup.

In the voice she always used with her nephews and nice, “Oh look at you, you are just the most handsome thing ever! Oh look his chubby little face, oh I love him Alastair!”

I had a sneaking suspicion that you would like him. I know how much you love animals, and this little guy with the last in his litter and needed a home.” Scratching the happy little pup under his chin, he looked up to see Amelia looking at him with so much love and happiness. Seeing her smile again made him happy.

The sunlight caught the dazzling collar, capturing his
’s attention.

“Did you buy our dog a diamond collar?” She asked in a teasing voice, looking at the expensive collar around the pup’s neck.

Shrugging, “Maybe.”

“Wait, what is this?” She asked, reaching under the dog’s neck to find the hidden present looped through the diamond collar.

“More than a fancy bauble, I can assure you.”

Holding onto the wiggly dog in one hand, she held a dazzling ring affixed to his collar with the other, staring at it in shock.
More than a fancy bauble.

Looking up at her l
ove, her heart pounded with anticipation. She had never expected Alastair to surprise her with a ring mid-morning along
with a puppy
She was absolutely speechless.

tepping closer, he sunk his hands into her loose hair and cupped her head as he looked down at her, kissing the tip of her nose.

“Amelia, I love you. I love you with everything I have. Life without you holds no appeal to me, I need you. I want build our legacy together, I want you to be the mother of my babies, to keep me in line and be at my side as my wife. I was going to give this time, but I can’t, I need this. I need you to be my wife, or at least for now
be my fiancée so the fucking world knows that you are mine, and I am yours. I don’t think I could pretend tonight at the opera, I don’t want to. I want the entire world to know that we are in love, I want that ring on your finger forever…a never ending symbol of my promise, my vows to you that I will always remain faithful, I will always love you and I would give up anything in this world for you.”

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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