Read Midnight Masquerade Online

Authors: Sunny Andrews

Midnight Masquerade (18 page)

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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I suppose I’ll settle for you staying the night with me, it’ll probably be a much more delightful sleepover than compared with Hero, she always falls asleep early.”

Ha, delightful? Oh little one, I’ll show you just how delightful it can be to sleep next to me.”

Raising a brow, “
, I am most intrigued. Shall we have another drink?”

Handing her the glass, “You are going to have one hell of a headache tomorrow if you keep drinking,” picking up his own glass, he downed the contents and sat it back down on the table beside them.

, she drank her glass slowly as she sat upon his lap and thought about sleeping next to this man, the dream of living with the man in the privacy of his home where she could explore her feelings for the man without her family under her feet. It sounded too good to be true, surely her brothers weren’t going to let her go.

Tonight we sleep in my bed, tomorrow we sleep in yours.”

“For the rest of our days…” He whispered pulling her close softly kissing her as he brought their bodies together.

Softly biting his bottom lip, “
We shall see.”

“Woman,” he warned, nipping back at her, “what in the world am I going to do with you?”

“Learn to love me I suppose, and be my babysitter until the man who wants to see me dead is caught.”

“Learning to love you is easy, babysitting a headstrong, stubborn woman who loves to sneak away unannounced is going to be a whole lot harder than capturing this character, I assure you.”

shing him back into the couch, “I think I’m going to enjoy having you at my side at all times Alastair, I’m going to enjoy it quite a bit.”

Cupping her ass, he squeezed, “You won’t be the only one enjoying it love, do you know how long I’ve wanted you at my side, permanently? No one else’s laughter speaks to my heart like yours. The sound of your voice soothes me; having my eyes on you at all
time calms me. I said this before Amelia Elizabeth, there is no other woman I want at my side, as my wife as my duchess than you.”

“Sweet Jesu Alastair, you cannot say things like that and expect me to not want to ravage you!” Kissing him passionately she buried her hands into his hair and moaned against his
lips as they got lost together, “Take me upstairs,” she whispered.

She wanted to be in the privacy of her own room with this sex god.

Standing up, he locked her legs around his hips and arched his brows as he smiled and secured her by the ass with both hands as he walked them out of the room.

Feeling him easily carry her as he climbed the stairs she laughed as he squeezed her ass, she felt deliciously naughty. She couldn’t wait to be in the privacy of Alastair’s London fortress, known all throughout the town as the largest private residence in town she was giddy knowing she’d get to run the halls with this handsome beast chasing her around.

“God I’ve missed your laugh Lia, seriously, so very much.”

Leaning into his ear, she nibbled at his ear lobe, “
you, my friend the most. It hasn’t been the same these past few months, you were always my closet ally next to Hero.”

I want to be your everything Amelia, y
ou never have to be without me again
if you’ll just
me into that stubborn heart of yours.” His voice deep with emotion as he walked into her room and kicked the door closed behind him.

“I want you inside more than just my heart.”

“Jesus Amelia!”

Shrugging as she was lowered to her feet, she stood up and looked up at the blonde god, “It is quite liberating to finally be able to say all the things I’ve wanted to say for so long.”

Pulling her against him by her hip, he leaned down and claimed her mouth, behind him she heard him lock her door. Smiling against his lips she could tell her bold words pleased him. In her years of knowing them, they had never held back barbs and jokes, but they never flirted so pointedly. She had a million smart remarks to everything he said over the years, biting her tongue knowing she couldn’t say such sexual things to him in public, now she could say exactly what she wanted.

“Indeed it is, just remember love, two can play that game.”

Letting go of him, she slowly spun around him as she mused, “Oh, the Golden Sex God of London is most assuredly a master at the game, no?”

Crossing his arm, he shot up an eyebrow and grinned, “I thought I was just the Golden Duke of London, I’ll admit, the sex god part has a nice ring to it.” Laughing he winked at her as she swatted at him.

Crossing her arms underneath her breasts, “Some sex god you are, I can’t even tempt you enough into a tussle.” Sticking out her tongue she couldn’t help but giggle.

Shaking his head, “Being a god means knowing when to withhold certain temptations Andromeda.” Flicking his booted foot, he kicked up the hem of her gown into his hand and had it pulled off her bef
ore she knew what was going on in one smooth motion.
Standing naked
before him, she let out a little giggle of shock as he tossed her gown onto the couch.

“Now where do you keep those fantastic see-through nightgowns I adore so much?”

Pointing to
her wardrobe, blushing as he eyed her body, “fifth drawer on the left, you pick the color.”

Turning into her wardrobe, Alastair disappeared. Standing in the middle of her room naked she heard him rustling about in her
wardrobe. Walking out with the thin straps of a fire red nightgown
hanging from one finger. It was
made of expensive silk and lace
he looked every
inch the sex god he really was as he held it out with an arched brow.

“Red? Oh you didn’t
tell me you had red you naught little minx.”

Crooking her finger beckoning
him closer, “
Some things
are just best discovered and not told.”

“Well that should be your motto
houldn’t it my little Andromeda?

Walking up to her he slipped the soft red fabric over her, and had it slithering down her and over her hips in seconds.
Her nipples grew hard as the soft fabric caressed her skin.

Stepping towards him
, “So you have me in my room, alone. Dressed in this, what are you going to do with me now?”

“You my dear are going to lay down in that bed and eventually go to sleep, eventually…after I’m done with you.” He whispered, scooping her up in his arms and walking towards her four-post bed.

Kissing his jaw as he sat her on the bed, she knelt on the bed as he stood at the edge, his shirt still open. Sliding her hands inside his shirt, she pulled it off and tossed it next to his jacket. By god he was perfect, his muscles rippled as she ran her tentative fingers over his tanned skin.

With no secrets left between them, and a fair amount of liquor she pressed her thinly covered breasts against his hard chest and leaned up to whisper into his ear, “So what does His Grace
the sex g
od want to do with his toy before he puts her to bed?”

Growling, he buried his fist in her hair and pulled it back as he cupped her breast as squeezed, “His Grace wants his lady to scream in pleasure.”

Teasing him, she ran her hands up his arms as she held onto him, “I thought
His Grace
said we could not have sex tonight?”

Giving her a gentle push so she fell back on her bed before him, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her close so her legs were about his hips as he stood at the edge of the bed and raised a brow, “Oh there are far more ways to seek pleasure than from sex my love, so many ways…

Softly caressing her legs, Alastair slowly slipped his hands underneath the edge of the red lace and pushed it up towards her belly, completely revealing her nakedness spread out before him. Watching him, he was eyeing her body in hunger as he sl
owly teased her with his hands.

Her room, only illuminated with a small candelabra by the window was cast
ing the room in
such a romantic light
, she was drunk on scotch and love
Forgotten was the pain in her ribs, desire had taken over her body as she memorized the feel of his hand upon her thighs. Biting her lip she watched him taking in the sight of her body, not looking at her eyes, but of everything else she possessed.

Throwing her head back as he slipped a finger into her core, she moaned his name as he pulled her closer. She needed him so desperately, to take away the pain and torment. He was giving her everything she had ever desired, everything she had been dreaming of
for months

“There will be no one else but you Lia, only you for the rest of my days. I will prove to you, show you for the rest of my days that it will be only you I touch until my dying day. I am blind to anyone but you,
you want my heart?” He asked, slipping in another finger as he softly pulled them in and out, teasing her as he spoke.

Looking up into his blue eyes, she saw his jaw tense as she rocked into his hand, “Yes…I want everything, I will never share you!”

Cocking a brow, he smiled as he quickened his pace, “You will find my love, that you only have to ask, and you will receive. You are to be my queen, exalted and cherished, my reason for living. As you are mine, I am yours. Do you want to be my queen Amelia?”

Grasping the sheets as her body responded to his experienced fingers, “Yes!” she screamed, tipping her head back as her core pulsated against his hand.

“Good.” He said with such satisfaction.

The next moment the man dropped to his knees, slipped his hands under her ass and brought her to the edge of the bed as he licked her
hot core
Gasping in shock at the
of having his face buried in her most private area, the sensations of having him lick and suck had her tensing up again in another round of blistering
. Sinking her hands into his blonde hair she
pinned his head between her thighs and screamed his name as he took her into oblivion.

She had never imagined that this would be something she would enjoy, but sweet Jesus, everything the man was doing to her made her roll into another shattering orgasm. Breathing deep, she relaxed her legs and let go of his silky hair as he finally took mercy on her and came up for air.

Her red lace nightgown pushed up to her ribs, both tits popping out of the top she lay half on the bed trying to catch her breath. God she was tired, sore and blissfully sated. Alastair was right, there was far more ways to experience pleasure than just from sex.

In the next second, the man had her
rolled back in the middle of the bed, gown pulled back down and her thick layers of expensive blankets pulled over her before she knew what was going on.

Pouting, she turned to look at him, “You said you were going to sleep next to me.”

Chuckling, he ran his hand through his hair and shook his head, “I never said I would sleep in the same bed as you love, I said I’d stay the night with you and protect you.”

Wincing as she sat up, the pain in her ribs was slowly creeping back as the liquor wore off. Looking at the man as he checked her windows and balcony door to make sure they were securely locked, he was still shirtless. Dressed in his Hessian boots and midnight black breeches, the man was perfection.

With his back turned to her, she whispered, “I cannot sleep if my Perseus isn’t next to me, please…come to bed, and hold me, show me what it feels like to sleep next to you. If you want me to be your wife, I need to know.”

Slowly turning around, he crossed his arms and eyed her, “Oh, my Andromeda knows how her lover works, so soon she’s figured out my Achilles heel. Her intelligence matches her beauty.”

Smiling, she patted the spot next to her, “I know you want to make me happy, and would give me anything within your power, just as I would do for you.”

Grinning as he toed
off his tall black boots, he walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers and slid in next to her, gathering her in his strong arms before covering her back up.

Whispering in her ear as he held her against his chest, “You
be my wife Lia, there is no way I’m letting you go now darling. Go to sleep love, you’re exhausted I can tell. It has been one hell of a day, and if you want to move to my house tomorrow I need you to be full rested. If you are weak and in too much pain, I do not think Gideon, Helena or Luke will allow me to take you away.”

Unable to keep her curiosity within, “Will I really be the first woman you’ve ever taken to bed at your illustrious London mansion?” Unsure she wanted to actually hear the answer, she knew he could lie to her, but she felt positive he wouldn’t, even if it prevented her feelings being hurt.

BOOK: Midnight Masquerade
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