Michael Eric Dyson (33 page)

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Authors: Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or Has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind?

Tags: #General, #Sociology, #Psychology, #African American Studies, #Family & Relationships, #Interpersonal Relations, #Ethnic Studies, #Social Classes, #Discrimination & Race Relations, #Social Science

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Chuck D.
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Civil Rights Act (1968/Fair Housing Act)
Clark, Kenneth
Cleaver, Eldridge
Coates, Ta-Nehisi
Cobb, William Jelani
Cocker, Joe
Cole, Nat King
Combs, Sean “P. Diddy,”
Comics of color
intentional blackness strategy and
professional persona vs. private citizen
as racial representatives
See also specific individuals
attacks on Camille Cosby
personal responsibility/blacks
Constand, Andrea
Constand, Andy/Gianna
Cook, Philip J.
Cosby, Bill
changing black identity strategies
dissertation of
educational background of
Martha Stewart and
naming his children
on racial politics
as “TV’s Jackie Robinson,”
Cosby, Camille
children’s support system
Cosby’s affair
op-ed on son’s murder
Cosby, Ennis
Cosby, Erinn
alleged assault by Tyson
Cosby’s comments on
Cosby’s tough love approach to
family therapy and
on father
problems of
Cosby’s avoiding race
benefits of
in career
as citizen
Cosby’s views on
“race as crutch,”
Cosby’s career
avoiding race in
comic style of
commercials of
difficulties in avoiding race
E.F. Hutton commercials
I Spy
as original comedian
See also specific television shows
Cosby’s criticism of poor blacks anti-intellectualism
black community views on
black names/naming
blacks’ knowledge of ancestry
blaming poor for their problems
body modifications
class divide and
Cosby as Elijah
Cosby as King Lear
Cosby as Moses
Cosby’s abilities on
criticism (summary) of Cosby
effects of
effects on conservatives
embarrassment over black behavior and
empathy and
generational divide and
intentional blackness strategy and
interview on
irresponsibility toward the poor
public capital use with
racial uplift and
support for
See also
Cosby’s speech at
Brown v. Board of Education
Cosby’s criticism of racism/whites
Black History: Lost, Stolen, or Strayed
black poverty
concentration camp comparison
in dissertation
educational inequalities
European immigrants vs. blacks
ghetto life
myth of black inferiority
myth of white superiority
violence/racial war
Cosby Show, The
antitype and
black authenticity and
Cosby’s early thoughts on
Cosby’s likability and
critics on
Gates on
Jhally/Lewis study on
race and
racial inequality and
Cosby’s moral standing
Autumn Jackson and
Constand’s allegations
Covington’s allegations
criticism of poor blacks and
Erinn’s problems
image/celebrity and
Cosby’s speech at
Brown v. Board of Education
on black consumerism
on black crime
on black education
on black language
on black names
on black parenting
on black youth fashion
excerpts from
on family values
Covington, Lachele
author as victim of
black-on-black crime
Cosby’s criticisms on
Criminal justice system inequalities
black youth
black youth letters
Cosby’s comments on
education vs.
overview/social forces
prison industry and
Reagan’s “War on Drugs,”
statistics on
Crosby, Bing
Culp, Robert
Damerell, Reginald
Darity, William, Jr.
Darling-Hammond, Linda
Davis, Ossie, Jr.
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
comparison to Cosby
defense of Cosby
race and
Day, Dorothy
Dershowitz, Alan
Dill, Augustus Granville
Dobbs of Atlanta
Drug use
incarceration and
statistics on
Du Bois, W.E.B.
black identity
on helping the poor
Morals and Manners Among Negro Americans
personal responsibility and
coining of term
Cosby’s criticism of
Cosby’s use of
Oakland School Board and
See also
Black English
Economic inequalities
black males and
black median household income
black middle class
blacks/whites (1954)
educational inequalities and
employment opportunities
health care
poverty rate
public transportation and
anti-intellectualism and
blacks desire for
black vs. white dropout rates
criminal justice system vs.
Educational inequalities
“American Dream” and
blacks/whites (1954)
computer technology and
Cosby’s early beliefs/writings on
courses presented
curriculum material
economic inequalities and
illiteracy rates
institutional racism and
private schools and
resegregation of blacks
SAT coaching seminars
self-esteem and
solutions for
suburban vs. urban schools
teacher quality
Ehrenreich, Barbara
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Electric Company, The
“Elements of Igno-Ebonics Style” (Cosby)
“Empathy deficit” concept
External self-explanations
Family values
black criticism of poor blacks
comments on black parenting (early 1900s)
Cosby’s speech at
Brown v. Board of Education
generational divide and
universal difficulties with
See also
Cosby’s moral standing
Farley, Christopher John
Farrakhan, Louis
as Gospeler
personal responsibility and
press attacks on
Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
Black English/Ebonics and
Cosby’s dissertation on
as groundbreaking series
Fatalistic explanation of poverty
Feagin, Joe
Female circumcision
Fordham, Signithia
Formal empathy
Franklin, Kirk
Fryer, Roland G.
Gaines, Kevin
Garvey, Marcus
as Griot
personal responsibility and
systemic racism and
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
anti-intellectualism and
on Cosby’s criticisms
The Cosby Show
Generational divide
Cosby’s criticism of poor blacks and
criticism of poor blacks and
on family values
on hip-hop culture
on racism
“Ghetto chic”/”ghetto couture,”
See also
Black fashion
Goines, Donald
Goldberg, Jonah
Graham, Lawrence Otis
Great Migration
Great Neck schools
Gregory, Dick
comic style of
Cosby on
Cosby’s career beginnings and
self view of
Guinier, Lani
Hannity & Colmes
Harris, E. Lynn
Haynes, Freddie
Height, Dorothy
“Hello Friend” foundation
Herbert, Bob
Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks
Himes, Chester
Hines, Earl
Hip-hop culture
authenticity and
black fashion and
consumerism and
criticism of
misogynistic lyrics of
as positive
Hofstadter, Richard
black views on
Hooked on Phonics
Hunt, Matthew
Immediate responsibility
ultimate responsibility and
Incidental blackness strategy
Individualistic explanation of poverty
In Living Color
Integration of the Visual Media Via
Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
into the Elementary School Curriculum as a Teaching Aid and Vehicle to Achieve Increased Learning
Intellectual responsibility
irresponsibility toward the poor
moral responsibility and
Intentional blackness strategy
comics of color
Cosby and
Internal self-explanations
I Spy
critics on
race and
Iverson, Allen
Jackson, Autumn
claims of
Cosby’s gifts to
extortion and
paternity testing and
prison sentence of
The Cosby Show
Jackson, Cathy
Jackson, Jesse
criticism of Clinton’s budget
as Gospeler
intentional blackness strategy of
personal responsibility and
press attacks on
Jackson, Mahalia
Jakes, T.D.
James, LeBron
black fashion and
despisers of
compassion for the poor
Cosby and
Jhally, Sut
Johnson, Ellsworth “Bumpy,”
Johnson Publishing Company
Jones, Barbara S.
Jones, Leroi (Amiri Baraka)
Jordan, Michael
Justice Policy Institute (JPI)
Kael, Pauline
California Suite
Cosby’s retort to
Karenga, Ron/Maulana
Katz, Michael
Kelley, Robin D.G.
Kenan, Randall
Kincaid, Chet
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
assassination impacts
civil rights role of
complexity of
concentration camp comparison
as Gospeler
intentional blackness strategy of
personal responsibility and
poor blacks and
racism discussions and
reputation of
Kirby, George
Knight, Carolyn
Kozol, Jonathan
Kweli, Talib
Cosby on Southern black speech
power/domination and
See also
Black English; Ebonics
Levitt, Steven D.
Lewis, Justin
Lieberson, Stanley
Limbaugh, Rush
Linderman, Lawrence
London Times
Lorde, Audre
Los Angeles Times
Ludwig, Jens
Madhubuti, Haki
Malcolm X
intentional blackness strategy of
plantation blacks’ dichotomy
on poverty
squeaky hinge adage
Manhasset schools
Markhasev, Mikhail
Maternal mortality rates
McDaniel, Gene
McKissick, Rudolph
McNabb, Donovan
McWhorter, John
Medina, Jose
Mikelson, Kelly S.
Moral responsibility
intellectual responsibility and
Morals and Manners Among Negro Americans
(Du Bois and Dill)
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Morrison, Toni
archetypal/antitypical work of
black identity and
Mortality rates (blacks/whites 1954)
Moynihan, Pat
Mullainathan, Sendhil
Black names/naming
Names from Africa
Nation, The
National Endowment for the Arts

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