Jaylin's World

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

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Jaylin's World: Dare to Live in It
Brenda Hampton
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
Thanks to all of my readers for continuing to take this
journey with me. I know the ride has been long, laughable at times and shocking at others. While this is the last book in the series, I still view it as the beginning of something much bigger to come! Wait and we shall see!
To Jaylin Jerome Rogers, thanks for giving me your life, love, honesty, and most of all, your story. I couldn't have pulled this off without you, or without the support from my publisher, Urban Books. Thank you all!
Without further ado,
is, as
... .
Almost three weeks ago, my husband, Bruce, the kids and I were riding in our SUV and the unthinkable happened. As I sat in the hospital, still in shock, my mind drifted back to the powerful punch I had landed on the side of Bruce's face.
“You son of a bitch!” I yelled, with venom in my eyes. I had just looked at his cell phone, where his ex-girlfriend Mercedes had sent him a text message, telling him how spectacular his sex was the night before. I knew she wasn't lying about the two of them spending time together, because Bruce had crawled into our bed at two in the morning, smelling like sex.
“What in the hell are you talking about?” he shouted. “You always bitching about something, and that's why this marriage is so fucked up!”
“No, it's fucked up because you're a liar and I'm not going to keep being faithful to a man who cheats and who is unemployed!”
I held up his phone to show him the text message from Mercedes. He turned his head, snatching his phone from my hand. In an instant, our lives quickly changed. He swerved to avoid a Ford pickup truck in front of us that was carrying loads of plywood. The tires from the SUV screeched so loudly that I could still hear the sound in my ears. Smoke clouded the air, burned rubber filled my nostrils and our SUV flipped over numerous times. Our bodies were jerked around, and glass shattered everywhere. The mangled metal squashed us all, and my neck was hurting so bad that I could barely turn around to see about my children. All I heard was Mackenzie crying, but Bruce Jr. was silent. Somehow, I managed to crawl out of the broken window, cutting my legs and arms even more. By that time, Bruce had, in his arms, what looked to be our lifeless son's body. Blood covered his entire body and his eyes were closed. Bruce kept shaking Bruce Jr., but got no response.
“Oh, my God!” I screamed, with tears pouring down my face. “Pluu ... please tell me my baby isn't dead!”
Bruce looked at me with tears, hurt and pain in his eyes. “I—I don't know... .”
Mackenzie's cries snapped me out of my trance, as I couldn't believe what had happened. I rushed to help remove her from the wreckage. After Bruce carefully laid our son on the wet grass, he came over to help as well. We both pulled Mackenzie from what was left of the SUV; and once she was out, I tightly embraced her. She could barely stand up.
“It hurts, Mommie,” she cried. “I'm hurting all over!”
I kissed her forehead to calm her. “It's going to be okay, honey. Help is on the way.”
Bruce picked up Mackenzie, moving her away from the smoking SUV. He then used his cell phone to dial 911. I stumbled over to Bruce Jr., who was lying in the grass and looking helpless as ever. He wasn't breathing. At that moment, all I could do was secure him in my shaking arms and scream out at the top of my lungs, “

Minutes later, I heard sirens; my head was spinning. I watched the paramedics work on both of my children, and I prayed for God to save them. When all was said and done, the paramedics told me that we were lucky and the seat belts had saved us.
Ever since that day, I'd been at the hospital, either in Mackenzie's room or in Bruce Jr.'s. Mackenzie had already had one surgery to repair her fractured arm and leg. Her body was badly bruised and she was in so much pain. The doctors said she was getting better by the day, but she couldn't catch a break from the pain. Her pretty face, which resembled mine, was covered with bandages, and her arm and her leg were in casts now. Her midsection was wrapped tight too. When she joked with me about how she looked like a mummy, I knew she'd be okay. I stood, placing soft kisses on her forehead.
“I love you,” I said. “And you don't look like a mummy. You look like my little princess.”

The Princess and the Frog
.” She smiled, referring to the black princess from Disney.
“Yes, baby. Just like her.”
The doctors had given Mackenzie some medication for her pain, and the focus in her eyes was slowly fading. I rubbed her soft hair as the tears continued to fall from my eyes; then I kissed my nine-year-old child, and left to go see about my son.
As I walked down the hallway, my arms were folded in front of me. I felt so alone. Bruce Jr. was alive, but he had lost so much blood that he had to have a blood transfusion. I was skeptical about contaminated blood, particularly because of HIV, going into his body, but the doctor said the blood transfusion was necessary. Sure, with Bruce and me donating our own blood, I would feel safe, but according to the doctor, we really didn't have to do it. Our conversations with the doctor about blood types led from one thing to another. Bruce had said before that Bruce Jr. didn't look nothing at all like him; and when the doctor informed us that their blood types didn't even match, I could have died.
“Are you telling me this kid ain't mine? I knew it!” he shouted as the fury in his eyes cut me like a knife.
I was so embarrassed that this conversation was happening in front of the doctor, but what could I say or do, but come clean. I lowered my head, refusing to look at him. “No, he's not yours. He's someone else's.”
Bruce let out a deep sigh and pounded his fist on the doctor's desk. I jumped, fearing that his fist would land somewhere on me. “You mean to tell me that you let me take care of another man's child for almost two fucking years, knowing that he wasn't mine! How low can you go, bitch? I guess I don't have to ask who his damn father is, do I?”
I wanted to defend my actions, but even I knew I'd been wrong for trying to keep this a secret. I looked Bruce straight in his eyes, knowing that our marriage was now over. “His father is Jay ... Jaylin Rogers. I'm sorry for lying to you, but let's discuss this at home. Please do not disrespect me in front—”
“Disrespect? Really? Woman, you don't want to talk about disrespect, do you?” His face scrunched up, causing him to look like a raging monster.
Before I could answer, the doctor stood up, trying to calm the situation. Bruce didn't care what the doctor had to say, and there was no need for him to await a response from me. He left, but not before making it clear to me that he wanted a divorce. Yes, I'd known it all along, and from where else could Bruce Jr. have gotten his gray eyes and curly coal black hair? The secret I had planned to take with me to my grave was now revealed.
Bruce left the hospital that day, and ever since then, he had not returned. He was furious with me, but I didn't have time to entertain another argument with him. To me, it was the door he had been looking for, for months. We had been arguing about every little thing. After he'd lost his job at the bank, he'd gotten lazy and refused to look for another job. Everything was on me. Even though I didn't mind, I saw that Bruce hadn't put forth any effort to help me with our kids or with the bills. He had been running the streets and coming in when he felt like it. I hadn't had sex with him in months, only because I knew he'd been seeing Mercedes again. He denied my accusations, but the text message said it all. There was no doubt in my mind that he was with her now, instead of being at the hospital with me. That, in itself, was hard for me to swallow, but I just couldn't muster up enough energy to deal with him, when I was dealing with my kids.
I walked into the hospital room, slightly smiling at the wonderful nurse who had truly been there for me and for my children. Her name was Ann, and she stood next to Bruce Jr., checking his vitals. She pulled the sheets over him for comfort.
“How's Mackenzie doing this evening?” she whispered, trying not to wake Bruce Jr.
“She's okay. She just went to sleep too. How long has Bruce been asleep?”
“Not long. Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air. Or, go get something to eat. I know you haven't eaten anything today, have you?”
I shook my head, replying no. I hadn't eaten much at all, and I could tell I was down at least five to ten pounds since I'd been here. I used the bathrooms at the hospital to wash up, and my sister, Leslie, had brought me a few pieces of clothing to change into.
“I'll be okay, Ann. I'll get something to eat later.”
Ann told me she'd bring me back a salad, and she left Bruce Jr. and me in peace. I sat next to his bed, looking at the tubes in his nose. His lungs had been punctured and he had IVs poking him in two different places.
My poor, poor baby,
I kept thinking. I hated to sit there and watch him suffer, but at this point, it was a waiting game. The doctors diagnosed that both of my children would get better, and I was grateful for that.
I scooted back in the chair next to Bruce's bed. The room was a bit chilly, so I tightened the pink fuzzy sweater I wore. I dabbed my red sore eyes with a tissue and blew my nose that wouldn't stop running. Trying to relax, I turned on the TV. Instead of watching it, though, I closed my eyes, thinking about how I'd gotten to this point in my life. My mind traveled back to the night Jaylin came to my house several years ago, suggesting that we would be
Naughty No More.
I told myself that I had to forget about what had happened that night. However, looking at Bruce Jr. every single day of his life, I couldn't forget. Even while I was pregnant, the thought of Jaylin being the father had crossed my mind numerous times. What he had put on me during his last visit to my condo was like magic. And according to him, a dream that he'd had brought him to my front door that day.
“Jaylin, I do love my fiancé, Bruce,” I confirmed. “But I will never, ever love a man as much as I love you. So, if that's what you came here to hear, then I have no shame in saying it. Yes, I still love you, but there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. Who in the hell could blame me, after what you did for Mackenzie and me? You changed my entire life around. At the time we met, my life was headed for destruction. We endured a lot in our relationship, but overall, you were a blessing to me. Therefore, losing you was tough. I—I can't forget what we shared, and I will never forget. Call me stupid or whatever you want, but my love for you can never be replaced.”
Jaylin was speechless and he continued to stare at me. He was so damn sexy, and his heart-piercing
gray eyes, along with the Alicia Keys song “Like You'll Never See Me Again” playing in the background, had me so caught up. As we held each other closely, I felt him rise down below. He slightly backed up, clearing his throat.
“Listen, I gotta jet. I hope everything works out for you and Bruce, and, uh, I appreciate you sharing with me how you feel.”He loosened our embrace and made his way to the door. When he reached for the doorknob, I covered his hand with mine, halting his steps.
“I'm getting married soon. This might be our last chance,”I said. “Please stay with me for a while.”
He turned to face me, locking his eyes with mine. “Our last chance for what?”
I got on the tips of my toes and whispered in his ear, “Last chance for us to be naughty. I will never interfere with your marriage to Nokea again. I wish you and her nothing but future happiness. I hope you feel the same way about me and Bruce, but please allow us to have this one last time together.”
He stood for a moment, seriously debating with himself. I could tell he was so weak when it came to me. I stepped forward and when my lips touched his, he held my face in his hands, sucking my lips in like kissing was going out of style. “Call Bruce,” he ordered, barely taking a breath between our kisses. “Tell him to come much later. I—I gotta tell you about a dream I had, but you gotta promise me that we will be Naughty No More.”
Rushing, I reached for his belt buckle before he changed his mind. “After tonight,”I said. “You go your way and I'll go mine. I promise you there will be no phone calls, no questions and no attachments. Let's just get this over with and do something that we both have been dying to do.”
Jaylin didn't say another word. He followed me to my bedroom. After I removed my clothes, his eyes scanned down my jaw-droppingly curvaceous naked body. Jaylin seemed hesitant, so I stepped up close to him, removing his clothes for him. As he stood naked, I dropped to my knees, inserting into my mouth the dick of a man I craved for. As the slurping sounds from my juicy wet mouth filled the room, his hands roamed in my long hair. He pumped my mouth, stroking it from every angle that he could. My hands massaged his tight, muscular ass, and not wanting his come to go to waste in my mouth, I backed up to the bed. My legs fell apart, and my index finger went into action. I slid it into my wetness, finger fucking myself as Jaylin observed. He loved to watch me perform on myself, but he could never watch for long. He dropped to the floor in front of me, pushing my legs close to my chest. The view for him was breathtaking. When I felt his tongue slide into me, I gasped, sucking in as much air as I could. My head dropped back, and I squeezed my watery eyes tightly together.
“Is it really you?” I cried out. “Baby, please confirm that it's really you doing this to me. It's been so long since I felt like this.”

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