Jaylin's World (26 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

BOOK: Jaylin's World
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Yeah, yeah, I know. A book ain't supposed to have two epilogues, but that was Nokea's take on things, here's mine. You ever hear the saying “You never miss a good thing until it's gone”?
Well, many of us can say that, and I'm sure there are those who look back at their past relationships, wishing they had done things differently. That's the case with me. If I could turn back the hands of time, yes, I would have made better choices. At this point, Nokea wasn't gone completely, but in no way was I 100 percent satisfied with where things stood between us.
Simply put, I want my wife back; in no way was I giving up! At this point, I felt as if I was ready to be everything that she needed me to be. I had learned some important things over time; but the one thing that I know for sure is, I could not profess love for two women and make both of them happy. Someone had to lose, and it was only fair that it was me. Scorpio was busy doing her thing. Even though she claimed to be content with the way things were, I knew that she deserved better. I didn't know if she would ever find it, because it was pretty damn hard to top me. Either way, the door was opened for her to go after it, and I'd always given the ones I'd loved options.
Nokea seemed to be moving on as well. For now, I was learning to cope with her being away from me. I was lucky—damn lucky—that she was willing to give me any of her time at all. Bottom line is, I'd made my bed, and I had to be man enough to lie in it. Most of the time, alone, but I was still hopeful that my wife would one day come home, where she belonged.
I want some more of those babies too; I have to stay optimistic. With that, just wanted to thank readers for all of the love and I'm delighted to have gotten to know many of you on Facebook and through e-mails. The entire Naughty Series was based on many of my experiences, as well as the author's own life. Better than most, Brenda Hampton knows that sometimes life can be good ... great, but it can also deal you a fucked-up hand.
When you throw a brotha like me in the mix, ain't no telling what can happen. Stay up, as your today doesn't dictate what your tomorrow will bring. Ask yourself, who is in the driver's seat of your life? Make sure it's you, and no one else!
I've enjoyed my part in all of this, but it's time for me to shut it down and move on to bigger and better things. I won't say good-bye, only say I'll someday see you at the movies, in a television series, play or on DVD.
Sounds good? Then make some noise with me; as I will tell you, the story goes on. Share the Naughty Series with everyone you know, and let's show the directors in Hollywood what's really up! Tell BET, Bounce TV, VH1, Bravo, OWN ... all of the cable networks to get on it! I'm definitely up for the challenge. But when you think about it, haven't I always been?
My Naughty Angels in Jaylin's World on Facebook, y'all know we have shown our asses over the years. People have laughed at us, pointed fingers and even shook their heads with disgust. Many have joined us, though, and I couldn't have made it through my more challenging days without you ladies in my corner. I'm sure I have healed some aching and troubled hearts too. So what Facebook has joined together, let no one put asunder. With two fingers in the air, peace and, yes, All Love... Jay Baby.
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
Jaylin's World: Dare to Live in It Copyright © 2012 Brenda Hampton
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-5998-3264-7
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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