Mia's Masters [Locks and Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: Mia's Masters [Locks and Chains 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Mia whipped her head around, looking directly at Dylan. “Hold on. Aren’t you all gay?” she said louder that she meant, but the shock of his statement had frazzled her.

“Why would you think that?” Dylan asked with a shocked look.

“Well, you all live together and sleep together, don’t you?”

“We’re all bisexual,” Mathew said.

“Really! I haven’t seen any of you actually date women. Although women sometime accompany you to functions, I…I just assumed that was to keep up the pretence. But obviously you guys would know.”

“Mia, trust me, we’re bisexual. The question isn’t about our sexuality as much as whether you want the position.”

“Well, Dylan, your sexuality is a question that affects my decision. If you were gay, there’s no need for any sexual services. Being bisexual means there is a need for sexual services?”

“You’re right. Well, all three of us are bisexual. We enjoy both men and women. We’re in a committed relationship. Meaning we don’t have sex with any other men beside each other. We do, however, bring women into our bed from time to time.”

“So to cut a long story short, you want me to be your live-in servant. To cook, clean, and sexually service you all whenever you want. In return, I get free room and board and get to live the lifestyle you guys do,” Mia summarized.

“Basically, yes.”

“Do I still keep my job?”

“Of course! As we said when you first entered the room, this offer doesn’t affect your job at this company in any way,” Dylan said.

“Do I still get paid for my job?”

“Of course. Nothing changes with your position in the company. You will still be the receptionist and stay on the same salary. We may adjust your working hours slightly to allow you to fulfill all your home duties. We don’t want to wear you out.”

“We may also require you to occasionally service us sexually during office hours,” Mathew added

“You mean participate in some of your boardroom sex-a-thons.”

“What? You know about those?” Peter hollered.

“Please, if it wasn’t for me, the whole company would know about those,” she replied with a smirk.


* * * *


“Watch your mouth, little girl,” Dylan commanded. Mia had never heard his Dom voice in the same room before. She had caught a hint of it this morning, but it was never directed at her like it was right now. A shiver ran down her spine, and she had an overwhelming urge to beg for his forgiveness.

“What do you do to stop the entire company from knowing?” Mathew asked.

“Well…every time I see the look in Dylan’s eyes like he is showing me right now, I know he’s going to have one if not both of you bent over the boardroom table in a matter of minutes. So I make sure I empty out our floor so no staff can hear. Usually my excuse is that you guys require complete quiet while you’re brainstorming. I also ensure I’m out front and fend off everyone until you’re finished.” Biting her bottom lip, she considered whether to tell them just how much she knew. Now wasn’t the time to hide secrets. “You see, you all make quite a bit of noise, and your voices travel.” She had difficulty looking directly in Dylan’s eyes.


* * * *


“So tell me, Mia. What’s it that you hear?” Dylan questioned as he lent back in his chair. He’d realized today, firstly after their meeting with Craig at the club, and now this, his innocent little Mia wasn’t quite as innocent as he thought after all. In all these years, he’d never guessed.

“That you dominate them and they call you Master.” She straightened her back and sat higher in her chair, giving him a challenging look, asking him to deny it.

“Fuck!” Mathew said.

“Shit!” Peter yelled.



“How long have you known?” Dylan asked. He wouldn’t let this little girl try to take the power from him. He threw back her challenge to lie to him.

“For nearly three years with you and Mathew. Then when Peter joined the company, I soon realized he was also joining you in your fun and games in the boardroom,” she stated.

“How long after you started working here did you find out?” Dylan demanded.

“Two months.”

So she really wasn’t an innocent. All this time she’d known that he was a Dom. She’d known about the games he and the boys played, and it never bothered her.

“Why haven’t you ever told us?” He already guessed that she hid it for their benefit, but he wanted confirmation.

“What was I supposed to say, ‘Excuse me, boss, but when you Master your lovers, could you keep it down? The whole floor can hear you.’ I’m sure that would have gone down well. Not to mention the fact that you all seem to want to keep it a secret. It wasn’t my place to interfere.”

However, he didn’t expect the smart-mouth comments. God, he couldn’t wait to get her to sign the contract. He would spank her ass next time she talked to him like that.

“Tell me, how much you can hear?”

“Well…I know that Peter here is going to be Mathew’s cock slut for the next three days. Because Peter came when you told him not to, and also because Mathew made his sales target. But I’m sure it was mostly the coming,” she replied.

“Fuck!” Mathew hollered.

“Double fuck!” Peter added.

After taking a minute to allow all Mia had said to sink in, Dylan said more calmly, “Mia, I’d like you to fully understand what we expect of you in sexual services. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings later on.” Relaxing a little at the inquisitive look on Mia’s face, he interlocked his fingers in front of his chest and grinned. This just might turn out better than he could ever have imagined.

“You understand I would dominate you. Mathew here also has a dominant streak that he wants to develop. Therefore, you would be submissive to him also. Peter just wants an equal. However, in my eyes he’s still a step or two above you.” Dylan then stood and walked toward her. He stopped so close that she was forced to tilt her head to look up into his face. “You, my little Mia, would be on the bottom level. The sexual slave to us all,” he drawled in a husky, commanding voice.


* * * *


Mia wasn’t sure why he needed to invade her personal space to tell her she was at the bottom of the food chain. Was he trying to intimidate her or what?

“Tell me, Mia, have you ever heard us talking about you?”

“You talk about me?” she asked, shaken by the thought.
Don’t be stupid, Mia,
Of course they’d talked about her. They were her bosses after all.

“That answers the question,” Mathew said.

“I only hear…let’s say, the more passionate statements!”

“First thing I want you to do after this meeting, Mia, is call our usual contractors. I want the boardroom and each of our offices soundproofed as soon as possible,” Dylan said.

“Okay. I’ll take care of it. It’s an excellent idea. I tried to mention it to you two years ago, but I don’t think you understood me,” she replied with a giggle.

“It’s now glaringly obvious that it’s way overdue,” Mathew said.

He knew Mathew felt unsettled by all the things she knew about them. He’d told her Mathew would be dominating her, but could she really submit to Mathew after all the things she’d heard?

“Mia, back to the offer. Accept or decline, what’s your answer?” Dylan asked.

“What kind of sexual service is required other than the submissive stuff? I mean, the cleaning I’m fine with. The cooking I’m okay with, too. I enjoy cooking, although I’m no five-star chef. So if you’re expecting restaurant quality meals, I’m afraid I’m not your girl.”


* * * *


“Honey, if you can cook more that frozen dinners and not burn the toast, we would be eating better than we are right now. Besides, we’ve all seen and even tasted some of the lunches you bring from home and the breakfast this morning. Trust me, we know you’d do a better job than the three of us put together,” Peter said. He’d gathered himself together again after the shock of what she’d said earlier about the boardroom. It took him a moment to remember that over the past year they’d laughed and joked, and he built a strong friendship. She knew about his position in the trio all that time and didn’t care. She liked him for the person he was. She didn’t pass judgments on the way he chose to live his life. Now, more than ever, he wanted this to work. Mia suited them perfectly, and she would complete their family. He could see trepidation in Dylan’s eyes, mixed with a healthy dose of lust and need. He knew Dylan had been hurt badly in the past. He’d been used and abused by various partners both female and male on his journey to understand what he needed in a relationship. He had closed himself off from the possibility of adding to their family. He’d told them both that he’d resolved years ago not to let anyone else into his heart other than Mathew and himself, although he knew Dylan also felt something was missing.

“Okay then, that just leaves sexual service. First off, I want to say that I’m open-minded and have dipped my toe, so to speak, in a few kinky things. I don’t think I’m very good in bed, though. I’ve never had sex with more than one person at a time. From what I’ve heard of the things that go on in your lunchtime sex-a-thons, I’m guessing it’s a group sport,” Mia replied.

“Group sport, I like that,” Mathew said with a chuckle.

“I prefer sex-a-thon.”

“What about a group sex-a-thon?” Mathew said. Peter burst into laughter, and Mathew joined him, which released a bit of the tension in the room and allowed them all to relax a little.

“While you two characters are having your laughs, I’d like to finalize these negotiations,” Dylan said, trying to cover his own laughter.

“Sorry, Master,” they both replied at the same time.

Mia chuckled at their synchronized reply.

“Do you two call him Master all the time in private, or is it just during sex?” she asked. She couldn’t see any problem calling Dylan Master in the bedroom, but outside of it seemed a bit demeaning to her.

“Well, little Mia, you don’t get to know the answer to that until you sign the contract,” Dylan replied.

“So what are the contract terms?” she asked.

“We’re offering either a three- or six-month term. With the three-month contract, you will receive free room and board. You’ll also get to keep any gifts we buy you.”

“And the six-month contract?” she asked.

“The six-month contract is the same as the three-month one. With an additional cash bonus,” Dylan replied.

“How much of a cash bonus?”

“Ten thousand dollars.”

“I get ten grand for signing a six-month contract. What happens if I’m not good enough? Or you guys want me out before the six months?”

“You still get the ten thousand dollars. Unless we ask you to leave due to gross incompetence.”

“Gross incompetence? Can you give me an example?”

“Continually saying no to sex, not cleaning the house, or refusing to cook meals and so forth.”

“Okay, so not because I’m bad in bed or burned dinner once or twice.”

“You’ve said a number of times you’re not good in bed. Why do you think that, little Mia?” Dylan asked.

Chapter Nine


“Well, Jake was my last lover, and sex between Jake and me was…well, bad mostly. He always blamed me,” she replied, looking down in her lap, embarrassed to admit her failures. She couldn’t let them think she was some kind of sex kitten. They would be disappointed and let her go. It was better for them to understand straight up before they took her on.

“Sweetheart, it’s not one person’s fault if sex isn’t satisfying. It’s both, or in our cases three or maybe four partners’ faults. Trust me, I have a feeling you’re a firecracker in the sack,” Dylan said in a gentle tone.

Mia was so taken aback by his sudden compassionate and caring statement that sudden tears stung her eyes. She had always had the belief that a Dom would be tough and hard. But then she’d seen the way he looked lovingly at Peter and Mathew when he thought no one was looking.

“Okay, we’re all getting off track here. We’re playing conversational ping-pong. So are you going to sign or not?” Mathew demanded.

“Sorry, Mathew, that my insecurities are upsetting your conversational flow. Call me crazy but I wanted to put my fears on the table first up. No one could claim later on they weren’t informed of all the facts.”

“Ah! Shit. Now I feel like a bastard. I’m sorry, babe. I really didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I’m a little anxious to know your decision,” Mathew said as he gently stroked her hand as a peace offering.

“So have you had time to put all these requirements down on paper for me to read through?” Mia said in a businesslike tone.

“Yes, I have a draft contract for you right here,” Dylan said as he handed it over the desk to her. She took the contract and started reading through the list of duties. It was extensive, but she’d expected nothing less from Dylan.

“Okay, the anal sex item. I’ve tried it once and didn’t really enjoy it. It hurt, a lot. I’m willing to try it again, but if I don’t like it, can I say no?” she asked, especially when she thought of her fantasy this morning.

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