Men For Hire (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifeer Denys Michelle Roth Bella Settarra Tina Donahue

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance Anthology

BOOK: Men For Hire
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Less than a minute later she felt large, warm hands stroke her shoulders and she stared up into two large pools of concern.

“Hey, what’s all this? You’ve got a party to prepare for, remember?” James crouched next to her and she stared at him in amazement. “Here, let me help you.”

Dumbly she let him ease her up onto her feet and she suddenly realized that he was stark naked in the shower with her. Her mouth was dry and she gasped. She hadn’t noticed before what a fantastic body he had—well, she’d noticed what he could
with it, but hadn’t really paid much heed to how it looked, to be fair.

She knew his face was handsome, big blue eyes, tanned skin, short, fair hair, and utterly kissable lips, but his strong legs and arms were really muscular as was his torso. He had no hair on his chest, unlike Aaron, and his skin was as smooth as a baby’s.

He smiled as he reached for the shampoo bottle, and she closed her eyes as he slowly massaged the fragrant liquid into her hair. His hands were soft, and he gently took her floral gel and soothed it onto her skin. She had never showered with Richard and relished the caring way this man caressed her body.

“Room for one more?” She jerked around to see Aaron smiling at them both.

“Think this is becoming a bit of a habit, don’t you?” James chuckled into her ear.

She smiled, remembering the last time Aaron joined in. “Not a bad one, though.”

James quickly washed himself while Aaron took her mouth in a lingering kiss.

“I thought you’d both gone,” she whispered when he finally freed her lips.

“Now why would we do that?” Aaron frowned, puzzled.

“No way. We smelled what those caterers of yours were cooking up for dinner,” James teased.

Naomi stared at him.

“It’s okay, I was only joking,” he assured her. “We can make ourselves scarce or make ourselves useful as soon as your guests start arriving, don’t worry about that.”

Naomi felt a flame ignite inside her, not for the first time today. “You mean, you’re not rushing off?”

“Sweetheart, I think we need to talk a little, don’t you?” Aaron suddenly looked serious as he swapped places with James under the showerhead.

“Did you think we were just going to make love to you and then disappear?” Aaron sounded a little offended.

Naomi stared at her feet. “Well, I…”

James’s finger lifted her chin up to face him. “Do you want us to just disappear? We’ll do that if it’s what you want.”

She shook her head. “I just thought…”

“You thought we were a couple of gigolos who were going to have one fun afternoon with you and then leave you?” Aaron sounded incredulous and she suddenly felt guilty for thinking such a thing.

“Not gigolos exactly.” She was hoping to make it sound a little better but was acutely aware by their expressions that she hadn’t. She felt a thud in her stomach. Could she have totally misjudged them?

“Have you got someone else, is that it?” James was studying her face.

“No, not at all. In fact, my ex is coming to dinner tonight along with my best friend.”

James inhaled sharply and Aaron frowned.

“Her boss is a publisher. I’m hoping for a contract with him. She’s sort of helping persuade him.” Her explanation sounded pathetic even to her own ears and she suddenly wondered what in the hell she was doing. She sighed miserably as the guys exchanged glances.

James held her close to his chest and she felt the water trickle down them both. Aaron stepped away from the showerhead and James took a step backward, letting the water flow freely over them both. His mouth covered hers in a stream of sweet, wet kisses before his tongue plunged in.

She felt another zing of electricity light up her whole body as his thick cock nudged against her pussy again, and then she sighed as she felt Aaron behind her, his huge dick leaning against her ass. Tipping her head backward, she could feel Aaron’s hot breath on her ear, sending delicious shivers through her.

“We’re here for you, sweetheart. We’re not going anywhere unless you want us to,” Aaron murmured breathily.

She stared up at them in awe. Did he really mean it? Would they really stay? She immediately admonished herself for questioning him, even in her own mind. She had doubted them earlier and they had been hurt and offended by it. She would have to learn to trust them, she realized. Aaron’s dark eyes looked almost black with lust as she gazed around into them and she knew she never wanted him or James to leave.

“Stay,” she whispered, her pussy clenching at the mere thought.

“Do you want us, baby?” James’s deep blue eyes flashed with excitement and she gasped.

“Yes.” She hardly recognized her own voice.

“Ever had it here?” Aaron’s cockhead was nudging her rosette and she jumped, though she couldn’t go far as she was still deliciously sandwiched between them.

“Richard tried it once but it hurt,” she admitted a little sheepishly.

Aaron glanced across at James and nodded.

“We won’t hurt you, baby. Ever,” Aaron promised huskily into her ear, and they both swiftly moved.

Naomi was shocked at how bereft she felt the second the guys moved away from her and she watched with relief when she saw they were just swapping positions.

Her pussy burned with anticipation as she felt Aaron’s long fingers cradle it and then carefully stroke her lips apart. She whimpered, staring deep into his melted chocolate eyes.

“We want you, baby.” James’s voice was rasping as he held her from behind, whispering into her ear before nuzzling it with his hot tongue.

Her body suddenly flushed with excitement and she gasped as she felt a finger caress her tight rosette, while James shushed her gently. She leaned back into him as Aaron eased three fingers into her aching pussy and she hissed.

“Beautiful.” Aaron smiled approvingly and she felt a new sensation as he wiggled a finger inside her. “Does that feel good?” he murmured.

She swallowed hard. “Yes, but…” She didn’t know how to tell him she had never felt like that before.

He chuckled, obviously reading her mind again. “No one ever found your special spot before, huh?”

She gasped again, realizing for the first time that she actually had a G-spot, despite Richard’s claims that she was ‘frigid’ and ‘just not built like other women.’ The thought empowered her and she closed her eyes, relishing the new sensations this ‘God’ bestowed upon her.

The water was warm and soothing as it streamed down on them, and she felt it calming and easing her as she allowed the men to tease and caress her body.

“Relax, baby,” James urged her as he eased another finger into her tight arse.

This feeling was another she had never experienced before and she was still trying to decide whether she liked it or not. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant, just … different. It felt foreign, unexpectedly exciting, and wanton. Her muscles sucked his fingers into her and she felt him push harder as she breathed out.

Her pussy was on fire, weeping and squelching under Aaron’s ministrations and she was relieved when she heard the rip of foil. Her eyes widened, however, as she watched him hand something over to James, before sheathing his heaving member. Before she had time to speak, Aaron’s mouth was covering hers in a lingering kiss and she felt his long tongue delve toward her throat while his massive cock plunged her pussy.

Aaron was big. Huge, in fact. He stretched her deliciously and she delighted in the pain. She yelped deep into his mouth, and sensed his satisfaction in her reaction. Pain had never been so pleasurable—and she had a feeling there was still more to come.

As the massive dick lunged in and out of her dripping pussy, she could feel James becoming more excited behind her. His cock was nudging at her rosette now and she felt an excited fear run through her at the thought of what was in store for her. Both guys were constantly caressing her body, her nipples were sticking out like sticks of bamboo, and her skin was flushed as she felt every nerve in her thrum with excited anticipation.

“Oh God!” she shrieked as soon as her mouth was freed of Aaron’s kisses and she gripped his forearms as she felt her orgasm mounting.

“That’s it, sweetheart, go with it,” the dark guy urged. “Feel every sensation we give you. Take it, embrace it.”

His voice was raw, desperate, and such a turn-on. Naomi felt her body convulse deliciously and she screamed into his chest as her burning pussy clenched and sucked on his massive dick. She could hear him growl like a feral beast as his cock swelled and plunged right up to her womb. She screwed her eyes tight, biting hard on his taut chest as bright lights danced in front of her eyes and the wave she was riding continued to rise with each orgasm.

“Good girl,” James’s soft voice whispered in her ear just as she was beginning to come back down to earth and she smiled as peacefulness engulfed her.

Her body was just beginning to relax when he spoke again.

“Take a deep breath, baby, and hold it.”

Her brain was fuzzy and felt like a marshmallow, but she deftly did as he asked. She heaved in a mouthful of humid air, her eyes still closed.

“That’s it, sweetheart, now let it out slowly while you look at me.” Aaron’s voice was deep and commanding, as he gently turned her face up to his.

Naomi frowned, a little puzzled, but did as he asked. His dark brown eyes were a pleasure to look at, and she was surprised and delighted to actually be told to gaze into them. As she did so, she felt the air slowly leave her body as she relaxed.

“That’s it, my love. Perfect,” Aaron cooed.

A sudden burn in her rear brought her right back down to earth and she realized what was happening. James’ hard cock was nudging deeper and deeper into her, while Aaron’s was still filling her pussy.

“Blow,” Aaron instructed as panic pulled the breath from her lungs.

She stared at him, not quite knowing how she felt for a second.

“Take another breath and blow long and hard.” He told her calmly, still staring into her eyes.

Naomi automatically obeyed him and as she slowly expelled the air from her mouth, she felt James pushing harder into her. The sensation was incredible and she bit hard on her lip as she realized that she was actually enjoying it. She felt full to the brim, both guys were huge and filled every last inch of her, and she relished it. They were both holding her, whispering words of encouragement, and lovingly stroking her over-heated body.

“Okay, baby?” James murmured.

“God, yeah.” She panted as excitement welled in her again.

Aaron’s dick hardly seemed to shrink at all following his release, and it felt as massive as ever as he heaved in and out of her yearning pussy. James felt just as big, although she had nothing to compare it with, never having had a cock right inside her butt before. The guys quickly developed their own rhythm and plunged in and out of her in a sort of see-saw action, never leaving her empty.

Their actions hastened as their passion mounted and she was soon flying high on a current of ecstasy as the guys took her farther than she had ever been. She screamed as the heat inside her reached an inferno, clutching both dicks with her muscles, and both guys with her hands.

“Come on, baby, come!” James’s voice was hoarse as he continued his rampant assailment on her arse.

“I’m gonna blow!” Aaron suddenly appeared to lose control as his body rocked and he held onto her for support.

A strange sensation flooded her as James’s cock swelled inside her tight channel and she felt herself being stretched in places she had never known before. The stimulation threw her over the edge and she shrieked, burying her face in Aaron’s chest as another orgasm roared through her. James growled as his release overtook him and the cubicle echoed with the sounds of their rapture.

Naomi clung to both men as their bodies slowly calmed and she found tears streaming from her eyes. It didn’t matter. They mingled with the water flowing over her and left her feeling refreshed and relaxed. The release of all that emotion tired her but left her feeling almost reborn. She held her men tight, relishing in their warmth as well as their presence. Their kisses soothed her as they caressed her sated body.

“We should get dressed,” James eventually murmured into her ear.

“Oh God—the party!” Panic surged through her and she tightened her grip on them both.

“It’s okay,” Aaron assured her with a deep chuckle. “We told the caterers to let the guests in when they arrived. We said you weren’t feeling too well and were taking a quick nap. They were really nice about it, said they’d offer around that tray of drinks you’d prepared and give them nibbles while they waited for you.”

Naomi sighed. These guys had everything sorted for her. She gave them both a grateful hug.

“Oh, and we also took the liberty of asking them to lay another couple of place settings at your table. Hope you don’t mind.” James sounded a little sheepish as they followed her out into the bedroom.

Naomi gasped. Hanging on the back of the door next to her dress were two very smart suits. These guys had come prepared!

“We never quite know what the next job’s gonna be with the agency,” Aaron explained. “We have to be ready for anything.”

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