Men For Hire (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifeer Denys Michelle Roth Bella Settarra Tina Donahue

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance Anthology

BOOK: Men For Hire
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David kissed her good, hard, and thorough, his tongue plunging into her mouth with no hesitation whatsoever. It’s what they both wanted, and he wasn’t about to play games. He settled his hand on her breast, testing its wonderful weight, his thumb dragging across her nipple. The tip hardened beneath his touch.

Before they got too randy, he pulled his mouth free and murmured, “Let me go home to clean up. I’ll ring the service too. Tell them I’m done but forgot to check in about it. Don’t want you getting charged for more than you’d agreed on.”

“I don’t mind.”

“I do. I’ll be back in an hour or so. What kind of pizza do you like?”

Bree’s lids fluttered opened. She regarded his mouth then his eyes. “Pizza?”

“You don’t like it?”

With an expression that said he was a bloody fool, she pulled away.

“What is it?” What had he said?

“Do you really have to ask if I like pizza?” On a sad sigh, she gestured to her body. “What do you think?”

That she was too hung up on her appearance. He slipped his arm around Bree’s waist and swatted her arse playfully. “I like how you look. You should too. Want to fight about that?”

She got all soft and feminine again, running her fingertips down his Adam’s apple and over his collarbone.

Tingles of pleasure raced through him, relaxing and arousing David in equal measure. He forced down a swallow.

“No, I don’t want to fight about that.” She hesitated then asked, “Really? You like my figure?”

“You already know that I do or you wouldn’t have asked.”

She tried to frown, but her smile kept her from it. “To be honest, I like every kind of pizza there is.”

“Sweets too?”

“As long as they’re chocolate.”

“How about red wine?”

“The bottles in my cabinet prove that I do.”

“Then it’s settled. Be back as quickly as I can.”


With that, he was out the door and Bree couldn’t stop smiling.

They’d had a good time this afternoon. He’d made her feel desired, talented, and genuinely attractive despite her flaws that she made sure to point out. Hadn’t fazed him in the least, while his acceptance of her—just as she was—had done more than all the empty compliments in the world.

If he kept that up tonight, their evening would be monumental.

With no time to spare, she threw her locks then showered and groomed herself better than she had in months, wishing she’d had time for a manicure and pedicure.

Next time.

Bree stopped scrubbing her hair dry with that unexpected thought. Would there be another date—if that’s what this was—or was this evening the sum total of their time together?

Not wanting to dwell on anything negative, she worked on her hair and face then troubled over what to put on, finally settling on a black halter dress she’d bought last summer and had yet to wear. After pairing it with strappy high-heel sandals and dousing herself with perfume, Bree hoped David hadn’t been kidding about the pizza. If he actually planned to take her to a snooty restaurant, her dress would look ridiculous. He’d gone to Cambridge after all and was rich enough to have quit work in his early thirties so he could follow his dream.

Troubling over that, Bree went through her closet again, trying to find a more suitable outfit that would work equally well with pizza and foie gras.

As luck would have it, a rap on the door—his rap, surely—stopped her. For the second time today, she didn’t have a chance to change. She rushed away from the closet and called out, “Give me a sec to get the locks.”

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere, luv.”

God, she adored it when he called her that.

Grinning like a fool, Bree threw the devices and opened the door.

David held a large electric fan in his left hand, had a white paper bag shoved beneath that arm, and was balancing a pizza box on his right palm. He’d dressed in a gray tee, along with fresh jeans and smelled incredible, even better than the food, wonderfully clean with a hint of musk.

However, he wasn’t perfect, having shaved. Dammit, she liked bristles. Bree hid her disappointment with a smoldering smile.

David gave her a roguish one in return, his attention whizzing over her. “Look at you.”

He certainly was, lingering on her boobs, especially the cleavage her dress emphasized. “You already are.”

His grin broadened at her playfulness, the confidence he’d given her. “You look good enough to eat.”

Now, he was talking. “I thought we weren’t doing that in here.”

“We’re not.” Moving past her, he put the fan on the floor. “Can you grab the wine and two glasses, or do I have to do everything?”

Bree ran her fingers across his flat belly, liking how it rippled beneath her touch. Moving her hand lower, she stroked his fly then the outline of his erect cock. “Not everything.” She gave him a gentle kiss. “Be right back.”

When she returned, his color was high, his breathing still a bit ragged. “Where to?” she purred, wondering if he had a Rolls or a limo and they were going to eat in the backseat then screw like hormone-drenched teens.

“Follow me.”

Was there any doubt?

He led her down the hall to the elevator. “In the lift,” he said, inclining his head to it.

Bree obeyed readily, figuring her suspicions about a limo or Rolls had been right on the—

Her thoughts paused as he pressed the up button rather than the down one. “You have a flat here too?”

David shook his head and didn’t say anything else until they reached the top floor. “This way.” He strode to the door that led to the terrace on the roof.

“Wait.” She grabbed his arm, liking how those muscles bunched. God, would she ever get enough of feeling, smelling, and wanting him? “We can’t go out there. Don’t you see the sign?”

In huge red letters, it said to ‘keep out, no trespassing during renovations.’

David grinned, making a dimple. “Your landlord put that up to keep tonight private for us.”

She didn’t understand. “You discussed this with him?”

“Had to in order to get the sign. Don’t worry, we’re old friends. Met him when I was a solicitor. When he asks me for legal advice, I offer it free of charge.” David pulled a key out of his front pocket.

To the door for the roof?

Leaning toward her, David murmured, “He’ll do anything I ask.”

Obviously. Bree’s excitement jumped another notch. She followed him onto the roof only to stop and gape. Either David or her landlord had laid a table with a white cloth, two place settings, and three red candles in frosted glass, the flames flickering merrily in the warm breeze. A bounty of flowers surrounded the area, their scent sweetening the air. No other high-rises surrounded the building, giving them full privacy to do whatever they wanted. Below, the city bristled with life, the noise of cars, buses, and an occasional throb of music providing a backdrop to the pleasant serenity up here.

Once he locked the door, David put the pizza box and package on the table. He took the wine from Bree and poured some for each of them. “To tonight.” Smiling, he tapped her glass with his.

The moment was so wonderful; she sagged into him, forgetting the wine, food, and whatever he had in the package. Chocolate, no doubt. None of that would satisfy her hunger. She wanted him. As he looked down at her, Bree returned his smile then brushed her lips over his and drove her tongue into his mouth.

He allowed it for a second then took over, his cheeks smooth and hot against hers, his kiss nearly desperate as though the world were going to end before they’d had their fill of this. His free hand was on the move, covering her boob before dipping to her ass and finally her mound. David cupped it without hesitation, claiming it for his own. With their mouths still joined, he put his glass then hers on the table, sank to a chair and pulled Bree onto his lap to straddle him. Cunt against cock.


They went at each other for minutes, tongue-deep, until Bree was dizzy from lack of air. Breaking free, she sucked in as much as she could.

David was in far better shape, barely breaking a sweat. Leaning around her, he flipped the pizza box open, lifted a wedge, and waved it beneath her nose. The scent of cheese, tomato sauce, sausage, and garlic wafted toward her.

“Smell good?” he whispered.

Heavenly, though not as delicious as him. Bypassing the pizza, Bree suckled his neck. David grunted in what sounded like satisfaction and ground his groin into hers, the new noises he made downright indecent. When they both needed a breather, he gave her a bite of pizza and took one for himself.

“Wow,” she said with a full mouth, “this pie’s to die for.”

“Have all you want.”

If she hadn’t liked him before that comment, Bree would have been falling for him fast and hard because of it. She alternately chewed and smiled while he did the same with her.

After they’d finished the first piece, Bree licked the tips of his fingers clean. David did the same with her bottom lip. “More?” he murmured.

Bree wanted it all. “Are we talking about food?”

“What do you think?”

He wanted her to decide if the right time to begin was now. “I want more.”

Smiling, he reached beneath her hair and untied her top, letting it fall away. The built-in bra dragged the stretchy fabric down, exposing her breasts to the heated air and him, her nipples tightening at his intense gaze. With a new piece of pizza in hand, he trailed the sauce over her areolas and the tips, sending threads of delight through her body.

She spoke on a ragged sigh, “Bon appetite.”

He answered with a broad grin before licking and sucking her nipples that produced another rush of desire. Bree curled her toes as well as she could given her sandals. Gripping his shoulders, she held on as David alternately tongued her tits and suckled her throat, an amazingly sensitive part of her.

Warmth kept pooling in her pussy, the channel needing its due. Unable to bear it any longer, she cried out, “I want you. Now.”

He eased back, a lock of dark hair dangling over his forehead, giving him a boyish look. The sin in his eyes contradicted that. Smiling, he reached around her again. The crinkle of paper told her he’d grabbed the white bag. He upended it, revealing scores of chocolate pieces, each wrapped individually in red foil. Among them were dozens of condoms.

Bree nearly clapped her hands. “Think we have enough?”

David cupped her boobs and fondled them roughly, just as she liked. “Let’s see if we do.”

His voice was huskier than it had been just a second before.

Chapter Three



he scrambled off his lap, naked boobs jiggling. “Ditch the clothes.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” David wiggled his eyebrows then pulled off his tee faster than he had the first time. Once it was on the table, he toed off his running shoes and was about to unbutton his jeans when he stopped, his expression curious. “What are you doing?”

Drinking in his powerful chest, lusting over his crazy hot abs, yearning to lick his spectacular tat. What else? “Watching you.”

“I noticed. That won’t do.” He wagged his finger at her. “Lose the dress and knickers, if you’re wearing any. Leave the heels.” He offered a dimpled smile. “They’re wicked. I like them.”

Was there no end to how he turned her on with his approval, accent, spectacular looks, and the prize behind his fly? “First things first.”


“Quiet. No talking.” She sank to her knees before him. “You can grunt and growl though. That’s so hot.”

He made a noise of surprise as Bree unbuttoned the metal disk on his waistband and lowered the fly. Quickly, she pulled his jeans and black stretchy boxers to his knees. His cock sprang out, beefy and proud, jutting from a nest of thick brown curls.

Oh my god
. She’d reached heaven without having to die first. On a shameless moan, Bree buried her face in his thick pelt and inhaled deeply of his musk. Masculine to the extreme. Virile as all hell.

He panted and made another noise that sounded as if he were enjoying this.

With her hands cupping his rock-hard ass, Bree kept him close, her teeth tugging his curls playfully.

David pushed closer, his rough breathing saying he wanted more.

Encouraged, she suckled his thatch, dampening it then licked the root of his cock. His shaft flexed, tapping her throat. Liking that, she ran her tongue over the prominent veins that snaked down the length of his rod. Holy hell, the man was blessed, long, meaty, harder than steel. When she reached his plump crown, Bree tongued the tiny slit, wet with pre-cum.

“Shite.” David pushed to his toes, his ass tightening against her palms. “Don’t fucking stop.”

As if she would. Bree flicked her tongue against the bumpy skin on the back of his crown. He let out a savage growl, confirming how much that pleased him. However, she didn’t linger there, having something else in mind.

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