Melting Iron (14 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Melting Iron
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Breaking the kiss she stared into his passion-filled gaze, now level with hers. “Fuck me here.
Right now.”

Another groan tore from Iron but his hands shifted on her, cupping her ass as he took a step forward until her back pressed against the wall. He shifted his hips, lifting her higher, and then he pressed against her as he slowly sank into her welcoming depths. She was wet and ready to take him, so turned-on she knew she should be shocked at her responses to him. Instead she enjoyed the sensation of being filled by him as he lowered her until he was tightly encased in her pussy.

Iron took her mouth again, kissing her as he slowly started to move inside her. Dawn clung to his shoulders, her legs locking around his slippery, wet hips. He lifted and pulled her body up and down instead of thrusting his hips. His sheer strength made her hotter. She’d never had sex standing up before but she loved the sensation of the smooth wall rubbing her back and how all she had to do was hold on to him.

She twisted her hips as he moved her faster. She had to break from the kiss, unable to stop herself from turning her head and going for the skin on his neck instead. She licked at the water there and then opened her mouth, gently nipping him with her teeth. The response it drew from Iron was instant as he pressed her body more firmly against the wall, pinning her there, holding her still as he started to move his hips instead of her. He drove up into her fast and hard, out of control, just the way she liked him. Their breathing increased to loud panting as Iron fucked her harder and deeper against the wall, powering into her over and over, creating a wonderful friction that had her burning with hot desire, her vaginal muscles tensing and clamping around him as the rapture built. She could only feel and enjoy their bodies moving against each other, his chest rubbing her nipples until they were swollen and so sensitive she wanted to scream from the unbearable pleasure.

Iron lowered his face and his teeth sank into her shoulder. The bite he gave her sent a shaft of pain splintering through her body and threw her into overload of sensation. A scream burst from her as she came hard. Pleasure and pain blurred into oblivion as ecstasy ripped through her very soul. Iron tore his mouth from her skin and threw his head back, shouting out as he came, his cock throbbing hard inside her against her quivering muscles as he shot his release into her body.

Dawn was slumped against his chest, her face pressed against his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck when she came out of her haze of sexual gratification. Her shoulder throbbed a little but it was nothing compared to the warmth and sensitivity coming from her lower region as Iron gently withdrew from her pussy. One arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly against him and his other hand was still clamped on the curve of her ass. Her legs shook as she tried to
them from his waist. He slowly lowered her on her shaky legs until she was standing in the cleansing unit again. She looked up at him and saw remorse.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

His hand released her ass and he stepped back, keeping his arm loosely around her waist to steady her. “I was rough with you and I left teeth marks.” His attention focused on her throbbing shoulder. “I don’t know why I bit you. The skin isn’t broken but you will probably have a bruise there.”

A chuckle came from Dawn. “I bit you first.”

His frown deepened, lining his mouth with tiny little wrinkles. “I enjoyed your teeth. I think that is why I bit you back but I shouldn’t have. I do apologize.”

Shaking her head, Dawn grinned at him. “Do you know how intense that was? The second your teeth clamped down…oh fuck, baby. I guess I’m twisted because it totally got me off. Don’t look so glum. I liked it.”

He looked anything but happy. “You said you wouldn’t call me that anymore.”

She grinned though. “How about ‘stud muffin’?” She ran her hand from his stomach to his chest, enjoying the feel of his warm, firm skin under her fingertips and palm. “Or ‘beef cakes’?” Her grin widened at his horrified look. “’Love cookie’ that I want to eat?”

Iron’s expression shut down, his features going blank. He released her, his arm shooting to the side so his hand hit the button. The wall behind him slid down, opening up the cleansing unit. Iron spun on his heel and stepped over the rim, stalking into the room, toward the bed. Dawn enjoyed teasing him. She stepped over the rim to get out. He needed to lighten the hell up.

“How about ‘frosting’? I enjoy licking you.”

She nearly slammed into him when Iron suddenly spun around. The anger she saw on his features stunned her and her grin died as she stared up into his darkening face. His teeth clenched and the muscles of his jaw were visible from the action. Two hands gripped her in an instant but he didn’t hurt her as they clamped on her upper arms.

“Why are you making fun of me?”

Surprise and disbelief at how he’d taken her teasing left her speechless.

“I know that you must dislike me for stealing you off the shuttle but at least let me get dressed before you taunt me.”


He cut her off. “I let my guard down during intercourse with you, believing it was the one time that you would accept me.”


He gave her a gentle push as he released her. He stepped away, gathered his clothes from the floor and dumped them on the bed. He grabbed his pants, not bothering with his briefs and bent to put them on. He lifted a leg and Dawn struck, throwing herself at him to hit him in the ass with her body.

Iron gasped as he was pushed forward onto the bed. Dawn didn’t hesitate to use his surprise to topple over on him, her body landing on his. He grabbed her and they rolled as he tried to get her off him. The small bed wasn’t wide enough for the move and Dawn met air instead of mattress as he rolled them. She knew it was coming in a panicked second but there was no stopping it as she slammed onto the floor with two-hundred-fifty-plus-pounds of wet, pissed-off
male falling on top of her.

The air was knocked from her lungs. She was stunned and pain shot up her back. The weight shifted on her and she heard Iron cursing loudly as he lifted off her enough for her to gasp in air. Her eyes flew open to see Iron’s face hovering inches over hers, concern showing in those beautiful eyes.

“Are you all right? I didn’t mean for that to happen. Speak to me. Tell me if you need a medic. Why the hell did you attack me? I reacted without being able to stop myself. I’m sorry, Dawn.”

She took another breath, pretty sure the pain in her back was fading and that no major damage had been done. It wasn’t as if he’d hit her, which would have definitely caused damage. Nope. They’d only fallen off the bed and he’d landed on her. He was a big damn guy and heavy. Her hands shook as she reached up. She half expected him to grab her wrists to stop her, knowing damn well he had reflexes that fast but he let her cup his face with her hands.

“I wasn’t making fun of you or mocking you.” She licked her lips, wetting them. “Nor was I taunting you. I call you baby as an endearment. Since you don’t like that one, I was trying to find one you’d like and I was trying to make you laugh. You tend to take things way too seriously. I was amused, sure, but it wasn’t in a mean way. I want to call you something sweet.”

He searched her eyes, probably trying to judge if she were telling him the truth. She stared back at him and didn’t look away or try to hide her feelings from him. Her hands caressed his
and cheeks. His tense body relaxed a little. She saw regret flash in his eyes before he slowly nodded.

“I believe you. Did I hurt you when I landed on you?”

“I think I’m good.” She wasn’t about to mention that she was sure her tailbone was bruised. It throbbed and ached but she would rather suffer a little pain than risk making him feel worse. “I want to call you something besides Iron when we’re intimate.”


She hesitated, trying to think of an explanation he could relate to. “Anyone can call you Iron but I’m not just anyone. I’m yours and you’re mine. I want a nickname to give you that no one else can call you.”

“It’s a strange human custom, isn’t it?” He looked irritated.

“Yes.” She smiled. “It is.”

He lifted a little more off her body as he eased away from her and got to his feet. He bent down to help her up. Dawn managed to hide the wince she stifled as her back protested being upright. Iron steered her around and then, to her surprise, he crouched behind her. His breath fanned on the curve of her ass as his fingertips brushed her back.

“You have red marks from the floor.”

“I’m good.” She turned her head to peer at him over her shoulder. “Nothing is broken.”

Iron straightened to his full height and turned her to face him. “Do not attack me like that again, Dawn. Sometimes it is instinct that takes over before I can stop myself when I’m not expecting you to do those kinds of things. Do you understand? Luckily I just rolled to get you off me but I could have struck out with my fist. I never want to accidentally harm you.”

“I wasn’t attacking you. I was tackling your ass to make you listen to me before you could storm out of here thinking I was being a mean bitch. You’re way too paranoid.”

“What am I going to do with you?” His tone was soft, almost a whisper.

“Sleep with me to make it up to me that you landed on me like a house?”

A small smile played at his lips. “No.”

“I could have a concussion.” She smiled as she said it to let him know she was teasing. “You’re supposed to wake the injured party every hour.” She winked at him. “We could fool around.”

“It wouldn’t be the intelligent or logical thing to do.”

“Welcome to my world. I rarely do what I know I should but sometimes it all turns out all right.”

An eyebrow rose. “Give me an example.”

Dawn lifted her hands, curving them around his hips.

“What about me?”

“I know I shouldn’t want you. You kidnapped me and brought me here against my will, tricked me into agreeing to be your sex slave but…” She pressed against his body, staring into his eyes. “I do want you. I want you to sleep with me so I can enjoy how you make me feel when I’m in your arms. I really love it when you hold me. I could have killed you the day you brought me in here but I didn’t. I wouldn’t,” she said softly. “I know it’s stupid, but damn, I enjoy spending time with you even when you drive me nuts with the way you like to keep your distance from me.”

“You are little and you can’t harm me, Dawn.”

As she stared up at him, she realized he was always going to be suspicious of her. “I’m a mechanic, Iron. You know that.”

He nodded. “What does that have to do with anything?”

She hesitated. He would either finally realize she meant him no harm or he’d tie her ass to the bed forever. “You made mistakes, like leaving the cleansing unit on for my use. If you lift the grid plate along the left side of the wall next to it, you’ll find active wires to give it power.”

She paused. She didn’t look away from him as she said words that would either get him to finally believe her or he’d be even more suspicious. It was a risk but she wanted him to trust her. It had become important to her. He was becoming important to her.

“There’s about five feet of surplus cable, just enough to go under the floor plates to hook anywhere I wanted to on the metal grates that vent the room with fresh air. I could have hooked live wires to the plate by the dresser where you walk every damn time you get out of bed with me to dress. You never would have known what hit you and you never use the damn cleanser in here so you wouldn’t have had a clue I’d disabled it. The energy level is enough to kill you if I tear out the regulator sensor which is accessible in that panel. It would have been easy to fry your ass if I wanted you dead.”

Iron stared at her mutely for long seconds, his grim expression telling her that he wasn’t happy with what she’d said. He jerked out of her hold, went the wall and then tore the plate off that she’d mentioned. He studied it for a good minute before he turned back to her. The plate in his hand dropped, clattering loudly to the floor. The look in his eyes told her he knew she was right and he’d verified with his own eyes that it was possible to do.

“Why didn’t you do it?” His voice was soft.

“The last damn thing I want is to hurt you, Iron.”

He took a deep breath. “I’ll sleep here tonight. We’ll try it.”

Chapter Nine


Dawn woke to the hard press of one very aroused male doing a heartbeat impression against her ass and thigh where his cock was tucked downward. The room was dark, the lights still off in sleep cycle, and a sexy male was pressed firmly against her back. The arm around her waist was heavy but she enjoyed the weight pinning her. Her cheek rested on Iron’s biceps, the best damn pillow she’d ever slept on. He was warm, big, and she enjoyed waking up to him.

He was still in bed with her. Her lips curved in a wide smile. Waking up to Iron in bed with her was a terrific experience and one she’d wondered about often. Now that she knew how good it was she was determined to make him sleep with her every night. She wiggled her ass against his cock while the arm tightened around her waist. His hand moved to cup her breast, his palm rubbing her soft flesh.

“Morning, baby.”

“I don’t like that one,” he rumbled at her.

“Stud muffin?”

He sighed. “You start this the moment you wake up?”

“I want to give you a special nickname I can use when we’re having sex or we’re about to have it.” She wiggled her ass against him again and chuckled as his cock jerked in response.
“And damn soon.”

I didn’t mind it when you called me ‘sexy’ but never call me that in public or around other persons. Am I clear?”

“Perfectly, sexy.”
She enjoyed the sound of it rolling off her tongue.

“I suppose you expect me to call you a special nickname?”

Surprise flashed through and her heart rate increased, pleased that he’d think of that. “It would be nice.”

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