Meant To Be (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Meant To Be
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Brady, who?”

Let’s see…” Jenna laughed, “I can only think of one. He looked pretty tall, with really dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked very fit, and had a smile that would make any sane woman weak in the knees. Come to think of it, I don’t really know any Brady’s except for the one you showed me the other day, in the photo. I was restless because I haven’t fantasized about anybody like that since I was a teenager, and I felt a little guilty.”

Brady, huh?” Sam smiled before walking away, with a roll of her eyes. She called back, “There is nothing wrong with a little fantasy, Jenna. Brady is a well sought after man, and you’ve got great taste. Now I’ll go get the coffee. You need to get comfortable and try to rest.”

Jenna must have been more tired than she suspected because that was the last thing she remembered of their visit. It had felt like minutes, instead of hours, before she woke just in time to get Jayden.

Chapter Nine

Two months had passed since Tyler had returned to work full time. Christmas was getting closer, and Jenna had decided to volunteer at Jayden’s school to fill her time. It was getting pretty lonely, and she needed the distraction. She tried to think of happier things, like the new camcorder she’d bought for Jayden’s Christmas recital.

Begging for Tyler’s attention had become a daily ritual, especially pleas not to neglect what was important to his son. Tyler’s hours only seemed to become worse, to the point where he wasn’t home by the time she fell asleep at night and was gone before she woke up. Some nights she could swear, he hadn’t bothered to show up at all. The worst of it was she couldn’t even say why. What could have possibly gotten so bad that he couldn’t get home for dinner every night?

That night when he called to tell her again that he’d be late, which was typical of their conversations lately.

Jayden’s recital is on the seventeenth at seven PM.”

“The seventeenth, right? Geez, Jenna, give it a rest. I’ll be there, okay?”

“Right,” she snorted, “Like when you’re home for dinner or before I go to bed. Like when you’re home for your son’s hockey tournament or to even just spend time with him. I mean it, Tyler, this recital is important to Jayden, and you’d better be there.”

She hung up on him, too angry to continue. Truthfully, the camcorder was her back up, the just in case plan so Jayden would know his father would be able to see him perform should Tyler not be able to make it. It was the only thing she could do for Jayden. There had been too many disappointments lately, and she began to doubt Tyler’s word. Still, she’d kept her fingers crossed, for Jayden’s sake.

* * * *

She was on her way downstairs from tucking Jayden in for his daily nap, and almost slipped when she noticed his car from the window in the hall.

Oh, my God!” she clutched her chest and waited for her heart rate to slow down. “It is you. I couldn’t believe it when I saw your car.”

Tyler only gave her a quick glance.

Hi,” she whispered, moving to sit beside him. “Although it’s unexpected, it’s nice to actually see you here. Have you decided to take a day off?”

“I guess you could call it that. I’ve got an extra work load ahead of me for the next few weeks. There are people going on vacation, a couple new cases and a lot of extra paper work. I thought I’d give myself a change of scenery.”

She rolled her eyes, feeling her anger surface. “Vacation, huh. Must be nice.” He had some vacation days accumulated, and she was still bitter that he hadn’t taken any.

“Jenna, don’t start.”

“Hey, Tyler,” a voice called. “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself to a beverage. Beer?”

Tyler stood to grab the drink held out to him while Jenna eyed the blond beauty with the thick glasses.

Clearing her throat, Jenna also stood and stretched out her hand. “I didn’t realize that Tyler brought some company home. I’m Jenna, and you are?”

“Alex Reid, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Jenna could tell the pleasantries were not sincere. Alex had given Jenna an icy look from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Oh yeah, this woman was definitely hot for Tyler. The question was did Tyler reciprocate those feelings? His late night office hours, his avoidance and the dream… But except for the dreams, those things had been there before the crash as well. Dream aside, Tyler was a workaholic and always had been.

Tyler cleared his throat. “Yes, well, Alex and I are working together again, but we were just about to wrap it up early today.”

Alex didn’t argue. “Yep, right after this drink, I’ll be heading off.” She scooted past Jenna towards the sofa, the direct spot where Jenna had been only moments before. “I’m afraid there’ll be a few more late nights coming up. I hope you don’t mind sharing him?”

She laughed while Jenna narrowed her eyes, looking first at Tyler and then at Alex.
I hope you don’t mind sharing him.
She wanted to puke. Was Alex the bimbo from the dream? One thing was for sure, Jenna didn’t like her.

Tyler smiled as he cleared away his paperwork. It didn’t last.

Yes, well, sharing him would imply that I have him to begin with. He’s at work all the time, but I’m sure you know that, don’t you. A few more late nights, what’s the difference? It doesn’t change anything. Does it, Tyler?” He was shocked speechless. “Just don’t miss the night of the seventeenth, please?”

Alex seemed to have been affected the same way, except her shock shortly turned into complete satisfaction. “Yes, well.” She reached for Tyler’s hand. “I guess I’d better get going then.”

Tyler stood, pulling away from her. “Right, I’ll see you around.”

“What was that?” Tyler demanded when the coast was clear. “God, Jenna, I have to work with her. The least you can do is show her some respect.”

She laughed humorlessly, “Respect? Are you kidding me? That woman is rude and, I might add, has the hots for you. I’m only speaking the truth, and I’m sorry, but I refuse to respect a woman that was clearly trying to bait me into a confrontation with you. Looks like she’s succeeded, huh?”

“Jenna,” he groaned.

“Oh, don’t you fucking dare. Just save it, Tyler.” She sat down staring blankly ahead. It had been weeks since he touched her. Could Tyler have been dumb enough to cheat on her, and could she forgive him if he had? She started to believe Sam’s theory more and more, secretly wishing that it would all just go away. She didn’t need this shit. In fact, she would have preferred not knowing at all.

“Why are you crying?”

His question took her thoughts away from there as she drilled into him again. “Tell me something, is there anything going on with Alex? Because if you’re as smart as I think you are, you’d tell me right now if you are sleeping with her.”

“I can’t believe you’re asking me this. Have I given you reason to doubt me?” He traced the bottom of her jaw, lifting her chin so they were looking eye to eye.

That’s not an answer,” she yelled. “I hate thinking this way. I love you, Tyler, but I can’t help but notice how awkward it was having her here. You work a lot of late hours, and she happens to work with you. Were you even going to mention to me that you were working together again? We don’t have sex anymore, and we argue all the time. Half of the time, it doesn’t make sense why you stay away like you do and it makes me wonder. When I was in the hospital and you brought her up, you became defensive. I could tell that you were keeping something from me, but I let it go. This time I want an answer.”

“Of course not, Jenna. There you have my answer. Now about me not touching you.” He sat on the couch and pulled her on his lap to straddle him. His lips moved across her throat, and his voice beside her ear became hoarse. “Well, I am now.”

His hand travelled to the nape of her neck to draw her closer. His tongue stroked in and out of her mouth while swirling against hers. Before she knew it, her shirt was off and bra unhooked. Tyler was a pro at undressing, her and himself. Naked, he slid inside her in one smooth stroke.

The anger seemed to drive her, her actions more aggressive as she thrust to meet his demands. Disappointingly, his climax came immediately. He pumped slowly after his seed had spilled into her heated core and began to stroke her. “Come for me,” he whispered. “I want to feel you pulse.”

She arched her hips forward, clasping onto his broad shoulders. “Yes,” she moaned. “Yesss.”

* * * *

The night of Jayden’s recital, time had run out. Her parents paced the living room, while Jenna watched the minute hand inch closer to the deadline.

Should we assume that Tyler will meet us there?” her dad asked her sympathetically. He knew how important this night was to Jayden and could see the heartbreak in her eyes.

Jenna nodded. Kneeling down to Jayden’s level, she placed her hands on either side of his shoulders and tried to comfort him. “Don’t worry, Jayden; I’m sure Dad will be there. He said he would, and it’s still not too late.”

She’d tried Tyler’s office and cell number several times. Jayden’s class was one of the last to perform but still no Tyler. The empty chair beside her was distracting, and her mother kept looking at her in sympathy. She tried to smile and hated feeling like they pitied her.

Jayden was priceless, while Jenna was too emotional. Her father took over the videotaping. She laughed so hard that she’d cried as Jayden’s voice carried through the whole gymnasium. Was he singing or yelling? He was so cute.

“You were amazing, Jayden, and we have it all on tape thanks to Poppa,” she told him with a hug. “We’ll show Dad later, and I’m sure he’s sorry that he missed it all.”

At home that night, she replayed the recital over and over again. Her parents retired to the guest room shortly after Jayden drifted to sleep, while she waited for Tyler to return. It had been an emotional night. Pausing the DVD player, she rubbed her eyes feeling tired herself.

She was at home and could see Tyler’s car in the driveway. She smiled at the surprise of having him home during the middle of the day.

The house seemed empty, so she started walking around to look for him. Just as she was about to call out his name, she heard noises coming from upstairs and went to investigate.

The door to their bedroom was left open a crack. She couldn’t see clearly and pushed the door open, only to find him with Alex again.

She nodded her head, feeling stupid. Her instinct told her that something was going on. He’d lied, and she was too angry this time to cry. “Get out!” she screamed.

Alex smiled, taunting her.

Jenna, I can explain.” Tyler rushed forward. He grabbed for her, but she pushed him away, walking out as fast as she could.

She ran down the stairs, but tripped over her feet when he caught up to her. Falling face first, she cried out in pain.

Tyler rushed to her aid, but she kept pushing him away, disgusted with herself and him. She made it outside only to collapse on the front lawn. She couldn’t walk anymore.

Alex watched from the window upstairs. Her face lit up with a smile as she looked down at Jenna and Tyler. Tyler’s face hovered over her with worry, then he whispered, “I am so sorry.”

She woke up with a gasp and bolted upright, caressing her stomach.

Looks like I missed an amazing recital.” Tyler sat at the end of the couch and looked away from the T.V. towards her.

You did.”

He moved closer, and she inched away. “Jenna, I had every intention of being there. It’s just—”

He tried to explain, but she interrupted him. “I’m not in the mood to argue tonight. My parents are in the spare room, and I’m tired of it.” She sighed before covering her face. She was exhausted with all of the stress, period. “You picked your priorities, Tyler, and now we all have to deal with the consequences.”

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