Meadow's Keep (The Gatekeepers Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Meadow's Keep (The Gatekeepers Series)
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“Oh, get over yourself,” she tried to sound stern as her lips curled in
to a smile.

“You’re welcome to come up here and keep me company.”

“No. I wonder if Jenn got my message.” Jenn had been out of the office when she’d called. It was rare for Jenn to be out of the office, ever.

“Oh, I talked with John.
He picked up the equipment and it’s waiting for us at Safe Harbor. I’ll drop you off there. I have an appointment. I’ll come by in the morning to check out the equipment and we’ll go to Meadow’s Keep in the afternoon.”

“You’re not going to stay at Safe Harbor tonight?” She hated the way that c
ame out, the way her voice sounded needy. It was like this thing that was happening to them was sending fine invisible tendrils out, linking them.

“No.” He modulated his voice so it soothed, calmed. “I have
something I have to do. I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

Whatever,” she snapped. “Don’t do that…that thing you do with your voice. It doesn’t work with me.”

“Oh, yeah? Then why are you so riled up?”

She took off the headset and tossed it in the seat next to her and glared at him when he looked up in the mirror he’d installed to see back into the cabin. He flashed a grin, showing his pearly whites and she could just imagine his eyes glowing green behind those sunglasses.

Jasmine leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, trying to shut out
his image, which was not the easiest thing to do. The unruly black waves, those green eyes, a mouth that could be firm and soft at the same time. There was a grace about him that intrigued her. His movements were fluid, yet precise. Jasmine figured that came from performing and having to choreograph his every action on stage. Yet, as handsome as he was, there didn’t seem to be the arrogance that could easily have developed from all the adulation.

Of course,
there was the fact that he looked like Dorian. Funny how she seldom, if ever, thought of Dorian when she was around Eryk. Was it the genetic attraction they had for one another that also gave him that distinctiveness? She peered through slitted eyes, wanting to study him undaunted. What was that old saying? “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.” All of her life she’d wanted to be like the other blended female descendants—like Morgan or Meadow. The fact that she didn’t have the eyes or the healing capabilities had caused her years of torment. That was probably the reason she’d developed the spirited personality. In her defense, it was an “I don’t give a damn. I’m unique all on my own” attitude and it had served her well. Then again, thinking of Rob, she admitted, it had also gotten her in trouble.

she had the descendancy she’d longed for all her life, even though it was packaged differently. Unfortunately, along with that came the mate-matching potential. She was so attracted to Eryk that sometimes she couldn’t hold a single thought. When he was around, she just wanted to move closer. When he wasn’t, she was miserable. And they hadn’t had sex—yet.

The urge
surged through her even in face of the brutal attack she was still getting over. Until she’d run into Eryk, Jasmine had believed she could live a very productive life without any male intimacy. Dr. Browne believed that would change as she healed.

he moment Eryk had stepped onto the stage at the State Fair, she’d felt the sudden pull. That pull had only grown stronger. Here they were faced with the fact that they didn’t know if they were ready for a lifetime commitment, yet almost unable to avoid it.

She wondered if Morgan and Dorian ever thought about that or if they went about their happy little lives doing what nature intended
—Ruthorford style. As soon as she thought that, Jasmine realized how catty that sounded. She seemed to have gone from being bitter because she wasn’t like those she envied to being bitter because she was.

“Buckle up,” Eryk called back to her, “we
’ll be landing soon.”


Jasmine hadn’t fully emerged from the SUV before she was caught in a tight hug. She laughed and threw her arms around Jenn, so glad to be back with her. She knew the moment she saw Safe Harbor come into view just how important this had become to her.

“I am so glad you’re back. I’ve missed you so much
!” Jenn’s voice was rich and bubbly.

They moved to the back of the vehicle where Eryk was shaking hands with John Davis, Ruthorford’s answer
to the ultimate security expert.

He opened the back of the vehicle and took out her bags—all five of them. “I swear you didn’t have this many when we left.”

“Of course not.” She smiled under her lashes at him. “I had a few things to bring back.”

“I thought they were shipping that stuff back?” He sounded confused.

“Yes, but I had things I needed right away.” She saw the young girl, Lily, standing at the top of the steps, by the door, almost out of view, taking in the scene.

“Lily,” Jasmine called. “Come here, I have someone I want you to meet.”

Lily approached slowly, her eyes widening as she approached Eryk.

He held out his hand. “Hi, Lily. I’m Eryk. It’s nice to meet you.”

Lily took his hand and murmured hello, keeping her eyes down.

Over her head, Eryk frowned at Jasmine.

“I have to get back,” Lily whispered, turned, and ran inside.

at’s odd. She’s really come out since she’s been here. Must be your devastating good looks,” Jenn teased Eryk.

looked at the retreating figure. “I don’t recognize the name, but I swear I’ve seen her before.”

Jenn swung around
, putting her hand on his arm. “If you remember, please let me know. She’s not talking about her past and I have a feeling….” She let the words trail off.

“Will do.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m sorry to run off
, but I’ve got an appointment. I’ll be back in the morning. Eight o’clock okay?”

“Sure. Any
time,” Jenn said, shooting a questioning look to Jasmine, who just shrugged. “I’m sorry you can’t stay for dinner. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

She hooked her arm through Jasmine’s. “
So, tonight, we’ll have a girls’ night.”

Jasmine smiled at Jenn and looked at Eryk. The silence stretched between them.

Jenn dropped Jasmine’s arm, grabbed a suitcase, and motioned to John with a nod of her head. “We’ll just get these inside.”

Eryk waited until they were
on the porch before he turned to Jasmine. “I’ll try to call you later.”

Suddenly awkward,
Jasmine wasn’t sure what was expected of her, if anything. They’d spent so much time together and now…things were strained. She gave him a small smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you in the morning.” She tried to sound casual.

Eryk started to move to
ward her and stopped. “You need help with this?”

“No,” she said and picked up the suitcase.

“Then I’ll be going.” He walked to the side of the SUV, turned and looked back at her. She had turned and was walking toward the steps, her elegant back tall and straight, despite the weight of the suitcase. He let himself admire the curve of her hips and the sway of her rear as those long legs moved up the steps. He felt instant heat and, trying not to groan out loud, he got in the car and headed toward the beach.

As Jasmine walked into the foyer, she noticed Lily hanging back. “Are you busy?”
Jasmine asked.

The young girl quietly shook her head
, not retreating but not moving closer, either. Jasmine studied her. Why the sudden shyness? Especially since Jenn had said Lily had been so enthusiastic about putting together the information about the volunteer models and suggestions as to what would look good on them. She’d even gone so far as to suggest different styles that would be fun in the fashion show.

“I got your list and recommendations
.” Jasmine set the suitcase down and walked to Lily. “You have quite the eye.” She smiled. “I’ve brought some things back with me for you to go through. I’ll have John take them to the wardrobe room.”

glimmer of a smile appeared on the young face. Then, the hint of the chipped tooth appeared as Lily let the smile spread.

“John, would you
please take these four suitcases to wardrobe? I’ll take the other one to my room.”

Lily, if you want to go with John, you can unload the goods.” Jasmine let her brows raise and her smile widen.

“The rest should be here tomorrow or the day after
,” she called to Lily’s retreating back, as the girl followed closely behind John down the corridor, her attention focused on the suitcases. “I’ll check in with you later,” Jasmine shouted, laughing.

Jenn stepped out of her office.
“I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes,” she said and glanced at her watch. “And I’m bringing wine.”

“Sounds good to me,” Jasmine called over her shoulder as the elevator doors opened and she stepped in.
She turned and pressed the third floor button, still musing about the change in Lily. It was obvious something had happened when she introduced her to Eryk. At first, she thought it was celebrity awe, but now, thinking on it, she wasn’t so sure.

The elevator door opened and she stepped into the residents
’ hallway. The scent of lavender hugged her senses and she smiled. The gifts Morgan sent Jenn always had such a soothing effect. Walking to the end, she punched in her code and listened for the click. Jasmine grasped the knob and turned, swinging the door wide. When her powers had first shown up, she’d gone through about five keypads before she got it under control. She let out a little snort and let the door swing closed behind her. She carried the suitcase over and hefted it onto the bed, much like she’d done with the lock case, not so long ago. Looking down at her fingers, she rubbed them together, willing and dispelling a small current. In such a short time, she seemed to have changed so much.

She glanced up. The room was
the same. It was just as Spartan as her apartment in Ruthorford, yet it seemed more alive. Maybe there was something to that old saying, “you can’t go home again.” Or, maybe it was because this is where she’d actually come alive, or come into her own. It felt like she’d been dormant in Ruthorford, waiting. What if Rob hadn’t kidnapped her? How long would it have been before the change began? Would it have even happened?

A soft knock on the door broke her train of thought
. She pulled the door open and watched as Jenn walked in, a bottle of Merlot in one hand, two wine glasses in the other, and a smile plastered on her face. The smile disappeared. “You okay?”

“Oh…yeah. Just thinking. Not th
e best thing to do when you’re tired.”

“Well, tired’s okay. I’ll have you sleeping like a baby in no time. John’s downstairs, man
ning the office so we can have a girls’ night.” She set the glasses on the small dinette by the window and opened the bottle, pouring the deep red liquid liberally into each glass.

“I don’t have any cheese and crackers.”
Jasmine walked to a small cabinet. “Will these do?” She pulled out a box of Cheezits.

.” Jenn held her glass up in a toast, “To friends.”

“To friends.”

“God, I’ve missed you.” Jenn plopped down in one of the two overstuffed armchairs, Jasmine’s concession to comfort. “Now, tell me everything.”

Jasmine sat and slung one leg over the arm. “Morgan looks great. Big as a house, but great.

“Come on. I talk to her almost every day. You know damn well I want to know about the hunky magician.”

“Well,” Jasmine drawled in her best southern, “he is a rather nice hunk of maleness.”

Jenn rolled her eyes. “More than I remembered. And that look he gave you
when you were walking up the steps…” Jenn let out a low whistle. She expected Jasmine to laugh. When she didn’t, she studied her friend. “You’re blushing!” she exclaimed.

“It’s complicated,” Jasmine swirled the
wine in her glass, not looking at Jenn.

“You’re from Ruthorford. What isn’t complicated? So are you and he

“No.” Jasmine said

“Why do I get the impression that it’s not by choice?” She studied her own wine for a moment, until the thought
struck. “That…that match thingy.” She sat up straight. “You two are like Morgan and Dorian, aren’t you.” A frown creased her brows, moving her bangs, as she pondered her own statement. “Except reversed,” she added, and smiled, proud of her conclusion.

Jasmine ran her fingers through her hair. “Ye
s. Except, neither of us are ready. Why is it when you’re offered what you think you’ve wanted all your life, it’s so complicated?”

“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.
This probably isn’t something I should tease you about, huh?”

gave Jenn a half-smile, took a deep drink of wine, and wished she could handle Eryk as well as she always handled wine.

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