Meadowlarks (8 page)

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Authors: Ashley Christine

BOOK: Meadowlarks
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I scratch the stubble already starting to grow on my jaw.               “Yeah, I hope so. She was busy today, so we'll see.”

He leaves, very happily I must say, in his new truck, and I go inside to shower again.

Maybe it's something about the water, the warmth, I don't know what. I just love being in the shower, the feel of the water flowing over me. It's so calming and makes any troubles funnel down the drain.               I shampoo my hair, scrubbing my scalp with my nails. My eyes are tightly closed. Leaning in to rinse off, I feel hands on my back.

Not again...

I whip around, peeking out from one eyelid as the foam trickles down my face. I am thrilled when I see that it's not Gwen, but

Addison. Completely naked and standing in my shower.

“I hope you don't mind. I let myself in.” She smiles and bites her bottom lip. Saying nothing I put my hands on her face and pull her into a deep kiss. She tastes heavenly, and I'm intoxicated again. She wraps her arms around my neck, and we kiss deeper, if it's even possible. I'm the first to break away, and I kiss and suck across her cheek and down her neck.

              “I missed you today,” she says, breathing heavily.

I run my tongue along her shoulder and breathe. “I missed you, too.”

We aren't in the shower long, just enough to rinse my hair, as I need to get her into my bed. I pick her up and set her down gently, kissing still. She sits back, leaving only her feet dangling off the bed. I climb on top of her, the water dripping off of me and falling on her beautiful skin.

I kiss down her throat, down her chest, spending time with each of her breasts. She breathes heavily and caresses the back of my head with her hand.

She lets out a tiny giggle when my lips brush against her hip, and I smile. “Ticklish, are we?”

“Mmm,” she breathes.

I continue my journey south, and she invites me in. I tease and taste her, making every second last.

After she climaxes, I kiss the inside of her thighs, and she quivers at my touch. I climb back up her body and brush her nose with mine.

“Mmm,” She moans again, eyes closed like she's trying to focus hard on something and not let it go.

“I've been wanting to do this to you all day,” I whisper and kiss the side of her mouth.

She grips tighter on my arms and pulls me into her. “Make love to me, Blaine.”

With those five words, I do. We move at a slow but deep and intense pace, bodies in motion together, like waves slowly lapping the sand on a beach. Her arms are around mine, her chin on my shoulder, and I hold her hair in my hand, pulling ever so gently.

She erupts again, throwing her head back into the bed. I kiss her throat and find my release. I can't see anything but her full lips slightly parted and her long lashes almost touching her cheeks.

I move so I'm resting beside her, my lips against her shoulder. She holds her hands on her chest, over her heart, breathing deeply.

“Well...” She turns to look at me. “I should come over unannounced more often.”


The alarm clock displays 7:14 on its screen.

“You hungry?” I take her hand in mine and kiss her thumb and each finger.

“Mmm, yes, I am,” she says with a raised and perfectly shaped eyebrow.

I fire up the barbeque on the porch and let it heat up, grabbing some steaks wrapped in brown butcher's paper from the fridge. I put them on a plate. A few potatoes should be good too, and I grab them, making a slit with a knife and wrapping them in foil.

Back outside, Addison sits on the bench that's suspended with chains from the roof of the porch; something my dad made for my mom when Nick and Owen were little. I realize she's brought Luca when I see him and Rex wandering around, sniffing each other and barking at the cattle.

“I hope you don't mind that I brought him. I didn't want to leave him at home with my brother.” She looks lovingly at her dog.

“I'm happy you did. Rex hasn't been getting much attention lately. Maybe he needs a buddy.” I smile and flip the steaks onto the grill with a pair of metal tongs.

We sit on the porch and eat, sipping lemonade from Mason jars. What does
The Ritz
have on this place? Addison finishes her steak before I do, and I smile, thinking I can thank myself for giving her an appetite after our workout.

“Mmm, that was so good. Thank you,” she says, quietly sucking sauce off her finger.

“You are most welcome.” I take long sip of the cool lemonade.

We sit and watch the dogs play for a while after we've finished eating. Rex is fully recovered and is running around like he usually does, but this time he's got a friend to show off for. The horses are grazing in the field. Cylas is rolling around in the dirt, getting that beautiful white coat of his filthy.

“Look at him,” she says, pointing to the dust cloud he's created. He stands and shakes off; even dirty, he's beautiful.

My phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket. “Hello?”

It's my brother, Nick.               “Hey, Blaine, how are you?” He's speaking in such a low tone, it’s almost a whisper.

“Good. What's up, Nick?” I'm curious as to why he's calling me.

“Dad's birthday is this weekend; did you remember? We were hoping to have a party for him on the ranch. It's his seventieth, and even though he'll bitch at the idea, we have to have a party or something for him.”

Nick's obviously speaking so quietly in fear that our dad is listening, knowing his aversion to attention and parties—hell, any type of celebration. I can see why Nick's being shady.

“Maria and Kelsey have been planning the details already so all we have do is show up.” He laughs. “One of them will call you later to let you know when they'll be over to decorate.”

I look over at Addison. She's sitting on the steps with her knees pulled up into her chest, arms wrapped around them, watching the dogs play.

“Okay, bro. Jer and I will get things tidied up for the girls.” I nudge Addison’s with my elbow, and she smiles at me before resting her head on my shoulder. “Yeah...okay...yep, no problem. Bye.”               I hang up, and turn to face her.

“So,” I start to say, quickly rubbing my hands on my thighs. “My dad's seventieth is this Saturday. The party will be here, and I'd love it if you came.” I flash her my all-American smile, knowing she won't be able to resist my offer.

“Well,” she says and starts to blush. “Meeting the family already?”

I stand up off the step and walk a few feet before turning around to face her, still backing up slowly. “It's not like I can keep you confined to my bedroom, as much as I would love that idea.”               I smirk, clasping my hands together behind my head.

She grabs a small stone from the dirt and tosses it at me.               “Oh, really! You just can't get enough of me, can you?” And she's hit the bull’s-eye dead center.

“No, I can't.” I wink at her and bend down to pet both the dogs. “It'll be a big party. Lots of people in town are friends with my dad. My sisters-in-law are coming tomorrow to start decorating.”

“I would love to help them if they need it.” She smiles, standing up to walk over to me.

I run my hand up the back of her naked leg; I'm still bent down from when I was petting the dogs. I lean in to kiss her thigh, and she gently puts her fingers through my hair and grips.

“If you keep doing that, I'll have no choice but to keep you in my bedroom.”

With one swift move I get to my feet, and then sweep her off hers. She shrieks and laughs.

“That's all I want to do right now,” I say, and I adjust my grip to hold her closer and tighter to my body. She leans in, trailing her fingertips along my bicep, kissing my collarbone. When we get upstairs, we lose ourselves all over again in white sheets, salty sweat and sweet rhythm.

              *              *

All I can hear is the sound of our breathing and the crickets chirping out the open bedroom window. It's a cool May night, and with all the heat pouring off this bed, the open window and breeze are very welcome.

“I can't stay.” Her words open my eyes, and I look over to her and stick out my bottom lip.

“No?” I ask, wrapping my arms tightly around her, not wanting to let her leave this spot.

“I have to get back home and make sure Alex is there.”

I wonder if she's going to tell me what's going on with him.

“He got caught for public intoxication in Big Horn, and I had to pick him up from the police station.” She rubs her eyes with her fingers and sighs. “His attitude lately has been horrible, but he won't go back to Maine.” Rolling on to her stomach, she nuzzles her head on my chest and kisses my heated skin.

“Wow, I didn't realize,” I reply. “Maybe a farm job is what could straighten him out, and then at least you would know where he is.” I run my fingers along her spine, the sheet only covering her behind and legs.

“Yeah, I really think so,” she agrees, nodding her head. Our embrace is over as she sits up to get out of bed, her long hair unruly, and tendrils wisp on the small of her back. It's dark, but enough moonlight graces us through the window that I can watch her dress. She pulls on plain white cotton panties. Aware I'm watching her, she turns around and bends over to pick up her cotton summer dress.

“Do that again and you're not going anywhere.” I groan and feel myself start to harden beneath the soft white sheet.

Her bra and dress are on now, and she climbs back on the bed, over top of me, straddling me. I pull her face down to meet mine and we kiss. I don't want her to go.

I breathe heavily in her ear. “I...I...” I don't know what I'm trying to say; I'm just full of passion and heat. All my blood left my body hours ago and is located centrally in one region alone.

“Me, too,” she says, as if she knows what words are trying to escape my lips.

              She sent me a text when she got home, letting me know she was there safely and to wish me a good sleep. Wish granted, I've been doused in slumber dust, and nothing will wake me. I left the window open all night, and the heat of the morning pours in the room, the sun warming my bed. I wake up, stretching as if I'd had a glorious circuit session—well, actually I did. I can't help but smile. I haven't been this happy in a very long time; only having physical connections with women and nothing emotional gets tiring. Addison stimulates me in more than just one way; she's like no one I've ever met, and I thank myself for working up the nerve to talk to her in Dr. Jenkins' office.

In the kitchen I pour food into Rex's bowl; the round pebbles clink the metal dish, and his ears perk up. I make myself thick toast slathered in chunky peanut butter, the only type I like.

My iPhone is sitting on the island, and I pick it up to send her a text.              
Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?

I lick peanut butter off my thumb and shove the last piece of toast in my mouth.               Jeremiah should be here soon; it's almost eight in the morning. I dress, put on my work boots and hat and head outside, ready to face another beautiful day in Wyoming.

Just then, I get a reply from her.
Oh, I slept very well, thank you. Although I'm really tired this morning. Can't think of why...

I grin; she's sarcastic and funny and beautiful, a perfect bundle all tied up with a big red bow. I could go on all day with reasons why she's still tired and then give examples why she'd be suffering from exhaustion well into next week.

Jeremiah pulls in the driveway, still with his stupid “Awe yeah, look at this white hot truck” look on his face. I wave at him when he parks his truck next to mine in front of the garage.

It's only five minutes into our work day, and Jer is gushing about his evening with Gwen. They ate at The Wolfbarrow (go figure) then went for a walk
by Johnson's creek. His big toothy smile is so obviously telling me that either he made it to her house, or she to his.

“Yeahhhhhh, I stayed at her house.” He grips his shovel and flexes his hips up and down like he's about to hump life into the wooden shaft of the round mouth.

A deep bellied laugh escapes my mouth as I dig deep into a hole with my shovel, piling the dirt off to one side. A memory of Gwen under my sheets and me in her mouth flashes across my eyes, and I quickly bury the vision in the hole I'm currently digging.

“She wants me to start going to the gym with her,” he laughs, patting his small, yet growing beer belly. “I have no idea why…”

We laugh, and I wipe my brow from the sweat starting to bead under my dirty blond hair. It's either from the fact that I've thought about the Gwen incident, or I'm digging feverishly trying to focus on anything except the conversation we're having.

Should I tell him about what she did?
No, I can't.
He's too happy right now. Instead, I tell him about Nick's call and that Maria and Kelsey are coming later tonight to start decorating.

He plans to cut the grass and trim the hedges today. I'll clean up around the barn, coop, garage and house. We'll have this place ready to go for the girls by this afternoon, I hope.

              By noon, we've both worked up a hearty appetite and head into the house to make some sandwiches for lunch. The two plates from dinner last night are still in the sink.

“Have some company last night?” He smiles and turns on the water in the sink.

“I did,” I answer, nodding my head but giving no further detail to our night. “I'm hoping she'll come tomorrow and meet everyone.”

The hours pass, and we've accomplished quite a bit around the farm.

At exactly 2:30, Owen's wife Kelsey calls.
              “Hi, Blaine. Did Nick talk to you about tomorrow?”

Kelsey and I haven't always seen eye to eye. Maria and I get along great, and it bothers me that Kelsey can't be as nice of a person. But I suppose she makes my brother happy, and that's all that matters.

“Yeah, he called. Jer and I have cleaned up, and you guys can come over anytime.”

“Okay, great. Thank you. Your father has no idea; we really want him to enjoy himself. I've invited over fifty people!” she says, sounding very proud of herself. I'm sure it's going to be quite the event as any celebration in our family usually is.

Birthday parties are always over the top; my niece and nephews are terribly spoiled. My dad dotes on them. They say the love you have for your grandchildren is different than that of your own kids. Well, they hit the nail on the head with that saying, because the way he is with them—I would have killed for that kind of attention growing up.

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