Meadowlarks (3 page)

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Authors: Ashley Christine

BOOK: Meadowlarks
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“I love horses. I actually used to ride them as a kid,” she says and takes another sip of coffee.

I haven't touched mine
; I can't take my eyes off her.

“I have a brother, too. Alex. He's twenty-two, dropped out of college last year and is staying with me until he decides what he wants to do with his life.”

              Ahhhhh, Texty is her brother!
And, also not Texty, but Alex.

I smile and remember the look he gave me at Zeke's when he caught me gazing at her.

“Well, you will have to come out some time, and we can go for a ride.” I can picture her now, riding one of my horses. Bareback, beautifully cantering along, smiling at me. The thought immediately travels from my mind, sweeps past my heart and flows right into my lap with all the rest of the blood in my body. Tingling and heated, I shift in my seat.

“How many horses do you have?” she asks, awakening me from my quick daydream.

“Four quarter horses and two Arabians,” I say with a smile.               “Would you like to come see them today?” I surprise myself with the question but don't regret asking.

She inhales, and her cheeks are pink again, but she smiles. “I would love to.”

I am elated, and I finally take a sip of my coffee, feeling like I've overcome some barrier and now can drink in celebration. We make small talk for a while about where she went to school (a university in Maine) and how she got a degree in nursing but decided not to pursue a career just yet. She moved to Wyoming after basically spinning a bottle on a map; she was at a crossroads in her life and needed a change. Her brother Alex tagged along out of sheer boredom.

I tell her about Nick and Owen, their wives and children, Nick having three boys, and Owen a boy and girl. She never once looks bored during our conversation. We are completely engaged in each other, and all the bustle around us fades into the background.

What seems like forever is only an hour and a half, according to the giant roasted bean-shaped clock on the wall. Addison looks outside and notices that it has started to rain.

She pouts her perfect and enticing lips. “Awe, rain! Maybe another day I can visit your ranch?”

“Well, if a little rain doesn't bother you, I'd still like to take you out there,” I suggest and smile, praying she says yes. And she does.

Outside, I point to my truck, and we start running toward it, covering our heads with our hands like it'll make any difference. I open the passenger door, and she gracefully hops in, pulling her beautiful hair all to one side and over her shoulder. I don't realize I'm staring until she looks down at me and blushes.

Getting into the driver’s side, I turn on the defrost setting to warm us up a little and take the fog off the windows. If I were a teenager again, I would be proud to have a hot woman like Addison in my truck with steamy windows. I smirk at my thought, turn the key, and shift into gear.

Addison is quiet for the first few minutes of our drive. I sneak a glance over at her, and she is sitting gracefully with her hands clasped together on her lap. Small drips of water are coming off her hair, trickling down her shoulder, down her back.

Damn lucky rain.

The brief shower of rain has let up as we make our way down Porter Road. She is quietly singing along with a Toby Keith song on the stereo.

              Blackstock Ranch Est. 1927
is engraved on a large wooden banner across the top of the lane way. Held up by large posts, our family's roots have grown here for over 85 years.

“Wow, 1927.” She lifts her head up to see out the window. “There must be a lot of memories here.”

Pulling up to the house, I see Jeremiah's red truck.
. I forgot he was here. I can see him in the field with Ivy and her calf. He's got a big stick and is keeping a good distance from the two of them. I laugh to myself at the thought of Ivy and Jer's history. I shift into park and turn the quiet rumble off. I hop out and quickly go to Addison's side to open her door.

“Thank you,” she says, smiling, and takes my hand to get down out of the lifted cab.

“Ma'am,” I reply, smiling back.

“Blaine!” Jeremiah is running over to us now. Ivy is still standing by her calf; she turns her head down to graze. “Oh...hi!” he says, as he ever so obviously recalls the last (and first) time he saw Addison.

“Hi. I'm Addison.” She extends her hand to Jeremiah, who quickly takes it and kisses it.

I roll my eyes and snort.

“Jeremiah Sanford, but I'm sure Blaine has told you all about me!” He laughs, his voice breathy from jogging.

“Yes, he did mention you, Jeremiah. It's a pleasure to meet you.” She takes her hand back and clasps them together at her waist.

“Jer, how's the little guy today?” I ask him. Anything to get this awkward moment over with.

“Oh, he's good. She's a little moody, as usual, but he's strong, Blaine. He'll be a big boy for sure.” He looks over at the cows, holding his hand over his eyebrows to shield the sun that's finally peeking out of the grey clouds.

“Good. I can't wait,” I say, rubbing my hands together. “Addison and I had coffee today, and I was telling her about the ranch. She loves horses, and I thought I could show her mine.” I felt the need to explain why this gorgeous woman was standing in my drive way.

“Oh, coffee. Isn’t that nice,” Jeremiah says, sarcastically. “And, you came to the right place for a ride...”

He says he's got to go into town for a while, which I doubt, but he's doing the best friend thing to give me alone time.

“Okay, Jer. See you in a bit.”

He winks at me while she's got her back turned, gets in his truck, and leaves.

“So, Miss Cole. Do you want to change into something less...
?” I ask, eyeing her body. The clothing is clinging to her in a way where it leaves little to the imagination. No wonder Jer was acting like that—I can see through her white blouse that she has beautiful breasts. I try not to let her see me looking at her, but I can't help myself.

She bites her lip. “You have women's clothes?” she asks, laughing.

“Well,” I start to explain, my eyes wandering on her body. “No. But you can wear one of my t-shirts if you like.”

              Okay, Blackstock, enough of the eye-sex.

I pull open a drawer to find a dry pair of jeans, put them on, and open the closet. I decide not to wear my usual white, but instead a dark green vintage John Deere shirt and head into the kitchen. Addison is already there, standing by the window, looking out. She's wearing my shirt, and I have to clench my jaw at the sight—wishing it was all she was wearing.

“Hey,” I say from the bottom of the staircase.

“Hi.” She turns around and with one word makes me melt like butter in a pan.

“Want to head out and see the horses now?” I ask, even though I'd rather pull her into my arms and devour that gorgeous mouth.

              Outside we find the horses all together in the pasture. “There's my boy.” I point to one standing by the corner. Mischief is a stocky mixture of quarter horse and pinto, but doesn't have the patches like his father. He's a rich copper with a jet black mane and tail. I whistle, and he trots over to the gate.

“This is Mischief. He's a big suck; I don't think he realizes he's a horse.” I laugh.

Addison runs her fingers through his mane.               “Hello, Mischief,” she says. “He's beautiful, Blaine.”

We're both quiet for a few minutes, and she finally breaks the silence.               “Is it weird that we're complete strangers, yet here I am, totally comfortable and enjoying this immensely?”

I run my hand through my now dry hair, letting out a sigh of relief. I was hoping that she was enjoying herself, as this was not a typical
“Hi how are you? Let's meet occasionally for coffee and text one another”
start to...well, whatever this is.

“I've gotta be honest—I feel it too. This is completely comfortable to me.” I hold my breath and take her hand in mine.

An over-played pop song quickly plays in my head.
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy...

We walk through the field, talking about random things like movies, music, and favourite foods. She tells me her favourite meal is lasagna.

“I would like to make that for you, if you would stay for dinner,” I ask while I rub her knuckles with my thumb.

“Mmm, how could I refuse?” she says sweetly.

A large boom startles us both; it seems a storm was looming. The rain from earlier must have just been the beginning. Instinctively we both turn and start running as the rain follows the thunder, and we reach the porch just in time. The rain comes down hard, and the thunder crashes loudly.

“I just can't keep you dry today…” I laugh and pull my boots off.

She bites her lip, and I'm no longer butter in the pan—I'm water. Steam, evaporation. She's blowing me away. The distance of a few feet between us is no longer as we find ourselves wrapped in a passionate kiss, my hands in her hair and her hands on my arms. I feel myself start to harden, and she presses herself against me. Her body flush with mine.

The kiss is never-ending. I am lost in time; I have no idea how long we have stood here and been completely engulfed in lips and tongues and heavenly taste. She is the first to unseal the bond and steps back breathing heavily.

I open my eyes and I am complete mush. I could just fall and I would be nothing more than a pile on the hardwood floor.

“Addison...” I start to say, but can't find any other words. The only thing I want on my tongue at that very moment is her.

“Blaine, I… about that lasagna?” she says quietly, snapping me back to reality.

I grin at her, tip her chin up with my hand, lean in for a kiss but instead I whisper, “How could I forget?” into her ear.

My phone buzzes and when I swipe the screen to open the message, I see it's from Jeremiah.

I won't make it back today. Oh, and U R filling me in pronto!!!

I text back.
OK, cya then. And...We’ll see.

There's no way he will let me just casually explain this one. He will want details. But do I want to share the specifics of this? Hell, no. Sorry, Jer. She's all mine.

“Can I help you with anything? Maybe chop some veggies?” she asks kindly, while sitting on the stool at the island in the center of the kitchen.

“Sure, you can.” I slide over a cutting board and knife. “There are some in the crisper.” I point to the fridge behind me. There is no way I am going to get those vegetables myself. I want to see her beautiful body walk around me. And she does, leaping down off the stool. She is barefoot in my kitchen. Inside, I snort. I cannot help myself; I look over my shoulder and see her bending down, reaching for items in the crisper.

God, she is sexy.

She places a green pepper on the counter, along with some cherry tomatoes and a bunch of spinach. Rinsing them all in the sink, she places them on the cutting board and goes to work. Every so often she catches me looking at her, and smiles, never stopping the chopping motion.

“Music?” I ask, pointing to my iPod cradled in its dock on the counter.

She nods. Turning it on, I select Shuffle and it starts playing some upbeat country music. She is moving her shoulders to the beat of the music, smiling and mouthing to words to herself.

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