McKenzie, Cooper - A Club Esoteria Christmas [Club Esoteria 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - A Club Esoteria Christmas [Club Esoteria 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You have come so far since the night you snuck into the club,” he said running his free hand down her spine in a touch that always soothed her. “I love you so much, and I thank my lucky stars that I caught you. The only problem is you still have issues letting go of that damned control of yours. I’m going to flog you and play with you until you beg me to stop. By the time I’m finished with you, there will be no more walls between us. You will come when I tell you to and as often as I tell you to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Close your eyes, mouse. Feel the air moving around you,” he ordered gently in his power-laced Dom voice.

As always, Whitney closed her eyes and followed his commands. Without her sight, she felt the air moving around her, caressing her skin. The cool silver mice danced against her breasts as she breathed deeply, trying to relax as she waited for the first stroke of the flogger.

She had no idea how long she stood there before the flogger stroked across her left shoulder and then immediately across her right. It was a gentle caress, but she jumped with the surprise of it.

As he continued down her back, ass, and legs, she relaxed and felt the tension and fear drain out her toes. She did jump and tense when he brought the flogger up between her legs, the strands gently striking her erect clit and up over her lower belly.

“Mmmm, yes, you pink up beautifully,” Master came around and kissed her lips before he gave the front half of her body the same gentle flogging. “And those mice dance just as wonderfully as I knew they would.”

At his comment, Whitney opened her eyes. She had not realized that she moved with each stroke of the flogger until then, but looking at her breasts the little silver mice were indeed jumping and swinging, looking as if they were dancing.

Her hips began canting forward with need. She needed more than the gentle stroke of the flogger to reach the peak of her arousal.

“Master, please,” she whispered.

“Does my little mouse need to come?” he stuck the handle of the flogger in his pocket and stepped in close.

“Yes, please, Master,” she managed to say as he ran the fingers of one hand from her collarbone down to her mons.

Electric pulses shot from every place he touched her straight to her clit, causing her to clench everything between her legs. That sent her arousal even higher. When Taurus slid two fingers between her pussy lips and her clit, she gasped as pleasure surged higher. Another touch and she would be flying with her orgasm.

Master must have seen the need in her expression, for in the next moment he squeezed together the fingers that bracketed her clit, pressing the little mound of flesh between them.

“Come, mouse. Give me that orgasm,” he whispered in her ear before brushing his lips down her neck as his fingers tightened even further on her clit.

She screamed as the pleasure-pain of his touch shoved her hard over the edge into a volcano of orgasmic nirvana. He continued rolling her clit between his fingers as her orgasm rolled through and around and over her. She hunched her hips against his hand, wanting the pleasure to continue just a few seconds longer.

When she finally could take no more, she tried to pull back, but he held her prisoner, one hand cupping her pussy and the other wrapped around her back like a steel bar. He shifted his hand so his palm lay protectively against her clit.

“Deep breaths, sweetheart. Can’t have you passing out yet,” he said as his hand left her pussy and he flicked the mouse hanging from her left breast, causing her to gasp as it pulled on her nipple and sent more electric fire to her clit. “I’m far from finished playing with you and your new toys.”

* * * *

“Blaze, I need you to watch the bar for about fifteen minutes,” Jackson said as the little submissive walked by.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered, surprising him by her submission.

He still remembered how fired up she had been when protecting her friend, Jillian, against the Dominant Gunner. For a submissive, Jackson had always thought her too feisty with too much attitude. But there seemed to be some Dominants in the club that liked all her sass. He hoped that someday she would meet a Master who would get past her bluster and help heal the hurting woman behind the façade she hid behind.

As soon as Blaze ducked under the bar, he grabbed Sinclair’s hand and pulled her from the barstool. “Come with me, sunshine.”

“Yes, Master.”

Once they were out from behind the bar, he pulled her close and draped his arm over her shoulders. He then headed them toward the back door. It was time, and they needed privacy for what he planned to talk about with his sunshine.

“Master? Where are we going?”

“Somewhere so we can be alone,” he said.

He pushed through the door marked “Private,” and they stepped into the foyer with the elevator for the apartments on the fourth floor.

They crossed the small room, and he pushed out the back door as they walked outside. Jackson did not stop once they were outside. Instead, he guided her to the gate that led to Jenna’s enclosed garden on the other side of the parking lot.

He punched in the code to the electronic lock on the gate then pushed it open. Flipping the switch just inside the gate, he turned on the twinkle lights that were strung all over the enclosed area.

“After you, milady,” he said with a half bow and a wave of his arm.

Sinclair smiled at him before stepping past him. He followed as she wandered the paths of the garden that led through now mostly dormant garden areas.

“Even in December, this place is amazing,” she said, stopping to look at the gazebo that now housed a brightly lit Christmas tree.

Jackson took her hand and led her up into the gazebo. Once there, he stopped and knelt before her. She turned and looked at him, eyes wide and a little fearful.

“Sinclair Malone, I know I treated you like my beck and call girl in the past, but those days are over. I love you and want you to be my wife so I can come home to you at the end of every shift. You are the woman I want to share the rest of my days with. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and allowing me to be your husband?”

Sinclair stared at the man on his knee before her as any reservations she had been clinging to melted away. “Are you sure? I don’t want you rushing into anything if you’re not ready for it.”

Jackson looked into her eyes and laughed. “Babe, I’ve been ready to marry you since you showed up at the firehouse and told me off. Now answer me, and later is not acceptable.”

“Yes, oh yes, I’ll marry you,” she said, bending forward and kissing him.

Though she hardly wanted to let him go, she did not fight him when he pulled back and reached for her left hand. “This will remind you that you and I are together for the long haul.”

He slipped a ring on her finger. Once it was in place, he kissed her knuckle before rising and pulling her in for another long, passionate kiss. When he finally released her, they were both panting. Lifting her hand, she looked at the ring. The band was wider than she expected, gold, and there was a ring of diamonds around a larger, bloodred ruby. She thought she saw writing behind the ruby, but could not be sure. She would have to wait until they got back inside to examine it closer.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, lifting her head and kissing him again. “I love you, Jackson Matthews, and hope I never have to come to the firehouse and yell at you again.”

“Me, too. The guys still rag me about treating you right or else they’re going to draw straws to see who gets a shot at you next.”

“I think we need to get back inside. I’m sure your break’s over by now,” Sinclair said as she rested her head on his chest, quite content to be right where she was.

“Yeah, I suppose. Or we could go home and forget about the rest of the party.”

Sinclair lifted her head and frowned at him. “But there’s a present under the tree with your name on it. We can’t leave until you open your gift.”

She watched as Jackson’s eyes lit up.

“A present? For me? Then I guess we do have to go back inside,” he said, trying to sound resigned to his fate, though she knew better.

He wanted his Christmas present.

Chapter 10

Jenna led the way into the apartment they shared on the fourth floor. As always, they were greeted by the glow from a small lamp in the living room. By now Antony’s legs were working a little better, and he only needed Gentry to assist him in stumbling to the bedroom.

Jenna unwrapped Antony from the blanket he wore and helped him to lay in the center of their king-size bed. Then she flipped the blanket over him again, wanting to keep him warm while they prepared to join him.

“Strip, Gentry, and then you will help undress me. We’re going to do a little private celebrating before we go back downstairs for presents at midnight.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She watched as Gentry untied the waist ribbon of his costume and carefully pushed it off his cock and balls before shoving it down his legs. He stepped out of it then took a moment to pick it up and place it on the dresser beside Antony’s, which he had dropped when they’d entered the room.

She turned her back to him so he could work the hook and eye closures holding her corset together. She would never admit it, but while she loved looking the part, it always felt so good when she took the hot, tight clothes off at the end of the evening. She smiled as he brushed a kiss across the top of her right shoulder.

“Finish it,” she ordered, her own arousal causing her patience to be shorter than usual. It had been eight long months since she’d felt Antony’s cock in her pussy, and she could not wait any longer.

Another minute and he peeled her leather skirt down her legs, and she stepped out of it. Then he unzipped each boot and helped her out of them as well. She sighed once again as her bare feet sunk into the thick carpeting.

She patted babe’s head as he knelt before her. “On the other side of pet with you, babe. He needs us both loving on him to get him ready for one more round of kink.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he said then scrambled around the end of the bed to crawl in on the other side of her pet, her love, her Antony.

She lifted the blanket and slid in on her side. Settling so she leaned against the pillows she pulled Antony’s head to her breast and cuddled him like a mother would a child. He rolled to his side and snuggled against her then gently curled up behind him. She smiled a contented smile as he took a deep breath. He blew it out in a huff, and she felt him relax even further against her side with one arm draped across her middle and his top leg resting over both of hers as if to keep her from getting away.

Yeah, like she’d ever want to do that. Her loving pet was home again, and she would not let him leave again without a major fight. If she had to, she would take on the entire United States military to keep her man home with her where she knew he was safe and protected and well cared for.

When hot wet drops began falling on her bare skin, she began to run her fingers through the short strands of his black hair.

“You’re home, pet. Safe and sound and all is now right with the world,” she assured him.

The silent tears continued to fall. This was part of his healing process and return to the “real world” as he called it. Jenna knew from previous deployments that he had used his incredible willpower to hold them back until they were up here and away from curious eyes. Now that their little family was alone and together, he could cry out the pain and loneliness and any other emotions that he needed to release.

Eventually Antony lifted his head to look at her with teal-colored eyes that still glistened with unshed tears. “Thank you, Mistress. Thank you for letting me go and for letting me come home again.”

“You’re welcome, my love,” she murmured then leaned in and kissed his forehead. “Welcome home, pet. You have been sorely missed. Did you make a decision about reenlisting?”

“Yes, Mistress, I did. I decided my place was here, so I was honorably discharged in Atlanta last week. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I wanted it to be my Christmas present to you,” Antony said, looking into her eyes. “I thought I could help Gentry in his furniture business.”

Jenna’s heart filled at the news that he would not be leaving them again for such an extended period of time. But she also knew that Antony had no skills for wood-crafting.

“No, I don’t think so, pet. I have a job you are better suited for in mind,” she said.

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