McKenzie, Cooper - A Club Esoteria Christmas [Club Esoteria 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - A Club Esoteria Christmas [Club Esoteria 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Home. He was finally home. Home to stay with Jenna and Gentry. Mistress Jenna was either going nuts or planning a punishment that would incapacitate him until New Year’s since he was three and a half days later returning. His mother had dropped his cell phone and broken it beyond repair, and he had not been able to call and tell anyone what was going on because all his numbers were in the now-disabled phone. Both the club and its owners stayed far off the radar.

“Excuse me, Sir. May I help you?” A gorilla in a suit stepped in front of him, blocking his entrance into the fenced-in lot that made up the club’s front yard.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m club security for the evening. May I help you?” The man planted his feet wide and crossed his arms over his chest.

Antony was in shape, but this guy easily made two of him.

“My name’s Antony Ryan and I live here,” he said, waving toward the club.

He did not want to expose the extent of his relationship with the club unless he absolutely had to. He had learned in the past that sometimes the security guys the club hired were not always as close-mouthed as they were instructed to be.

The guard looked at a piece of paper on a clipboard. “Sorry, your name is not on the guest list.”

Antony sighed. “Now why would my name be on the guest list if I live here? I’ve been trying to get here for three days. Please let me pass.”

“I can’t do that, Sir. Hang on.” The man studied him closely before pulling a cell phone out of his pocket and hitting a speed dial number. “Mr. Green, this is Jenkins at the front gate. I got a guy here says he lives in the club.”

“Give me the phone,” Antony demanded, holding out his hand.

The big man turned away. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, Sir. Hang on. Is your name Antony?”

“Yes,” Antony answered between clenched teeth.

“Yes, Sir. Oh, okay. Thank you.” Gorilla hung up and pocketed the phone. “Mr. Green said that you’d better get your ass in there quick and that Gentry left clothes for you at the front desk.”

Antony nodded. “Thanks.”

Slinging the carry-on over his shoulder, Antony jogged across the parking lot to the double front doors of the building. When he pulled on one, it refused to open. He yanked on the other, only to find it locked as well.

“Damn,” he swore softly, blinking back tears of frustration.

Making a fist, he banged on the doorframe, hoping someone stood close by who would let him in. “Come on, let me in. I need to pee,” he muttered as he began to pace in front of the doors.

A moment later, the door opened just far enough for a familiar face to appear in the opening. “Antony? Is that you?”

“Yes, Whitney, it’s me. Now let me in or I’ll tell Taurus you’ve been a naughty little mouse.” Antony grabbed the door and pulled it open far enough to get past Master Taurus’s lovely submissive and into the warm foyer.

“Mistress Jenna is about ready to call out the National Guard to go find you and bring you in,” Whitney said as Antony tossed his bag on the check-in counter then hurried across the entryway to the men’s room. “Oh! Wait! Don’t forget this!”

At the locker room door, Antony stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Forget what?”

“This. Gentry dropped this bag here about fifteen minutes ago. He said this was your outfit for the evening and if you need help getting into it to let him know.” Whitney grinned as she handed him a very small red paper bag.

Antony looked at the woman and saw she was wearing a Santa hat and a Christmas red teddy with lots of open lacework up the sides and white fur trim across the tops of both bra cups. The garment showed off her curves like nothing else he had ever seen her wearing. Opening the bag, he looked inside hesitantly. He frowned at what looked like a tangled knot of ribbon with his black leather play collar wrapped around it.

“You’d better go get Gentry because I have no idea what this is, much less how to put it on.”

“All right, but you’d better hurry. Taurus said the talent show is going to start shortly. I’ll get Gentry and then make sure you guys are later in the lineup.”

“Thanks. Now let me get in here before my bladder explodes and I make a mess on the floor.”

Whitney giggled as she scurried into the main room of the club. Antony could not help but grin as he stepped into the men’s locker room. Damn, it was good to be home. By the time he relieved his full bladder then stripped off and took a two-minute shower, his brother-slave had joined him in the locker room.

“Welcome back,” Gentry said, grabbing him once he dried off.

Antony returned the bear hug while being careful not to crush the fancy oversized bow at his crotch. He blinked back tears of emotion for the warm welcome. He could hardly wait to see how Mistress reacted to his appearance.

“Thanks, man. How has she been?”

“Stressing about the party and the holidays. Worried about you. She threatened to flog me if you didn’t show up tonight.”

When Gentry pulled out the contents of the bag, Antony saw the bright red handprints in the center of each of the other man’s ass cheeks. He bit his lip to keep from commenting but knew his ass would be looking even worse before the night was over. In less than a minute, Gentry had the ribbons untangled from the leather, which he held out in offering. “Start by putting this on, and then I’ll help you get dressed.”

Antony accepted the leather collar and quickly strapped it on. As soon as the lock closed with a snick, he relaxed. Muscles across his shoulders and upper back that he had not realized were tight with tension suddenly felt lax and loose. Placing the symbol of his servitude in its rightful place caused all his stress to flow out of him.

Well, not all of his stress. His cock remained long, thick, and hard. The head was so deep a red it appeared almost purple. He had been walking around in a state of semi-arousal for three weeks. Now that he was within minutes of being back in Mistress’s presence, his long-delayed arousal refused to be ignored any longer.

“Want me to take care of that for you?” Gentry asked as he wiped the counter then laid the ribbons out across the countertop.

“While I’d love that, I’m under strict orders not to get off until I’m on my knees in front of Mistress and begging for relief.”

“Then you’d better start breathing deep because I have a feeling this little outfit might cause you some serious grief.”

“Huh?” Antony asked as Gentry handed him the bow-covered mesh.

Gentry then helped him stretch the material and position it for maximum coverage. He had missed the waxing appointment he had set up via e-mail for the day before, and curly black groin hairs were visible around the skimpy mesh covering. Gentry wrapped the ribbons first around his waist and tied it in position. Then he did his legs. He tied the ribbons tight enough to smash his erect cock and balls into his pelvis.

“Damn, that’s not helping,” Antony sucked a breath and tried to think ice-cold thoughts as Gentry tied the last ribbon into place, putting even more pressure on his cock and balls. “Who came up with this outfit?”

“Mistress did. She wanted her men to be appropriately wrapped for Christmas,” Gentry answered as he stood up then fiddled with several of the ribbons of Antony’s bow. “There you go. All wrapped up and ready to be opened.”

The two men turned and looked into the mirror. Golden boy Gentry with honey blond hair that flowed to his shoulders and golden skin wore green and gold. Antony with his military-short black hair and slightly paler skin had on red and silver. The erections caused the bows at both men’s groins to bulge forth from their nearly matching flat abdomens.

“Okay, I’m dressed. Let’s go.” Antony turned and headed toward the door, anxious to see Jenna—his woman, his love, his Mistress.

* * * *

Near the bar in the club’s main room, Sloan sat on Master Dane’s lap, curled up and resting her head against his chest. She tried not to tense as her belly once again began tightening with the occasional contractions of false labor. The doctor had assured her just the day before that what she had experienced throughout the past week was normal and though early, they were not unexpected at thirty-four weeks, as she was carrying twins. He advised her to take it easy and rest as much as possible. As long as her water did not break and her contractions did not grow stronger, more regular and closer together than every eight to ten minutes apart, everything was considered to be normal.

“Angel? Are you okay?” Dane’s chest rumbled under her cheek as he rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back.

“Just nervous about dancing, Master. I can’t believe you and Sir are making me get up in front of everyone in a string bikini,” she groused.

“Why’s that?” Merlin asked from where he knelt on the floor beside them.

Usually she would be down there with him, but since her pregnancy had begun to show, Dane held her on his lap. She did not mind either way. As long as she was with Master and Sir, she was happy. Since they had stepped into her disaster of a life and taken over a year and a half before, her writing career had flourished. She had gone from a struggling wannabe with lots of ideas but no published stories, to being one of her e-book publishing house’s best-selling authors.

Sloan looked from one to the other and sighed. They were going to make her say it. “Because I’m seven and a half months pregnant. I’m fat and puffy and hardly look like a woman worthy of the two of you,” she admitted softly as tears filled her eyes.

“Angel, the human body is beautiful in all its seasons.” Merlin ran a hand up the back of her calf to stroke behind her knee. “I think that right now you are sexier than anyone in this room. Full, lush breasts, the glow of motherhood about you, and the proof of life here for all to see, you are sex personified. Frankly I’m surprised more people haven’t come by to rub your belly, except that Master has been wearing his ‘look, don’t touch’ face all evening.”

“There is another option on your dancing costume, angel,” Dane said gently. “You could wear nothing at all.”

She swallowed hard before saying, “I’ll wear the bikini, Master.”

“Good girl.” He brushed a kiss on her forehead.

Sloan knew her smile was sadly lacking in believability, but her stomach tightened again just then unexpectedly. The contractions were starting to become more regular and growing strong enough that it took every ounce of willpower to keep from wincing as the muscles across her back tightened before the pain moved around to the front of her belly.

She turned her head and watched as her cousin Taurus, one of the co-owners of the club, approached. He consulted his clipboard then looked at her with a concerned frown before turning his attention to the man whose lap she occupied.

“Master Dane, your subs are third in the lineup. The show will start in about five minutes. That way, if you need to leave early…” He did not finish the statement, but looked at Sloan’s very pregnant belly.

“Thank you, Master T. I’m sure angel’s nerves will appreciate not having to wait too long before their performance,” Dane said. “Pet, take care of our angel. Angel, remember you’re dancing for me and me alone.”

“Yes, Master,” Merlin answered.

He rose so gracefully that green-eyed jealousy made Sloan fight the urge to waddle away as fast as she could. Sir was so beautiful, so perfect, so not fat and bloated and pregnant.

“Yes, Master,” Sloan sighed. She took Merlin’s hand as she awkwardly rolled off Master’s lap and onto her feet.

Chapter 4

His original plan had been to stay hidden from view until he and Gentry performed onstage, but as soon as he stepped into the club’s main room, Antony changed his mind as he looked around. His stomach knotted in fear until he caught sight of Jenna across the room by the buffet talking with a pair of Doms he did not recognize. Her back was to him, but he would know that hair and those curves anywhere.

His erection jerked and throbbed with an insistence that almost sent him to his knees. He could not wait another minute for relief. Instead of following Gentry around the edge of the room and behind the curtain at the edge of the stage, Antony marched straight across the room.

Someone had dimmed the lights in the main room so everyone’s attention now focused on the brightly lit stage at the back of the room. As he reached the bar, Antony slowed. Jackson turned and, after a moment of shock, smiled as he walked the length of the bar.

“Welcome home, Antony,” he said softly.

“Thanks. Can I get a cup please?”

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