Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized) (5 page)

BOOK: Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized)
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Patrick laughed. “Yeah, sure, boss. Try to convince someone else of that bullshit.” He reached up and ran his hand atop his head. “Fuck, I lost my toque.”

“That tends to happen when you shift.”

They were both naked, as were Evan and Travis. Luckily the darkness hid their nudity from the terrified woman they’d just saved from their enemies. But she wasn’t so scared anymore, was she? Her body wasn’t as rigid, although her heartbeat continued at a rapid pace. This time her blood pumped from arousal, not fear. What kind of human could embrace her own lust under such harsh conditions? Cassie was unique, a tempting mix of vulnerability and strength. Garret liked that their presence calmed her, made her feel safe. He knew any one of his men would protect her with his life, just as he would.

“You said she’s the one, so you can stop resisting.” Patrick left his side, pulled by the lure of the seemingly fearless little human. She braved the night in Climax in search of a link to her past. He knew she would do anything for those she loved, and it made him proud to call her his. His heart went out to her. If he could erase all her negative memories from a failed childhood he would. He’d also bring her brother right to her feet if he knew the man was worthy of her love. But so far that was left to be seen, and he wouldn’t have her get hurt again unnecessarily.


* * * *


Cassidy’s eyes lolled back in her head. She loved the heat, the multiple hands, and the burning desire growing inside her. There was nothing like having these strong, strapping men dote over her, lavishing her with layers of pleasure. They worked so well together, it seemed a sin for them to fight over who’d get to have her. For any one of them to want her was enough of a blessing. When they all showered her with attention, she became lost, only a shadow of herself as she gave in to their ministrations.

“Where’s Garret?” she asked.

She knew Evan and Travis were with her, and she heard Patrick join them. They each had a unique touch she already recognized.

“Right here, sweetheart.”

Cassidy hadn’t heard him or felt his presence a moment ago, but now felt his words spoken in her ear. The erotic whisper titillated her senses.

One of them cupped her mound with a rough palm. She sagged momentarily, liquid heat escaping her body. “Oh, God,” she murmured, knowing what these men were capable of.

“Tell me, Cassie. Did any of the Rockfords hurt you? Touch you?” asked Garret.

He must know she wasn’t injured. But he did have a dominant, possessive quality which seemed to arouse her more and more. It felt good to be wanted and protected.

“Corbin…he tried to touch me. He kissed me.” She wasn’t going to lie since she’d done nothing wrong. In fact, she was curious to see his reaction, almost eager.

She felt the pad of his thumb stroke her lower lip. “Did you allow it?”

“I had no choice. He forced himself on me. If the wolves hadn’t shown up when they did, things would have gone a lot farther.”

If a man could growl, Garret just did. The sound was animalistic, erotic. He hooked an arm around her, tugging her to his body. “He’ll pay for what he did,” he said in her ear. He nipped her earlobe lightly before painting a trail down her neck with his tongue.

“Forget him. No more fighting.”

“Would you like to forget everything about tonight, darlin’? I promise we can make you forget every detail.” Travis’s words sluiced through her body, settling in her cunt. If he wanted to challenge himself to bring her the ultimate sexual satisfaction, who was she to complain? The recent mix of nerves and adrenaline had come crashing down in her body, leaving a twisted mix of need. She’d never felt so horny, so ready to be fucked by her men. Garret was with them. For once Cassidy wanted to know the pleasure of having all four men share her body. It wasn’t enough for Garret to watch or direct.

“Yes,” she said on bated breath. “Make me come. Please.” Somehow she knew her release would alleviate the pent-up tension in her body, give her a fresh start from a horrifying night.

“Good girl,” said Patrick. She reached out and ran her hand over his broad, rounded shoulder as he lowered in front of her. Were they all shirtless? She wished she could see his tats, his ripped muscles, but her hands would have to be her eyes tonight. He unzipped her jeans and then tugged the material down her hips. She instinctively wanted to stop him or pull away, but knew she had to open up and accept them. This was exactly what she wanted despite being outdoors in the chilly northern air. It didn’t matter that wolves lurked only minutes away in the thick woodlands behind the diner. Somehow the presence of her miners made everything okay. “I can’t wait to taste your little pussy. I could smell your arousal from across the field.”

They said the oddest things, but turned her on nonetheless. Once he plucked her panties off each leg, he parted her thighs slightly and delved in. His facial hair prickled her fair skin, but his hot, lively tongue made up for the assault. She felt herself grow wet again as he ate her pussy, licking her entire labia before settling over her engorged clit.

Her shirt was tugged off her body, her hair fanning down over her bare back. As Patrick continued to bring her closer and closer to orgasm with his mouth, the other three men converged on her. She didn’t even know who was who now, too enraptured to care. A crushing kiss parted her lips, but this time it was welcome. She wrapped her arms around his neck while another set of lips suckled her right tit. Hands were everywhere, some soft like the brush of feathers, others rough and unforgiving. The mixture of pleasure, pain, and intense stimulation to her cunt was surreal. She could feel her orgasm looming, calming her, flooding her veins with heat.

Cassidy didn’t want to come yet. She wanted the experience to go on and on, knowing her lovers would never tire before her. It was liberating to be able to let loose, not having to fear being left unfulfilled. They were each determined to give her more than she could handle.

“Yes…” Her body thrummed, her bones turning to mush as she tried to brace herself on two feet as her back leaned against the side of the diner. She imagined they’d create quite the scene if it had been daylight. Then she began to wonder if any of them had been hurt by the Rockfords. The darkness blinded her, so she couldn’t look for injuries. Luckily the wolves hadn’t gotten to them or they’d be dead. It was her fault if any of them were hurt. They’d come in search of her because they cared, worried. When was the last time anyone ever gave two shits about her? “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry you had to go out there to rescue me.”

“Nothing to be sorry about, baby girl.” Travis slipped a hand over the curve of her ass. “A fight once in a while is good for a man, keeps him seasoned.”

No men were harder or more weathered than hers. Their muscles were earned. She held Travis’s bulging bicep, testing the strength as his other hand probed the crack of her ass. When he lightly teased her nether hole, she didn’t tense as she had before. She knew what to expect and the spark of electricity from his forbidden touch was the final key to her release.

Cassidy tightened her hold on Travis’s arm while clawing her other hand into Patrick’s hair. Her body convulsed, her pussy throbbing in great waves as her orgasm flooded her veins. The heat and satisfaction didn’t leave a cell untouched. She slumped down, feeling boneless and spent, only to be held up by multiple hands.

“Turn around, Cassie.” It was Garret. His deep baritone cut through the night, thrilling her despite her recent satisfaction. The way he spoke left no room for argument. She turned around and planted both hands on the side of the diner when he pushed her back down. Cassidy was bent forward at the waist, her arms outstretched, palms against the rough bricks. Her breath caught when he warmed her ass cheeks with both hands. He was so hot, so steady in the way he touched her. “Don’t move.”

“What are you doing, Garret?”

“I’m going to enjoy you, share you with my pack like I should have already.” He smacked her ass once. How did he know exactly what she craved? The smack vibrated all the way to her sensitized clit, exciting her, making her pussy weep once again.

She felt his cock nudge between her cheeks. Cassidy gasped, not prepared to feel the warm flesh pressed against her. She hadn’t even heard a zipper lower. Garret slid the head of his dick in her overflow of moisture. Each trail through her pussy lips sent a powerful thrill racing deep into her center.

“Claim her, Garret. Mark her and make it official,” said Evan.

She wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but the fact they wanted to share her was an improvement over the last time they were together. Cassidy remembered her night with Evan, Patrick, and Travis in their cabin. When the three men had shared her body without jealousy or male posturing, it had greatly aroused her. She could just let loose and bask in the pleasure they surrounded her in. Admittedly, it wasn’t the same without Garret. She wanted to see him in action, fucking her alongside the men who worked for him. Could such a masculine male, a born leader, share her with other men? Was it possible or would he demand they leave after a certain point? Since he’d accepted her after time alone in the woods, claiming to want her for more than a casual affair, he could be the bonding agent for a lasting ménage.

“Yes, do it,” she said. She was only concerned with being fucked. Cassidy knew the pleasure of being filled with cock. Once her ass accepted his invasion, the pressure, stretching, and erotic thrill would be incomparable. She needed the men to penetrate her—her pussy and ass. Nothing was the same as having two dicks share her body, two men sandwiching her within so much male strength.

“Can you handle me?” Garret thrust his cock past the opening of her ass, spearing her tight anal ring. She pushed back against him, gritting her teeth from the uncomfortable invasion. It was only temporary. The sooner she accepted all those thick inches, the sooner another man could join them. Would he allow one of his miners to double-team her with him?

Patrick brushed her hair to one side, kissing her neck. “She wants it. She likes being fucked in the ass.”

Garret gripped her hips, smoothly entering her until to the hilt. A wolf bayed in the distance, but it was only a hazy afterthought now. Her senses were heightened—Cassidy could feel the cool breeze along her moist flesh and hear the growl from Garret’s chest. “Don’t!” he warned. To whom he spoke, she wasn’t sure. She felt the sharp scrape of Patrick’s teeth against her skin as he continued to kiss her with increased urgency.

“Why not? Obviously you’re not going to.”

She wiggled her ass, wanting Garret to continue what he’d started. There was no way she’d let the guys start fighting again. She wanted all of them and didn’t want things cut short this time. Her breasts swayed, her fingertips digging into the mortar between bricks.

“Stop!” she yelled. “No fighting.” She’d had enough stress for one day. Their seduction had been welcome in such uncertain times because it brought her to a blissful place where her worries temporarily went away.

“Garret knows what he’s doing, Red.” Evan grabbed her wrists and tugged her down. She lost her balance, a cock still penetrating her ass. Cassidy and Garret toppled down over Evan, a mass of heat and flesh on the ground beside the diner. Evan’s body was powerfully built, easily taking her weight as she shifted into a straddle position.

“Even better,” said Travis. “Her pretty little mouth is just where I need it.”

“How can any of you see?” With her eyes fully adjusted to the darkness, she could still only make out the faint blur of movement, a partial silhouette. At moments she swore their eyes glowed.

“Hush now,” said Garret, lifting her up slightly. She could feel Evan’s erection bobbing between her legs.

Both men guided her back down until that second cock forged its way into her pussy, so slick and ready to accept him. It squeezed into her body, fighting for space with Garret’s cock, already filling her ass. She loved the sensations of being double filled. She gasped, nearly gagged from being so full. The pressure of a new orgasm was already well on its way to erupting. She braced her hands on Evan’s strong chest, taking extra attention to feel his developed pecs.

As the two men pistoned in and out of her body, bringing her dangerously close to release, Patrick and Travis showered her with attention. Hands and mouths were on her tits, her hair was tugged back, and her throat licked. She spiraled out of control, her consciousness riding the wave of ecstasy. This was a ride she never wanted to end. If only the two men at her sides were willing to play for keeps. It always loomed in the back of her head that they could walk away at any time, leaving her feeling that familiar sense of abandonment. Her life was unstable enough, it would be a blessing to have the security of committed men in her life.

Another cry from a wolf, then another. The sounds were closer now, sending a chill up her spine.

“Something’s wrong,” said Patrick.

“Not now,” grated Garret, his fingertips digging into the soft flesh at her hips. One hand pulled away, then came down in a sharp smack.

She bit her lower lip, assisting the men in working their cocks. Every thrust brought her that much closer. She wouldn’t sacrifice the beautiful orgasm desperate to be unleashed—not even for wolves.

Chapter Five


They were racing against the clock, trying to pleasure Cassidy before their unwelcome guests arrived. Patrick was sure they’d dealt with the Rockfords for tonight. After battling it out, they’d both gone their separate ways, licking their wounds. Corbin must have a death wish. It was not like the wolf was smitten with Cassidy. He didn’t even know her. The Rockfords only sought to bring down the Gregor Mine at every turn. The first major blow had been Matthew’s disappearance. The second was their attempt to steal Cassidy away. Patrick didn’t want to think about what could have happened had they not shown up when they did.

It was best to keep his emotions in check. Until Garret marked the girl properly, he’d be a fool to offer his heart up on a silver platter. They needed a love bite—first from the alpha, then from all pack members—to complete the mating. Until it was official, any wolf, any human, could lawfully claim Cassidy as their own.

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