Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized) (4 page)

BOOK: Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized)
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Would she be able to drift away if he forced himself on her? Blank out the events to save her sanity? If only she had a weapon, but she couldn’t even see if she did have one.

“They’ll come for me,” she warned. Cassidy was pulling at straws, desperate to convince this lunatic to let her leave.


“My men. They won’t take kindly to another man hitting on me. They’re very jealous. All
of them.” At least she hoped Corbin would believe the bullshit she was spewing. Any seed of doubt meant she was a bit closer to freedom.

“So they
claimed her for the pack. You’re right,” said one of the men.

“She has no love bite. It’s only a rumor,” said another.

Corbin trailed a finger down her neck. “It’s odd that Garret wouldn’t mark her. Maybe she’s not as valuable as I thought.” He made a dismissive sound. “Regardless, she’ll be entertainment for the night. I haven’t had a female since our last trip to the port town for supplies.”

“I’ll do anything, just please let me go.” She knew pleading with a madman was probably wasted breath, but she was so desperate to get away from him. All her years in foster care and struggling to survive on her own, she’d never felt this hopeless. If she could promise him the moon, she would.

“That’s right, you will do anything, no matter how rough things get. We’re not the soft-skinned city boys you’re probably used to.” He paused for what felt like an eternity. “Take your clothes off. I want to see what I’m going to fuck.”

She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, will her life to end rather than endure their assault. But she was frozen in place, unable to move or speak. The numbness was either a saving grace or a final insult. Cassidy doubted they’d let her leave to tell about it afterward.

“Wolves!” cried one of the men. Corbin’s hands immediately slipped away from her body. She could hear them now, low growls of warning. There was scuffling and then a chorus of vicious snarls. She crouched into a ball and covered her ears. The sounds reminded her of her last frightening visit to the forest when she’d met Ryder, only this time she doubted she’d be so lucky to escape unharmed.

How long could she escape fate? Maybe she was meant to die by the teeth and claws of a wolf. The sounds emanating around her were bloodcurdling. Once they finished off her attackers, they’d no doubt turn their attention on her. She had to get away, but she couldn’t see, had no sense of direction.

She did the only thing she could do and began to slowly creep away from the melee on her hands and knees. If she stood, she would attract attention. Maybe if she got far enough away, the wolves would be satisfied with their kills and not notice her. Cassidy had no doubt Corbin and his groupies were wolf meat. They’d be the next men spoken about in the diner, the latest gossip until the next person showed up mutilated by animals. It did strike her as odd that none of the men cried out, screamed, or yelled during the attack. It made the incident slightly more digestible. All she could make out were growls, snarls, and the sound of wet flesh and teeth snapping.

“I’ve gotcha.” A hand wrapped around her upper arm, pulling her to her feet. She recognized that voice. How?

Cassidy wrestled to get away from Corbin, but he was too strong. His grasp was like an iron shackle. “They think they own Climax. Think they can do whatever they please. Well, I know they’re responsible for one of ours going missing. Until we get him back, you’ll be our little plaything.” He laughed maniacally, dragging her along. He moved at a brisk clip away from the wolves. She could only follow as her alternative was to scream, but that would only alert those bloodthirsty beasts. Why couldn’t these wolves be like the one she’d met during her camping trip with Garret? That animal had been so peaceful, allowing her to caress it, look into its eyes. It made her feel safe, not threatened.

“Move, woman!” His fingers bit into her tender flesh. “They’ll be after us in no time. I won’t give up my leverage.”

“I have no money. If you think kidnapping me will get you money, you’re wrong. I have no family, no savings—nothing but that old shack I inherited.”

“Hush!” There was a new layer to his tone now. He was nervous. The cockiness had been replaced by a new fear. Even big, bad men feared meeting their maker by the fangs of a carnivore.

Her shoe caught on a root and she lurched forward. He continued to hold her upright for a minute, and then he dropped her heavily to her knees. He’d just given up? Decided it was too much trouble to cart her back through the forest?

Before she could count her blessings, she heard them. The heavy, animalistic breathing charged past her in pursuit of Corbin, no doubt. Why had it passed her by? She wasn’t skin and bones, but would make a healthy meal to a wolf, and yet the animals practically brushed right by her.

“Cassidy, are you okay, baby?” The deep, masculine voice was the most beautiful music after so much stress.

“Evan!” She leapt up against his body, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was so big she had a hard time reaching, even on her tiptoes. She forgot the kidnapping, the cold, the darkness, and the wolves when in Evan’s protective embrace. The whole world went away, and it was just the two of them. “Thank God you found me.” She should probably ask how he found her and why the wolves hadn’t attacked him. But she was too mentally exhausted and just wanted to forget everything.

She was back in that trailer, happy to see him after her absence with Garret. The reunion sparked all over again, fear and distress temporarily forgotten.

“Let’s get you home where you belong,” he said, hoisting her up into his arms. Where was home? Where did Cassidy belong? That old shack she inherited from her blood grandfather? One of the many apartments she’d rented over the years? She’d searched for a connection to her past for so long that she forgot how to enjoy life. Cassidy couldn’t see a good thing when it was staring her in the face. Garret and Evan both showed genuine interest. They wanted her, cared for her, and pleasured her like no other men outside of Climax ever could.

That was when she realized Evan didn’t wear a shirt. His back, arms, and chest were all bare flesh. He wasn’t freezing, but almost hot like a space heater. Her body was chilled to the bone from the cold bite in the air, and he felt heavenly to be cuddled up against.

Evan carried her effortlessly through the forest, apparently not having an issue with the pitch-black conditions either. Maybe she should get her eyes checked. “The wolves—”

“Don’t worry about them. They’ll never get their paws on you again.” He thought she’d been attacked by wolves? “I never should have let you leave the mine. You tricked me, Cassidy. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s not your fault. I can get pretty convincing when I want my own way.”

“Well, I have no doubt it was the Rockford wol—the Rockford miners who took Matthew now.” She pressed her head to his shoulder as he carried her along. His breath wasn’t even labored, his arms not sagging from her weight. He made her feel feminine and protected.

“They think the same thing about you guys. Corbin seems to believe you’re holding one of his men hostage. He was going to use me as collateral to trade or something.” The entire night of events was surreal. It was the stuff movies were made of, not lives of boring women like her.

“Why would we want one of them? We mind our own business and try to keep out of everyone else’s. Even with Garret suspecting the Rockfords of having something to do with Matthew’s disappearance, we never went looking for a fight.”

“Where’s Garret? Did you see him before you left?”

“Garret has a mind to punish you. And they’re all here, no doubt just as eager as I was to see if you’re okay.”

“Where? Back there with the wolves?” She hoped he’d say they were waiting in the truck down by the road. If anything happened to the other three men, she didn’t know how she’d handle it. Somehow her four lovers had branded on her soul. She thought of them constantly, even in her dreams.

Evan didn’t answer her for a while. “You don’t need to worry about them.”

“What about Matthew? He never came back from the forest.” She regretted her words as soon as she spoke them. The miners loved Matthew and mourned his disappearance like a death—perhaps rightfully so. Having the unanswered questions looming over them was the worst.

“Matthew was well trained by Garret. He wouldn’t have been captured by men or wolves. Something else must have happened.”

She decided to keep her mouth shut in case she said something upsetting again. All she wanted was for Garret, Patrick, and Travis to be safe. If anything happened to them she’d blame herself. What was she thinking following Corbin into the dark woods? Even the voices of her grade school teachers blared in her head as she took that first step, but she ignored them, too excited about the prospect of finding her brother. Scott wasn’t even in the woods. It was all a lie, some sick ruse to get her alone so they could do God knew what to her.

Cassidy cuddled deeper into Evan’s embrace. The only men she wanted were her four, no others. Everything she’d done with them had been consensual, more than consensual. Even now, in the eye of the storm, she felt the tingling between her legs. She’d been alone with Garret for so long that she craved having more than one man pleasure her body. And they were so good at ménage loving. But would they break into violent fits of jealousy and possessiveness again? Was a long-term relationship destined to failure? Right now she just wanted to get out of the forbidden forest and far, far away from those hellhounds. She wondered if Corbin was even alive. As much as she hated him for tricking and attempting to assault her, she hated to think of a young man losing his life so soon. A death by fangs and claws had to be one of the worst ways to go.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she whispered as they broke free of the forest. The grassy field behind the diner was like a lake at night, a vast black void.

“Of course we came.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re ours now. We’ll never let anything happen to you.”

“Are you so sure Patrick and Travis feel the same?” Despite her insecurities with commitment, she sensed genuine interest from Garret and Evan. Not love, not yet, but something warm and pleasant. She hoped that germinated seed would continue to grow and flourish until the two men were too much in love to walk out on her. Cassidy didn’t think she could handle more abandonment in her life.

“I’m sure.”

“How can you be?”

“I just am.”

She squirmed uncomfortably in his arms now. Rather than worry about them getting out of the forest alive, she was more concerned for them to accept her, want her. She didn’t deserve a single one of them. Cassidy said a silent prayer that those wolves didn’t attack her men. Garret had some magical gift with that wolf in the forest. Maybe that talent extended further than that one lone wolf with the intelligent eyes.

“She was kidnapped by a crazed man and nearly killed by wolves, but she’s worried if we want her?” Out of the darkness came the sweetest sound she could hear under the circumstance.

Chapter Four


Garret stood off in the shadows, watching, waiting. He needed to calm his beast before he showed himself to Cassidy. There had been bloodshed, but no deaths tonight. The Rockford wolves were also excellent fighters. Before the battle, they’d spewed allegations that he’d taken one of their men, which was ridiculous.

Ever since Ryder discovered they were interested in Cassidy for more than just the typical nine-to-five, Garret knew their twisted wheels would be turning. He hated having a weakness for them to exploit, especially one so precious to him. Having a mate was an incomparable gift—from the gods or fate, he wasn’t sure.

Because of his obsession for finding Matthew, he’d left her alone on more than one occasion. He had to accept that maybe his pack mate wasn’t coming home. Ever. Whether it be by the hands of the Rockfords, hunters, loggers, or some other menacing force, his disappearance may be permanent. It was time to focus on his remaining pack and his woman.

Travis moved in, taking Cassie from Evan’s arms. He set her on her feet against the rear wall of the diner. Garret was afraid to ask her if her kidnappers had touched her, hurt her. Knowing they had would set him into an unstoppable rage, turning a battle into a war. The mere thought of another male touching his mate drove him mad. She was for him only, his pack.

He could sense Travis’s need, the sexual desire building and building—a mix of relief and unadulterated attraction to the little brunette. Her scent was so potent, he couldn’t blame Travis…or Evan. His usually cool and controlled pack mate was an unstable mess around Cassie.

A red wolf brushed up alongside him, tickling his bare leg. Patrick shifted back into his skin, his heart racing, likely from the thrill of giving up his humanity completely during the fight. Garret had savored it as well, but they always had to remember to control their wolves or they’d end up controlling them. With a human mate it was imperative to maintain some semblance of order over their emotions.

“You’re not going to her?” asked Red.

“Let them have their reunion.” He continued to stand and watch.

Patrick scoffed. “I think choosing a mate has messed with your head. She’s yours but you keep your distance. You know you want her. I can feel your hunger for her, even as I speak.”

He knew his pack would forever question his choice not to mark Cassie. Garret just wanted to do things right, have her accept them before being forced into their secret life. Humans didn’t know of the existence of werewolves. It was a closely guarded secret amongst their kind. If he was being perfectly honest with himself, he felt like he’d be betraying Matthew by claiming a mate without him. He’d never feel as attached to her if he returned to find Cassie already attached to the other four in his pack. But he had to stop thinking in hypothetical terms. Garret had to live in the reality that Matthew may never return.

“We just lost our skin, lost blood with the Rockfords, and nearly lost Cassie. That doesn’t put me in the mood for play.”

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