Mate Not Wanted (15 page)

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Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #erotic romance, #paranormal romance, #shapeshifters, #interracial romance

BOOK: Mate Not Wanted
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“You tell us what to do, love. I’ll follow your lead.” He reached over and brushed his fingertips against her cheek. “I just want to be here for you. Help you. And maybe let you see what we can be together.”

“OK. We’ll talk over dinner?”

His heart threatened to burst from his chest as happiness bubbled up inside of him. “OK.”

He focused on the road and turned into the vet’s office. The night had begun better than he could have dreamed. Now if only dinner would follow suit he could end the night happy.

Pierce wouldn’t think about the possibility of her coming home with him. He knew that was out of reach—for now, at least.


* * *



At the vet they found out that Zoe had a bit of a cold, nothing some rest and a bit of medicine wouldn’t cure. As they got back into the car, relief swept over Madison. Zoe would be OK. A weight lifted off of her heart and shoulders.

“OK, I have an offer for you,” Pierce said. “How about you let me drop off Zoe at my house? Inga, my house manager, could watch over her and we can grab her afterward. Or do you think that’s too far out of our way?”

Pierce started the car and reversed out of the space. He darted looks toward her. She tried to figure out what to say. Did she want to leave Zoe with a stranger? Was it too far? Madison had never been to Pierce’s house. She’d seen pictures of it, passed by the entrance on her way out of town, but had never been inside.

She turned over her thoughts and feelings on the subject before giving him an answer. He’d held her hand while they waited as the vet’s assistant checked Zoe over. Pierce had soothed Zoe when she’d woken up. Could she trust him with her furry baby?

“OK, we can take her to your place. Shadows isn’t far from there, right?” She tried to orient the town in her mind and figure out where the club was and where Pierce lived.

“Yes, it’s not too far out of town. Toward the mountains and wolf land.”

“How’d you convince them to give you the land?” She’d heard snippets about the deal but nobody seemed to know the whole story.

“Zane Bannon is an investor in the league. As part of our agreement he gave me a sweet deal on the land as long as I didn’t make too many changes or cut down too many trees. I also made sure my place was built with green materials.” Pierce glanced over at her. “You OK? Do you want me to turn up the heat?” He reached out to hit a few buttons.

Without thinking about it, she gave his forearm a squeeze. “Thank you for all your concern. I really appreciate it.”

Seeing this new side of him—gentle, caring, and not focused on trying to get her into bed or boss her around—melted a lot of her reserve. He wasn’t doing this to gain brownie points with her. He was doing it because he genuinely liked Zoe.

“Don’t thank me yet. We haven’t had dinner and I’m starved.” He gave her a tiger’s smile that sent a shiver down her spine.

A flare of heat spiked in her stomach as desire filled her vagina. She’d been on a low simmer since she’d scented him coming up her walkway. It had been a nerve-wracking day at work. Sully had yelled at her twice, telling her to get her head back in the game or he wasn’t going to give her leave to go home and change. They’d opened up different levels to give the couples an intimate experience. Sully hadn’t told her what level of table she and Pierce had been put at, but assured her it would give her privacy. She didn’t like that her boss was now in cahoots with her friends.

Madison hadn’t even asked him if he had his own date. The less she learned about her boss’s personal life the better. She wasn’t like Lea, who needed to know everyone’s business.

She shifted Zoe’s crate in her arms and glanced over at Pierce. In a matter of an hour and half she’d come to trust him on some level. The thought of allowing him past her barriers and giving him permission to help her with her heat cycle soothed something inside of her and calmed her lioness down immensely, which in turn gave her more control over her cycle and the flashes of needs she’d been experiencing. Not even sex toys or her own hand had helped her calm down that arousal. Even now there was a steady pulse between her thighs, giving her warning of an oncoming wave. Thankfully, Pierce was here for her. Fate had a funny way of turning the tables on you. She’d fought him so much and was now too exhausted to do anything but give in. Although she promised herself she wouldn’t cede too much ground too quickly. If he truly wanted her, he’d have to work for it.

They stopped before a set of intimidating-looking wrought-iron gates. Pierce hit a button and the black gates opened soundlessly. They drove down a long driveway among a veritable forest of tall pines and oaks. Madison got peeks of small gardens and clearings bathed in the glow of floodlights.

Zoe would love this place. Her lioness took in all the sights, a new hunger growing in her belly. She wanted to shift and explore every inch of Pierce’s estate.

“This is gorgeous. Did you design this yourself?” Madison tried to take it in as much as she could. There wasn’t enough time.

“Some of it was me and the gardener, the rest was nature herself. Do you really like it? I’m not completely finished with the backyard. I’d love to give you a tour but nighttime isn’t the best time to see it all.”

He pulled up in front of a massive wooden structure built in a log-cabin style with tall windows and long overhanging eaves. The porch wrapped around the front of the mansion and disappeared around the sides. Two tall pine saplings guarded the steps leading up to the doors. Welcoming golden light spilled out of the panes. She could only imagine how this place would look when it snowed, especially with the mountains in the background.

The double doors swung open. A tall woman stood in the entryway, her features obscured by the darkness in front of her.

“Pierce?” the woman called out. “What are you doing back? Problem?”

The woman stepped forward. Her features were sharp but elegant, with high, defined cheekbones, thin, supple lips, and narrow green eyes framed by pale lashes. White-blond hair was swept up in an elegant, old-fashioned bun. She looked like she’d stepped out of the past with her form-fitting dress that swept the floor. Warm waves of soothing magic spilled from her, even getting past the car door to hit Madison in the chest and push away the agitation from her heat cycle.

Madison opened the door and got a full taste of it. She felt as if she’d been wrapped up in the warmest, softest blanket straight out of the dryer. Her muscles melted and any tension in her body melted away. With a sigh, she slid out of the seat to her feet before Pierce could come around to her side. She balanced Zoe’s carrier in her arms and knew—without the woman having to say a word—that Zoe would be safe and cared-for with her, that her decision had been the right one.

“Hi, I’m Madison and this is Zoe.” She lifted the crate and peeked in to find Zoe asleep.

“I’m Inga, Pierce’s housekeeper.” Inga bent over the carrier with a soft smile. “Zoe is gorgeous.”

“Can you take care of her for us? She’s sick and we can’t leave her alone.”

Pierce handed her the bottle of medicine that he’d pocketed at the vet’s office.

Inga gave them both a huge smile. “It’d be an honor to care for such a beautiful creature. She’ll be safe with me. I promise. No worries.” Inga took the medicine and carrier and headed back into the house. “Be back by midnight, Pierce. You have a meeting in the morning.”

“Yes, mother,” Pierce teased.

Madison relaxed further; her fur baby was being taken care of. She allowed Pierce to help her back into the car, she buckled up her seat belt, and they were back on the road again.

“Thank you. I’m sure Inga will take very good care of her.”

“She loves animals. Thank you for trusting me and my staff.” Pierce grabbed her hand and brushed his lips over the back of it, sending tendrils of sensation up her arm to fill her chest with warmth. Pierce didn’t let go of her hand during the ride to the club and she didn’t bother taking it back. The weight of his callused palm against her soft, smoother one both calmed her and increased the pulse of the arousal deep within her sex.

She shifted in her seat, which sent sparks bursting in her clit. Madison couldn’t ignore her tightened nipples or how heavy her breasts felt. Maybe wearing such a short dress hadn’t been such a good idea after all. Her fingers itched to lift the hem of her skirt and ease some of the tension between her legs.

“Madison, you OK? Do need anything?” Pierce asked, his voice deeper, huskier, sexier.

Yeah, your cock inside of me
, she thought. She swallowed but didn’t utter her thoughts out loud. Instead, she just nodded.

The closer they got to Shadows the more insistent the ache became. When he pulled into an open spot in the parking lot all she could do was pop open the door and rush out of the car. All she could think of was getting Pierce’s hands on her body, feeling all that roughened skin against her breasts, sides, hips. She imagined his hands brushing and pinching her nipples.

With a whimper, she drew in deep breaths and ordered her body to calm down. She had to hang on, make it through this date before she could dash home and ease the throbbing of her clit.

“Madison, come on, love. Let’s go inside and we can talk there.” Pierce grabbed her hand before she could tell him not to and pulled her toward the private entrance for people going through their heat cycle.

She found it difficult to concentrate, as pulses of need ran up her arms to fill her chest and slide down her center to fill her sex. Sensation skittered up and down her spine and along her inner thighs to play along the thickened lips of her labia. Cool air brushed against her bare skin, bringing up goose bumps, but did nothing to cool down her rising temperature. Her awareness sharpened with each second that went by. Madison felt her whole being centered around Pierce’s hold on her hand. The roughness of his palm only reminded her of the desire to feel his touch all over her body. She almost stumbled as the phantom caress of roughened fingertips against her pussy sent a shiver of desire up and down her body.

Pierce glanced back at her, a wild, almost angry look in his gaze. She sucked in a breath. That look told her about bondage, spanking, hard fucking, and orders being given. Maybe it would be a good idea to skip dinner and grab a room now.

“No, we’re doing this right,” he grumbled, shaking his head. Pierce continued to drag her up the passageway until they met with one of the hostesses for the night, Alison.

Alison grinned, showing a bit of fang. “Madison, good to see you. And this must be Pierce McKinney. Your private table is all ready. Sully had me put you in the glass balcony. It’s sealed off so your scent won’t get out. Come this way.”

The hostess turned on her heel and they followed. Pierce let out a growl as Madison’s body temperature climbed higher. Sweat pearled on her brow and formed between her cleavage. She didn’t ask Pierce what he thought of decor. She didn’t see anyone else at their tables. They were going too fast for that. It was as if Alison wanted to get them to the table before Madison went nuclear, which felt more and more inevitable with each passing second.

Tension continued to build within her, filling her stomach. The pulse between her legs grew faster and faster the closer she got to the table. Pierce’s grip increased but it didn’t hurt, it only excited her. By the time they arrived at their destination Madison was out of breath and her clothes felt too tight and itchy for her comfort.

It was a relief to be able to sit down. Sully had placed them on a glassed-in balcony. Clear panes boxed them in on three sides, allowing them to look over the other diners while still allowing them privacy. A small chandelier of crystal droplets gave off an intimate glow. The only problem that Madison could see was having Pierce stuck in there with her. He’d have to suffer with her as she took on this heat cycle. Even now, her panties were soaked and she could smell her own musk. Her nipples formed tight peaks that tented the fabric of her dress. She couldn’t even hide her arousal with a wrap or a jacket. Madison knew she’d look ridiculous holding a purse up to her chest, and that would only cover one breast anyway.

The night had turned into a nightmare and they hadn’t even gotten into the appetizers yet. She tried to ignore the pressure against her clit from the padded seat, but she couldn’t ignore how much warmer the atmosphere was or how delicious Pierce’s scent was. Even from five feet off she could smell the clean cologne of his skin. His eyes looked like ice chips. His body heat hit her in waves. Anticipation and hunger pawed at her stomach. Need filled her sex.

She felt too light. Madison needed to feel his body against hers, holding her down to the table, to the mattress. She wanted to feel his hands digging into her hips. A whimper formed in her throat, climbed across her tongue until she couldn’t hold it in. It came out as a needy sound she’d never heard before, a sound she’d never made.

Pierce’s pupils dilated as his nostrils flared. His body stilled like a hunter waiting for his prey to make a move. He leaned over the table, still and expectant.

Madison felt herself split in two. Did she run or did she stay where she was and torment them both? Her body was filled with fire and tension. Anticipation made her skin prickle and the base of her back burn. Inside, her lioness paced its mortal cage, waiting for a chink in her armor, something that would allow her to unleash the beast within. Madison clung to the armrests. Her nails scratched at the padding, tearing small openings in the fabric. She could rip apart the chair in a matter of seconds. Her control hung on tenterhooks.


“No. No.” He slammed a fist down on the table, causing the glasses and china to rattle. “We are not going to end this because of your heat. If we…” He ran a hand over his pate and rolled his head on his neck. “If we…after the dinner…I’ll get my friend and we can go to a room and help cool you off. Can you hang on until then?”

He lifted his gaze. There was pleading in his blue eyes. Her stomach tugged and her heart lurched. He truly did want this date with her. Not sex, not a seduction—an actual date with candlelight and food and conversation. Tears stung her eyes. She’d underestimated him so much.

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