Mary Wine (14 page)

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Authors: Dream Specter

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction, #Dreams, #Love Stories

BOOK: Mary Wine
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Chapter Nine


Evening was falling by the time Roshelle raised her head from the tangled bedding again. Guilt immediately began its assault, but she shrugged it aside. She’d enjoyed playing with Jared and that was a fact.

She did know
. Maybe not in the normal sort of way that a woman expected to know about a man, but she could feel him. While some women might wake up wondering just how important they were to their lovers, Roshelle didn’t need to ask.

Jared wanted her. His passion spread between them until there was no way to separate just who was who. They merged into a single entity, each open to the other.

The way their minds merged didn’t bother her any longer. Why should it? In fact, it was somewhat of a relief to discover that there were other people that experienced such abilities.

Her mother’s panic-stricken face swam before her eyes for a moment. As much as Roshelle might enjoy finding another gifted person, she knew without a doubt that she had stumbled into some part of the cause of her mother’s alarm.

She just wished she had some idea of what her mother had been trying to spare her.

* * * * *

“Shelly, have you gone mad?”

Roshelle grinned as she sank gratefully into a chair. The distance between the houses might be short, but she was convinced that Jared must have covered the area with the sharpest rocks in the entire state of Washington. Her feet declared their displeasure as she sat trying to cover the painful consequences of her pride.

But she was out of his house!

“If I am still sane, please shoot me. I can’t go on if this is really going to become reality.”

“Don’t you dare leave me here alone.”

“I believe I just crossed the devil’s golf course to reunite us.”

“I’m impressed.”

Roshelle rolled her eyes at Christina’s sarcasm. Giving her foot a last rub she straightened up in her chair. Being pleased over the fact that she had left a house was pathetic, but it was still better than waiting for Jared to come home.

“Come on, I’ve got some pie inside and you need to save my figure.”

“Never trust a skinny cook.”

“Has anyone ever told you what a pain you are, Shelly?”

Batting her eyelids a few times, Roshelle regarded the humor lurking behind Christina’s scowl.

“Around here, that’s all I hear. But if you think I’m eating anything you cooked for Shane Jacobs, you’re the crazy one.”

“Idiot keeps eating it too. Have I mentioned how pathetic the male of the human species is cursed to be?”


Christina had to turn away before her friend caught the pity in her eyes. Poor Shelly. The dark circles under her eyes told her everything. If Christina doubted just what her friend had been up to last night, the tiny bruises on her neck confirmed it.

Roshelle deserved so much better! That man wasn’t the warm-loving guy a woman like her friend should have. Christina knew his kind all too well. Hot and fast. They burned out just as quick as they ignited. Christina just wished she had the nerve to take him down a peg. But Jared scared the wits out of her. It really was too bad that Roshelle wasn’t afraid of him, too. A lot of men like Jared didn’t stomach simpering very well. The problem was Christina didn’t think that Roshelle even knew the definition of the word simper.

“Doctor Roshelle Marie Everitt.”

The masculine voice that issued her name so very precisely was also oddly familiar. The steel in it caused her to straighten her back in that age-old response children had to hearing their full name being spoken by a parent.

“Sheriff Campbell?” Despite the clear evidence of her eyes, Roshelle still felt the need to confirm the identity of the man that stood in front of her.

Maybe it was her thwarted efforts to reach him that caused her to look at him like he was a vision conjured from her fatigued mind.

Maybe it was disappointment at finally having the means of leaving Jared behind.

“Just how did you end up here?”

The note of accusation in the sheriff’s voice bothered Roshelle. He stood in the doorway filling the space completely. The man was old enough to be her father but only the tips of his temples showed any sign of gray. Her eyes roamed over the man’s face searching for just what it was that struck her as familiar.

“It’s a rather complicated story.”

“I hope for your sake it is.”

Roshelle pushed to her feet in the face of that threatening tone.

“Careful, Dad, Roshelle gets grumpy when she’s tired.”

She spun on her heel to face Jared. Her cheeks flooded with color as her ears rang with that frank statement. Dad? Her eyes moved between the two men taking in the details of their faces. While Jared clearly didn’t get his coloring from his father, there was no doubt that Brice Campbell was his sire.

“We found him.”

Whatever his father told Jared with that sentence, it wasn’t good. Roshelle watched as his face set into lines of stone, his green eyes narrowing to slits while they raked over her.

“Who did you find?”

Roshelle was sick of having her strings pulled! This was her life, not some game. If the sheriff had found Christina’s kidnapper then it was over and they could go home.

“Clark Huntley.”

Disappointment flashed across her eyes. Jared folded his arms across his chest as he waited for his father to finish.

“Why did you threaten to kill Clark?”

“I did no such thing!” Roshelle’s eyes went wide as she stared in horror at his father.

“His secretary says otherwise. You also have an unregistered gun. Clark was killed by an identical weapon.”

Roshelle felt the color drain from her face. Dead? She might have wanted the man run out of the state, but not murdered! Nausea rose up to choke her as she realized that their kidnapper still had that gun she’d purchased.

Jared had watched his father interrogate before. He’d bet his last dollar on the fact that Brice Campbell didn’t think Roshelle was a murderer, but she might have information that could lead to the culprit. She suddenly straightened and propped her hands onto her hips.

“Well, I sure wouldn’t have used my credit card in the only gunstore in Benton, to buy a weapon I intended to use for murder.”

“You signed the sales slip, too.” Brice Campbell pushed the brim of his Stetson back a bit as he eyed Roshelle. “What I’d like to know is why didn’t you walk the block down to my station?”

“You already thought I was stupid enough to burn my own house down.”

“Accidents do happen, Doctor, even to the educated. But a few more facts from you would have made the case a lot less likely to be filed away as closed.”

Brice Campbell was furious with her. Roshelle returned the hard stare refusing to shrink. “Sometimes you have to look out for yourself.”

The sheriff snorted softly in response. Tipping his head he eyed his son.

“How long has she been here?”

“A week, she didn’t have a pistol on her when I found her.” Jared raised an eyebrow at Roshelle before he finished his thought. “She’d graduated to tossing grenades around.”

The sheriff gave his son a hard look before he laughed. “I’m pleasantly surprised.” His brown eyes raked down her body before he gave her a grin of approval. “Wouldn’t have believed you had it in you, Dr. Everett.”

Jared joined his father as the two laughed in low rumbles. Even Shane was grinning like a fool as he watched them.

“Fine! If everyone is so happy, give me back my shoes and I’ll just be on my way.”

The room sobered instantly. Dark eyes aimed harsh judgment at her. Brice Campbell looked at her bare feet before he shot his son a hard look. Jared folded his arms across his chest in response. “Roshelle likes to climb mountainsides.”

“I suggest you stay right here, doctor. I don’t need any more homicides to investigate. Luck runs dry after a while. I’d say you’ve had your share this month. Clark Huntley doesn’t need any company in the morgue.”

She did know it. Accepting Jared’s protection was still very bitter. She felt like screaming at fate, but that action just seemed so useless. But that didn’t mean she had to like it.

Jared’s face reflected far too much superiority for her pride, so she turned on her heel and left before her ego demanded something dumb from her.

Like punching the man for sheer spite. She was on the low side of luck; she’d most likely end up fracturing her hand.

* * * * *

Jared’s eyes followed her the entire way back to his house. The way she carried her shoulders filled him with pride. His woman wasn’t going to break in front of an audience. Instead she carried her head high as she headed for the only haven available and it pleased the hell out of him that it was his house.

“Be careful, son. That lady has made some very certain decisions about her life. Strip her identity away and she may not be able to recover.”

“He’ll kill her.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Brice waited for his son’s eyes to travel back to his own.

“We didn’t find the murder weapon, but Helen Rutten is currently informing anyone who will listen that Roshelle threatened to pull that trigger.”

“She’s lying.”

“I know, but it’s very possible that we’ll find that gun near its next victim.”

It didn’t take long for Jared to figure out just who that next victim might be. Helen couldn’t be proved a liar if she was dead.

“This is going to get ugly, son.”

“Believe me, Dad, it already is.”

Jared slowly gave the information that his father was lacking. His first instinct had been correct. This was a threat to his family. Still not certain just in what form the attack was coming, Jared was still convinced that they were the targets.

Roshelle was wrapped up somewhere in the middle. But she held the key. No one would bother setting her up otherwise. Jared was going to enjoy killing the man responsible.

* * * * *

She really did know better. Pride was out of her price range! Lifting her foot from the sink where it was soaking in hot water, Roshelle investigated the damage she had inflicted on herself.

The flesh on the bottom of her feet was swelling up in an effort to seal the cuts. Whatever stone covered the ground between the two houses, it was sharp enough to cut skin. The tougher skin of her heel and toes was fairing better than her arches, but several of the cuts were deep enough to require stitching. But first she needed to get the dirt out of them. Sticking her foot back into the water, Roshelle sucked in her breath as the open wounds shrieked in protest. Catching a look at herself in the bathroom mirror, half-covered in steam, her reflection stared back at her. And she laughed.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks by the time she stopped. All the conflicting emotions poured out of her in those tears. Yes, the future was still extremely uncertain, but a woman couldn’t ask for a better protector than Jared.

Or a better lover. Roshelle watched the blush as it colored her cheeks. Her body’s response intrigued her. The way she went after him in the dark shocked her, but her body was currently craving another opportunity. She should be appalled but she wasn’t. In fact, she was just a bit afraid that Jared wouldn’t be interested in another night with her. The way he handled her body spoke volumes about his experience with women.

“I can’t imagine what’s so funny tonight.”

Snapping her head around, Roshelle felt her blush deepen at being caught dreaming about him. His eyes pierced hers, as they demanded to know the reason behind her amusement. Abruptly they shifted as he noticed the blood-tinged water in the sink. Her foot was hoisted from that water by its ankle. Roshelle sucked in her breath, amazed at the amount of strength he employed in the action.

Jesus! The man had a grip! Her eyes wandered over the arm attached to that hand. The muscles were clearly defined, standing out covered in the soft brown of his skin. Yet he’d controlled that strength every time he’d taken her into his embrace.

“If you ever leave this house without shoes again…”

Jared’s threat trailed off as he caught sight of the blush sitting on her cheeks. Her lashes fluttered briefly before she raised them to display the hunger swimming through them.

“So give me back my shoes, Jared Campbell.”

Instead, Jared stroked a single finger across the scarlet surface of her face. His hand continued down her neck raising goose bumps as it went, ‘til it reached the puckered nipple of one breast. The flesh swelled upward, seeking a firmer touch from his hand.

“I think you need less clothing, not more. Maybe none.” A smile showed her an even row of teeth. “Your body is so beautiful. Nude sounds perfect.”

“You want me to catch a chill?”

“I’ll keep you warm.”

Before crawling onto the bathroom counter, Roshelle had discarded her jeans. Jared’s hands moved over the satin of her bare thighs before reaching up to pull her last garment off. That spicy scent of her wrapped around his head as her hands pulled at the fabric of his shirt. She would have to wait for him to discard his clothing, because right now his body demanded he sink into the moist folds that sat in front of him.

Her muscles protested that entry. Smoothing his hands over her bottom, Jared brutally controlled his urge to impale her. Slow and easy, he coaxed her flesh to accept him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she gasped in enjoyment. Her pleasure wrapped around him, mingling with the almost primal enjoyment he gained from their bodies being joined.

The bathroom mirror reflected them. Roshelle watched his body as it moved against her own. She clung to his shoulders as he caught her mouth in a deep kiss of possession. His staff jerked and tightened as climax became reality.

Completely spent, Jared found himself collapsing against her body. The counter shielded her from his weight as he felt her heart returning to normal. Brushing a kiss across her mouth, he moved his clothing back into place.

“If anyone needs their boots taken away, it’s you.”

His hand cupped her face as his lips gently moved over hers. “Sorry, honey. Things are a little too hot for me to get caught with my pants off.”

She shivered in response. Jared was a hard man but at the same time his stubborn aggression made her flush with warmth. This was a man that would protect her with his life.

Jared bent and pulled her panties from the floor. It should have mortified her to see such an intimate piece of clothing dangling from his hand, but it didn’t. If anything, her earlier amusement was bubbling up again causing her to press her lips together before she dissolved into giggles.

Maybe he didn’t know the exact reason for her mood but Jared grinned as well. He had forgotten just how light her spirit truly was. He handed the rest of her clothing to her as she balanced on the counter and tried to dress without standing on her feet.

Roshelle watched as sure fingers punched in a line of code into the slim cell phone he pulled from his shirt pocket. The man was very confident in his world. His eyes moved over the screen before his head gave a quick nod of approval. The piece of technology disappeared back into its pocket as she gained the full attention of his green stare. Heat made its way back into her cheeks as his eyes displayed the hunger their encounter had failed to satisfy.

A large hand cradled the back of her head as his mouth settled over hers. Moving with him, Roshelle sought out the taste of her partner. She was impatient to learn more about him. Her tongue thrust up in search of that quest. Her pride raised its head as she noticed just how ragged his breathing was when he pulled their lips apart.

A solid knock on the front door captured her attention. “That’s for you.”

Jared scooped her up off the counter and angled her body through the doorway. The meager light from the bathroom didn’t reach into the hallway, yet Jared seemed completely at ease in the night. His feet made firm contact as they traveled to the sofa in the front room. He issued a sharp whistle as he settled her body on the soft cushions.

“You called?”

“The lady’s feet need attention.”

Although young, Roshelle couldn’t quite call their company a boy. There was a hard edge to him that just labeled him a man while the youthful face confessed his lack of years. He tipped his head in greeting as he slung the ever-present rifle over his shoulder before placing a large box on the floor beside her legs. Plain black with nothing more than a set of handles on the top, Roshelle watched as he flipped the latches open to reveal a medical kit that any emergency room would be proud to use. Every compartment was neatly stocked, not a millimeter of space was wasted.

He lifted each of her feet in turn before reaching into that box with steady hands removing the items he wanted. Some doctors didn’t feel that field medics were very qualified. As she watched the firm hands of this one, Roshelle gained a healthy respect for the man’s knowledge. There wasn’t the slightest hint of hesitation and his hands performed their task with the same ease that her own could have.

“I don’t suppose you need to be told the dosage for these.”

Her hands closed about the pain medication caplets before she ran a sharp eye over them for identification.

“Thank you.”

Despite his deference to her medical knowledge, the man rose to his feet and snapped Jared a salute before issuing the rest of his instructions.

“She needs to stay off those for thirty-six. Light duty for a week.”

The front door was barely closed when Jared hefted her up against his chest again. The ease with which he did it made her feel oddly like a child’s toy. The sound of his bedroom doors closing was much softer, but it pierced her ears. Tonight the sound seemed to magnify her complete entrapment into his world. Even if she could escape there was nothing waiting for her but death.

Folding her knees under herself, Roshelle raised her eyes to the stunning view the bed had of the night sky. The moon was just rising and the stars filled the room with their brilliance. Who would have believed that the house held a room of such complete beauty and peace?

Two heavy thuds hit her ears. Roshelle turned to watch Jared’s boots hitting the floor. His pants followed as he moved to the headboard and placed his gun there. Moonlight washed over his body making hers heat. A night stretched out in front of her as the bed dipped under Jared’s weight.

Her eyes fell closed as warm hands pulled her back into an embrace that banished every demon from her mind. Jared filled that space completely, leaving her blissfully content to enjoy the rapture their bodies seemed able to produce.

Rolling onto his back, Jared pulled her with him again. His hand tangled into the soft strands of hair on her head placing it on his chest. He enjoyed holding her almost as much as making love with her.

He wasn’t sure just what making love meant, calling it sex just seemed too disrespectful for this lady.

Roshelle’s respiration deepened into sleep. Jared moved his hand over her cheek as she lay against him. Rolling her body over, he set about waking her. She could sleep later. All too soon their opportunity to share each other’s company would disappear.

Jared very much doubted that Roshelle would be willing to make the sacrifice necessary to remain with him.

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