Authors: Megan Marshall
Last Days of Pompeii, The
Last Supper
(attrib. Raphael),
Lawrence, Isaac,
Leger, Theodore,
Leonardo da Vinci,
Leroux, Pierre,
Letters from New-York
Letters from Palmyra
Liberator, The,
Liberty Bell, The
(anthology), reviewed by Fuller,
Lieber, Francis,
“Life” (Sturgis),
“Like-Minded” club,
See also
Transcendental Club
LINES—on the Death of C.C.E.,” (Fuller),
Little and Brown, as Fuller publisher,
Locke, John,
Emerson in,
Fuller visits,
London Phalanx,
Loring, Anna,
“Lost and Won” (Fuller story),
Louis Napoleon (president of France),
Louis Philippe (king of France),
“Love and Insight” (Sturgis),
Lowell, James Russell,
Lowell, Robert,
Lynch, Anne Charlotte,
Madeira, Fuller’s idealization of,
“Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain” (Fuller),
Mann, Horace,
Manzoni, Alessandro,
Mariana (fictional representation of Fuller as child),
Emerson on,
Fourier on,
Fuller on,
vs. Sophia Hawthorne,
and Elizabeth Randall’s marriage,
Woman in the Nineteenth Century
(“Great Lawsuit” expanded),
and Fuller family,
Marriage of Fuller and Giovanni Ossoli,
criticism of in America,
and Fuller’s rebuttal,
first proposal rejected,
Fuller’s defense of to friends,
and Giovanni’s loyalty,
question of timing of,
residing in Florence,
and American acquaintances,
Fuller takes tutoring job,
son (Nino),
see also
Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip)
transit to America,
beginning of idea,
friends advise against,
and Fuller as returned prodigal,
and letter sent to mother,
and long-ago nightmare,
opinions of friends on,
preparations for,
sea passage and death of captain,
See also
Ossoli, Giovanni Angelo
as Italian revolutionary song,
Marseille, Fuller in,
Martineau, Harriet,
book written on American trip,
Alcott dialogues in,
correspondence with,
and Fuller’s efforts on behalf of Nathan mistress,
and Fuller’s fantasized visit to Europe,
Fuller visits in Europe,
and planned Goethe biography,
as temporary visitor,
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Fair,
Mazzini, Giuseppe,
called to Rome as leader of republic,
disciples of met,
exhaustion seen in,
and Fuller,
Fuller’s delivery to Genoa,
Fuller reviews book about,
letters to and from,
and Mazzini in contrast to Pius IX,
on Mazzini as defeated leader,
papers furnished for Fuller,
Pius IX receives open letter from,
recognizes hopelessness of situation under siege,
religious convictions of,
and Arconati Visconti,
and women’s rights,
McElrath, Thomas,
McGill, Joseph,
Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli
(Emerson, Clarke, Channing),
Menzel, Wolfgang,
Mesmeric healing, Fuller’s experience of,
Metternich, Klemens von,
Mickiewicz, Adam,
and Emerson,
on Fuller and Ossoli,
and Fuller poem,
Fuller portrait urged by,
as Fuller’s excuse to Emerson,
on Fuller’s mission,
and Fuller’s pregnancy,
and Fuller’s return to Rome,
on Fuller’s knowledge of classical Rome,
as possible godfather,
letters to and from,
and “manly sentiments,”
religious convictions of,
and rumors about Fuller’s pregnancy,
Fuller visits,
revolution in,
recapture of,
Milton, John,
“Miranda” (autobiographical character),
Miss Susan Prescott’s school, Fuller attends,
“Mistress of Herself, Though China Fall” (Fuller),
Mitford, Mary Russell,
“Modern British Poets” (Fuller),
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de,
Monthly Repository,
(Michelangelo sculpture),
Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, monument to Fuller and Giovanni in,
Mozier, Joseph,
Nathan, James,
National Woman’s Rights convention,
Newcomb, Charles King,
New England Galaxy,
Fuller story in,
City Hall Park in,
custodial institutions of visited,
Fuller on
see also New-York Tribune
Fuller visits
first visit,
returning from journey west,
New York Herald,
New York Philharmonic Society,
New York Prison Association,
New York State, and Fuller on social reform,
New York Sun,
New-York Tribune,
Fuller as literary editor and columnist of,
and European journey,
and European journey (revolutionary struggles),
and European journey (urges socialism),
Greeley’s Turtle Bay home as residence of,
Mazzini praised,
moves to boarding house,
and James Nathan travelogues,
at New York literary gatherings,