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Authors: Marshall S. Thomas

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United System Alliance — Ministry of Truth

Date: 1444/01/45

To: All Ports of Entry — Inners, Gulf, Gassies / System, USICOM, All Milzones

Subject: United System Alliance — A Brief Summary for Visitors

Following is for distribution to ALL repeat ALL non-citizen visitors arriving at System Ports of Entry.
The United System Alliance: A Brief Summary for Visitors

Welcome to the United System Alliance. We hope it had a pleasant journey and we extend fraternal greetings from our State and People. Because of extensive hateprop disseminated by the CrimCon, we find it necessary to assist all visitors in understanding the truth about our thriving galactic society, a showcase for true democracy and equality.

The United System Alliance — a Democratic Empire

The United System Alliance (the System) is a universal, social democratic empire based on Goodlib humanitarian, egalitarian ideals and embracing over half of the inhabited galaxy. All of the Inners and almost all Gulf and Gassies worlds fall under the System's Rule of Law. Only the Outers worlds of the Criminal Conspiracy (CrimCon) still reject democratic ideals. The System represents galactic equality for all, and is the last best hope of everyone who embraces true equality and rejects false doctrines of individuality and greed.

Citizenship — A Mass Democracy

In System social democracy, citizenship is open to all, voting is universal and compulsory, and there are no class distinctions. We proudly contrast our egalitarian ideals to those of the CrimCon, where citizenship is the prerogative of a privileged class, and noncitizens do not even have the right to vote on matters affecting their future. Under the System, everyone votes, without age or other limitations. On Voting Day, the incarcerated, those with mental issues, schoolchildren and alien visitors all participate in choosing our government. The result is a progressive society in which there is a surprising degree of unanimity. Although anyone is free to contest the System, official candidates routinely poll above 98 percent of the vote.

Voluntary Servitude — A Public Duty

Voluntary Servitude (VS) is the foundation of the System and is based on the cooperative, egalitarian spirit that System citizens have always possessed. VS is a decision of the highest Goodlib morality in which the individual voluntarily embraces the interests of the State and the People above selfish personal needs. Through VS, the State is able to accomplish public projects that could never be considered in a society based on individual greed. Those citizens who volunteer for VS are honored by the State for their decision to dedicate their life to serving the State and the People.

Directed Service — Reform and Rehabilitation

As in every society, a handful of malcontents and alien subversives make efforts to wreck and sabotage our smoothly-running democracy. Unlike the CrimCon, we deal humanely with such incorrigibles through Directed Service (DS). After a period of patient psymed reform and rehabilitation (RR), DS units serve the people voluntarily alongside their VS colleagues, helping to strengthen the society they had formerly opposed.

Rule of Law — Equality for All

Under System rule, we are all equal, and any disagreements that arise are settled by the Rule of Law. Whether it is a citizen seeking compensation from another citizen who appears to possess more, or a citizen accused of wealth or elitist thoughtcrime, the Rule of Law will determine the result fairly and redistribute any inequality. Law is our most highly respected profession, the Rule of Law is sacrosanct, and State Lawyers settle all disputes.

Coping with Violence

The System views violence as the inevitable product of the remnants of inequality still present in our society. We do not punish those social victims who resort to violence through frustration, but concentrate our efforts on the targets of the violence. We have found these units are invariably guilty of thoughtcrime, and we detain them for observation and psymed reform when appropriate. As a reminder to visitors, it is highly illegal to resist violence, and when approached by a citizen seeking redistribution, it is mandatory to comply.

Voluntary Contributions — Funding True Equality

No society can function without an efficient Government, and no Government can function without adequate funds to compensate the Administration and constantly redistribute society's wealth to maintain true equality. This is especially true in a universal democratic empire such as the System. Our citizens understand the need for Voluntary Contribution (VC) of funds to the Ministry of Distribution. The current VC rate is 82 percent of income, and it funds a great many important programs demanded by our citizens.

Education — Social Responsibility

In the System, education is mandatory and universal through midschool. The Ministry of Youth focuses on producing good citizens who embrace democratic ideals. The Ministry does not teach the discredited facts-skills-history model but molds young minds to embrace our democratic ideals. Those youth with the highest social consciousness are sponsored into higher education to serve the State.

Health for All

The System is proud of its universal health care, available at no cost to all from the Ministry of Health. Our citizens have repeatedly affirmed their preference for security over individualism, and the State guarantees health and security for all..

Galactic Defense — Resisting the CrimCon

Because of continuing aggression from the CrimCon, based in the Outers, the System is forced to maintain a strong military posture throughout the Inners, the Gulf and the Gassies. Under the Ministry of Peace, our Defense Command (DEFCOM) directs our forces with the cooperation of the United System Interstellar Commission (USICOM) and the United System Defense Alliance (USDA), both representing allied worlds. DEFCOM commands both the Defense Corps (DefCorps) and Starfleet, consisting of our stellar infantry strike forces and our galactic navy. The STRATCOM Information Service is another important element in maintaining galactic peace. Starfleet and the DefCorps have repeatedly defeated the ConFree Legion and the CrimCon's Fleetcom, but the CrimCon continues its reckless and frantic provocations designed to plunge the galaxy into a general war. The System is pledged to resist these piratical attacks. Every System citizen should never forget that the CrimCon betrayed humanity by allying itself with the remnants of the Assidic Empire, and did its best to destroy the System, threatening all humanity at a critical point in galactic development. More recently, while our forces were bravely resisting the onslaught of the Variant hordes, the CrimCon attempted to ally itself with these merciless alien marauders. Although they call themselves the ConFree (Confederation of Free Worlds), the CrimCon is neither a confederation nor is it free. It is a genocidal, dictatorial gang of mercenary anarchists, motivated by loot and greed.

The Ministry of Truth wishes it a pleasant day.


I am grateful to a great many people who inspired me with visions of the future, and helped me plot a course to the stars. From Robert Heinlein to Stephen Hawking, the list of those to whom all SF writers owe a debt is too long to acknowledge everyone. I have learned from them all - science fiction writers, scientists, futurists, star chart enthusiasts, astronomers, and all those probing the secrets of the universe.

My special thanks go to Robin Sullivan, publisher of Ridan Publishing, my editor Carol Woods, cover artist Michael Sullivan and starchart artist Hatton Slayden for all their help with this edition.

Regards to all,


About the Author

Marshall S. Thomas is a retired Foreign Service Officer who served in East Asia for most of his career. Marshall attended the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, the University of New Mexico and the University of Miami with a major in Government/ International Affairs and a minor in History. Marshall's 35-year Foreign Service career included postings in Saigon, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila, Canberra and Kuala Lumpur.

Marshall currently lives in Williamsburg, Virginia with his wife Kim Lien. His youngest son Alexander, 20, is now in college studying biochemistry. His eldest son Christopher is a graduate of Radford University who studied art and graphic design. Marshall loves to write science fiction but has also written on East Asian subjects including Lotus, the story of a refugee. He was a member of Nancy Mehl's original Write Stuff Writers Forum and is a member of C.E. Winterland's Midnight Forum.

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