March of the Legion (25 page)

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Authors: Marshall S. Thomas

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The ConFree Constitution was written in blood by a free people originally representing 21 free and independent Crista Cluster worlds. The Confederation of Free Worlds is a voluntary association from which any member world can withdraw at any time should they lose faith in ConFree leadership. The ConFree Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees ConFree citizens the right to overthrow a tyrannical government, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, the right to justice, the right to vote and representation, the right to private property, the right to education, the right and duty to serve the people, and the duty to remain informed. ConFree civilians do not have a right to vote and representation, nor the duties to serve the people or to remain informed, but have all other rights. Citizenship is conferred after six years of community or military service to the people, and all civilians are eligible to volunteer. The ConFree Constitution guarantees member worlds the right to secede at will. None have as yet done so. ConFree's history has demonstrated that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

Citizens and Civilians

As noted above, ConFree citizenship is a right which is earned by service to the people of ConFree. All civilians are eligible. Those who volunteer, generally to a term in the ConFree Legion, earn their citizenship by putting their lives on the line to protect the people of ConFree. Those who choose not to do so are guaranteed a prosperous and secure life on a ConFree world, and are not thought less of, but cannot claim a right to shape our future.


ConFree is a largely homogeneous society, consisting of descendants of the original Outworlder race, with healthy infusions of Assidic genes as well. We have a common language, history, beliefs, similar genetic background and vision for the future. The mission of the Outworlder race is to secure a prosperous and secure future for our children. We do not encourage efforts to introduce non-Outworlder peoples into ConFree who do not share our background and beliefs. However, everyone is welcome to volunteer for service in the ConFree Legion and earn ConFree citizenship. We welcome as brothers and sisters all who stand the night watch with us.

Outworlders and Assidics

The Outworlder race is descended from the original pioneers who opened up the outer reaches of what later became the United System Alliance. These Outworlder people fought bravely against Saka the Invincible and the Assidic Empire when it initially expanded into the Inners. As the situation stabilized and the decaying Assidic Empire was replaced by the System slave state, both Outworlders and Assidics found common cause against System oppression. Outworlder-Assidic intermarriage became common on frontier worlds, and a new race slowly evolved. Although still known as 'Outworlders,' a high percentage of our people have Assidic genes, even those who appear to be of 'pure' Outworlder stock. Outworlders and Assidics now have similar beliefs and goals, and a shared opposition to System tyranny.


At the top of our Chain of Command are the citizens of ConFree. ConFree member worlds send representatives to the ConFree Council, which elects an Executive Council. The ConFree Council and the Executive Council are volunteers in service to the people of ConFree. Their decisions must be based solely on the best interests of the people of ConFree. It is a grave responsibility, and all Council members know the penalty for failure is death. At the bottom of the Chain of Command is the Legion trooper, who marches in the mud for the people of ConFree, and dies for them if necessary.

Justice and Law

ConFree is focused on justice, not on laws. The ConFree Constitution is the only law. There are no formal Confederation law statutes. Juries of ConFree citizens are empowered to render decisions on justice, based on local legal statutes and local customs on ConFree member worlds. Local statutes are only guidelines for the jurists, who are concerned with rendering justice, not enforcing laws. All ConFree citizens and civilians are guaranteed justice by the people and government of ConFree. The pursuit of justice is one of our people's most important concerns, and it is driven by our history. We believe it is obscene and immoral to have to expend personal funds to secure justice. Any attempt to purchase favorable judgments is itself a crime in ConFree. Interstellar travelers describing themselves as "lawyers" are detained upon entering ConFree vac, and deported after interrogation.


Crime is virtually unknown on ConFree worlds, due largely to our homogeneous society and shared heritage and goals. When crime does occur, guilt or innocence is quickly determined by modern mindscans. Punishment is swift and harsh. Juries of ConFree citizens vote on punishment, as there is generally little question about guilt. Those who commit violent crimes are often executed in a manner befitting the crime. Convicted violent criminals who are not executed are often sent into exile, never to return to ConFree. Those found guilty of lesser crimes may be sentences to confinement at hard labor, but generally for not more than two years. ConFree does not warehouse prisoners, nor reward them with free room and board. ConFree guarantees security for both citizens and civilians. It guarantees only instant justice for criminals. Legion military justice is handled by courts martial and is equally harsh on troopers who disobey orders.

Economy and Government Revenue

ConFree's booming economy is based on a private enterprise system that has unleashed the innate productivity of a free people. ConFree's industrial base and scientific creativity has created unparalleled wealth and prosperity for her people, and the highest living standard in history. The ConFree Constitution forbids any form of slavery including Voluntary Servitude and tax slavery. ConFree citizens do not pay taxes on legitimate personal income. We regard taxation of the earnings of one's own nationals as tyranny and slavery. ConFree government revenue originates primarily from tariff charges on interstellar imports into ConFree vac. Access to ConFree's market guarantees high profits for all involved and the tariffs from these interstellar imports assure a healthy yearly budget surplus. ConFree welcomes trading relations with all worlds, including the System. A consumption tax on luxury goods is permitted, as the purchase of luxury goods is voluntary, but the ConFree Constitution limits this tax to one percent of the cost of the item. Any proposal to raise this tax will trigger charges of high treason against the perpetrator. ConFree believes that government financial needs must be met by cutting government expenses, not by penalizing ConFree nationals. ConFree also engages in the mining of precious metals and strategic minerals, and the gold mines of Guarados serve to back Legion Credmarks. ConFree recognizes the historical dangers of high living standards and we remain always vigilant to all threats to our future, both internal and external.

Money and Banking

Outworlders have a historical aversion to fiat plastic and credit money because of financial collapses associated with these failed monetary instruments during generations of System misrule. ConFree mandates a currency backed 100% by precious metals. The current standard is gold. The result has been the strongest currency in the galaxy, and the universal acceptance of Legion Credmarks, even in the System. The ConFree Treasury and banking system is controlled by the government and people of ConFree, not by private bankers. Usury and any form of interest slavery are illegal.


ConFree's battle-proven Fleetcom has demonstrated strategic superiority over both the System's Starfleet and the Omni Deathfleet. Fleetcom is ConFree's first line of defense against external aggression. Without our Fleetcom warriors and techs manning the frontier of the Outers, ConFree would perish. The people of ConFree recognize this and ensure that Fleetcom has all the resources necessary to ensure continuing galactic supremacy for our star fleet.

The Legion

The ConFree Legion is the ultimate expression of ConFree resolve and is the ultimate guarantor of ConFree independence. The Legion has a long and illustrious history. Anyone, citizen, civilian, or alien, can enlist in the ConFree Legion. ConFree's enemies know that the Legion is a formidable foe, who will fight for victory or death. Legion tradition reminds all troopers of the Eighth Legion, which fought to the death on Uldo against a vastly superior DefCorps army. Although the Legion is a fearsome fighting force, System hateprop regarding the Legion is just that, propaganda. Legion troopers are not biogens, they are not ex-criminals, they do not eat babies, they do not loot, rape or murder civilians, and they do not serve indefinitely. They are all free volunteers, and can leave the Legion upon expiration of their term of enlistment, generally six stellar years. Legion discipline is strong, hardship is common, but criminality in the Legion is rare. We are proud of our troopers.


ConFree science has relegated aging and natural death into the pages of the history books. The control of the human body has resulted in the extension of a youthful, productive life virtually forever. All Legion recruits are rendered immortal upon enlistment. Despite this, Legion recruits often have short life spans—immortality does not ward off bullets.


The Cult of the Deadman thrives in the Legion, and sustains our troopers in their perilous endeavors. Deadman is a symbolic representation of all the Legion troopers who have died for the cause. The Legion Monument to the Dead lists every trooper who died for the Legion, and is reproduced in holo in every Legion chapel.

The Cross of the Legion

When the first Outworlder refugees approached the Outvac fleeing System oppression, the Crista Cluster beckoned them onwards with a view that appeared to form a mystical, starry cross in the vac. The Legion cross was later adopted as the symbol of ConFree. ConFree's ancestors settled those worlds as a free people and vowed in a Constitution written in blood to uphold liberty, justice and freedom, no matter what the cost, and to remain eternally vigilant against all forms of tyranny and slavery. The ConFree Legion was formed to accomplish those objectives.

Legion Chant

The Legion chant originated during the war of ConFree Independence. It serves as the oath of enlistment for the Legion trooper. System hateprop has distorted the meaning of the chant, especially the phrase 'I believe in Evil.' What it means is that ConFree and the Legion have confronted Evil, and know that it is real. The phrase 'I will deliver us from Evil' reveals our intent.

Battle Chant of the Legion
"I am a Soldier of the Legion.
I believe in Evil —
The survival of the strong
And the death of the weak.
I am the guardian.
I am the sword of light
In the dark of the night.
I will deliver us from Evil.
"I accept life everlasting
And the death of my past.
I will trust no Earther worm
Nor any mortal man,
But only the mark of the Legion.
I have burnt the book of laws
To serve the Deadman's cause
As a soldier of the Legion."
"I am the slave of the Future
At the gateway to the stars,
Where I can see — Eternity.
For I walk in the shadow of death
And yet I fear no Evil
For I am the light in the dark
I am the watch on the mark
I am a soldier of the Legion."
"I will have no talk with Evil.
The arts of death are the tools of life
And in the end I will send
A maxburst to advise
The O's come by surprise
And though we kill them where they stand,
We know it's death's dark land
For a soldier of the Legion."

Conflict with the United System Alliance

Throughout ConFree's over 300 years of history, interstellar conflict with the System has been a continuing theme. The War of ConFree Independence was followed by the Yellow War, the Popex and the Race Wars, in which ConFree successfully resisted System efforts to populate the Crista Cluster and the Outvac with their surplus population while eradicating the Outworlder race. ConFree has made it clear to the System that any infringements of ConFree sovereignty will result in an immediate response. The System represents the very antithesis of ConFree: slavery vs freedom, totalitarianism vs constitutional rule, empire and expansion vs free association, the dead hand of the past vs the promise of the future. The System makes their children pay for their sins, while we are willing to die to ensure our children's' future security. We believe history is with us, and that the petrified fossil of the System slave state is in its death throes.

Conflict with the Omnis

The O's are a very real threat and the current hiatus in aggression will surely not last. Our ancestors died by the billions in combating these dangerous alien warriors of immense psychic powers. For 300 years the Legion has served as humanity's trip wire against the encroachment of these alien hordes. During the Plague War, Fleetcom outfought the Omni starships, and forced them into retreat, at a fearsome toll in human lives. When the O's move again ConFree, Fleetcom and the Legion will be there, whether or not the population of the Inners is still taught history.


ConFree and the Legion fight tyranny and slavery, without compromise. We regard the System's so-called Voluntary Servitude and taxation slavery as equally as repugnant and odious as involuntary slavery. Any incursions into ConFree vac by slavers are countered immediately by Fleetcom, and result in the immediate execution of the slavers and the freeing of the slaves.

The people of ConFree want only to live in peace, but they will never compromise their independence and will always respond vigorously to any threats to their sovereignty. We hope you enjoy your visit to ConFree.

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