Man Up Stepbrother (13 page)

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Authors: Danielle Sibarium

BOOK: Man Up Stepbrother
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Chapter 15


I hated leaving her. It fucking killed me, but I knew if there's anyone on this green earth I can trust to keep her safe, it's Ox. We walked through hell together in one of the not-so-publicized firefights that lasted fifteen hours. Five guys in our company went down. We were among the lucky ones.

"I miss any excitement?" I ask Ox after locking my apartment door behind me.

"Just me and your pretty lady making nice."

"Yeah, well you better not be making too nice or I'm going to have to kick your ass."

"Take it easy, lover boy." He pats me on the back.

"I can't. Not about her. I've never felt like this before, and knowing someone wants to hurt her, I'm losing my fucking mind."

"You understand keeping her safe is just a distraction."

"No. That's just it.
the distraction. From all the shit. When I'm with her, I can let it go."

"Then consider that and sign the damn discharge papers." I don't respond. "By the way, she freaked out when you left, so I made her a cup of tea."

"That calmed her down?"

"I might have slipped in a little something to help her sleep. She doesn't need to wake up with those images haunting her. We talked until she claimed she wanted to catch some Zs. But I think she was looking for something nicer to look at."

"I can't thank you enough, man."

"Sure you can. Go into business with me. You don't have to take any overnight operations. I've got customers lined up looking for regular nine-to-five shift work."

"You're doing great already. You don't need me."

"Things are going well, but I want you in with me. I know what you bring to the table. I know you've got my back in ways I can never trust anyone else."

I run a hand through my hair. "I'm considering it. Seriously considering it."

"I can promise to keep you stateside and coming home to your pretty lady at night." Ox must sense I'm too pre-occupied to talk about this any further because he changes the subject. "Did you find him?"

"Right where you said he'd be."

"She's his Friday night treat. Probably tells his old lady he's out bowling or some shit. The guys a weasel, but I'm telling you it's not him. Just doesn't fit his MO."

"He's involved. I know he is."

"Don't let jealousy cloud your judgment. You have great instincts, Jagger, but you're a little too close to be objective on this one. Go on and get some sleep. We'll reconvene in the morning."

I glance at the couch. I don't have a clue how the fuck Ox is going to fit on it, but he's got a pillow and blanket, so I pat my friend on the back and head to my bedroom.

After a quick shower, I sit on the bed. Allie's out cold. She doesn't move or make a sound. I reach for her phone on the night table beside her. I know I'm scum, but I tell myself it's not out of jealousy, it's about keeping her safe. That has to count for something.

Feeling like the shit I am for doing this behind her back, I look at her contacts. I find Bailey's number then check her recent calls. There are a lot of repeat calls. Her father, my mother, Lexi. Even Marlena and Troy have called a bunch of times in the last few weeks, but nothing from Bailey.

Relief washes over me. I take another few seconds to check her settings and make sure she didn't turn off the locater I activated the night of the accident. I'm no longer sure my actions are about protecting Allie from harm. I suspect at this moment they might also be about protecting my heart.  

Allie moans when I slip under the covers and reach for her. Her blonde hair circles her head like a halo, which is fitting, because it's at this moment that I realize I'm not saving her. She's saving me. Aleena is my personal angel.

"Jagger." My name slips from her lips. Her voice is barely audible.

"Shh. I'm here. And I'm never letting you go."



"I don't know why I'm so tired," Allie says through a yawn, stretching her arms out as much as she can in the front seat of my mother's small sedan. "I can't believe I slept all morning."

"Ox said you were wiped out. Guess last night took a toll on you," I don't tell her that Ox slipped a little crushed Valium into her tea. Not so much that it would harm her or have any real effect, but just enough to help take the edge off her nerves. Since it was a one-time deal, I decide to keep that tidbit of information to myself.

"I wish you would've woken me in time to say goodbye to him. He's nice for such a big guy."

"Not too stereotypical," I tease.

"You know what I mean." She yawns again. "You're sure no one broke into the house?"

"Positive." I squeeze her hand.

"But you were gone so long."

"It just felt that way because you can't stand to be away from me."

"Seriously, if that was all that was wrong, what took so long?"

"I had to clean up. Blood soaked into the cement and needed to be bleached out. I had to get rid of the carcass. You can't just toss a dead animal in your regular waste. I can't speak for your father, but my mother would freak. And then I went back to make sure the house was secure."

I leave out the time I spent talking to Bailey-the-fucking-weasel and pull into the short-term parking lot. I find a spot, cut the engine, and lean my head back. I check the time, wondering if we could steal a few kisses before heading inside. I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with what comes next.

"What now?"

Understanding that she's referring to "us," I turn to her and stroke her hair. "It's up to you, Aleena." Her gray eyes close and she rubs her head against my hand. "You're in the driver's seat."

I breathe in her sweet scent. What would it hurt to give her a little reminder of how good it feels when we connect? I thread my fingers through her hair, lean in, and kiss her neck until she moans.

"I don't want anything to change."

"Good," I whisper in her ear before nipping at the lobe. "That makes sneaking into your bedroom at night easier."

"Are you going to climb up the trellis and come in through my window?" she teases.

"Nope. Just sneak across the hall."

She pulls back, her eyes alight. "You're going to stay with us?"

"You bet. Until I find out who's behind all the crazy things going on, I'm not going to let you out of my sight."

"That's crazy, Jagger. You have to work. You have to leave me." I might be hearing what I want, but I think there's a tinge of sadness to her voice.

"Just know when I do, I still have someone watching you, making sure you're okay."

The color drains from her face as she pulls away from me. "You're having me stalked?"

"No, I just have Ox and his team keeping an eye on you when I can't be there."

"So I can't make a move without you knowing about it?" Her back is against the passenger side door.

"It's not like that."

"Bullshit it's not. Are you that paranoid about me going back to Bailey that you need to have me watched twenty-four seven?"

"Where the hell is this coming from?"

"You know where this is coming from. Ever since the tires, you've been insisting he's behind everything that happens, even though I know he's not."

"I never accused him of causing the accident, but the tires? Come on, you have to admit it's suspicious."

"I understand how it looks, but my word should be enough."

"It is. Or else don't you think I would've kicked the shit out of him already?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I do. Do I suspect him? Yes. Is it possible for me to be wrong? Sure, it's possible. Do I know for a fact someone wants to hurt you? I'd say that message came across pretty loud and clear last night, don't you think?"

"I'm not a child."

"I never said you were."

"Then why not be upfront with me?"

"Because I thought you'd react exactly like this." She shrinks back as I shout. "Ox started up his own security company. It's still new and he could use the business. I hired him to make sure you're safe. He's helping me and I'm helping him. That's all. He doesn't report back to me about everything you do, just that you're okay."

"And where I go, and who I'm with."

"Are those things you're trying to hide?"

She ignores my question.

"No wonder he acted like he knew me. Like we've been friends for years. You've had him watching me for weeks. Or has it been longer?"

"You're blowing this out of proportion."

"Like hell I am." My phone vibrates in my pocket.
Great, just what I need.
"Yes, Mom?"

"I thought you were meeting us at the baggage claim," says the voice on the other end.

"Just parking the car. We'll be right there."

"We?" My mother's voice perks up. Clearly she thinks I'm here with someone special.

"Allie and me."

"Oh," I hear the disappointment in my mother's voice.

Wait until she finds out Allie
my someone special.


Allie and I don't speak at all on the way home. She's sitting up front with me but leaning against the passenger door, in deep discussion with our parents, listening to details about their vacation and giving them very few details about the car accident. There's no reason to fill them in on the other incidents that took place while they were gone.

I'm listening as best I can, but I can't help but wish the conversation with Allie ended differently. For all the progress we made over the last three weeks, I feel like we're right back to square one.

"A concussion?" my mother gasps.

"Was the son of a bitch that hit you drunk or stoned?" Vic asks.

I tune out, lost in thought. I need to set things right with Allie as soon as possible. That's going to be more difficult with an audience unless we're ready to let everyone know. Fuck it. I'll tell them right now if it will help.  

"Jagger, sweetheart. I feel awful that you gave up so much of your time to stay with Allie," Mom says, bringing me back into the conversation.

"It's all good. Besides, we're family." I glance at Allie out of the corner of my eye. Fuck. She won't even look at me.

"Still, I'm surprised your brother didn't try to step up more. I know Marlena has a lot on her plate right now, but it might've been beneficial to everyone if Allie stayed with them."

I swallow hard before answering. I don't want to snap at my mother, but I'm not sure I can keep my temper contained. Why the fuck can't I do something nice and get a thank you like anyone else? Why do my actions have to reflect on what someone else did or didn't do? On what they should've done?

"Troy and Marlena offered. I thought Allie would be more comfortable recuperating in her own bed, without Mia running around screaming her head off."

"I'm glad Allie had you," Vic chimes in. "You're exactly what she needs. Someone strong and dependable."

"Jagger was great. And I can't say how much I appreciate everything he's done. I don't know what I would've done without him." There's a softness in her tone. She sounds sincere, and I wonder if this means she forgives me.

We stop off for an early dinner before heading back to the house. Allie places a hand on my chest so I don't follow as the hostess leads Mom and Vic to the table. I wait silently for her to speak.

"Sorry." There's a nervousness shining through Allie's gray eyes. "I'm not used to having someone worry about me. I'm still pissed that you didn't talk to me about it first, but I realize it came from a good place. Thank you."

"C'mon," I say, placing my hand on the small of her back. "Or else they'll come looking for us."

She nods, then glances down towards my hand.

I let out a long breath. "Yeah. Guess I shouldn't be doing that."

I don't say much through dinner. And it doesn't go unnoticed. Neither does my attitude. I hate sitting here, having to keep my hands to myself, not being able to reach out and touch my girl. This all around sucks.

"Sweetheart. You're so preoccupied. Please tell me it's because you've found someone special," Mom says.

"What are you talking about, Mom? I'm thrilled you're home."

"Ahh, he's avoiding the question. I think that means there
someone," my mother teases.

"Jagger?" Allie gives me a pointed look. I think she's challenging me. That's fine, because I have no problem coming clean.

"Actually, I am seeing someone. She's smart, and beautiful, and I know you're all going to love her."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Mom squeals, bringing her hands to her mouth. "When do we get to meet her?"

I don't look at Allie to gauge her reaction. The sooner we come clean, the better. Besides, she's already pissed at me, why not piss her off some more and get all of the shit out of the way at once?

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