“A male orgasm? But—”
“Cally and I considered asking your brother Jonathan to donate his sensations but Cally rejected the idea.”
“I think I can see why. I also prefer to keep my brother out of my sex life.”
“You’ve got that stud with the remote control in your bedroom though,” said Dallas. “He looks like he could shoot a load or two.”
Ilsa closed her eyes. “Dallas, remind me, at some point soon we need to have that discussion about the difference between real life and porn films.”
“Sure thing, baby.”
* * * * *
“You want me to do
“We want you to provide a male data set for Dallas so he can experience orgasm.” Ilsa folded her arms on her chest and gazed down at Hal, still pinioned to the bed. She’d had a shower and changed clothes, which helped her feel a little bit more in control. “You were saying you felt bad for him.”
“We want you to jerk off while you’re attached to me,” said Dallas helpfully.
Hal looked from Dallas to Ilsa. Apart from his initial surprise, he didn’t seem put off by the idea. “You can transfer recorded electronic impulses into genuine sensation?”
“That’s the idea.”
“Extraordinary.” She could see him thinking. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll steal the process?”
“You already know the process. I’ve been into your laptop.”
He nodded slightly. “I can’t do it while I’m tied up.”
“We’d untie you. For now. Though if you’re planning to escape, I’ll remind you that our robots have superhuman strength and they are very, very fast.”
“You’re incredibly sexy when you’re being all strict and prison-wardenish.”
Ilsa rolled her eyes.
“Sounds win-win to me,” said Hal. “Dallas gets to come and I get to contribute to the future of robotics. I’ll do it.”
“Great.” Ilsa reached for the rope holding Hal’s ankle.
“On one condition,” he said.
“You’re proposing conditions? Have you forgotten who’s tied up here?”
“I’ll only do it if you watch.”
Ilsa stepped back. “You don’t need me to watch. Dallas knows the procedure. And I’ll be able to monitor everything remotely.”
“I want you to watch. From right here in the room.” His eyes burned into hers.
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen already, Ilsa. Besides, isn’t it fair turnabout for what I did to you and Dallas earlier?”
“It’s hardly fair to compare them. I didn’t know you were there. I didn’t want you there.”
“That’s fine then. I’m sure you can find another man to help you.” Hal turned his head on the pillow and closed his eyes as if he were going to sleep.
“I don’t mind if you watch, baby. I think it would be sexy.”
“Oh, for goodness sake. I’ll watch if it means so much to you both.”
Hal opened his eyes immediately. “Great. Because I could really use the bathroom first, to be honest.”
When she and Dallas had untied his bonds, Hal sat up and stretched his arms and legs, leisurely flexing his wrists and ankles. When he put his feet on the floor, he winced. “Pins and needles.”
Ilsa told herself not to feel guilty. Hal limped to the en-suite bathroom.
“Don’t close the door,” she told him.
“If you’re afraid I’m going to be able to hack into anything, you must have a very high-tech toilet.”
He left the door ajar though and Ilsa was even more embarrassed that she could hear everything he was doing. None of it sounded like hacking. The toilet flushed, the water ran for a little while and he came out, wiping his face and hands with a hand towel. His brown hair was damp and pushed back from his forehead.
“Okay,” he said. “I’m at your disposal.”
Dallas approached him eagerly. He was holding the box of electrodes. “I’m going to need to attach these to your head, stud.”
“Only my head?”
Ilsa noticed he didn’t query the use of the word “stud”.
“Sex, apparently, is mostly in the mind,” she said.
“I’m not surprised. Do you want me to take off my clothes?” he asked Ilsa, not Dallas.
“You don’t need to,” she said quickly. “You can just undo your fly or whatever.”
Dallas was already taking off his borrowed boxer shorts. His penis was rampant. Hal cocked an eyebrow at him and pulled his shirt over his head.
Hal’s chest was as she remembered it. Lean, with muscles and ribs purely defined, stomach flat, his collarbone a strong, elegant arch. There was a hollow in the middle. She remembered poking her tongue into it. She remembered how it tasted.
Ilsa bit her lip. “I’ll just—I’ll be sitting over here,” she said. She retreated to an armchair in the corner of the room.
Was it her imagination or did Hal wait until she was settled before he kicked off his boots and began unbuttoning his jeans? He pushed them down his legs, stepped out of them and shed his socks.
“Oh yeah,” said Dallas. “That’s good. You’ve got a fantastic body.”
She remembered that first time, when she and Hal had watched each other stripping. Not touching, just shedding clothes and getting used to these barriers between them being removed. She should look away.
She couldn’t.
Hal stood perfectly still while Dallas attached the electrodes to his forehead and behind his ear. Ilsa noticed Dallas was quite careful not to brush Hal with his erect penis, rather leaning delicately forward from the waist. The robot plugged the wires into the USB hub at the back of his neck. They were long enough so they dangled, slack, between the two males.
And there could be no argument they were two males. Hal and Dallas were almost exactly the same height, just over six feet, but they were different in shape. Dallas was broader, with fuller, rounder buttocks and wider shoulders, six-pack abs and a bulging chest, a superhero’s body. Hal’s body was long and lean, shadows and angles. Dallas’ skin was darker and Hal had hair on his head, under his arms, on his legs, in a thin trail down his stomach. Dallas’ eyes glowed orange, full of technological wonder while Hal’s eyes were quick, blue and the most intelligent she had ever seen.
Ilsa bit her lip. They were both beautiful in their differences and similarities.
Hal pushed down his boxer shorts. She remembered him so well but she was greedy to see him. His lean hips, the curve of his backside, the shadow of his pubic hair and his tight balls. His penis was semierect, long and thick but not as hard as she knew it could be from the times she’d touched it and looked at it and licked it and from all the times it had been inside her.
She shivered and Hal noticed, because he half smiled. “Basically,” he said, “you want me to masturbate.”
“You got it, stud. Pull on that rod for me and make yourself come.”
He took his cock in his hand, stroking up and down its length with his palm, circling the head with his thumb. Almost immediately it grew stiffer and longer, standing out from his body. “You remember, don’t you, Ilsa? Do you remember what this feels like?”
“This has nothing to do with me,” Ilsa managed. “I wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t made it a condition.”
“Oh yes. Of course. Still, there are one or two clues that make me think you might remember me pretty well.” Pointedly, he looked down at his cock and at Dallas’ protruding, erect member.
In a rush of confusion and shame, Ilsa realized the two penises were almost identical. Same length, same girth, same angle of arousal. Their coloring was different—Dallas was smooth maple walnut, uniform from base to tip, without a single hair, whereas Hal’s dick, emerging from its soft nest of curls, was pale at the base and shaft and dark red, almost purple, at the head.
Still, there was no mistaking they were shaped alike. She hadn’t meant to do that. She hadn’t wanted to do that.
“A penis is a penis, isn’t it?” she said rather shakily.
Hal grinned and she knew he didn’t believe her. “Of course. Men are all alike, aren’t we? Robotic or flesh.” He stroked his hand over his penis, slowly and luxuriantly, teasing himself.
“I can feel that,” said Dallas.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“It’s surprisingly good.”
Ilsa remembered what Blue said had happened when he’d shared his first orgasm with Cally. The pleasure had overloaded his system and knocked him out for several minutes.
“Be careful,” she told Dallas.
“I wouldn’t worry,” said Hal, still stroking. “When it comes to sex, Dallas is more advanced than Blue. He shouldn’t suffer overstimulation.”
Oh no, he knew that too? Ilsa was beginning to think Hal had perceived a lot more than she’d seen on his laptop.
“Dallas,” said Hal, “it will be more effective if you mirror my movements. Then you can match the pleasure to precise physical experiences.”
“Sure thing, stud.” Dallas’ right hand went immediately to his own cock. He curled his fingers around himself in exactly the way Hal was holding himself and began to stroke to the same rhythm, the same pattern.
“I’m not sure this is necessary,” began Ilsa.
“It’s very necessary,” said Hal. With his left hand, he reached down and began stimulating his balls, rolling and squeezing gently. Dallas did the same. “And it feels great, doesn’t it, Dallas?”
“Oh yeah.”
Although she’d seen Hal naked and made love with him, she’d never watched him pleasuring himself. His movements, languid and certain, thorough and confident, reminded her of how he’d touched her. And then there was Dallas, his opposite and his mirror image, doing exactly the same thing.
Her pussy tingled and her clothing felt too tight for her breasts. She gripped the arms of her chair.
“Try long, slow, light strokes like this,” Hal told Dallas. “Barely touching.”
“I know.”
“You don’t want too much, too soon. You want to make it last.” He glanced at Ilsa as he said it. She crossed her legs and did her best not to seem interested at all.
“I don’t want to blow my wad all at once,” agreed Dallas.
“Anticipation is half of it.” Hal’s hand moved smoothly up his length and back down again, with the smallest of little flicks at the tip. He stroked upward and ran his thumb around the crown of his dick and Dallas did the same.
“Ohhh, yeah. That feels great.”
“In your case,” said Hal, squeezing gently and resuming his long, light strokes, “you don’t have the recovery problem that we flesh people have. You can come and come and keep on going. But it feels better if it’s delayed somewhat.”
“But not too long,” said Dallas.
“No,” said Hal. He was beginning to breathe more quickly. “Not too long. Both of us have been waiting for this for a long time already.”
He glanced at Ilsa again. She held tight to stop herself squirming.
Oh God. If she were doing that, right now, to him. If Hal were in her hand, moving slowly and sensuously. And Dallas in her other hand, doing exactly the same thing, both of them sexy, virile males, offering themselves up to her…
Dallas groaned. Hal responded by quickening his strokes, tightening his fingers. The way she was placed, she could see every movement both of them made, with the wires connecting them dangling between their bodies. Hal was focused on Dallas now. Even as he jerked himself off, he was studying his opposite, watching him, no doubt learning more about his capabilities and design.
Or maybe he was doing what Ilsa was doing despite herself—getting off on the similarities and differences of their bodies, on how they moved at exactly the same moment, in the same way. How their arousal built simultaneously. How this was a revelation for Dallas, the most pleasure he had ever felt.
I was a virgin my first time with Hal too
, thought Elsa, and at the thought she nearly groaned.
“You,” said Hal to Dallas. “You’re astounding. I never knew anything like you could exist in the real world.”
“You’re pretty astounding too, stud. This feels
so good
Their hands were moving even more quickly now. She could hear Hal panting. He reached out and put his left palm on Dallas’ chest.
Hold on, they weren’t meant to be doing this. Ilsa began to get up and then remembered that if she did get up, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from touching either of them. And besides, Dallas had already put his palm on Hal’s chest, just above his nipple. In synch, they moved a step closer.
“You’re warm,” Hal murmured, still stroking his own cock.
“You’re hot,” said Dallas. “Oh, touch me.”
Hal rubbed his hand over Dallas’ chest, across his nipples, and Dallas did the same thing. Hal shuddered.
“She made you,” he said quietly, his hand going even faster, his body moving even closer to the robot. “She touched every bit of you, inside and out.”
Ilsa’s mouth was dry. She licked her lips, unable to look away, unable to move. She knew what was going to happen next and she didn’t know if she wanted it to happen or not. Whether she would explode with desire from watching.