Make Me Yours (4 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Regret filled Jack as he cuddled Morgan’s soft body against him. He shouldn’t have punished her like that. Knowing she wasn’t in the lifestyle should have made him at least consider taking her upstairs and dealing with her in private. But he had been so angry when he had turned from releasing to see her in the club room, blatantly ignoring his orders, that he had let his anger over rule any considerations he might have given her.

“Shh, Princess. It’s over now and I’ve got you,” he murmured to her, her muffled sobs breaking his heart. In all his fantasies of introducing Morgan to his lifestyle, none of them had included starting out by giving her her first punishment in public. His only consolation had been feeling the dampness coating her labia, a sure indication of her arousal, and a positive indication that she just might submit to him completely. All too soon, he felt her stiffen in his arms and attempt to pull away from him.

“I want to go back upstairs now.”

With a sigh of reluctance, he loosened his arms and allowed her to slip off his lap. “Come on, Princess. I’ll walk you back up.” Holding out his hand, he was relieved when she took it and followed him docilely out of the room. When they reached the loft, she dropped his hand and moved away from him, an action that hurt. “Are you all right? I can stay if you need me to.”

She turned teary, accusing eyes up to him. “You didn’t have to punish me like a child, in front of everyone.”

“And you didn’t have to deliberately disobey my instructions. There are reasons for the rules Marc and I enforce around here, and reasons for the rules I give you. You’re the one who showed up uninvited and you’re the one who’s going to have to adjust to my dictate. Now, get some sleep and I’ll try to get you back to tomorrow and put you on a plane back to .”

Morgan watched him storm away and regretted her actions immediately. She didn’t want to leave. There was nothing for her in . She worked in Human Resources in her father’s company and hated it. Though she started out as an Art major in college, her parents had insisted she get her degree in Business and threatened to cut her off if she didn’t comply. Without scholarships or any financial means of her own, she complied, but got a minor in Art just to spite them. All she had ever wanted to do was paint. Well, she admitted to herself as felt the aching heat in her buttocks, paint and fuck Jack. Sighing, she started towards the guest bedroom, when she quickly changed her mind and went to Jack’s room instead.

If he was going to ship her off tomorrow, she was going to fulfill one of her fantasies about Jack and spend the night in his bed. Of course, that particular fantasy included him in the bed with her, preferably with the two of them spending hours working up a sweat together. But, she’d take what she could get.

Crawling between the cool sheets, she winced as her shifting movements to get comfortable exacerbated the soreness of her buttocks. Her nipples tightened and her pussy moistened as that soreness brought about an unprecedented need throughout her body, a need she had no desire to fight or ignore. Unbuttoning Jack’s shirt, she spread it open and kicked the covers aside. The cool air on her naked skin did nothing to alleviate the heat of her desire and with practiced ease she sought her nipples with one hand and her pussy with the other.

Two fingers slid unerringly through her slick folds as she rolled her right nipple between two fingers. She didn’t even try to suppress her moans as she slowly explored her damp sheath, finding her g-spot and her clit simultaneously as she continued to torture one nipple and then the other with pinches and pulls on the tender buds. Bending her knees, she spread her legs wider as her hips thrust up to meet her pumping digits. Images of herself lying over Jack’s lap, her ass bared to a roomful of strangers, caused her to gush even more, her juices coating her fingers and dripping down her crack as her undulating body broke out into a sweat. Pretending it was Jack’s hands bringing her to orgasm, she thrust against her hand, crying out as her thumb pressed against her swollen clit. Shaking, she let the overpowering climax rip through her, her hands never slowing until the last tremors ceased and her sated body relaxed. Sighing contentedly, she kept her eyes closed as she softened her touches and calmly stroked her now sore, reddened nipples while allowing her fingers a leisurely exploration of her vagina, enjoying the soft, warm, damp feel of her inner walls.

Cock in hand, Jack moved away from the doorway before Morgan came to her senses and saw him. Feeling guilty about leaving after her abrupt introduction into his lifestyle, he returned up stairs and then followed the sounds of her moans and gasps to his bedroom. His anger at her ignoring his instructions again quickly evaporated at the sight of her full breasts, tight, reddened nipples and the wet, pink folds of her pussy.

It took every ounce of willpower he had to escape into the hall bathroom instead of joining her on that bed and letting his hard cock replace her fingers. Leaning one hand against the wall above the commode, he jacked off with his other, the image of Morgan’s lush body writhing on his bed, her hands busy doing everything he longed to do to her body spurring him on. It only took seconds for him to stroke himself to climax, his fist tightening around his cock as he fought to suppress his groan of pleasure. His orgasm seemed to go on and on, ripping from his balls all the way up his spine and leaving him shaking and making him realize he was in deep shit where Morgan was concerned.

On one hand, he knew it would be best if he packed her off tomorrow. But on the other, the one still stroking his still hard cock, now that he had seen her response to her first spanking, how the hell could he send her away without exploring her depths further? Swearing profusely, he zipped up his jeans, washed his hands and quietly left the bathroom. Ever since that girl was seven years old, she had been able to twist him up in knots. He was very much afraid the time had come for him to quit running from her and to confront his feelings and his lust. And that just pissed him off more.

Returning to the club room he saw that things were winding down and there were several couples ready to be escorted back to their cabins. Between him and Marc, it took over an hour to make sure everyone got back to their cabins safely and arrangements were made to meet for skiing. The snow was still coming down, but it was lessening and tomorrow looked like it could be a great day for the slopes.

“That should take care of everyone,” Jack said as he returned to the club room and started to shrug out of his snow covered coat.

“Good, I’m beat,” Marc replied from behind the bar where he was wiping it down. “They were pretty enthusiastic tonight, but, thankfully, there weren’t any problems. Had to remind a few of them to loosen some restraints and as always, had to keep an eye on . His eagerness to please is going to land him in trouble one of these days, especially if he gets paired with the wrong dom.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.” Taking a seat at the bar, Jack nodded his thanks when Marc slid a glass of whiskey to him. Neither Marc nor he ever drank until the evening wound down, wanting to be alert to any potential problems. Limiting everyone else’s drinks helped ensure the safety of their BDSM play.

Leaning muscled arms on the bar, Marc asked him, “Want to tell me about the pretty brunette with the nice ass you had over your lap earlier?”

“Morgan.” Just her name said it all as Jack knew it would. Even though he’d never met her, Marc knew all about Morgan and Jack’s battle to keep their relationship strictly platonic.

“Wow. Your descriptions didn’t do her justice. From what I saw, she’s a real cutie with a killer body. A lethal combination.”

“Tell me about it. And it looks like I’m stuck with her for a few days.” Jack downed his drink, wondering if Morgan was asleep yet. He sure as hell wasn’t going back upstairs until she was.

Marc chuckled unsympathetically. “You’ve had a hard on for that girl for ten years. Don’t you think it’s time you took care of it?”

Jack scowled at his friend. He and Marc had met in the military and quickly discovered they both had an interest in BDSM. Through trial and error, they realized neither one them would be content with vanilla sex. They both enjoyed bondage and doling out occasional mild punishments to wayward subs and neither was into any of the extremes that the lifestyle had. Ten years ago, they had both saved enough to open this lodge and were finally able to cater to those who were of like pleasures. Jack had unburdened himself about his tug of war feeling towards Morgan over the years and Marc had been a good sounding board.

“I’ve told you before, Marc, I’m not risking our relationship by fucking her.” No matter how badly he wanted her, he thought.

“Then what kind of relationship do you have? Friendship makes for a cold bed, Jack, especially around here where the days can get long and lonely in the winter. I saw the look on her face when she first spotted you by . That girl has it bad for you and you’d have to be blind not to see it.”

“It’s just hero worship. I was there for her when she was a kid and when no one else was. I’m not taking advantage of that.”

“Shit, Jack. Pull your head out of your ass.” When he just scowled at him, Marc continued. “She’s known you for twenty years and she hasn’t been a kid for ten of those years. Give her a little credit to know what, and who she wants.”

Jack smiled at his friend. “You got a look at her ass and you want a piece of that. You’re not fooling me.”

“Well, yeah. Who wouldn’t? So, if you don’t claim her, I just might while she’s here.”

“Not without my permission and presence you won’t, asshole.” Jack knew Marc was just goading him. Marc carried his own hard on around for a woman and never showed an interest in anyone for longer than a night or two. Besides, he also knew Jack would kill him if he made a move on Morgan.

Walking around the bar, Marc slapped Jack on the back. “Make up your mind, bro. You either want her or you don’t. She’s here, you’re here. Explore a little with her and see where it goes. If it doesn’t work out, you’ve got twenty years of foundation to fall back on. Your friendship will survive.”

“Did yours?”

Marc’s green eyes flashed with pain before he closed off his expression with a mask of indifference. “We didn’t have that bond, or the trust needed to survive our fallout. That’s a mistake I have to live with.”

Jack felt bad for causing his friend pain. Rising, he apologized. “Sorry, Marc. Let’s call it a night.”

Chapter Three

Morgan awoke to the smell of coffee and the disappointment of an empty bed. So much for hoping Jack couldn’t resist slipping into bed with her and taking her. Then, considering the slender blonde he had fucked last night, why should he want her when he had women like that available and willing? Sighing, she dragged herself out of bed, took a long hot shower, then slipped Jack’s shirt back on before going in search of the big jerk.

Unfortunately, Jack was nowhere around but his longtime friend, Marc was. Morgan had never met Marc personally, but she felt as if she knew him from the way Jack had talked about him over the years. An inch or two shorter than Jack’s six foot four, Marc’s build was leanly muscled instead of bulky, his hair ink black and his eyes a startling green. When he greeted her with a warm smile that made her toes curl she smiled back, hoping for an ally.

“Well, good morning. You’re Morgan.”

“I am, and you’re Marc.”

“You’re every bit as pretty as Jack said you were. Coffee?” Marc held up the pot while his eyes took a leisurely inspection of her from her bare feet on up.

“Uh, yes, thank you. Is Jack up?” Moving behind the counter, she took a seat on the stool and wrapped her hands around the steaming mug Marc set in front of her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Jack’s checking out your car and retrieving your things. If it’s not drivable, we’ll find a way to get you to Denver and then back home. The storm’s passed so the plows will be out shortly clearing the roads.”

Morgan sipped the hot coffee, but it failed to warm her insides. Jack wanted her gone and if he insisted, she’d have no choice but to go home to her lonely apartment and a job she hated.

“By that look on your face, I assume leaving wasn’t what you had in mind.”

Marc’s gaze was kind and knowing, which made her uncomfortable. “I’m that obvious, am I?”

“You wear your heart on your sleeve, darlin’. You want him that bad?” Folding his arms across his chest, Marc leaned against the stove, never taking his eyes off of her.

Morgan found it difficult to look away from his direct stare. “I’ve wanted him for as long as I can remember.” Sighing, she averted her eyes in embarrassment. “Unfortunately, he only sees the pathetic little girl who pesters him for attention.”

Marc’s eyes went to her breasts, their fullness obvious even wearing the oversized man’s shirt. “Oh, he sees a lot more than you think, Morgan, which is why he’s so adamant about keeping you at arm’s length. Surely you know that.”

Morgan scowled at him and he smiled. “I’m not his type,” she growled which just made him chuckle.

“Darlin, you don’t know Jack if that’s what you think. He likes ‘em soft and round, just like you.”

“That girl you two were fucking last night wasn’t anything like me and he sure seemed to enjoy taking her.” Morgan couldn’t help the jealous note in her voice and the knowing smirk on Marc’s face only made her scowl harder at him.

“Well, Sandy does have a nice little body and is a pleasure to fuck.”

Morgan ground her teeth, then couldn’t help but grin at him. “You’re a jerk,” she said, but was smiling.

“I’ve been called worse. So, while I whip up some breakfast, why don’t you tell me what you thought of your first experience in a BDSM club.”

“You mean how did I like being tossed over Jack’s lap, my big butt bared in front of everyone, and smacked until I was a blubbering mess?”

Marc grinned at her acerbity. “Yeah, how’d you like that? I know I and several other people enjoyed the hell out of it. You have a gorgeous ass, darlin’.” Marc laughed outright when she stared at him in disbelief.

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