Make Me Yours

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Make Me Yours

By BJ Wane

ISBN 13: 978-1-935897-88-0

A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.



Part One: Jack and Morgan

Chapter One

Morgan tossed the phone onto the seat, cursing Jack as she gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands. Why the hell wasn’t he answering? Didn’t he know she needed him? The blinding snow was making visibility impossible, but Morgan had no choice but to keep pushing on. She had never been to Jack’s lodge in the , but she had gotten good directions when she reached . Once again, her rashness was going to get her into trouble, but this time she couldn’t get hold of Jack to bail her out. Berating herself for not heeding the gas station attendants warning about a snowstorm headed their way wasn’t going to do her any good. Blithely ignoring his warning, she had been sure she could get to Jack’s lodge before the weather turned impassable. Shit, was she ever wrong.

Turning the defroster on high, Morgan slowed to a crawl as she struggled to keep her small BMW on the narrow two lane road. She hadn’t seen another vehicle since turning off the main highway onto this winding, narrow road. Ice covered trees obscured the rest of the mountain, making her feel even more isolated. According to her instructions, the Bear Creek Lodge was only a few miles up this road, nestled in seclusion. Why the hell he had to live so far off the main thoroughfare was beyond her, and Jack, who told her everything, refused to divulge anything about his business.

Morgan had first met Jack when she was just seven years old and he spent a summer working the grounds on her parent’s estate. At fifteen, Jack was big, hardworking and gruff, but he had been more tolerant of her wayward antics than her parents, who continued to ignore her no matter what she did to get their attention. By the end of that summer, Morgan idolized Jack and vowed to marry him some day. That promise she made to herself lasted through the next nine months when she returned to boarding school, and was only reinforced every summer for the next several years when she returned home and spent every available minute by his side. When Jack turned eighteen, he joined the Army and broke her fragile ten year old heart. For four years she hadn’t seen or heard a word from him. His desertion was as devastating to her as her parents indifference and she coped with it in much the same way, by acting out.

With Jack gone she had quickly returned to trying to gain her parents attention and failing dismally. By the time she was fourteen and Jack returned from the Army and a tour in the Middle East, Morgan had been expelled from school five times for everything from smoking and drinking to vandalism and her grades had gone from straight A’s to D’s. Jack had taken up residence in their small guest house and worked full time on her parent’s ten acre estate as everything from head groundskeeper, plumber, electrician and all around handyman. Upon hearing of his return from their cook, Agatha, Morgan flew from the house down to the guest house, calling his name.

She’ll never forget her first sight of him standing in the open doorway, a small grin on his face, his arms outstretched as he waited for her. Taking a flying leap, she threw herself into his arms as he enfolded her in a bear hug.

“Hello, Princess,” he had greeted her roughly.

Morgan had swallowed tightly and squeezed her eyes to keep from crying at hearing his nickname for her. “I’ve missed you, you big jerk!”

“And I’ve missed you, brat.” Grasping her arms, he had pulled her away from him and looked down at her. “Look at you all grown up. What happened to the gangly kid with pigtails and skinned knees that I left?”

Morgan had been secretly glad he had noticed the changes in her. Much to her mother’s chagrin, Morgan did not take after her. By the time she was fourteen, she already had a full figure and was four inches taller than her mother’s petite five foot two. Not knowing how to respond, she had pointed out the changes in Jack that her adolescent hormones took notice of. “You’ve changed too, Jack. You’re even bigger! What did you do in the military?”

“Nothing suitable for young, impressionable girls to hear. But I am sorely disappointed in you, Princess, if what I hear about you is true.”

Morgan had never been ashamed of herself until that moment. When all she ever wanted was for someone to love her, it seemed all she could do was disappoint them. “You haven’t been back long enough to hear anything,” she had laughed uneasily.

“Hired help talks, kiddo. You know that. Kicked out of school, failing grades and in need of an attitude adjustment according to several sources. Your mom and dad must be fit to be tied.”

“My parent’s could care less about me and you know it, Jack.”

And here she was, she thought ruefully, thirteen years later, still running to Jack with her problems and insecurities, still wishing he would quit treating her like a kid sister and see her as a woman instead of that annoying child that followed him everywhere. For three years, Jack had worked for her parents full time and for three years he had been the one she turned to whenever she needed anything. He never sounded put out with her when she’d call him from school to help her with math, or when she wanted to bitch about the snobs at school that she didn’t seem to fit in with. He was the one who taught her to drive the summer she turned sixteen and the one who lectured her when she got so many tickets her parents insurance threatened to drop her. It was his shoulder she cried on when she got stood up for her first date and his arms she sought comfort in when her parents forgot her birthday. Even though he still treated her as a kid sister, she never quit longing for more. Although they went their separate ways when he moved from to right after her high school graduation and she went off to college, they kept in touch by email and phone. Over the years she kept waiting, hoping he would ask her to come see him, but he never did.

Morgan glanced at the silent phone again, praying it would ring. Even when she pissed him off or she disappointed him in some way, Jack never stayed angry with her and he always returned her calls promptly. Morgan grew warm and her nipples beaded tightly as she recalled the one time she had seen Jack truly angry with her.

Just one week before her eighteenth birthday she had returned home after celebrating her high school graduation with her one and only friend, Tabitha. Both of them had drunk too much and partied until late. Luckily, Tabitha’s dad drove her home safely, but Morgan hadn’t seen Jack since Christmas break and she knew she wouldn’t be able to get to sleep until she did. Oblivious to the fact that it was and he might be asleep, she ran down to the guest house. It wasn’t until she saw the small Volkswagen sitting next to Jack’s truck that she considered he might not be alone.

Her youth and the alcohol gave her the courage to move quietly up to the window where a light shone brightly and she could hear a woman pleading for something she couldn’t name. Apparently Jack wasn’t concerned about anyone seeing or hearing them as the shade was up and the window open to allow the warm summer breeze in. Peeking over the window sill, Morgan was shocked to see a naked, attractive blonde draped over Jack’s lap, hands braced on the floor, ass in the air, legs spread and held apart by Jack’s large foot.

Morgan gasped as Jack swatted her already bright red buttocks, eliciting a gasp from the beet faced woman. When he moved his hand between her legs and his big finger slid easily through her drenched folds, Morgan’s own pussy dampened with need. Having indulged in masturbation for a few years now, always to unfulfilled fantasies of Jack, she knew the woman was on the brink of orgasm. Unable to pull her gaze away from the erotic sight, she unabashedly spied on the couple, both fascinated by the woman’s eager response every time Jack smacked her ass and then fingered her cunt, and jealous that Jack was obviously involved with this woman

Jack continued alternating his slaps with fingering her pussy and it was obvious the heat and pain from the smacks were a huge turn on if her squirming backside and the dampness coating her swollen lips and thighs were any indication. When the blonde screamed as she came, Morgan couldn’t help but cup her crotch, rubbing the ache of unfulfilled lust through her jeans. She pictured herself in the place of the woman, how it would feel if Jack were spanking her like he had threatened to do on more than one occasion. She had never taken him seriously, but now just the thought of him treating her to the same pleasure/pain had her untried pussy clenching in need. She must have made some sound, because before she could duck down out of sight, Jack’s dark eyes switched from the wriggling, red buttocks over his lap to land on her red face.

“God dammit!” he had roared, making her cringe. Knowing it was useless to flee, she stood up and tried to face him bravely as he came storming out the front. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Morgan?”

At six foot four and over two hundred pounds, Jack was a big man, but Morgan had never feared him. Still feeling the effects from her heavy drinking, she smiled cockily up at him and sassily replied, “Sheesh, Jack, I didn’t think you were serious all those times you threatened to put me over your knee.”

“That is not funny, Princess. What’re you doing out here so late?”

Feeling brave even though she had never seen him so angry, Morgan threw her arms around him and then went stock still when she felt his huge erection against her stomach. Looking up into his rigid face, she asked naively “Jack? I’ll be eighteen next week and...”

“Forget it, Princess.” Grasping her arms, he had pulled her away from him. “You’ve been drinking and you don’t know what you’re saying. Come on, I’ll take you back up to the house.”

“Are you going to tuck me in?” she had asked, knowing she was pushing him.

“Morgan,” he had said warningly and she knew she had pushed him too far. He only called her by her name when he was really upset with her. But as angry as he had been that night, the next day he had taken her to lunch at her favorite restaurant and spent the afternoon goofing off with her, just like he always did on the first day she returned home from school for the summer. Neither of them had mentioned that day what happened the previous night, but over the years, they had joked about it often.

The last time Morgan had seen Jack, he had surprised her by attending her college graduation. Her parents, of course, were somewhere in Europe and couldn’t be bothered to interrupt their trip to be there for her, but when she glimpsed Jack in the front row smiling proudly at her, she walked across that stage giddy with pleasure.

Morgan grabbed her phone off the seat and once again tried calling Jack. Thankfully, she could still get a signal, but he still didn’t answer. The snow was now coming down so heavily she could do no more than crawl along and hope she was headed in the right direction. As usual, she had not stopped to think things through, and after discovering Joel, her now ex-fiancé, in bed with another woman followed by a bitter argument with her mother, she had simply thrown a few things in a bag and left. Her only thought had been to turn to the only person who had ever given a shit about her, and she had turned her car towards and Jack without another thought.

Just as she glimpsed a cabin amidst the trees and was breathing a sigh of relief, she hit a slick spot unprepared. Even though she had barely been creeping along, the car got into a spin and ended up nose down in a snow bank, the passenger side smashed against a tree. Hands shaking, cursing up a storm, she tried to back out, but it only took seconds for her to know she wasn’t going anywhere. The cabin was still in sight and she knew she had no choice but to make her way to it and hope someone could get her the rest of the way to Jack’s lodge.

Thirty minutes later, Morgan arrived at the cabin, cold to the bone and soaked to the skin, her dress slacks, designer boots and chic jacket no protection against the elements. There were no lights on and when her frozen fingers tried the door, she was dismayed to find it locked. Thankfully, she spotted a huge log building several yards away. The front entrance was lighted up and music could be heard even over the noise of the continuing onslaught of the storm. Praying it wasn’t further than it appeared, Morgan trudged as quickly as possible through the piling, blowing snow. This had to be Jack’s lodge; she thought as she made it to the covered entry and grasped the frigid door handle with numb fingers. Blessed warmth greeted her as she practically fell inside. Shivering uncontrollably, she glanced around the rough hewn lobby wondering why there wasn’t anyone behind the front desk.

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